The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1579: Come, come and play with him

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"Everybody has a share?"

"Why, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, the desert emperor, the goddess Shiva, and the high priest Berika all felt cold, and a bad hunch was born.

"Ablon, since this human named Ganesh wants to be a hero, you will accompany him to play."

Wang Yan waved his finger lightly, and saw a fierce, fierce monster like a rotten mountain. He immediately rushed out of the crowd and roared in front of the desert emperor.


The leader of the ogre, Ablon Giantmaul fell to the ground, and the ground at the foot of the three desert emperors shivered immediately. The hearts of the three of them also sank at this time.

The three of them sighed in horror. The son of the demon deserved to be the son of the demon, and his men were more terrifying than others.

"Ablon, perform well. If you win, the king will let you eat him!" Wang Yan said, and the corner of his mouth raised a sly arc. "Otherwise, such a useless slave, this king is useless. . "

The ogres Ablon below could eat the other party, and the mouth full of fangs immediately greeted the drooling Harazi, and his expression became wilder.

In contrast, the desert emperor's face was blue.

He scolded in his heart, how could he get a brain blow, and succeeded in this hero, this time he couldn't get away.

But he didn't regret it as if he were dead.

"Lao Sha, Indira, wait, wait for me to escape, I, I will avenge you!" High Priest Berika cast a pitying sympathy on the desert emperor and Shiva.

In fact, at this moment, her heart was a mess. But the only good thing is that she doesn't have to fight monsters next. Besides, it was n’t that she did n’t want to help, it was she who felt deeply powerless. In this situation, she could only talk about others before she saved her life.

But at this moment, a sharp gaze suddenly fell on her, and the high priest Berika's heart suddenly tightened, and the secret passage was over.

"Abhorrence, come to Ben Wang."

Wang Yan hooked his finger again, and the brutal master who had been looking forward to the side immediately, like eating honey, fell down on Wang Yan's seat, holding Wang Yan's arm, and whispered intimately, "Demon What is your order, His Highness? Although there are so many people here, but as long as His Highness is interested, the slaves do n’t mind at all. "

Wang Yan couldn't help but give her a white eye, secretly thinking about this brutal master, what was in her mind all day? Just want to have a baby with him?

"Give this King some seriousness." Wang Yan withdrew his arm and pointed down. "That human woman seems to be a high priest, with good spirits, and a little cunning. You can teach her for this King. If you do Good words ... "Wang Yan said, giving him an expression you know.

When the brutal master saw Wang Yan's handsome and handsome eyes, he instantly ignited.

"His Royal Highness, the chick will be given to the slave family. The slave family promises to tune you better than the female slaves in the black market!" The evil master of the Abusive Sovereign smiled, and then a poison whip whip and a dagger, Respectively appeared in her hands.

At the next moment, the Sovereign Sovereign disappeared above the grandstand and went down to Maya High Priest Berika, swiping away with a whip.

Fierce fighting broke out in an instant.

Under Wang Yan and his many spectators, the desert emperor, the goddess Shiva and the high priest Berika are under great pressure and are in a great disadvantage psychologically.

In addition, the environment here is obviously beneficial to the red puzzle, the cruelty, and Ablon, so at the beginning, the three people, such as the desert emperor, were obviously beaten one-on-one.

It wasn't until after a while that the three desert emperors gradually recovered under the pressure of life-and-death warfare, and the war between the two sides gradually became equal.

"His Majesty, these three humans from the earth, the fighting method is special and weird, but the combat ability is quite excellent."

Chilian Demon King said, his eyes narrowed, and praised again, "I did n’t expect that inconspicuous Chidu to grow so fast! He actually applied the **** fire tide to such a point that it seems that he is really my son. ... "

"And the lowly ogres are actually stronger than when they last met!"

While watching, the Demon King Chilian repeatedly sighed, "It's terrible, it's really terrible! Your Highness, Demon Flame, you have brought too many surprises to your subordinates. You can actually let an ogre show such a powerful fighting power, The five body members admired by their subordinates are thrown into the ground! "

"Especially my daughter is cruel, she is usually arrogant and arrogant, and now she has become an outstanding warrior, all of which are inseparable from your leadership of His Majesty."


Experiencing the veteran Chilian Demon King immediately saw the special features of the three desert emperors. At the same time, he also saw the rapid growth of the three people: Red Confusion, Red Cruelty, and Ablon Giant Hammer. So much that after seeing this battle, he couldn't help feeling sighed with emotion.

In fact, it was n’t just him. His three sons who had been arrogant, and a group of people, all marveled at the rapid growth of Wang Yan ’s men.

Just kidding, the Lord of Confusion has the blood of the devil himself. Before following Wang Yan, he was a legendary **** lord.

Let me not talk about this foundation for the time being.

The depraved lord was confused and followed Wang Yan at the earliest. Along the way, he first followed Wang Yanli to fight the Yanhu ruler, and then he beat the three brothers of the Demon King, beheaded the Blood Lord, and so on. After many fierce battles, he was usually accompanied by Wang Yan to practice.

This exercise is full. In addition, his equipment and the consumables cultivated in the weekdays are all scratched out, and they are followed by Wang Yan.

The strength obtained in this way, whether it is its own ability or mental state, is quite strong.

Ogre Ablon Giant Hammer has also experienced many twists and turns, and his mind has long been greatly tempered. Finally, at the time of life and death, Wang Yan was rescued back, and Wang Yan used the fruit of Hell Red Lotus to refine the bloodline constitution to make it stronger than the ordinary ogres.

In addition, he is a descendant of the ogre leader himself, and his own excellent quality, plus following Wang Yan along the way, down-to-earth diligence and hard work. Therefore, his sturdy strength, even if placed in the legendary lord of the entire hell, is the top of the pyramid.

The Abducted Lord currently says that his strength is slightly worse than that of Chidu and Ablon Giantmaul. However, she is the devil's daughter-in-law, and she possesses the orthodox blood of the devil and has great potential.

In addition, in order to be able to stay with Wang Yan, she has been following behind, the elite dark elf instructor Elsa, who has been fighting hard, practicing hard, and then experiencing many wars with Wang Yan.

It can be said that today, she has been extremely tempered both physically and mentally, and her combat ability has reached a very high level. Not to mention putting it in hell, just putting it anywhere, she is a very good top expert.

This is also the case. At present, the three of them, against the three top legendary strongmen from the earth, not only did not lose, but first gave each other a dismounted horse, so that the three masters from the earth are really surprised enough to choke, also They made a new look at the powerful hell.

At this moment, the desert emperor, the goddess Shiva and the high priest Berika, no longer dare to look down upon the world of **** with pride and cynicism.

Because these powerful men from the world of **** show their powerful strength, they really cannot be underestimated.

However, the three of them deserve to be the top elites among the young generation of the earth, and their comprehensive quality is indeed excellent enough. In the face of Wang Yan's three powerful men's full-strength attacks, regardless of defensive counterattacks, they are all true.

Among them, the goddess Shiva, the inheritor of Shivaism from India, using the "Shiva Sky", is from the ancient **** Shiva. His fighting power is quite powerful.

And she has successfully refined the Eye of Destruction, turning all her abilities into her own. This is an out-and-out secondary artifact. The flames of destruction ejected by it are terrible. It seems to be endless. The powerful meaning of destruction is almost to destroy the world!

The conflagration of the Lord of Hell is really fierce. The layers of flames cover the sky and the sun, but compared with the terrible and absolute destruction inflammation, the destruction inflammation is undoubtedly full of destruction, and the lethality is even greater.

In addition, the rushing Shiva goddess even used the final card, Shiva.

In a blink of an eye, the Shiva goddess transformed into a three-six-armed dharma form. The domineering atmosphere full of ruinous atmosphere was just like the incarnation of Dharma, the majestic dharma.

The most powerful thing is that there was only one path of destruction, and now it became three paths! Moreover, the six arms of the Shiva goddess, holding different weapons and magic weapons, and the resulting various martial arts and fighting methods, are endless.

Almost instantly, the goddess Shiva seemed to turn into a blast of Gatling guns, and immediately overwhelmed the Lord's offensive.

If the confusing lord is still the former desolate lord, I am afraid that he is already in this state and has been defeated by Shiva.

But now, he is not what he used to be, and because of the geographical advantage of the surrounding lakes, he was able to withstand the pressure. Under the stormy offensive of the Lord Shiva, he showed no weakness and fought with the other party for a while. It's hard to break apart, so that the audience around you can see it is amazing.

The battles on this side are brilliant, and on the other side, the battle between the desert emperor and the ogre Abulon Giantmaul is undoubtedly more intense and brutal.

Just listen, "Aw"!

The ogren Ablon Giantmaul in the rushing charge screamed violently, waved the fierce battle mallet in his hand, and blasted the heavy sand shield in front of the desert emperor, together with the person behind the shield, into a hammer.



The smashed sand fell like a sea wave into the Yanhu Lake below the coke rock, which was melted and decomposed in minutes, and finally melted into the magma, disappeared without a trace.


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