The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1576: Farting, I don't have your son

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(This chapter and the previous chapter are reversed, and the update is wrong.)


"Okay, get up."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Wang Yan, like an emperor who looked down on the world, raised his hand at will. Gu Yanmo and his elemental army immediately rose.

After standing up, the ancient Flame Devil is half a body taller than the cliff where Wang Yan is, and the majestic appearance of wearing armor is more majestic and domineering.

"Lao Bei, it's been hard for you to keep this base for so long."

Wang Yan praised it. The ancient Yanmo guarded this blazing lake, and he was very dedicated and dedicated. Without it, Wang Yan couldn't feel at ease outside.

Appreciated, the ancient Yanmo grinned rough and glorious.

However, after looking around for four weeks, Wang Yan said again: "Lao Bei, I feel that the fire element here is thinner than last time. It seems that you want to stop making elemental forces. In the future, it will mainly focus on cultivating individual strong people Lord, otherwise we will overdraw and overdraw the Yan Lake, but Mother Earth will have an opinion. "

Since Wang Yan absorbed the fire of life, and touched the true meaning of life, and when he was promoted to the demigod, he felt the greatness of the world. Therefore, as his strength improved, he naturally added a sense of awe and a sense of responsibility to the world.

Otherwise, excessively absorbing the elemental power of this Yanhu Lake will eventually destroy the environment here, Yanhu Lake will also become dry coke rock, and the fire resources required by Wang Yan and the State African Bureau will also be unable to continue to breed here.

As for Gaia, the mother of the earth who has always been very caring, I am afraid that Wang Yan will be angry because of this behavior.

"Yes! Young Master."

The ancient Yanmo respectfully promised, but in fact it has already paid attention. In those days, it was originally a powerful flame demon that assisted the **** of fire and maintained the balance of elements. It can not only absorb the power of the elements, but also release it, so as to maintain the balance of one area.

In order to increase the combat power of Young Master Wang Yan at the same time, it also has to guard the very critical plane base. Since this time, it has concentrated on manufacturing the elemental army, but in the later period it has been quite modest, and the production of the elementary army has also been corresponding. cut back.

Otherwise, by virtue of its extraction, the area of ​​Yanhu Lake where it is currently located will have dried up into a land of coke because of the overdraft of the fire element.

And the ancient monsters of its level can continue to absorb the flame elements here, and have not been rejected by the mother earth. It is also because the ancient Yanmo has not been too excessive, giving this Yanhu enough time to breathe and recover.

"How is it going?"

After inspecting his territory and army, Wang Yan finally sat comfortably on a large chair specially made for him.

A team of Chilian Demon King stood respectfully on his right side. He was standing on his left side under the sorrows of red confusion and red abuse.

As for the plane communication and transmission facilities, it was installed in front of him. Everything was in order and everything was full of vitality. This made him struggling in **** so far.

"Well, my demon flame master, the slave's home is back." The cruel county master returned from the lower level, and Jiao Didi leaned close to Wang Yan, and the reporter said, "The following people said that the plane system is ready, and the channel is now open. , Lie to some strong human beings to come and play? "

Nowadays, Wang Yan does not need to do many things by himself, as long as he gives orders comfortably.

But the appearance of such a monarchy, falling into the eyes of the cruel master, she will be transformed. There are ripples in her heart, and she secretly has a vision. Later, she will be the princess of the main palace of the son of the devil.

Especially when thinking of the flower candle in the cave, the brutal county master couldn't help but utter a whisper in his heart ...

"Get started." Wang Yan didn't understand the idea of ​​the cruel master, and simply ordered the succubus at the lower level to operate the instrument and immediately sent a signal.

Here is a one-way plane channel, the main operation is by the National Bureau of African Affairs. It should be understood that in plane-level operations, space nodes will become a key factor in determining victory or defeat, otherwise, once captured here, it will have immeasurable consequences for the National Bureau of Earth.

"Your Highness Demon Flame, can you still lure the strong earth? You also have power on the earth?" Chilian Devil asked carefully, and his three sons were also on the side, waiting in surprise.

Now, the demon king Chilian is scared by Wang Yan again.

In front of him, His Majesty the Son of Demon God, the impact of them, is really too big, and the unknown forces and cards are just like the bottomless holes, endless.

Such a son of the devil is really terrible! Chilian Demon King and his three sons became more and more frightened at the same time, and they also became more and more afraid of Wang Yan.

"Oh, I said my dear father, my boss, Master Moyan, how suspicious do you use it? To tell you the truth, there are still three human beings in the mine, the last time the slave was deceived!"

Before Wang Yan spoke, the confusing lord around him had to show off, and at the same time he still sneered at the old things and said, "Yes, the lord has forgotten, you will not recognize my son, from now on, I I do n’t recognize you as your dad. My dad will be His Majesty in the future! "

He was an unacknowledged illegitimate child since he was a child. He was bullied, and now he is finally following the boss Mo Yan and turning over the next big body. How can he be tempted in front of his father who abandoned him.

The Chilian Demon King has already confessed to it now. In front of Wang Yan, his face is naturally green, and he dare not refute it.

But Wang Yan himself did not do it, and immediately dropped a large drop of cold sweat, rolled his eyes and scolded: "Fart, this king can't have your son! Dare to talk nonsense, drag it down and let Ablon fight you 100 troops stick!"

"Don't, boss, I'm wrong!" The scared Lord quickly scared him to apologize, and said that he would never dare to pretend to be indiscriminate again.

Just kidding, the Ogre Ablon Giant Mallet executes a hundred military sticks, then he must be beaten into a mess.

In this way, everyone talked, sent me a message, silenced the transmission channel for a while, and finally issued a burst of powerful abilities.

Soon, above the half-air as if the water ripples were shaking, suddenly left a gap in the space, a deep black hole, just like a demon's eyes, earned it at once.


At the same time, it is far in the plane base of the National Bureau of African Affairs.

"The channel has been opened, everyone hurry up."

Intellectual and beautiful Yun Zhi Dean, with a calm voice, quickly reminded the three top strong men of the earth standing in front of the plane channel.

"The **** of the world of **** is far beyond your imagination, and please don't take it lightly."

Dean Yunzhi is also kind, but Shiva, the desert emperor, and Maya high priest Belika simply cannot hear it.

"It's just hell, what can I do?"

The emperor of the desert was quite arrogant. Without a word, the whole person turned into a ray of quicksand and jumped into the passage of the plane first.

"Yes, it's just hell."

Also standing at the apex, the goddess Shiva, who has been admired by thousands of people since childhood, also has a very high spirit. Not only does she disdain the world of hell, but she is nagging in her mouth, "Lao Wang Lao Wang, this goddess has been a long time ago. Than, this time I must make you kneel in front of the goddess for mercy! Hum! "

Speaking of rejoicing, after following the desert emperor, he also jumped into the plane passage.

"Make a fortune, make a fortune! Son of Flame, I believe you will not let me down!" Following behind the two, Maya high priest Berika smirked.

In the previous divination, she learned that there will be a big change in the world of hell, and a great opportunity appears, and this change is related to the chance and the earth.

Although she can't be sure what the chance and change are, but since it is related to the earth, it must be inseparable from the child of flame. Now that the Son of Fire is in hell, it is an excellent proof.

Next, as long as you hold the thigh of the flame son, she will surely make her like a youth conference, make great profits!

No, it will definitely earn more than the Youth Conference!

At the thought of this, she was all happy.

Hell, here I come!

Soon, the three entered the plane passage one after another. Later, the plane channel began to close slowly when the output reached its limit.

In the plane base, Dean Yunzhi and Linghu Yaojue on the side could not help but looked at each other, and could not help but express deep sympathy for the three people's fate.


At the same time, the plane base of Helian Chilian Huze was over.

As the energy surging in the space nodes becomes larger and larger, the channel holes oscillated from the center become larger and larger.


In the passage, three figures of different colors, like three lightning bolts, flew down quickly. Behind them, the small transmission channel closed in response.

Speaking of the process of crossing the plane channel, it is actually very short, but the repulsive power of the plane space is very huge, and the stronger the traverser, the greater the repulsiveness.

However, I do n’t know whether the high priest Berika ’s prophecy played a role, or the three top young men from the earth, which are very powerful.

Although they were repelled by space and fell down like bullets, they compared with Zhang Weidao who came here earlier, Wu Wujie and Shen Tutian Road, the three of them were already very smooth, and even their clothes were not torn by space energy.


With a slight shock of the air wave, slowly spreading, Shiva, the desert emperor, and the high priest Berika landed firmly on a burning coke rock.

"His! Hell is really hot!"

In traditional clothes, the bare-footed Shiva goddess was immediately scalded by the scalding heat from her feet, and then he quickly transported her ability and put a protective energy layer under the body surface.

Otherwise, that feeling, as if suddenly standing on an iron plate on a barbecue, even if she had been long enough to choke.

"It has a heavy sulfur smell. The air quality here is very poor, and gravity has increased a lot."

The desert emperor Ganeses also sighed, and then a layer of defense sand armor has quietly covered the surface of his body.

The harsh environment of the **** world is indeed far beyond his expectations.

"The environment is almost, but what does it matter? We are not traveling to hell."

The high priest Berika also put a layer of body protection energy on herself, and did not care about the environment in front of her. She came here to make a fortune. Although the environment here is harsh, the corresponding various elements are very abundant.

The Shiva goddess and the desert emperor heard it, too, and a sense of joy and excitement came to their hearts.

Hum, they are not here to travel. Ha ha ha, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, hurry up and be beaten!

But they had just arrived in hell, and the excitement had not calmed down, and a strange sense of silence quickly penetrated into their hearts.

The three of them raised their heads and looked around, and the smiles that were able to bloom in the future immediately solidified on their faces.

No, isn't it? !

What is the situation?


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