The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1580: Powerful Earth Master

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"Damn, what kind of monster is this? It's too scary!"

The desert emperor who encountered the positive impact of the ogres couldn't help but burst a swearing in his heart.

His sand shield is on the earth, but the BUG skill known as 360-degree absolute defense, but in front of an unreasonable ogre, a charge crit will completely explode his sand shield.

This scene can scare him horribly, and if he hadn't just deserted and ran fast, I was afraid that he would be smashed into meat sauce under the hammer blow!

Of course, the reason why his sand shield was easily exploded was also because he miscalculated the enemy's power, and failed to improve the density between the sand and the power output in time.

But no matter how you do it, it is not a wise choice to fight hard with the ogre Ablon Giantmaul.

"Horrible, it's terrible!"

The abnormal power of the ogres made the desert emperor speechless, making him unable to sigh. The world's most powerful people are indeed countless. In the past, I lived in Sahara for a long time, and I was the king alone.

After self-examination, the desert emperor immediately regained his glory.

Speaking of which, he was the top strongman who could be on the shoulders of Wang Yan in the world of superpowers of the earth. Even at the youth conference, Wang Yan was slightly inferior because of his indolent play.

Although he has not been promoted to the demi-god, his strength has become more and more advanced, and his ability to control the sand has reached the point of reaching its peak and doing whatever he wants.

However, the environment around him is very unfavorable to him. Except for the piece of coke rock under his feet, it is surrounded by hot high-temperature magma. Once the sand falls in, it will melt immediately. In addition, there are bare coke rocks all around, and there is no land that makes him desert.

At present, the desert emperor can use only the large amount of sand stored in his scepter.

Therefore, the desert emperor did not use large-scale sandstorm attacks as usual, but used a large amount of flowing sand to create one desert giant after another in this limited area, and he himself was cleverly hiding in it. .

Although these sand soldiers were guarded and could be blown away with a hammer by the ogres Abulon, the scattered sand had little damage and could then be reshaped.

In this way, the desert emperor, who was good at using tactics and exerting his own advantages, instantly dragged the ogre Abulon Giantmaul into the attrition battle he was good at.

At the same time on the other side.

Compared with the fierce collisions on the other two sides, the battle between the Brutal Lord and the high priest Berika is relatively strange.

Although the cruel master of the Abbot now has clever skills and fierce moves, the high priest Berika has easily solved it.

The most weird thing is that the high priest Berika constantly casts a big prophecy like a curse, but not a curse, which makes the brutal master of the state in battle.

For example, it is a certain blow, but she can miss it strangely because of her slippery feet. Even, she can even walk into the loose Jiaoyan pit and walk her to eat shit.

On the other hand, the high priest, Berika, became more and more courageous. She not only cast a prophecy on herself, she seemed to be the incarnation of the feather snake god, an obsidian sacrificial knife, but also the aggressive and cold light she cast.

Of course, the most cruel torture of the cruel master was that as Berika muttered a few words, one piece of small meteorite in the sky began to hit her like a hailstone.

Hell world does indeed often drop some meteorite rain, it is because the extraterrestrial space of the regional world, floating countless fragments of meteorite.

But now the fragments of meteorite are all hitting her, which is very terrible.

Those small meteorites are about the size of a fist. Although they are not large, they can fall down from a height of 10,000 meters. Once they are hit, even the body of the demigod devil must be smashed by a blow?

Where is her dauntless brutal lord, who dares to catch a meteorite? Had to dodge non-stop.

So, the brutal master who had taken the initiative to attack, but at this moment, fell into a very depressed passive.

Perhaps the common attack method of high priest Berika is not as good as Shiva and the desert emperor, but her special abilities are too weird. I believe that any opponent who is fighting with her will be miserable.

However, Berika is playing a big prophecy against a legendary strongman, which also consumes a lot. It was not long before the battle with the cruel county master was taking place. She was already sweating and sweating, and her breath was a little bit heavy.

Obviously, the big prophecy is not a common method of random play. Then if she can't win in a short time, she will also have trouble after a long time.

Fortunately, the desert emperor, the goddess Shiva, and the high priest Berika were all familiar and friendly with each other on the earth because of the Youth Congress and the global resistance. Therefore, fight in the same area, know how to cooperate with each other, and give each other a little assistance from time to time.

For example, Shiva, the goddess, took the time to shoot a cold arrow at Ogre Ablon, or the brutal master. The desert emperor quietly went to the foot of the tyrannical tyrant and the lord of the confusing lord and put a layer of sand. The high priest, Berika, is even more able to cast a strange prophecy against the three enemies in the chaos.

Perhaps these small tricks did not cause much damage, but they could change the whole situation.

In contrast, since this time Wang Yan's men have actually gained sturdy growth in individual strength, but the fighting style is still the style of the **** world, lacking cooperation and mutual understanding.

Such three people, such as confusion, cruelty, and Ablon Giantmaul, still struggled with the ingenious cooperation of the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika, while occupying the advantages of geographical and environmental advantages. After about half an hour, he succumbed to defeat.

"Boss, I, I lost, please punish you!"

The confusing lord was beaten back in grief, kneeling with guilt in front of Wang Yan, and many of his bodies were cut by the blade and burned by the flame. However, as long as he possesses the blood of the demon king, as long as he uses the magic rebirth technique, he will quickly recover.

"Woo, Lord Mo Yan, then, that human cheap maid has black magic, and the slave family refuses to accept it, woo ..."

The cruel master also knelt in front of Wang Yan at this time. She was tortured by Belika's great prophecy and collapsed. Now she ran to Wang Yan. The delicate and aggrieved look was as pitiful as possible. Chu Chu's pathetic contrast with her usual cruel and cold-blooded appearance.

Ogre Ablon Giant Mallet is also full of depression, but he silently knelt in front of Wang Yan without saying a word.

Know that once the desert emperor launched the offensive, if he could not find his weakness, it would be almost impossible to defeat. Therefore, this kind of losing method makes Ablon Giant Hammer feel annoying and boring at heart, but for him with simple thinking, if he loses, he loses, and there is no excuse to say.

"This time you failed, you need to reflect on it and get a hundred whips yourself, go on!" Wang Yan glanced at the three people in front of him, and then waved with one hand, let them go to the penalty.

For this defeat, Wang Yan did not blame them too much. The three of them, the desert emperor, are the top young masters on the planet. They are defeated in their hands. The three confusing lords are also justifiable.

This time, it was said that it was a discipline to the three emperors of the desert, and is it not a discipline to Wang Yan's helpers now? And the three desert emperors, although winning at this time, did not have a little bit of joy on their faces.

The first reason is that they understand that they are surrounded by demons of hell, and there is no possibility of escape. The second reason is that they also began to realize the power and horror of the creatures of hell. It was really a random man who let them fall into a bitter battle. It can be seen that the world of **** is far more dangerous than they imagined, and it cannot be underestimated.

"Your Highness Demon Flame, you can't think of a small place like the earth, and you can actually produce such a strong man, which really makes your subordinates a little surprised."

The Chilian Demon King couldn't help seeing the performance of the desert emperor and the three of them. So he gathered around Wang Yan and said, "His Royal Highness seems to be very interested in the world of the earth. If he can, my subordinates want my three sons who are not able to do the same to go down to compete with them and give them more training Fortunately, he will charge for His Highness in the future. "

Chilian Demon King is like a human being, he naturally understands the benefits of fighting with different types of opponents. The same has always been true of Wang Yan. Don't shy away from everything, no matter how hard or tired, in short, the accumulated valuable experience may not immediately upgrade your level, but it can give you a solution to the problem and add a method and way.

"Alright." Wang Yan nodded, beckoning the sons of the three demons, Chi Lie, Chi Gu and Chi Yan, to continue to fight the desert emperor and others.

Chi Lie, Chi Gu and Chi Yan, the three sons of the demon king, had long wanted to win a performance opportunity in Wang Yan, so they immediately had a high morale and launched a fierce attack on the desert emperor and three others.

If it is said that the fighting skills of the three deceived lords are the alternatives tuned by Wang Yan, then the three brothers of Chilie are the most orthodox hell-style play.

Fortunately, the three emperors in the desert, after fighting with Chidu and others, already had a lot of confidence and experience, but this time they were more comfortable.

However, the three brothers of Chilie, who are the sons of the devil, are not bad in strength, but they lacked training in the past, and their eyes have always been above the top. Now being subdued by Wang Yan, he has suffered a lot of setbacks and has worked harder. His strength has also increased a lot compared to the past.

If we say the gap, it may only be worse than Chidu and Ablon. Wang Yan ’s personally-trained cronies are only slightly worse.

In the end, with their excellent strength, the three brothers of Chilie insisted on losing for nearly twenty minutes. Their shortcomings are still lack of mutual tactical cooperation and awareness, which is where Wang Yan's many men now need to temper.

Afterwards, the three brothers of Chilie were ordered by Wang Yan to receive a hundred military whips and retreated.

The three emperors in the desert below have begun to gasp, but they have defeated two sets of opponents in succession, causing them to lose their confidence and pride. They have recovered again, and even the expression of sullen expression on their faces again.

But the means to rectify them also followed.


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