The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1553: Satan demon avatar comes again

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The **** old thing of Chilian Demon King was so ruthless that he summoned the Devil God directly.

"Oh ~"

The huge crimson devil claws once again tore the gap in space, and a terrifying monster of Wei An passed through the space in a blink of an eye, and fell into this small world. Its huge wings are raised high, and its mountain-like body ignores the gravitational force, so it is suspended in the sky.

Great shore, horror, mighty power.

Just swiping at a glance can make the heart throbbing, and there is the idea of ​​wanting to crawl and dare not to resist.

Especially those of Wang Yan ’s **** creatures could n’t help but tremble, their strength or willpower was slightly worse, and they were even paralyzed.


Wang Yan's heart is shaking, even if he is conceited, when faced with a real demon, he dare not say that he can escape his life. It was only after he glanced at it for a while that he found something wrong.

The demon **** is very good at selling, and he is as powerful as a prison. However, in actual feeling, he has not reached the point where Wang Yan Gaoshan's backing.

"Demi god!"

This is the strength of the demigod level, at most it is very powerful in the demigod. The incarnation, this demon coming from across the gap in space, should be just an incarnation.

"Hush ~" Wang Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not the Demon God's strength. Although this Demon God avatar looks good, Wang Yan has a certain degree of confrontation or escape.

It ’s just a demigod, and it ’s not that it has n’t been killed.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan straightened his spine and spine, posing a light and breezy posture. The surrounding subordinates and partners seemed to be infected as well, and their inner fears and anxieties dissipated slightly.

"Under the Chi Lian." The embarrassed Chi Lian Demon King knelt down with a puff, "See His Majesty the Demon God." At this time, he still has the momentum of the Great Demon King.

"Well?" Satan glanced at him with a cold voice, "Why did you crush the demon order? Don't you know how precious the demon order is?"

Even if it is as strong as the demon god, it is extremely difficult to refine a demon **** order. Not only does it cost a lot of rare materials, but also consumes a lot of energy.

The Demon Order is for the most critical moments under his command. Whoever dares to use it indiscriminately will have to bear the wrath of the Demon God.

"Your Majesty Qijun, this is the case." The normally relentless Chilian Demon King, lying on the ground at this time, happily like a sheep, "The subordinate accidentally obtained the treasure map of the starry sky god. , I remembered that I was dedicated to His Majesty after the birth. Unexpectedly, Lord Mo Yan calculated secretly, desperately trying to seize Your Treasure of your Majesty. Under the anxiety and indignation of his subordinates, he had to invite His Majesty to do justice. "

"Star Divine God?" Satan's avatar apparently froze, looking around, somewhat surprised. "Is it the Star Divine God who understood the rule of starry sky and almost ignited the fire of God?"

There are countless powerhouses in hell, but there are very few people who have been qualified to ignite the **** fire in history, and the starry sky **** is the only one in the past thousand years. As a result, Satan had heard of him and it was normal.

"That's right. At that time, the starry sky **** got the primitive spirit life fire." Chilian Demon King honestly explained, "Trying to ignite the **** fire is not completed, and fell into this small world."

"What? The life and fire of primitive gods !?" Satan's avatar showed greed.

The vast universe has existed for tens of billions of years, of which there have been born creatures of unknown strength. Those creatures can cross the universe and even devour the planet.

And those horrible and powerful creatures, once they are about to fall, will come to some planets and spread their own life and fire. Under the baptism of a long time, life fires will evolve countless life species.

Such a precious thing is also an extremely rare treasure for Satan and has a great effect.

"Yes, it's the life fire of the primitive god, that was a gift that his subordinates originally wanted to dedicate to His Majesty the Demon God." The Red Demon King suddenly looked up at Wang Yan and shouted angrily, "It's him, hateful Lord Demon of Flame, even designed to **** your treasure from your majesty. "

Under the angry accusation of the Chilian Demon King, Satan Demon's avatar glanced away at Wang Yan and his entourage, and his eyes were as powerful as hell, as if it had crushed everyone's heart as if in substance.

Lydia was terrified inwardly, her face pale. But in her heart, there was a wave of anger, unwillingness, and arduous efforts. She resisted the pressure of the Devil God's avatar for a moment, and angrily said: "Your Majesty, this is not the case. It is it, the abominable Chilian Demon It has been plotting life and kindling, and it will not hesitate to kill the star **** who is so gracious to him. "

Wang Yan patted her shoulder gently and handed her eyes and said, "Useless, Satan Demon is not a justice justice. What's the use of asking him to complain?"

Just as everyone was trembling under the pressure of Satan ’s Demon God, Wang Yan ’s eyes were on the face, and a terrible momentum erupted throughout his body. He confronted the Satan Devil ’s avatar and shook his confrontation: “The Satan Demon God, just Let me know how powerful you are. "

Although this Demon God avatar is only a demigod-level strength, it is ultimately a Demon God avatar, which is much stronger than the general demigod-level strong. At first, Uncle Cannon and the three of them joined forces to explode a doppelganger of Satan.

Today, Wang Yan's strength is not comparable to that of the past, but he is even worse than the original Uncle Gun. He can barely play against the general demi-god, but it is impossible to defeat the Devil God.

Wang Yan's momentum exploded strongly, almost inferior to ordinary demigods.

哗哗 哗 ~

The surrounding air was ignited and the flames burned like a **** born in a blaze.


The original Satan Demon Doppelgänger didn't look squarely at Wang Yan. It's just a legendary purgatory demon clan. Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary **** creatures, the legendary lord is already a big man in the town.

But how does the Satanic deity exist? It can make him pay more attention to it, is it all a demigod existence.

But the young Purgatory Demon Clan in front of him made him a little stunned, a strong breath, not worse than the weaker half god. If he waits for his promotion to the demigod, will it still be worth it?

More importantly, Satan Demon seems to smell a different kind of breath. The blood of this young man made him feel very familiar, and even a little close.

"For a while I dragged the Satan Devil Doppelganger, you fled first, the farther away the better." Wang Yan exploded the momentum and attracted the Satan Demon Doppelganger, while sending a message to Lydia and your leaders.

This Satan demon avatar is definitely more difficult than the red refining demon king. By relying on his group to attack, he may be able to overcome him, but he can never kill him. This is in the world of purgatory, not on the earth. There are too many ways for a demon to save his life.

Wang Yan didn't want his hard-working team to be dead and wounded in this senseless place.

And he dare not say anything else, and the hope of escape alone is still great.

"Mo Yan ..." Lydia was stunned. She couldn't believe it. She had always been a selfish, overbearing and ruthless Lord of Mo Yan, who would block the Devil God's avatar for her.

For a time, there was some turbulence in my heart, and the emotion called moving was born. It turned out that this evil flame big bad guy also has a good side.

"What is it?" Wang Yan's annoyed voice sounded in her ear again, "Would you like to stop the demon god, I'll run away?"

Sure enough, the devil is still nasty as always.

The rest of the subordinates have also increased their loyalty to Wang Yan. Among the lords of hell, only the lord has always let the lord post, but how can the lord replace the lord?

At this most critical moment.

Satan Demon Doppelgrant suddenly shouted excitedly: "Son!"

Son, son?

Wang Yan was stunned by these two words. Are you kidding, or have you heard it wrong? Inevitably, in the language of Purgatory Demon Clan, the pronunciation of son also represents other meanings?


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