The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1554: Son of Demon God?

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The face of Chilian Demon King who was in luck and sorrow suddenly stiffened, and he dared not put in a channel: "This, how is this possible? Lord Demon, Demon Flame is actually ..." He was in a daze, and he felt Demon Flame The kid's bloodline is extraordinary, most likely heir of a demon prince, or even a heir of a council elder.

But he never imagined that Lord Lord Mo Yan turned out to be the son of His Majesty the Demon God.

But, he hadn't heard of the heirs of His Majesty. No, to be exact, there have been three deities of His Majesty the Devil God, but they all fell in the long years, or died of aging.

Demigods are different from deities after all, although the bloodline genetic level of the Red Refining Demon Clan is very high, but the demigod level can live up to two or three thousand years at most. Even if it is a heir of a demon god, if it cannot reach the level of the gods, it is normal to be old until the end of life.

The universe is fair, and the more powerful the Holy Spirit, the more difficult it is to reproduce. As a demon, Satan's genetic bloodline level is too high, it is very difficult to want to give birth to a heir.

Despite the great efforts of the Satan Demon God, there are thousands of purgatory demon beauties in his harem, and he also plays a micro-service private visit from time to time to try something new, but after all he failed to add a bloodline to the Satan Demon God.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Chilian Demon King is almost crying, if the guy of Moyan is the son of Demon God, let alone revenge hopeless. It is still a question whether even life can be kept. With a slight fluke, he asked weakly, "Are you, did you make a mistake? This, this Lord of Demon Flames does not look like you."

In fact, this question is exactly what Wang Yan wants to ask. He is an earthly man with a stern son, his parents are full, and his background is innocent. How could it be the heirs left by the Satanic deity?

But it's not without the slightest possibility, isn't Wuya Ange a sudden emergence of a demon **** dad?

"Indiscriminate!" Satan demon roared angrily at Chilian Demon King, "what identity is the god, would he misunderstand the bloodline? His bloodline and the **** are from the same source, so rich, how could he admit it wrong?"

"Your Majesty forgive sins!" Chilian Demon King shuddered, lowered his head, and felt uneasy under his heart. Indeed, how could a demon **** misunderstand his bloodline?

Not to mention the Devil God, even his Chilian Demon King cannot mistake his bloodline.

At this time, the Satan Demon God had no time to take advantage of the Chi Lian Demon King. He saw that his devil's eyes were staring at Wang Yan, and it was difficult to suppress his excitement: "Son, baby son, quickly, quickly call Dad."

Dad, you are the soul!

Wang Yan's head was dizzy, and he understood the ins and outs somewhat. Through bloodline evolution, he evolved himself into a purgatory demon from the genetic level. But the material used at the time was the crystal nucleus left by another avatar of Satan Demon God.

The so-called demon avatar is actually an avatar created by the demon **** using his own flesh and blood genes, and the crystal nucleus is the root of the genetic bloodline.

As a result, the bloodline gene of Wang Yan, the purgatory demon body, is the pure essence from Satan Demon God. It can be said that even if the Satan Devil really has any heirs, the blood relationship between the two sides will never be so close.

The most important thing is that the demon avatar that came to earth was slaughtered. The information available to Satan, the devil, is very limited. He can only know that his avatar died on the earth.

"Satan Demon God." Wang Yan thought a little, Shen Sheng said, "I'm afraid you made a mistake, I'm not your son." Wang Yan also wanted to borrow Satan's momentum, but asked him to call Satan's father in person, really Some can't do it.

"You! Reverse ..." Satan is a generation of devil gods, with extremely terrible power and power. He has always said that no one would dare to rebel, wherever he can be, he will be rejected.

Before the violent words were spoken, he took them back and turned his anger into a kind smile: "My bloodline heirs, it is natural for you to blame the Father God in your heart. After all, the Father God has not been good all these years. Take care of you. "At the same time, he began to wonder in his heart, who was this precious bloodline born with?

But what Satan thinks is hard to confirm who it is. For thousands of years, in order to continue his blood, he did not know how many purgatory demon beauties have been tainted outside, and even other races have tried it.

There were so many of them that he couldn't remember them.

Fortunately, Satan is very certain that the bloodline of this baby son is inherited 100% from him. This is a matter of no doubt. As for the son's mother, it is not his concern.

Wang Yan's mouth twitched, and the old thing of Satan was really endless. At this moment, the brain filled out a story.

Seeing that Wang Yan was silent, Satan continued to sigh and sigh, "Boy, you do n’t want to call my father now. It does n’t matter. From now on, I will try to make up for you." It is simply the best gift the devil Satan has received in his life.

Look at his eyes, wings, young and strong body, almost exactly the same as when he was young Satan. Satisfied, Satan's heart is extremely satisfied. Compared with the first three heirs who died, it was just scum.

Satan is satisfied, but Chilian Demon King is out of luck. If the kid Mofan is the son of Satan Demon God, he could not believe his end. No, the eyes of Satan Demon Divine came to him: "Chilian, how dare you, dare to **** the fire of life with my son?"

The fire of life is precious, but it is far less than a heir with a rich blood. With this son, he has a heir in a huge river, which is another form of continuation of life.

And this son is so good, he is so energetic that he can beat Chilian all down, and he has also got the kindling of life, and the future is limitless. With the help of his Satan, the possibility of becoming a **** is extremely great.

"Your Majesty forgive sins." Chilian Demon King trembled prostrately. "My subordinates do not know that Mo Yan is His Royal Highness Young Master, otherwise they will not dare to give a few courage to his subordinates.

"Well, if the God is not thinking of you without knowing it, he has slapped you." Satan Demon God avatar and majestic, "The God God gives you a chance, and then you will be a slave of Demon Flame, let him send, If he had a handicap, he would have beaten you away. "

Slave, slave?

Chilian Demon King was dumbfounded, and even wanted him to be a slave to Moyan Boy? This is a disgrace to a demon king.

But the devil faced him, if he dared to refuse, he would not see the sun tomorrow.

"Yes, my subordinates strictly abide by His Majesty's will." Chilian Demon King did not dare to have a little temper, and had to honestly agree.

Wang Yan in this box is also a bit stunned. This series of accidents really caught him off guard. Fortunately, the overall situation is very beneficial to him. Forget it, Satan has to follow through on the misunderstanding, just let him go.

"My dear flames, you don't think it's okay for the time being. Isn't it satisfactory to give you this gift for the father?" Satan Demon's avatar is obviously in a good mood and laughs, "There is no other request for the father, just hope you have recently Opportunity to meet the deity of the father, to ensure that your benefits are indispensable. "

After that, Satan Demon Doppelganger ripped open the space again and walked along the way.

As soon as the demon god's prestige disappeared, Wang Yan's subordinates were relieved and almost fell to the ground. Who is not afraid of the devil face to face?

The Chilian Demon King also raised his head and intersected with Wang Yan's four eyes, and an awkward emotion emerged. From now on, the kid of Mo Yan will be his master.


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