The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1581: For safety, put it on

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"I'm still too proud."

Wang Yan raised his lips slightly, and he was still very satisfied with the performance of the three desert emperors. However, in order to suppress their complacency, Wang Yan dispatched the three Shadow Elves, Camus, Elsa, and Enzo.

These three are not ordinary dark elves. They used to be the senior generals of the Legion's Dark Blade under Samuel, another Demon God in Hell. Among them, Camus the Shadow Spire was also a General of the Dark Blade Legion.

This dark blade army specializes in special operations, has made outstanding achievements, and has a very high military literacy. Now Camus, Elsa and Enzo, after being conquered by Wang Yan, are used as instructors in their own army, specializing in training the army and men gathered by Wang Yan.

Right now Wang Yan let the three of them fight, and immediately the three of the desert emperors fell into an unprecedented bitter battle.

Camus, Elsa, and Enzo, the three powerful dark elves, have been fighting with each other for many years, and they are quite tacit. And among the three of them, there are Enzo who is good at frontal melee and strong attack, Camus who is good at raid and fast attack, and Elsa, who has both far and near and variable tactics.

It can be said that these three people are the near and far offensive and defensive, and the tactical masters that coordinate with each other. In addition, the three desert emperors have already consumed too much, so this battle is obviously a bit disadvantageous for the three desert emperors.

In this way, the three emperors of the desert finally struggled to defeat in nearly 40 minutes of hard work.

Although the trio of Camus won, they were breathless and costly, and they were full of admiration for the tribe of the desert emperor.

The three of them are very clear that if it is not taking advantage of the land, and the other party has consumed too much, it is not necessarily who wins or loses.

So in any case, these three humans from the earth are indeed top powerhouses, and as long as they are top powerhouses, they deserve their admiration.

"Oh! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!"

"Humans from the earth, you are strong!"

"Let's surrender to His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness and Magical Power, will not treat you badly!"

The many people watching around, watched three wonderful games one after another, and all were excited and screamed. At the same time, the three emperors of the desert were also impressed.

For these **** nations who were born in **** and grew up in hell, respect for the strong is almost inscribed in their bones.

What is a strong man? The desert emperor and others who have fought three high-level battles in succession are the top masters in the world. As for the racial problems of the desert emperor, anyway, Wang Yan ’s men are all mixed-race, and a large part are slaves. Therefore, there is no problem of racial discrimination for such men, as long as they are strong Enough to respect them.

"Dear Lord Mo Yan, we admit defeat, we surrender."

"We are sincerely willing to serve you, and please raise your hand and give us a way of life."

The emperor of the desert, the goddess of Shiva and the high priest Berika, at this time, the attitude was finally respected, and no longer dare to have a trace of arrogance and arrogance.

At this time, they had exhausted three games in a row, and they were exhausted, frustrated, and all collapsed to the ground one by one. They no longer had the strength to struggle.

To this point of exhausted mountains and rivers, they also recognized the reality, after all, there is hope for survival.

"Lydia, put a slave collar on them." Wang Yan called out Lydia.

In the crowd, Lydia Yingying walked out, dignified manners, plus holding the Xingyue Staff, wearing a luxurious robe, looks like a legendary goddess, fresh and refined.

It's just that on the neck of such a beautiful female magician, she still wears a slave collar that is not carefully watched and thought to be a decoration.

"Li, Lydia?"

"Why are you here?"

The desert emperor and the goddess Shiva, the three of Berika, saw Lydia, who was completely different from the rough and savage **** races around, and slowly walked out of the crowd, all in shock.

They had long heard that Lydia slipped into **** privately, and the urgent Super League President Emmons ran to the China National African Affairs Bureau for help. Later, this Emmons simply lived in the National African Affairs Bureau to help the National African Affairs Bureau do Technology.

But they never imagined that the granddaughter of President Emmons was actually in the hands of this demon flame demon king!

"Ah, don't mention it, just put it on for safety."

Lydia sighed slightly, "Although that demon flame is abominable, he is sympathetic to his subordinates. You followed him, as long as he obeyed his command, there was not much bad. At least one life can be saved. Besides, you are like me , There is no other choice. "

Lydia also pointed to her beautiful neck, where there was a special collar wrapped around a ribbon, which was thought to be a decoration.

"This is ... a slave collar?"

The desert emperor frowned, and with his proud character, wearing a collar symbolizing slaves was indeed a bit unacceptable. The same is true of Lord Shiva. She is admired by thousands of people on earth and suddenly becomes a slave.

In contrast, the high priest Berika is less repulsive, and she has become an old fritters, well aware of the way of forbearance.

"Click! Click!"

The desert emperor and other three have no choice at present, so they have no choice but to accept, let Lydia help to put on the slave collar.

"One thing, I have to tell you."

Lydia, who helped them put on a slave collar, frowned, and said with a sorrow, "You must not underestimate this slave collar, it cannot be taken down once it is put on, and once activated, even the demi-god ’s head Can be blown up. "

"Why, what?"

After listening to the emperor of the desert, his head fainted, and almost didn't pass out.

Once you put it on, you can't take it off, and you can even blow away the demi-god's head? What are you kidding?

Under the helplessness of Adiya, he roughly explained the role of the slave collar.

The slave industry in Hell World is extremely prosperous. From generation to generation of masters of alchemy and alchemy, the continuous optimization and transformation of the slave collar, a necessary tool for binding slaves, has already developed into a big industry.

Therefore, the slave collar is also called a slave suppressor. In addition to suppressing the strength of slaves, it also has a variety of small institutions for dealing with and regulating slaves. Of course, the largest and most important institution is to divide disobedient slaves by capital punishment.

As long as the slave master activates the organ, even if he is a demigod under the influence of restraint, he will be blown off his head and end up miserably.

Of course, the most collapsed thing at the moment, the three desert emperors, found that after wearing the slave collar, their strength was suppressed to only the B level.

Especially the desert emperor, he found that he could not desert his body, and he could not escape this slave collar.

In such a short period of time, the three successive desert emperors suffered physical and mental collapse, and fell into deep despair.

"These three human beings are a bit interesting. They are sent to mine for a few days."

Wang Yan waved his hand, and several strong barbarian warriors dragged the desert emperor and others who were desperate, and lost their fighting ability, to the mine, and handed it to the Goblin miners to arrange for mining.

Now that the entertainment is over, Wang Yan disperses the onlookers and tells them what to do, what to do and what to do. After a brief account, Wang Yan also flew towards the main mine.

Because there are Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and Shentu Tianlu, these three little brothers are here.


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