The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1575: Welcome to Yanhu City

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In addition to these most dominant races, there are 10,000 or 20,000 red-skinned flame goblins and gray-skinned goblins, both of whom moved to this area under Wang Yan ’s attractive welfare and policies.

If you add a small number of purgatory demons, elemental life, and wandering races, etc., Wang Yan is not a small town in this area. The residents living here alone have more than a dozen races, and the total population exceeds One hundred thousand!

If you add the original small town and surrounding villages to the Lord of Deception, the total population will probably reach hundreds of thousands!

Perhaps such a population is nothing in the big world of hell, but the concentration in this place, or compared with the earth, is already a very large number and scale.

The resulting market towns and village groups formed in the form of tribes, even if placed in the world of hell, are a very rare scale.

The reason why such a large scale can be formed in just half a year, in addition to the large world of hell, which is inherently large in race and population, there is another reason, that is, the alternative welfare and policy tendencies given by Wang Yan.

One of the key points is that all races or individuals who joined Lord Wang Yan will be protected by the former Lord of Flames and the current Son of Demon God. And here all races are equal, no fights for no reason.

This is equivalent to giving all races a peaceful living environment, which alone attracts a large number of oppressed lower races.

These lower races are not inferior, they are just oppressed by the ruling class like Purgatory Demon Clan for a long time. They also have their own characteristics and advantages, and Wang Yan does not live here for nothing.

All races living here must abide by many rules here, respecting Wang Yan as the highest and only will. And if you want to live here for a long time, you must accept Wang Yan's rule. Everyone must work and build.

Of course, work and construction will not be in vain. Under the organization of Wang Yan, like the ruling class in the form of a company, it will be distributed according to work and given a certain amount of remuneration. In addition, these races are encouraged to use their own characteristics under Wang Yan's rule and management to produce and trade on their own.

This is undoubtedly a great welfare and freedom for those races that have long been oppressed. Therefore, for these races that joined Wang Yan, working and building for Wang Yan is equivalent to building their own homes.

As a result, in just half a year, this place has already begun to take shape. I believe that in another half a year or a year, this place will undoubtedly become a new city.

"This, here ... it's amazing!"

The Chilian Demon King, who led the team to walk beside Wang Yan, was staring dumbfounded at all this.

Chilian Demon King said that he had n’t come to this wild land for hundreds of years. In the past, there was a terrible scorching lake. Various wild monsters appeared in an endless stream. Any creature that reached this area would be brutally attacked. Even his demigod demon had a headache.

He did not want to waste his troops and his own safety to clean the area. After all, **** world, such a wild land that is difficult to control, there are too many.

But the scene in front of him was a bit unexpected.

Out of the small town of Chidu, there was actually a spacious avenue with mountains and rocks, all the way to Chilian Lake.

On the mountains on both sides of the road, at every distance, there was a stern tower waiting to be lined up, and the guard above it was awesome eagles with excellent eyesight. Moreover, these eagle body banshees, wearing standard armor, are all well-trained, and even seeing his Chilian Demon King will not be stunned, which undoubtedly made him a demigod demon, and he has encountered unprecedented surprises.

In addition, in the plains and hilly areas on both sides of the road, village houses built on the hills have risen. Each village is a different race, but these different races actually lived together peacefully in this area, and in a special area, built markets, shops, and various factories .

This made the Chilian Demon King amazed.

However, what made the Alchemist Demon King dumbfounded most was that these inferior residents in the field of the Demon King, when they saw him, did not fear and did not salute. On the contrary, when Wang Yan arrived, he laid down his work one by one, and the men, women and children in the house even walked down the street to salute Wang Yan on his knees to show gratitude and respect.

This short-term accomplishment really made the Chilian Demon King and his three sons, as well as a group of people, shocked and deeply admired.

Seeing this prosperous scene, Wang Yan couldn't help raising his mouth slightly and introduced to the Red Demon King and others: "Welcome to Yanhu City."

"Yanhu City?"

The Chilian Demon King froze for a moment before listening, and then said, "His Royal Highness, do you ... want to build a city from the area of ​​Chidu to the shore of Yanhu?"

"No, isn't it?"

"This, this, this, this is too huge!"

The three sons of the demon king headed by Lord Chilie were all dumbfounded and frightened.

Although the small town of Chidu is near Chilian Huze, the distance of a single diameter is two or three hundred kilometers. If this area is all built into a city, is the city too large? The courage of His Highness Mo Yan, the son of the Demon God, really admired them!

In fact, before the father and son of Chilian Demon discovered it, Wang Yan was already working on it.

Hell is a big world, with a large number of races and a large population. Since it is necessary to build its own power and prepare for the future trade and development of the earth and the world of hell, it is better to simply build a large multi-ethnic city.

This not only facilitates centralized management, but also facilitates the rise of commerce and industry.

Of course, the current scale of construction is just a prototype. Moreover, during this time, Wang Yan has only been there roughly two or three times. At other times, he is focusing on the improvement of his own strength. Many plans and programs are ordered by the situation, given to his staff, and then arranged for others to run.

Fortunately, from the current point of view, his plans and plans have been implemented very well.

All these benefits from his management philosophy from the earth, the development direction of **** world is different from the earth. So he combined the pros and cons, and this made the construction plan. Another point is that his men are very good. Once it is the order he gave, the men will resolutely execute it, not afraid of suffering or tiredness, which has created the current prosperity.

However, Wang Yan is not stingy, as long as he completes his orders in a down-to-earth manner, he will also be rewarded accordingly. At present, this settlement can be developed so smoothly, and his investment is indispensable.

For example, in addition to the benefits he obtained from the demon **** and the red refining demon king, in addition to himself and his men's cultivation, a large part of them are invested in the expansion of the near power, as well as the base and this city.

Although Wang Yan has almost exhausted his financial resources again, the future returns are far beyond people's imagination.

Amidst the excitement and discussion, Wang Yan's team finally arrived, in front of the heavily guarded plane base.

"We have arrived."

Wang Yan led everyone to stop, now this base is no longer as rudimentary as when he first came.

Here, under the arrangement of Wang Yan, a semi-open-air towering fortress was built, with thousands of barbarian garrisons in it, all of which were the original old departments of the Lord of the Confusion.

In addition, the overlord-level characters who really sit here are Wang Yan's men, the ancient flame devil Bella Rocca who is strong in the gods! And the army of tens of thousands of elements created by the ancient Flame Devil.

"See Young Master!"

Wang Yan had just arrived at the stand on the edge of the cliff. In the flaming lake below the lava, the huge body, the imposing ancient flame demon shouted, with thousands of fire element monsters, all kneeling down on the ground, see Their young master Wang Yan.

The shouts of ancient flame demons and tens of thousands of elemental monsters are like thunder rolling and shocking.

Next to Wang Yan, Chilian Demon King and his three sons, seeing this magnificent scene, all the cold sweat fell.

Especially the ancient flame devil Bella Roca, even the long-famous Chilian Demon King was trembling.

At this time, the ancient Yanmo was kneeling on the knees in the Yanhu Lake, but it was obvious that if he stood upright with his magnificent lava body, I am afraid that he would not be less than a hundred feet!

Above the flame demon's overbearing body, there is a layer of lava armor produced by the materialization of the elements. The flame heart of the upper layer of fire is emitting a dazzling white light!

Its arrogant and mighty prestige is like a panic-like prestige, making people dare not look straight at it. Especially when the ancient Yanmo stood in the Yanhu Lake, it seemed to have merged with the lava under his feet. The kind of vast charm from the ancient wilderness was like a giant mountain that would collapse at any time, enough to bring people's original instincts Fear, all excited.

"Awesome momentum! Here, this is a half-god-level ancient monster!"

The Chilian Demon King's eyes widened. He obviously felt that the ancient Yanmo was different from the rest, and he was extremely powerful and powerful. He actually made his demigod demon straighten his heart. The demigod Demon King Yanhu Master, none of this flame devil is terrible!

It is more powerful than the **** of Yanhu, that is also inevitable.

In the beginning, the ancient Flame Demon, but followed the earth's initial **** fire **** Zhu Rong, was born in the earth's initial fire together.

Although the ancient flame demon originated from the initial fire after the birth of Vulcan Zhurong. The last aftermath of the initial fire, after a long period of time, was born, and the three-legged golden black and other elemental life.

But precisely because of the initial fire, even Yu Wei also contains a trace of the true meaning of life. Those who have touched the true meaning of life are naturally far different from ordinary elemental life.

In addition, the deep accumulation brought by the long years also made the ancient flame demon's background strong, and the power of the ordinary demigod demon, how can it be comparable to its ancient monster?

As for the Yan Lake Master, although it is very strong, it was born in modern times. No matter its strength or accumulation, it can't compare with Wang Yan's ancient Yan Mo.

"Chi, Brother Chilie, me, I suddenly want to cry ..."

"Me, I want to ..."

Chi Lie, Chi Bone, and Chi Yan, the three brothers, after seeing the Ancient Flame Demon, the fragile little soul finally could not bear it.

Although they do n’t know how His Highness Demon Flame got this kind of ancient monster and made him so faithful to recognize him as master, but one thing they knew very well If the devil goes to the secret realm to deal with them, they will definitely not kill them.

They feel that they can live to the present, this life is really picked up.


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