The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1578: To beat her, i'll let you hehehe

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"No, me, we have to run away!"

The goddess Shiva quickly whispered to the two companions, "Either way, you have to escape. One escapes, one must not fall on the hands of this group of demons!" Then she wanted to turn and escape to the lake behind him. .

But she just turned her face, a huge mountain of lava monster, staring at her coldly.

This huge and magnificent lava monster is covered with a layer of armor made by the flame elements. The upper layer of hot flame actually emits white light! The tyrannical power generated by it is constantly increasing. The suffocating coercion is just like the panic Tianwei, as if it can crush the human heart.

"Half, half god! Again, another half god!"

The goddess Shiva was totally stunned, and his heart couldn't help but thump.

In such a large place, three and a half gods were gathered! To know that the earth with billions of people is only four and a half gods! It is still a demigod just born.

And this huge lava monster, just standing behind them, no one could find it! It can be seen that this lava monster has merged with the surrounding laws to the extent that it is the ruler of this flaming lake's law.

Especially now, after being discovered by her, this lava monster began to show relentless pressure. The oppression caused by this lava monster is particularly intense. Among them, the vast and heavy breath seemed to come from the ancient wilderness, making her helpless human being feel small and fragile in her heart.

"I, I had faced a demigod with the son of flames. But the demigod, Dong Pei's thief An Pei Zongxiu, was taken away by his ancestors and forcibly reached the level of demigod."

Lord Shiva's voice trembled, and said to the two companions beside her, "Now these three are the real demigods! The original Ampezong Xiu, compared with these three, is like a child with a gang In these three hands, I am afraid that if they ca n’t support ten rounds, they will be strongly bombarded! "

Lord Shiva is no joke, but she has personally experienced the power of the demi-god. At the beginning, after Pei Zongxiu was captured, his realm was only improved, and his real power was still at the peak of the S-class. Therefore, the combat power is still lacking compared to the real demigod. But in this way, they can still suppress a group of young handsomes.

However, the three half-god demon kings are not the same in front of them. These three are all imposing like rainbows, and they are all at their peak. And with her current state, she can clearly feel that these three demigod demon kings are all sturdy and unique, and I am afraid that they will be placed in the same demigod demon king. All three will be demon kings in the demon king!

If you want to deal with such a terrible demigod demon king, it is estimated that only the first person on earth, the demigod Yanzun, can fight it.

"How to do?"

Shiva, the goddess, knew she was in desperation, and just wanted to talk to the two companions beside her and talk about what to do. But he saw Maya high priest Berika, who had already "popped" and knelt on the ground.

"Dear Lord Myflame! My high priest Berika, willing to be your humblest servant!"

The high priest Belika raised her hands and officially fell to the ground, "His Highness the Demon Flame is above. His subordinates are very good at abilities, especially divination and great prophecy are very effective. I believe that in the days to come, I will definitely help Get busy and ask your highness to take slaves! "


Seeing the Lord Shiva, she almost died of smothering blood.

It's too fast to blame Belika for the moth, right? Look at it like this, it's too ambitious, so shameful! If you change to her, she will never kneel in the face of these ugly and mean **** demons. !

and many more.

Lao Sha, and Lao Sha did not kneel!

The goddess Shiva turned around and saw that the desert emperor was still standing upright, really moving, and could not help but secretly sigh, Laosha is Laosha, in the end is the king of the earth's young generation!

Look at this spirit, prefer to stand dead, rather than kneeling to live!

It seems that today she is going to battle the battlefield with Lao Sha.

Hey, it's a pity that she can't say goodbye to Lei Bo ...

Lord Shiva raised her eyes to the sky and sighed silently in her heart.

But when she looked back, she saw the desert emperor, the king of the young generation of the earth, who bowed respectfully in front of His Highness: "Your Royal Highness is above, below is Ganethus from the earth. Become your humblest servant, please beg you to stay! "


Shiva Goddess suddenly widened her eyes, you are all such heroes! Are you changing too fast?

She felt a little unable to breathe, and she felt that the education she had received and her outlook on life had collapsed.

"The desire to survive is very strong." Wang Yan sitting high above the mouth slightly raised, I do not know whether it was praise or sarcasm. Mainly, every **** resident knows this. The two of you are very wise, and the king accepts your request. "

Wang Yan's words just fell, and all the men at the scene seemed to be entertained by entertainment.

In fact, as Wang Yan said, the residents of Hell World have formed a fine tradition of cherishing life in the long-term competitive environment.

In other words, they can die in the battlefield, which is a glorious thing for them. But let them know that they are invincible, and die in vain, very few people will do so.

For them, Qingshan was not afraid of being burnt, even if they were captured as slaves, but no matter whether they were vengeful or stolen, they had to survive first.

This is how the dark elves such as Camus, who relied on Wang Yan to successfully complete their revenge, did so.

So nowadays, those Wang Yan have so many men, and instead of mocking the Shiva goddess and the desert emperor, they think it is a wise move.

"No way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. It's really not that the goddess is willing to surrender, just forced to helplessness ..."

Lord Shiva struggled a little bit in her heart, and finally felt that it was important to save her life at this critical moment.

At this point of thought, although there was a hard face on the face of Lord Shiva, she finally bowed down on the ground reluctantly and said: "His Royal Highness, I am Lord Shiva from the earth, Indira Brahmin, I beg you ...

But she hadn't finished her words yet, and Wang Yan, who was above him, sneered: "Stand up for Ben Wang!"

"Ah? What, what?" Goddess Shiva blinked her big eyes, and the whole person was a little ignorant.

Did n’t we let us surrender? Now that she is on her knees, how can she stand up again?

"Oh, how much patience do you think the king has spent with you?" Wang Yan sneered. "The time for you to surrender has passed. Now you stand up to the king, and the devil won't accept your submission!"

"What? No, don't accept my surrender? You, you, are you justified?" Shiva's head was fainted, and she was spitting blood.

She was only slightly slower for a few seconds, so she would not accept surrender? This, this is too bullying!

"Reason? Are you going to tell me the truth?" Wang Yan mocked and laughed, "Here the devil is the truth!"

"Haha, this stupid human being is so funny."

"Yeah, yeah, is she a fool? You still have to reason with His Highness Mo Yan? Poof, I'm so laughing!"

Wang Yan's men and women all laughed while they were busy. Among them, the ridiculous lord who claimed to be the first loyal dog under the demon flame, came out and patted the horse fart, and praised: "Stupid human, you know What is our identity of High Lord Mo Yan? "

Obviously Lord Shiva did n’t know, so the lord of the confusion twitched his lips and was more excited: "The great demon lord, but the son of the supreme demon god! Even my father, Chilian Demon King, must kneel at his feet. The human beings, who dare to disrespect the son of the demon god, are really looking for death! "

"Demon, son of the devil?"

Shiva's face was instantly pale and her breathing was almost stagnant.

This time, not only her, but the desert emperor and high priest Berika were terrified, and they were covered in cold.

Just kidding, each of the three devil gods in the world of **** has the earth-shattering power to move the mountains and fill the sea. In the face of such a god-level power, even Yan Yan, the master of the earth, and the noble Pope, are not enough to slap.

But the three of them were unlucky and had just arrived in hell. Not only did they meet the three demigods and a large number of troops, but the most terrifying thing was that one of them was the son of the demon.

Cold, they feel completely cold.

"Xiao Chi, since this human woman is so unfamiliar, you go to play with her." Wang Yan rushed to the confusing lord beside him, and he randomly ticked his finger. "According to the rules of hell, if you can win She, she is at your disposal. "

Personal pride, if placed in front of brutal wars and enemies, is really not worth mentioning. Sometimes, it will become an important factor that causes one to fail.

This is also the top level of the Earth Super League, and I hope that through this opportunity, Wang Yan will temper the top masters of the earth and be too arrogant.

After all, Wang Yan ’s current identity is regarded as the top secret, and only a few core seniors understand it. Therefore, it is naturally better to use it as a training role.

"Here, is this true? If you win, then you can hehe?"

After Lord Wang was nodded by Wang Yan, the whole person was excited and jumped from the stands with a low smile. "Hey, hey, stupid human, this Lord will let you know, our **** male. Style! "

The goddess Shiva's face was pale, she was afraid that she would be poisoned by losing, but now she had no choice.

"and many more."

Just before Lord Chew was about to step forward, the desert emperor knelt on one knee and stood up. "His Royal Highness, please let me fight for Indira. If I lose, you are at your disposal."

The Emperor of the Desert could not watch the humiliation of the women beside him, so he was willing to take risks. Of course, this was also due to his own strength.

"You are a bit sturdy, this king really appreciates it." Wang Yan's eyes glinted appreciatively, but then the corners of his mouth raised evilly, "But don't worry, each of you has a share."


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