The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1577: Never pretend again

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(The order of this chapter and the following chapter is wrong, forgive me ~)


The black people, no, to be precise, are a group of black people.

But this group of monsters is different from the beasts. Instead, they are all wearing armor, strict discipline, and good momentum, and these strengths are unpredictable, most of them are half-step S-level upwards, S-level legendary masters, There are dozens of rough sweeps!

Among this group of terrible **** monsters, there is a guard-like monster with the largest number. They hold giant blades and swords one by one. Under the rough black heavy armor, they are full of bulging and full muscles, which looks like steel. Iron casting is daunting.

The other monster is even more terrifying. This monster is huge, fat and strong, just like a mountain of meat. And these Roshan monsters, one by one with big steel rods, all covered with fangs, especially when looking at the three of them, the salivation drools, and they drip down, just like the three of them. The best food in the world seems to be worth it.

And between these two most terrible monsters, the terrible element of fire, the charming and charming demon girls, are innumerable, and in a rough look, the number is tens of thousands!

This terrifying army with so many strengths and so many people is all gathered here. Would it be to invade the earth?


Thinking of this, the Shiva goddess, the desert emperor, and the Maya high priest Berika, the three people beat with a heart, terrified.

Said the good old king came back to pick them up? Did n’t they all say that the Pharaoh is a good mix in hell, has he established his footing? But what happened to so many monsters in front of me?

Let them come, maybe not a trap? Well, Pharaoh, where are you? !

The Shiva goddess, the desert emperor, and the high priest, Berika, were all pale and desperate. All three of them unconsciously leaned back to back, tightly posing a defensive posture.

But they knew very well that under this terrifying and absolute strength, any resistance would be futile and ridiculously futile.

At this time, they were pale faces, corresponding to the cliff stands, Wang Yan, the father and son of Chilian Demon King, and the eyes of each one with great interest.

Wang Yan hasn't completed his plan yet, so he can't easily reveal his identity, so he deceived these inhabitants of Hell and described these helpers pulled from the earth as deceived slaves.

Such an explanation also made Wang Yan advocating violence and the many people who liked to watch the fighting, full of interest in what happened next.

"His Majesty, these are the strong human beings you have tricked?"

The burly and magnificent Chilian Demon King glanced at the three human masters below, and then showed the domineering power of the Demigod Demon King, contemptuously, "Huh, tiny human, but that's it."


Half, half god!

The goddess Shiva, the desert emperor and the high priest Berika felt the horrible coercion of mountains like mountains, and their hearts followed.

Are you kidding me? In this terrifying army, there are even demigods?

It can be seen that the demigod demon obviously didn't put the three of them in their eyes, but they didn't have a solution. You should know that although they are usually proud of the earth, in the eyes of the demon-level demon king, they are just some children who are walking around.

And looking at this posture, the demigod demon king is just a follower. So, how powerful must the young Demon Clan, who is in the middle and is called His Royal Highness, Demon Flames?

In addition to this, what makes them tremble most nervously is that these **** demons actually speak Earth language! Judging from their conversations now, they have long coveted the earth for a long time and have been preparing for a long time.

The son of the flame who came to **** before, and the follow-up Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, Shen Tutian Road, three people, I am afraid they have already been poisoned.

If that's the case, then there will be poisonous hands, out of them, it's them!

No, isn't it?

The thought of Shiva, the goddess of the desert, the desert emperor, and the high priest, Berika, came out in a cold sweat. Especially Berika, she felt like she was crying.

For fate, sometimes it's really impossible to figure out. If there is another time, she will really not wave, absolutely no wave!

"Hey, my father, my father, I have told you long ago, Master Moyan's ability, where are you short-sighted people, can you expect?"

The confessed lord recognized Wang Yan as his first loyal dog. This time, the salted fish finally turned over, and finally he could taste the feeling of bullying. Moreover, the father and son of Chilian Demon King, in addition to glaring dry eyes, are not easy to refute, but instead followed his words, repeatedly said, and also took the opportunity to flatter Wang Yan, this scene really made him dark.

"My father, I tell you, there are three in the previous batch, and they are working as hard labor in the mining area, and it is very interesting to teach humans."

The confusing Lord grinned and squinted. After looking at the three people below, the smile on his face became more and more rippling. "There are actually two beautiful women in this batch! Gee ... No matter what appearance or strength, But it ’s much better than the previous batch! Lord Mo Yan, what shall we do with these three slaves next? Or hehe hehe first? Hehe hehe? "

Such a sloppy pig brother like the confusing Lord Lord attracted Wang Yan and all the women around him with a contempt. But he has the advantage of being thick-skinned, so he doesn't feel ashamed at all.

But the Lord of Red Confusion started with thousands of sturdy males around him. His eyes flashed with fierce light, and even Chi Lie, the sons of the three demon kings, Red Bone and Red Rock, all showed strange damage on their faces. laugh.

There is no way, they are a badass from the birth of a mother. Even if they are conquered by Wang Yan, they are still badass. The characteristics in this bone can't be changed at all.

Wang Yan also had no intention to stop, letting this idea ferment among the strong males.

Like when receiving Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and Shen Tu Tian Lu, Wang Yan also received orders from the three top young masters of the earth to ask for help while asking for help.

Therefore, if such terrible evil thoughts are present in the real battlefield, it is normal and absolutely inevitable.

With the goddess Shiva, the desert emperor and the high priest Berika, they are used to being looked up to by the people on earth, and they are very proud of nature. If they face this next abyss invasion with this kind of mentality, as long as they are not careful, the ending may be There is only tragedy.

The goddess Shiva and the high priest Belika do feel a deep sense of despair and sadness.

Hearing this, they saw the majestic monsters all around, showing such a reaction that their beating hearts almost stopped, and their hands and feet followed the cold.

If they were really hit by these monsters, then they could only die. But ... even if they die, their souls might not be able to escape their torture?

Among the two women, the desert emperor was the only male among the three. There was a slight fluke in his heart. He could see hundreds of thousands of enchantresses who salivated his flesh. He also had a weak heart and a dry throat. .

A little carelessly next, the three of them in this line, I am afraid they will not survive to survive, right?

"Hey, Laosha, you, you are a man, or a desert emperor on earth, you and you, go and talk to them, no, or we will die!" The goddess Shiva was really afraid this time. , Quietly asking the desert emperor beside him for help.

"I, I'm going? You, are you sure?" The desert emperor was sweating coldly. If he always had to pretend to be forced, but now he began to regret some of the self-proclaimed desert emperor, but instead said by voice, "I, my emperor It ’s self-styled, I think it ’s Bellika ’s way. She ’s always clingy, me, I ’m not good at speaking. ”

"Hahaha, you are not good at speaking? You, you actually let me be a weak woman to communicate with those monsters?" Upon hearing such a voice, the high priest Berika collapsed and laughed directly, "Well, since it is so , I can only make a trick. "

As Belika looked into the desert emperor's eyes, a cold flash of light flashed, and the latter was suddenly agitated.

"Stop, stop! I, I will go." The desert emperor was sweating coldly, and he said if he was so troubled by your big prophecy, then he would definitely finish playing.

"Dear Lord Mo Yan, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us."

The emperor of the desert, Ganeses, no longer dared to pretend, and respectfully paid a tribute to Wang Yan, and tried hard to communicate, "We are just passing by here to find our friend. His name is Wang Yan, the son of flames. I have heard of it. "

Right now, his only hope is Wang Yan. He thought that if he had the cleverness of the old king, he might be able to get together with these cruel **** demons. If that was the case, they would be saved.

"Oh, Wang Yan, the son of flames?"

Wang Yan, the lord of the magic flame, looked at the desert emperor and raised his mouth with a slight smile. This made the latter and the two women beside him seem to have caught the straw, and the whole person laughed excitedly.

But soon, Wang Yan's next words instantly let the three of them fall to the bottom of the valley again: "What a child of flames? This is hell! Even if there is that child of flames, it will burn in the flames of our **** long ago For ashes, there will be no slags left! "

"Knowledge, obediently begging this king to take you as slaves, otherwise ..." Finally, Wang Yan sneered, with an evil momentum, as if the rivers and lakes broke out.

Numerous people around them saw their masters so arrogant and overbearing, all shouting for cheers, and the world seemed to be shocked for a time, and the scene was very spectacular.

"No, isn't it, he, he is also a demigod?"

The goddess Shiva's heart was suddenly cold, and her legs were about to soften. The other two companions, under such great pressure, were also crumbling. The scene in front of him was a dead end!


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