The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1586: Master Moyan, what do you want to do?

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"Amitabha, Brother Wei Dao, your state has really improved."

Seeing the end of Zhang Weidao's blasting work, Wu Wujie stepped forward to acquaintance.

"Where, where." Zhang Weidao smiled indifferently, and looked back deliberately at Wu Wujing's elaborate chest. "It's still Wu Wujie's brothers who are powerful, and I'm afraid that they have been trained to be the real Luo Han Is that right? "

"Polite, polite, I am wearing a slave collar, and now I know where I have come to." Wu Wujie smiled modestly and humbly, but there was still a hint of joy in his eyes, "But I can feel that I am better than before. Stronger. "

"Me too." Zhang Weidao narrowed his eyes and expressed emotion in his heart.

These days they have matured a lot of body and mind. Once they change their mindset, they will find that they can practice everywhere in their lives.

The practice of tempering cannot be in the form, and even as it is now, the days of working as a laborer in the Goblin still give them full growth.


The Goblin leader Gu Erhatch could n’t stand it anymore. A cough interrupted the complacency of the two of them. “Do n’t be bothered, hurry up, Lord Mo Yan please, please neglect. Can you bear it? ? "

"Demon, Lord Mo Yan?"

Hearing the name, Zhang Weidao was shocked, and quickly asked nervously, "Demon, what does Lord Moyan ask us for?"

"I don't know." Wu Bujie looked calm, but his tone was solemn. "It should always come, and I can't hide it."

"His." Zhang Wei's heart was filled with emotions of joy and sorrow. "It should always come."

During the conversation, everyone came to the mineway where Shentu Tianlu worked.

The three of them became more and more proficient, and the efficiency of their work became higher and higher, so they were assigned to different mines by Guerhatch. The three also took seven or eight Goblin miners, each responsible for mining a large area of ​​minerals.

As soon as I came to the area in charge of Shentu Tianlu, I heard the roar of large pieces of metal delivery.

Going further, I saw a bald man with copper skin and iron skin, showing a faint metallic color on his skin, waving two grotesque thick tentacles, continuously bombarding the rock wall in front of him.

This tall and sturdy bald man is Shen Tu Tianlu with special abilities.

At this time, Shen Tu Tianlu has also undergone many changes. He no longer uses a lot of tentacles to win by quantity, but evolved more methods of deformation and qualitative change.

For example, the two tentacles he currently uses are quite large, about the size of an adult's waist, and the tip has evolved a stronger drill that can rotate at high speed.

Once it is deployed, with the output of the power, it is like two large rigs, constantly drilling holes one by one in front of the rock wall.

Then listening to the sound of "Qiao", Shen Tu Tianlu waved his arms, and his two arms gradually turned into two huge sharp circular saws!

With the activation of his power, the two arms are like a powerful cutting machine, with the roar of metal delivery and Martian seeds, constantly cutting the rock wall in front of him.

Today's Shentu Tianlu, the essence of special powers, has indeed been dug deep.

He now has more than just tentacles. He is like a moving metal machine, and soon the entire rock wall of the ore layer is divided by three, five, two, and he is quickly cut and excavated.


The broken original Purgatory Steel Mine fell to the ground one after another, and seven or eight Goblins immediately moved forward to handle it.

Shen Tu Tianlu himself picked up a few pieces of scraps of good quality, just like nibbling buns, "Gam, Gam" ate.

With his special abilities, in this large mine full of minerals, it is indeed more powerful and easier.

"Brother Shen Tu, gathered, I heard Lord Moyan invited you." Wu Bujie greeted Zhang Weidao together.

But Ke Shen Tu Tianlu listened, but his eyes suddenly opened: "Demon, Lord Mo Yan, please?" He said that even cold sweat fell.

Just kidding, after being rectified by Wang Yan, they did get a lot of transformation. The brother-in-law who was once well-respected on the earth was also lost a lot, but it inevitably left a lot of shadows in his heart.

Now the unsuccessful Master Moyan suddenly asked, who knows what terrible plans this Big Demon has?

The three of them had no idea at all and couldn't help but whisper.

Of course, they can't help them right now. Although they have become stronger, they still don't have any fluctuating capital in front of the Lord Mo Yan.

In this way, the three men were quickly taken out of the mine tunnel and brought into the large stone chamber inside the mine.

This stone room was originally the lair of the Yan Lake Lord, which was used by the Yan Lake Lord to rest and eat, so it was huge in area, and there were magma rivers flowing around, and the air was filled with thick fire.

After that, it was occupied by Wang Yan, and the resources left by the Yan Lake Master were plundered and emptied by Wang Yan. This core lair was also arranged by Wang Yan, and corresponding facilities such as stone gates and seats were added.

In this way, this place has become a place where Wang Yan handles government affairs in this mine lair.

"Master Demon Flame, the human slave you want has been brought."

Goblin leader Guer Hatch, a rickety prostrate on the ground, respectfully asked Wang Yan in front.

At this time, Wang Yan was alone, sitting high on his throne, with a solemn attitude, like the emperor who looked down on the world, so that the people kneeling below him did not dare to look directly.

"Go on, you are managing well for Ben Wang while he is away."

Wang Yan was lazy, and lost a piece of fire. He gave it to the head of Goblin, Guerhatch, as a reward.

"Master Xie Moyan rewards!"

Guer Hatch held the fire pith, and if he got the treasure, he couldn't smile.

For an ordinary Goblin miner, a year ’s income is only a few gold coins, which is still the high salary given by Lord Mo Yan, otherwise the slaves usually have no salary, even if they are ordinary untouchables, they only earn a year. Such a bit of money makes a living.

At this time, the honorable Lord of the Flames, reward him with a fire pith. For a Goblin, this value is imaginable.

"Master Demon Flame, leave your subordinates."

After retiring thanks again and again, Hull Hatch respectfully resigned.

Since Wang Yan was promoted to the demi-god, only Chilian Demon King and others knew about it, and the Chilian Demon King and Wang Yan jointly ordered this information to be prevented from leaking, so those loyal and honest people would not Reveal this vital news.

As for Wang Yan claiming to be his own king, the low-level servants such as Guerhatch thought that Wang Yan began to claim to be the devil after he conquered the Red Refining Demon King.

These low-level slaves have almost formed a consensus, and they can defeat and recapture the demigod king such as the Red Refining Demon King, plus the identity of the Devil God's son, indeed have the capital to claim to be the big devil.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, the current Wang Yan's promotion to the demigod demon king is already a matter of nails.

As Guerhatch left, the huge stone door of this huge stone room was also closed by the sound of the "rumbling" gear turning.

The entire stone room began to become empty and quiet, and only the blazing flames of the flame river shook and the suffocating power of Wang Yan filled the stone room.

The silence made the atmosphere more dignified.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie and Shen Tu Tian Lu all knelt on one knee, but the cold sweat permeated one by one, and the atmosphere did not dare to show more.

In front of this unfathomable Demon Flame Demon King, they can be deeply hurt, and no one dared to act rashly at this moment.

At this moment, the three young men who were kneeling on the ground and torn, began to feel the entire stone chamber and began to be completely closed by a layer of energy.

If you guess right, this energy barrier is a commonly used noise barrier, but at this time the noise barrier exhibited by the demon flame monster is a little different. This barrier has a very high level of enchantment, and comes with early warning and closing effects. Outsiders can not only hear the internal sounds and fluctuations. If you want to push the door in, you must first break through this enchantment.

It can be said that the level of the noise barrier is too high. The three of them can only know the theory. If they are to be allowed to do so, none of them can do this.

Of course, the most important point is that the closed room is closed by a barrier to the sound. What is this terrifying Demon Flame King doing to them?

At the thought of this, Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and Shen Tutian Road were all empty.

"Look up."

Wang Yan, who sat on the top of the big chair, opened his mouth casually, and at the same time, with a lot of interest, he began to fall on the three people.

"Magic, Lord Moyan, please, what's your job?"

The three Zhang Weidao raised their heads cautiously, but they were afraid of Wang Yan. They ca n’t fight, and they ca n’t escape. Apart from admitting their obedience, they really do n’t know what else they can do to deal with this demon king, Wang Yan, who is the incarnation of the devil.

"Not bad, it looks like it has matured a lot, and the cells are already full of energy."

Wang Yan leaned on the seat and supported his cheek with one hand, but his eyes were full of appreciation.

Originally, one was the young master of Longhu Mountain, the one is the heir of the Temple of Banuo in the millennium, and the other is the special power awakener of the National African Bureau. These three are all top talents on the earth. It can be said They are all focused on the cultivation of seedlings.

Of course, the more focused you are, the easier it is to get away from real life, and the easier it is to maintain respect. To put it bluntly, you can't experience this real world without being touched by the ground, and you can't experience more grinding, and the feelings brought by the grinding, how can you realize the boundless heaven and the heavens and break through the higher realm?

This is the main reason why Zhang Weidao and the desert emperor came to **** to practice first.

It's just that Zhang Weidao and the three didn't know the reason, so Wang Yan was so impressed and praised that the whole person panicked.

They really want to know, what is this Demon Flame Demon King looking at them like this? Wouldn't it be like raising pigs?

At the thought of this tragic ending, the three of them shuddered and desperately wanted to cry.

But at this moment, the powerful Demon King opposite him suddenly snapped his fingers.

Then they heard a click, and the slave collars on the necks of the three people were all untied.


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