The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1550: Ben Wang has no sons like you

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"Why, what?"

The Chilian Demon King almost died without a spit of blood. This Lord of Demon Flames is also too shameless, too terrible, right? A heads-up group of them? Thanks to what he can say!

"Magic Flame! Do you want to violate our great ancestor training and tradition of purgatory demon race?"

At this time, because of the resentment and the suffocated faces, the Chilian Demon King met with the green and black, and it was hard to see the extreme. But he had no choice but to take this demon lord. He had to hold the big sword in his hand and took the tradition of purgatory demon as the final bargaining chip.

In the Purgatory Demon Race, and even other battle races in Hell, duels are sacred and cannot be interfered with. There are often many grudges and grudges that can be resolved with one duel.

Therefore, the Red Refining Demon King hopes to use the glorious tradition of the Purgatory Demon Race to lure the proud Demon Lord to fight with him.

As long as Lord Demon Flame fights with him, there is a way for him to refine the Demon King. During the duel, the opponent will be killed. At that time, Lord Demon Master ’s men will become a piece of scattered sand. !

Chilian Demon King imagined that his heart was secretly brewing, and even his eyes became more and more poisonous.

However, the arrogant Lord of Demon Flames has exceeded his expectations again and again.

"Tradition? Zu Xun? Ha ha, the Red Demon King trouble you to figure out, but here is a small world that is beyond hell, but not hell, so the lord does not need to follow the tradition of hell."

Wang Yan looked contemptuously and sneered with disdain. "It's still that sentence. If you don't want to die, you can just grab a hand and catch. The lord can consider letting you live a life."

Wang Yan comes from the earth, and was not originally a **** race, and naturally disdain any **** tradition. In addition, if you can disguise a demigod demon in disguise, it is better than killing.

Not to mention whether it can be used by oneself, it is too expensive to kill a demigod demon king alone. God knows how many means a **** demon king has been hiding for thousands of years.

"Fuck things, want Ben Wangchen to submit to you? Ha ha, dream!"

Chilian Demon King laughed angrily, a pair of majestic eyes, now full of fierce colors. Under Wang Yan's gradual encirclement, he stood with his sword. Wei'an's overbearing posture resembled an irritated lion, exuding fierce momentum all over his body.

But Wang Yan's men are too many, they are just like a group of ferocious hyenas waiting for the opportunity, no matter how powerful the individual strength of Chilian Demon King is, surrounded by such men, he dare not act lightly.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the crowd.

Chi Lie, the eldest son of the demon king who had been beaten down, was trampled under the feet of the Lord of Red Confusion and ruthlessly trampled on.

"Hey hey, Chi Lie, my brother, I really didn't expect that you have today! No, no, I didn't expect that I actually have today too! Haha ..." The ridiculous lord who was bullied for decades has finally expressed At this time, Lord Chilie stepped on his feet, which made him upset.

The sons of these high-ranking demon kings trampled him under his feet in this way, and humiliated them all because he was an illegitimate child of unknown origin. In the future, he is very likely to **** their status and interests.

Now the positions of the two are completely reversed, all because he followed the boss, all this is brought to him by the boss, Lord of the Flames.

With gratitude and comfort, the Lord of Red Confusion turned to look at the Demon King of Chi Lian, exuberantly persuaded: "Master Father, you should listen to the son's advice. Surrender to our boss and not shameful. They have occupied the Liuhuo City for thousands of years, and they should retire and enjoy the blessing. After all, it is still us young people in the future. "

"You! Um!"

Chilian Demon King's heart was dull, and he almost didn't spit out old blood.

What does it mean to surrender your boss and not shame? He is a demigod demon king, surrendering to a small legendary lord, why is this not shameful? If this kind of thing spreads out, how can he still be mixed up in Hell?

The key point is that he should occupy the Liuhuo City for thousands of years, and he should retire? He is a demon king who is in his prime, but in the future, he will become a great demon king, elder, and even break through the shackles, become a god, and rule the **** overlord! How is it possible to be willingly planted in the hands of this Lord of Flame Flames?

The most hateful thing is that the Lord of Confusion is just a wild species he left after he accidentally raped a beautiful woman. Now being wildly ridiculed by this wild seed, he couldn't swallow it at all.

"Adult father, I think that stupid confusion makes sense. You, please surrender."

Among the crowd, the brutal master with bloodstained whip and dagger, with a grimace, slowly walked to the front of the crowd, Jiao Didi said, "Master Ma Yan is an innumerable person in the future, look at you again What kind of achievements has the demon king of Yufang made so far? So father, you might as well attach to Lord Moyan, and you will still have a good life in the future. It is better than death in battle. Good. "

It was said that the cruel master of the abducted man was enchanting and snuggled up close to Wang Yan, like a girl who is pregnant with spring, charmingly and shyly said, "Besides, your daughter is a man of Lord Mo Yan. Everything you have now will not be in the future. Lord Moyan? Anyway, your waste sons have little to expect. Now that you surrender as soon as possible, Master Moyan and I can still serve you for several years. "

Hearing Chilian Demon King here, the whole person was stunned.

Is this cruelty sure to be his close girl? How can he compare his sons and daughters? Is this the Tiandao cycle, all from his inheritance?

When the Chilian Demon King was stunned, his three captive sons were also afraid.

They were ravaged by Wang Yan's men in all sorts of ways, howling and miserable, and felt deep fear. Seeing that his father Chilian Demon King was like the end of a poor crossbow at this time, so in order to please Wang Yan, in the wailing, he repeatedly persuaded the descendant to straighten the seven Qiqiao of Chilian Demon King's gas and gritted his teeth.

"Fuck things! This king doesn't have you sons!"

Chilian Demon King's eyes are fierce, he is a demigod Demon King, what big scene haven't he seen? Coupled with his proud self-esteem, Wang Yan could not surrender to this enemy and junior.

So he glanced around, and another strategy came to his mind.

"Little slave girl, die!"

The Chilian Demon King's killing intention was revealed, and before the enclosing circle was closed, he immediately rushed out of the circle and, without a word, killed Lidia at the top of the palace.

He understands that if he wants to break the space prohibition of this mysterious realm, he must first kill the human slave girl. Once the space prohibition here is destroyed, he has some ways to escape.

However, Wang Yan had long expected that the Red Demon King would do so, and he immediately ushered him in. The remaining thousands of men immediately harassed and restrained the Red Demon King outside the encirclement circle.

Although he is only legendary, he and the generals are all elites who have been through hundreds of battles. Even if the opponent is a demigod, there is a power to cooperate with each other.

In addition, there are thousands of well-trained men who are constantly harassed and contained. The Red Refining Demon King is like a tiger that fell into the wolf pack. It has a brute force in the air, but it is always difficult to play. Was traumatized and injured in the harassment and attack.

Failure is inevitable, but in the eyes of Chilian Demon King, he has never lost his fighting spirit.

In the eyes of Wang Yan, secretly this cunning Chilian Demon King, does he really have any cards in his hand?


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