The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1551: Wheeled Demon King

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"Chilian Demon King, Chilian Demon King, you lose if you lose too arrogantly."

"You look too low on this lord, but now the result is better, but you will fall into the hands of this lord."

"And you are too mean and cunning, just saw the signs wrong, and left the pro son to run away, but now you see, without your command, the devil pro guard, it is a piece of sand."

"Speaking of this, the lord lord has to thank you. If you do n’t easily abandon your son, and this very elite guard, the prince mainly wants to eat you hard, and it will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Maybe it can really be given. You escaped. "

"But you, uh ..."

While fighting, Wang Yan released the mouth gun that influenced his mind, almost speaking the fault of Chilian Demon King vividly. Wang Yan, who was trapped in the battle quagmire, was angry and gnashing his teeth, and his seven tricks made smoke, but he was flexible. Wang Yan had no way to do it. He could only continue to consume power in the intensive war.

At the same time, his three sons, and all his men, were under Wang Yan's blows, blaming his failure on the despicable and cunning of the demon king Chilian.

Among them, the three sons of the demon king, led by Lord Chilie, were angry with Wang Yan's various lessons: "Father, surrender, please surrender! You have made our three brothers so miserable, don't you want to let Will our three brothers be buried with you? "

"That's right! Father, you just left us to run away, causing us to collapse across the board, and being a son really feels embarrassing for you!" The second son of the Red Bone Lord, followed by the accusations of complaint, "Now you are gone, you can surrender There is a way to live, do we still have to take our three brothers and die with you? "

The third son of the Red Bone Lord has always been rude, and at this moment he even raised his head and scolded: "Old man, what are you doing here in shameful eyes? Don't surrender soon? Your son doesn't want to die with you!"

The world of **** follows the jungle rule of weak meat and strong food. It has always been known for its high degree of competition. Both father and son, brothers and relatives, and relatives and friends, under the apparently friendly relationship, have a certain competitive relationship, especially in life, resources and wealth. .

In fact, **** is not mentioned, that is, in the past dynasties, many princes and nobles will tear their faces when they encounter problems such as life and death crisis or net worth, and the essence of the two is actually not much different.


The Chilian Demon King accumulates with his injuries. At this time, Wang Yan and his son were so irritated, and their hearts were filled with resentment.

"Reverse, Resonant! Ben, Ben Wang ..." Chilian Demon King gritted his teeth, but could still speak in the future. Wang Yan's assault on the melee crit, and Lydia's star magic above his head, instantly engulfed him.


A series of violent bombardments forced the Red Refining Demon King to hand over a life-saving hole card again. Only in a storm-like attack did he retrieve a life.

At this time, Chilian Demon King has no time to take care of others, and the situation has completely turned to Wang Yan.

Upon seeing this, the three demon kings and the previous demon kings all fell to the side of Wang Yan. They scolded the Chilian Demon King one by one, and at the same time quickly separated the relationship with the Chilian Demon King. On this side, when they were unhappy, they sacrificed their swords.

"Uh, Chilian Demon King, you look at yourself, it's really embarrassing! It's not even your own son who is scolding you, what are you doing with so much sorrow? You don't hurry to surrender, because you are a character As long as you use this lord, this lord can spare you not to die, otherwise ... you, your son, and all your men, don't want to leave this secret realm! "

In the last sentence, Wang Yan spoke slowly with a cruel voice. As soon as this remark came out, the devil's third son exploded the pan.

Is this enough? This tone sounds like it's about killing people? No, this is to kill people!

The three brothers of the Demon King and his men were in a hurry on the spot, and all of them immediately expressed their attitude, even wishing to appear in person to subdue their stubborn father.

They are still young and have a lot of beautiful years. As long as they can survive, they still have the opportunity to stand out. Besides, as long as they can live, who wants to die?

The pressure given to the Red Refining Demon King on the spot was even greater, and Wang Yan and his men's attacks were also more intensive and more frequent.

However, Wang Yan has not made any progress, but used the strategy of the last time against the Yanhu Lake master, harassment and containment, and constantly consumed the power of the Red Demon Demon King.

After all, he now has an absolute advantage. If he rashly let his men go forward and rush to kill, it may cause the Red Demon Lord to fall down earlier, but large-scale casualties can never be avoided.

As it stands now, the Red Refining Demon King is still playing cards. Various escape and explosion capabilities, various mysterious weapons and props have caused Wang Yan and others to have a headache. Up to 30 or 40 people, more than 100 injured.

Fortunately, the entrance and space barriers of this mysterious realm are completely in the hands of Lydia. As long as Lydia is not dead, the wizard tower that constantly gathers and guides magic in the mysterious realm will not be destroyed. Can't escape this mystery.

Therefore, Wang Yan is not in a hurry. Instead of letting his men take their lives to pile up, it is better to slowly consume this demigod demon king, anyway, Wang Yan does not hurry.

"Damn it! Just because of you all, you want to make this king succumb? Dream!"

At this time, Chilian Demon King also killed his red eyes, brandished his sword, and was mad, just like a lion at the end of the road, struggling to die.

"Stubbornness, find death!"

After a few rounds, Wang Yan also started to kill. Taking advantage of the positive control of his men, Wang Yan suddenly protruded to the side of Chilian Demon King, raised the childish warhammer in both hands, and slammed towards Chilian Demon King horizontally.

A loud bang.

Chilian Demon King only had time to reluctantly resist the horizontal sword. When the result was hurried, Wang Yan violently struck his big sword in an instant, and the childish war hammer was castigated, hitting the chest of Chilian Demon King.


The Chilian Demon King suddenly spit out blood, the breastplate was sunken, and the whole person flew out like a sandbag.

"Chilian Demon King, your end is here!"

Holding a warhammer, Wang Yan stood solemnly. The Chilian Demon King in front of him is already the end of a strong crossbow, and he has the ability to die at any time.

"My end? Hahaha, ridiculous!"

The Chilian Demon King climbed up with difficulty, bloodshot eyes hanging, his eyes stern, and he laughed, "You forced me, you forced me! Since you won't make me feel better, then I will let you know what you know end!"

In the smirk, a black token-shaped object was held in the hands of the Red Refining Demon King, and was then thrown into the sky.

"Not good!" The tyrant master recognized the item at once, and she almost shouted with an awkward scream, "Master Demon Flame! Hurry! Stop it!"

Wang Yan is not a fool. He knows what is hidden to the present. It is absolutely nothing. He immediately throws a warhammer and smashes it towards the token-shaped object.

But at that moment, the black token was first hammered and exploded!


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