The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1549: Okay?

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Once again, the Red Refining Demon King and Wang Yan fought together, almost boiling the air around them.

The elements of Hellfire that are constantly gathering around are all resonating fiercely because of their soaring fighting intentions. At their feet, the rocky ground has long been turned into large swaths of tumbling magma.

At the center of this scene of the doomsday, Chilian Demon King and Wang Yan are like two flying red meteors, which constantly collide with the ground in mid-air, and the terrorist power that spreads out is like the might of thunder. Any weak creature knelt in front and shivered.

"Hu Hehe, the arrogant junior, dare to challenge this king, but you are looking for yourself!" Chilian Demon King fights against Wang Yan with ease, and can't help but sneer secretly, his face full of arrogant expressions in the hands of the winner.

There are many opponents, and the first reaction of the Red Demon King is to escape. But this Lord of Flames, but he wants to single out with him at this time? This is simply a godsend to give him the chance to fight back and win the storm!

As the master of the Great Fire City, a magnificent demigod-level powerhouse, the Red Refining Demon King is confident that if he does his best, within ten dozen rounds, he will definitely be able to beat this demon lord to a physical strength and slam down.

However, the Chilian Demon King was naturally cunning, and did not immediately strike a ruthless hand, but deliberately controlled the rhythm, in order to give this Demon Flame Lord a fatal blow at the moment of opportunity, and kill him completely.

As long as he can get rid of this Lord of Demon Flames, with his coercion and means of refining the Demon King, it is enough to turn the tide and save the defeat. It can even be re-refined back to life and fire from the soul of the Lord of the Flame Flame and the human slave girl Lydia!

Even if this meaning from the source of life is missing, it is enough for him to absorb the enlightenment.

"The demigod is really powerful!"

Wang Yan secretly sighed that this kind of powerful force that had almost been in harmony with heaven and earth and blended with the law made him yearn and marvel.

In ancient earth legends, such powerful creatures on the shore were once deified. But Wang Yan now understands that this height is not unattainable.

The current battle with the Chilian Demon King is exactly the best time for Wang Yan to verify his heart and try to break his limits. Wang Yan didn't want to miss it, and he fought him with all his strength until now.

Because only the more you contact with this kind of strong man, the more you can touch this supreme state, and the more you can understand the difference between yourself and the demi-level strong man.

After all, if you want to dominate your own destiny in this life without defending your own strength, then everything will be empty talk. Where does power come from? It is this time and time of struggle and endeavor.

However, Wang Yan now feels almost the same. He already knows the gap between himself and the demigod demon king. He also delayed the red refining demon king for so long, and his plan to destroy the demon king is almost completed.

At this point of thought, Wang Yan and Chilian Demon King collided with each other in a single blow, pretending to retreat, and retreated all the way back.

"Ji Jie! Junior Mo Yan, falling into the palm of this king, do you still want to escape?"

The Chilian Demon King thought that Wang Yan had already exhausted, and immediately fought up to chase. Right now is the perfect time to get rid of this serious trouble, how can he miss it?

But it did n’t take long for a bright starlight to fall from above the sky.


This starlight is like a laser cannon, which is extremely fast. In addition, when the accident happened, the Red Refining Demon King could not do anything else, so he quickly rolled up the demon wing and blocked it in front.

The Purgatory Demon Race is the most famous battle race in Hell. Their pair of magic wings are different from other races. In addition to bringing certain gliding and flying abilities, the most powerful thing is that this pair of magic wings is itself a A weapon, has a strong combat and defense capabilities.

At this time, Chilian Demon King is embodied with elements, attached to the wing membrane, and then blocked with magic wings in front of himself. It can be said that ordinary attacks have been difficult to break through this layer of defensive measures.

However, the starlight shot from the sky, as if an indestructible armor-piercing projectile, instantly penetrated the wing membrane of Chilian Demon King. The remaining power went unabated, hitting heavily on the armor in front of his chest, "banging" and exploding a large spark.

"Uh eh!"

The Chilian Demon King groaned, and the impact and the pain from the Demon Wing forced him to stop.

"What the **** is this, can you easily break through the defense of the king?" The heart of Chilian Demon King was horrified, and he quickly turned angrily.

I saw that the human female slave Lydia, who had nowhere to disappear, had now stood at the top of a palace, encircling her several times, like walls, protecting her closely.

In her hands, the head of the Xingyue Staff has risen brightly, and the starry sky magic book, the title page is wide open, and the energy inspired by it has actually become one with the towering Master Tower behind him. .

Obviously, this mage tower is providing Lydia with a continuous flow of pure magic power, and finally this magic power will be transformed by Lydia and become a deadly trick.

It was from her that the starlight that had just blasted toward the Red Refining Demon King. And the star magic that she blasted out at this time, not only roared the Chilian Demon King here, but in just two or three breaths, there were already seven or eight star magics like guided weapons that fell into the Chire Lord one after another, Among the demon kings under his leadership.


The violent explosion broke out continuously among the three brothers and many men.

The three brothers of Chilie and their men had nearly collapsed in the melee. At this time, Lydia was bombarded with starry sky magic. At that time, seven or eight demon guards were penetrated through the body and died of fate.

At this moment, Lord Chilie and others completely panicked, and all the defensive formations collapsed instantly!

To know the star magic used by Lydia at the moment, but after inheriting the complete inheritance of the starry sky god, and the top-level offensive magic under the magnificent increase of the mages tower, the penetration is extremely strong, and each shot is comparable to a laser cannon. .

Even the mighty Chilian Demon King was struck through the wing membrane in a single stroke. Where can the men controlled by Chilie Lord stand the magic bombardment?

In just a few rounds, the three brothers and brothers of Chilie and their men who had collapsed in their hearts and minds, finally couldn't support them, and were completely overwhelmed by Wang Yan's men.

Among them, Chilie, the eldest son of the devil, who had been bullying Chiduo from an early age, was finally knocked to the ground by the lord of Chiduo, and stepped on his feet fiercely.

Most of the other devil's sons and men were either dead or wounded, or were turned over to the ground by Wang Yan's men and forced to wear slave collars.

At this point, all three sons of the devil were captured. Five legendary demon generals, stunned by the elders led by Ablon, killed three of them. The other two legendary demon heroes also attacked the prisoners severely under the attack of the brutal master and Meier and others.

In addition, more than 160 captain-level personal guards under the command of the Red Refining Demon King, and under the attack of Wang Yan's many men, more than half of the casualties, and most of the rest were exhausted and collapsed, completely losing their will to resist and fight.

Seeing this scene, the Chilian Demon King, who was beaten as the commander of the bare rod, was extremely blue-faced, and he quickly yelled at Wang Yan in front of Ang Li, bluffing: "Men Flame Junior! Do n’t you say you want to go heads-up? thing?"

"Oh." Wang Yan raised her lips and raised her hand slowly across the gleaming childish warhammer. "Yes, it's just a single, you singled us a group."


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