The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1555: Son of the Devil

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Time flies, more than a month later.

In the majestic Majestic Palace of Liuhuo City, a fierce duel is in full swing again.

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge training ground of the Devil's Palace is now full of onlookers. The two red figures in the field are speeding and colliding constantly. The exciting scenes inspired by this attracted crowds around, excited and shocked. Hulianlian.

The two overbearing powerhouses who are struggling to confront each other in the training ground are the once-infinite demigod demon Chilian, and the demon lord Wang Yan who has previously pushed the red demon demon to a dead end, and now the value and status are skyrocketing.

The onlookers around the training ground were several demon heads headed by the Demon King's three sons, the Inferno strategist Emerson, and a large number of guards.

But at this time the three demon kings, Chi Lie, Chi Bone and Lord Chi Yan, no longer have the arrogance and arrogance before. On the contrary, they looked humble and filled with awe in their eyes. Just like the elementary school students who just entered the school, they all stayed honestly on the sidelines.

There is no way. The experience a month ago was so unforgettable. Even their relative, Chilian Demon King, was almost scared to pee, not to mention their three unknown sons.

To know the three of them, I really did n’t even dream about it. The powerful and exquisite master of magic flame is actually a son of God! And it is the supreme **** of Purgatory Demon Race, the only son of Purgatory Demon Satan!

This background beyond imagination is really scary, and it makes them feel too scared.

The three little lords of the demon god, the son of the demon **** under the devil god, and the billions of beings under the face of the devil, couldn't afford it.

Even now, when they think back to the scene a month ago, they are afraid and happy. The three of them felt that they could get back a life at that time. It was really the ancestor's mercy, no, it was the divine son's mercy!

Otherwise, they dare to provoke the devil's son, they will definitely not see the sun the next morning.

Now with this tragic experience and terrible memories, the three of them are completely honest. From now on, in front of Wang Yan, they will never dare to surrender, nor dare to pretend to force.

"Quick! Several of you strengthen the energy output of the enchantment, and the power of His Royal Highness seems to have become stronger again!"

"And you guys, where are the prepared drinks and fruits? After a while of neglecting the Son of God, can you afford it?"

"Hot Springs! Has the hot spring water been brought in? Your Highness, the Son of God, has finished exercising, but he wants to bathe and relax!"


As the logistics manager of the Devil's Palace, Emerson, the strategist of the Inferno, was commanding the servants on the sidelines and was very busy.

At this time he was running back and forth with the Warlock Staff. An old wrinkled face was covered with seriousness and dignity, and the tight nerves did not dare to relax for a moment.

The servants who were instructed to drink by him were even more frightened and nervous, tightening their nerves one by one, and all of them rallied with 200% of the spirit. the son of.

Just kidding, just a month ago, the most supreme deity in the Purgatory Demon Clan, Satan, the Purgatory Demon God, broke through the cracks in space, and Shenwei Projection personally visited the sky above Liuhuo.

The immense panic and panic made the world and the world change its color. The entire city of Liuhuo was completely shrouded in sorrow and solemnity. It seems that the source of all the killings and fears in the world comes from the crack in the sky.

In this divine and solid, supernatural power, all creatures inside and outside the Great Fire City are all in fear and trembling.

At that time, all of them came to the street, all kneeling down on the ground, expressing the highest humility and respect to Satan, the demon god, and he didn't even dare to take a breath.

The Devil God has unique supreme authority in hell, which is the faith and awe engraved in the bones of every inhabitant of hell. Those ordinary residents suddenly saw a real demon god, and they felt as if they were as small as an ephemera. The kind of fear and fear that originated from his inner instincts made him dare not even have a hint of resistance.

This is the horror of Shenwei. Especially after the real bathing of Shenwei, the feeling of powerlessness that penetrates into the bone marrow greatly exacerbates the fear in their hearts, making them more humble and their beliefs more fanatical.

To know such a miracle, I am afraid that it has not appeared in front of people for thousands of years.

But at this time, the miracle suddenly came over the city of Liuhuo, not for anything else, just for the Lord of the Flame God, the son of the demon who was living outside!

This time the residents of the entire city of Liuhuo, and even the entire world of hell, were violently shaken by the sudden appearance of the son of the devil.

However, at the time, all the residents of the Great Fire City were shocked, and they were even more shocked to find that this Lord of the Gods, the Lord of Magic Flame, faced the supreme demon God Satan, and did not buy the other party's account!

After taking advantage of the devil Satan himself, he patted his **** and left, not even saying a single word, which terrified the residents of the entire city of Liuhuo.

However, His Majesty the Deity, the deity, was very useful. Not only was he not angry, but he was happily happy, but just before leaving, he would respectfully reverence the bizarre Demon King, who recklessly reprimanded him.

Subsequently, the cracks in the space were closed, and they completely disappeared over the city of Liuhuo.

At this point, the entire city of Liuhuo knows that the red refining demon king of Liuhuocheng has been punished by the demon **** as a servant of the Lord of the Flame, that is to say, the city of Liuhuo and the real master of this Demon King are the children of this God Lord!

This big news is really sensational!

It can also be seen how much the deity His Majesty valued and loved the only heir of the Demon Lord.

So much so that everyone now understands that in this great city of drifting fire, he would rather offend the demon king of Chilian, and never provoke the son of the demon god.

"Oh! Boom!"

The flames are screaming, and the scorching fire is constantly colliding.

The training ground of the Devil Palace has been completely shrouded in flames. If it wasn't for the Inferno strategist, he led hundreds of warlocks and jointly activated the protective enchantment to cover the entire training ground. The confrontation between the Red Demon Demon King and Wang Yan caused a fierce flame explosion. I am afraid that the entire Demon Palace will be given. Burned to ashes.

The crowd watching around at this time was dumbfounded by the fierce fighting in front of them.

They did not expect that Wang Yan, who had become Lord of the Flame Flame, could actually fight a demigod Demon King with the power of the legendary Lord. And as each day passes, the gap between the two is actually getting smaller and smaller.

This rapid increase in progress really surprised them, so this daily showdown attracted them as a group of onlookers.

The onlookers are addicted to watching, but as the object of sparring, Chilian Demon King is bitter.

At the beginning, he was asked to accompany the training, but he was also frightened, afraid he might hurt the little master. However, this day and night, the master actually became more and more fierce and stronger and stronger, and gradually he and his demigod demon, fighting to a point where they are in full swing!

But this little master is happy every day, this will kill people. This day, the opponent is not tired, but he is tired of refining the demon king.

Now the fierce battle continued for a day, and the Chilian Demon King was somewhat out of breath. When he tried to stop, it seemed that Wang Yan, who was coming from the Demon King, flashed to him in front of him, and raised his warhammer towards him. He smashed it.

"His!" Chilian Demon King immediately took a breath of breath, and couldn't even breathe in his heart!


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