The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1585: Mining to dig out super powers

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The preliminary competition of the Hell Conference has already begun, and all major forces of Hell are in the turbulence.

On this side, when Wang Yan sent his men to send the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika to the mine to do their coolies, he himself also came to the main mine in Chilian Huze.

The origin of this main mine is unusual. It is located in the middle of Yanhu Lake. It used to be the demigod monster that has dominated the entire Yanhu Lake for nearly a thousand years, and it is the nest of Yanhu Lake.

This lair is nearly a thousand kilometers deep underground, and the internal space is huge. It is built in the underground veins of Yanhu Lake. In this nest, in addition to the area where Yan Lake dominates the usual activities, rest, and eating, the surrounding walls become the residence of the lower race Goblin.

These Goblins affected by the fire element are not afraid of high-temperature flames, and have high maneuverability and forging talent, and they also form a unique kingdom in this huge nest.

For example, digging stone houses on rock walls, building lava horned lizards, cultivating fluorescent mushrooms and various types of mushrooms, etc., and even using the terrain environment, built furnaces and forging workshops.

Although their race seems small, the corresponding facilities and configuration are readily available.

Speaking of these flame goblins, they were once slaves conquered by the Yanhu lord. They collected all kinds of fire resources and prey to supply the powerful demigod, Yanhu lord.

Now everything here is owned by Wang Yan, and Wang Yan has also added a lot of benefits and preferential treatment to them. In this way, they eat well, wear well, work for their masters and get a salary. In terms of race, it is simply a great welfare.

Therefore, he was also loyal to Wang Yan, and did his utmost without complaining.

No, Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie, and Shen Tu Tianlu, who came here about six months ago, were handed over to this Goblin leader.

"Hoo! Drink!"

With a loud cry, it was coming from the deepest part of the nest mine to the outside.

I saw that in a spacious mine, a young monk with a shirtless, Baoxiang majestic, was punching the solid rock wall in front of him with a punch.

Under the shimmering torch light, such a young monk was sweating and his muscles were cast like steel, filled with masculine and strong domineering air.

In addition, on his hands, he also wore a pair of rough and heavy sharp-edged gloves with two thorns.

At this time, the whole fist radiated a thick and warm golden light. Obviously, the pair of fists used the special purgatory steel here, and the little monk attached some special dark energy to the pair of gloves.

"Boom! Boom!"

As a whole set of ancient boxing techniques exploded, the dull shock sounded like a thundering thunder, thick and endless, and the ground underneath them shivered.


Until the last blow was used by the young monk with all his strength, the young monk punched heavily on the rock wall covered with holes in front of him.

Just listening to the sound of "wow", the air was spouting, and the entire rock wall was instantly cracked. Those sturdy and infernal raw steel mines were all shattered and dropped.

"Hurry, move me out."

The head of the overseer, Guer Hatch, who came from outside, greeted seven or eight dwarf Goblin laborers and moved up to move the broken ore.

The little monk picked up a piece of gray rags next to it, wiped his sweat, took a short break, and looked like rock punching like that, he had to do it again.

"Hey, hey, don't quit, does your skill seem to have increased a lot? Come, take a sip." Guer Hatch dropped a pot of rough hellfire spirits to the young monk Wuren.

As a supervisor of this mine, he became more and more fond of this young monk and two other human slaves.

Not to mention, the raw ore of Purgatory Steel is not ordinary ore rock, but a high-density metal rock formed under the activity of lava. Its hardness is comparable to the hard iron plate on the earth.

Like this rock wall in front of me, it would take about five or six miners to switch to ordinary Goblin miners, and it would take a whole day to dig them down.

But in the hands of this little monk, a set of boxing skills can smash a rock wall, and this efficiency is really quite powerful.

Guerhatch would even think, if this little monk was not restrained by the slave collar, how strong would it be?

"Amitabha, thank my brother Goblin."

Even in the face of adversity, one has to learn to survive. No, after half a year of running-in, Wu Bujie and these Goblins can also be called brothers.

When he was able to coexist peacefully with these Goblins, the mental state of practice he pursued throughout his life, but naturally calmed down.

It is in this indifferent state of mind that is not happy or sad, not angry, not complaining or hateful, and quiet as water, his cultivation has begun to grow rapidly.

Although he did not know to what extent his strength had grown under the suppression of the slave collar, he knew very well that the trap of his own state of mind was truly a step in the past.

"Goo, goo!"

Wu Wujie pours two hellfire spirits, his expression twists and spit out a **** flame, but the stimulating feeling also makes him comfortably exhale: "Wow ~ cool!"

"Speaking of this, if you can have this efficiency, the glove you gave me is easy to use, but it is a bit not very durable. I used three pairs in less than a month." Wu Wujie showed the glove. It is indeed broken again.

"Hey, hey, those things are made of scraps, can you use it?" Guerhatch smiled and said, "All the wealth here is our great master Mo Yan, I can pick up some It ’s good to give you good treatment if you scrap the waste.

"Yes, yes, the poor monk was content." Wu Wujie wiped a sweat, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curled up. The loyalty of these Goblins to Lord Mo Yan is almost comparable to that of a revolutionary martyr. He is now convinced of this Lord Master Mo Yan.

Lord Magic Flame, although very evil and terrible, is indeed very good in some respects.

"Okay, you're here for work today. Lord Moyan invites you." Guer Hatch said, waving his hand, and greeted Wu Wuwei to follow him.

"Master Demon Flame, please?"

Wu couldn't help but startled, "Yes, what's the matter?"

The horror shadow left by the big devil can affect him to this day. He would rather mine here than face the terrible demon flame demon.

"Mr. Flame Flame is brilliant, and his deep resolution, where do I know this kind of servant?"

Guerhatch gave Wu Wujie a white eye. This Goblin leader has long been Wang Yan's brainless loyalty. This has already become a matter of course in this Goblin tribe.

Wu Wujie didn't have much to say, so he followed Guerhatch all the way to the other side of the mine, where Zhang Weidao worked.

When we arrived here, we just saw Zhang Weidao, who was bare-chested and showing his refined muscles, was posting a note on the rock wall in front of him.

It is indeed a sticker, but not the one he usually uses, but a self-made iron symbol.

When he was sent here to mine, everything on his body, along with clothes and storage rings, were taken away by Wang Yan.

Like Wu Wujie and Shen Tu Tianlu, he wanted to struggle to survive in this mine, and everything could only depend on themselves.

In addition, their strength has been suppressed, and they are similar to those of the Goblin miners. Therefore, some methods to improve their strength and increase destructive power were discovered by them in the process of hard work.

For example, Wu Wujie's glove, and the iron symbol Zhang Weidao uses now.

If it is ordinary iron on earth, it will naturally have little effect, but Zhang Weidao now uses iron ore scrap from the original mine of Purgatory Steel. Purgatory steel is actually a metal mineral purified by multiple elements. The original ore contains multiple components. Among them, iron **** is a kind of waste, but it still has the characteristics of energy absorption.

As previously mentioned by Earl Hatch, everything here belongs to the great Demon Flame Lord, so Wu Wujie and Zhang Weidao and they can only turn waste into treasure, looking for materials to make their own tools from scraps.

As a result, the iron thunder symbol that could drive Lei Li for Zhang Weidao came into being.

"Thinking of the Thunder Duke, Wu Lei disappeared without a trace!"

The eight iron characters were put up by Zhang Weidao on the rock wall to form a small magic circle. After posting, Zhang Weidao stepped back and stepped forward. His movements are not fast, but it seems that he has naturally merged with the world and raised his hands and raised his feet, as if he rolled up an unspeakable chic and pure charm.

If Zhang Weidao's father, this Zhang Tianshi can now see Dao Yun gathered by his son, it is estimated to be extremely happy.

Because the delicate state that Zhang Weidao entered at this moment is precisely the person who cultivates the Tao, and even many people who practice spiritually.

Sure enough, as the energy triggered by this connotation was brewed to the extreme, Zhang Weidao stepped forward, and remembered that the Dragon and Tiger Mountain was awesome, and he was bombarded by him.


There was a sound of thunder and thunder. The Goblin miners outside the mine, together with the Remnant Hatch who had just walked out of the mine, were startled by this sound.

The strong roar caused by the Five Thunder God Mantras, as if with the panic of Tianwei, where can these Goblins easily face?

In these panicked eyes of Goblin, the eight iron lightning symbols were instantly detonated.

The blue thundering arc covered the entire rock wall at once.

In an instant, the entire sturdy rock wall was as if it had been cut by a laser, and it was all neat and cracked on the ground.

The whole scene was extremely shocking and magnificent. Zhang Weidao was the same as Wu Wujie. After experiencing all kinds of hardships, his state of mind was smooth and calm.

As the so-called Taoist nature is natural, once he understands the word nature, his mental state and cultivation behavior for a long time will become natural and become smoother and more refined.

Because of this, Zhang Weidao, who is good at all kinds of magical spells, greatly praised these Goblins, and his little Heavenly Master's name was also very loudly called by these Goblins.


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