The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1593: The slave family is yours

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There are many large aprons inside the outer wall of Purgatory.

Wang Yan, a fleet, a flagship, and five troop carriers, respectively docked and stabilized, and a group of people stepped down from the ship one after another.

Really standing on this tall and majestic wall, everyone can't help but change a hero.

"It's really amazing. How much manpower and material resources would it take for such a large city?"

The desert emperor followed Wang Yan and looked around. The magnificent city walls, the huge capital city, and everything, made him the top superpower of the earth, known as the descendant of Pharaoh.

Not to mention, the city wall alone is far more magnificent than the pyramid of the desert emperor ’s home, enough to make anyone breathtaking.

"Not to mention manpower and material resources, the time it takes to build this city is probably inestimable." The goddess Shiva stood in the crowd, looking far and wide with emotion.

Obviously, the world of **** may be because of the presence of the devil. This kind of historical inheritance spread among the races is much older than the present earth.

"No brother, I feel a little nervous and a little excited."

"Amitabha, Brother Wei Dao, didn't think that we were already standing at the feet of the demon god, this thing is exciting when you think about it!"

Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie, both of them have their eyes shining brightly, and secretly follow Lao Wang, life is destined to be extraordinary.

Especially when they think that they have reached the feet of the Demon God now, they feel excited and tense, as if every pore on their body is expanding.

Beside the two, Shen Tu Tianlu grabbed a piece of purgatory steel and chewed "Gang Biao, Biao Biao", seemingly replenishing plenty of physical strength for the next exciting adventure.

"Hee hee, get rich, and get rich." Compared with other marvels and nervousness, the high priest Berika secretly rubbed her hands happily.

you still need to ask? These magnificent buildings, and the great city behind the city walls that can't be seen at a glance, are all money in her eyes! Without money, who can build a building of this size?

Coupled with the fact that the Pharaoh actually accidentally hit and became the son of the Devil God, this is a big advantage for them, as long as they hold such a thigh tightly, are they afraid of making money?

The high priest Belika thought beautifully. It seemed that her original divination was correct, and then she would make a fortune.

In addition to several of Wang Yan ’s companions on the earth, confusing, cruel, Ablon Giant Mallet, etc., they were also whispering and talking, but without exception, all of them came to God and made them feel inexcitable.

Wang Yan is also looking around. If you want to cross such a high wall during wartime, although it is not difficult for the legendary lord, the demigod. However, the legendary lord and the demigod are after all a minority. Once they attempt to rush to the city wall, they will be immediately set on fire and eventually die without a burial place.

As for the soldiers who served as siege aids, there was no way to cross this condemnation in a short time. Once piled under the city wall, all will become a living target of city defense forces.

Want to forcibly smash this delicate city wall? Wang Yan believes that even he may not be able to break easily in a short time. Even if it is bombarded with missiles on the earth, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to such a special city wall.

What's more, Wang Yan found that there are various organs and enchantment formations hidden in these thick walls. At every distance above the wall, there is a towering military tower and warlock tower, and dragon ballistas on the battlements The magic cannon is endless.

In addition, there are also heavy guards here, saying that it is a city wall, in fact, it is more like a stretch of strong fortress. I believe that even if it is a million strong enemies, when they come to this city, they can only be intimidated and have nothing to do.

"It's a city at the foot of the devil." Wang Yan could not help but sigh.

This is the Devil Satan's nest. The outermost city defense alone has such a powerful combat power. Then, to what extent will the core Devil Palace be powerful? He hasn't seen the devil's true body yet, so it's hard to imagine.

"His Majesty, from here, we need to forbid flying." Chilian Demon King waits respectfully. "The army we bring also needs to be stationed in a specific post barracks. However, they can usually be outside the gods. Activities inside the ring, but not inside the ring. "

The specifications of the Shendu are similar to the Great Fire City, divided into the inner ring and the outer ring, but here, the race and class differentiation is particularly obvious.

The outer ring area close to the city walls and city gates is mostly where the lower races and city defense troops live. Everyone here lives for the nobles living in the inner ring.

Therefore, the real metropolitan area actually refers to the inner ring. Wang Yan ’s current location is just to guard the inner ring and serve the auxiliary area of ​​the inner ring.

"Then we will follow the rules and change mounts."

Wang Yan nodded in agreement, so the Red Demon King began to command his men and took their mounts out of the cabin.

The mounts of Wang Yan and others are mostly hellhounds led by the Red Demon King. Among them, Wang Yan and several earth companions, as well as the ancient flame devil Bella Roca, specially made for them a lava system heterogeneous mount-lava **** dog.

This alienated **** dog, the appearance of the whole body of lava, is powerful and domineering, and it is very popular.

At this time, the **** mission was over, and the seven purgatory slaughterers once again drove the Inferno Dragon, saluted Wang Yan and others, and returned to their patrol post again.

However, a group of soldiers came up on the city wall, and they will serve as the next guide.

After taking the mount, Wang Yan also looked around and found that on the tarmac not far away, he also stopped several fleets smaller than them. It seems that the competitors brought by other demon kings are the same. Brought a lot of people.

According to regulations, participants of the Demon King and Hell Conference can lead a certain amount of army guards.

Because the road to participate is far away, you may encounter some dangerous dangers, or the ambush of the enemy, and lead a certain amount of army, which can ensure the safety of the contestants. These are within the allowable range. However, in order to show respect for His Majesty the Devil God and to facilitate management, after arriving at the God Capital, you cannot fly indiscriminately or use flying mounts.

"Master Demon Flame, because according to your wishes, we did not give advance notice when we came, and Your Majesty does not know your arrival."

After Wang Yan and his team got their mounts, the Chilian Demon King had some uncomfortable suggestions and said, "So the subordinates mean to take you to the post to rest first, and then the subordinates will inform His Majesty the Demon God personally. , Will definitely come to meet them in person. "

Chilian Demon King was already very worried, and did not report when he came. If he was a little negligent about this son of God, and annoyed Satan, he would not be able to walk around.

"No, Chilian, you first take our people to rest in the post. I also arrived in Shendu for the first time. I want to walk around here, and I will let you inform later."

Wang Yan waved his hand and then arranged, "Camus, Elsa, Enzo, you go with the Red Demon King, our team is temporarily handed over to you for management. This place is mixed with fish and dragons, how to arrange it, I do n’t need to say more Is that right? "


The three dark elves, Camus, Elsa, and Enzo came out separately, and then saluted respectfully, "Master Demon Flame, rest assured, with us, we will guarantee that there will be no trouble."

Camus, Elsa and Enzo are now instructors under Wang Yan. They used to come from the dark blade of the legion directly under the fallen demon god. It can be said that they are well-trained and well-informed. It would be appropriate for them to be responsible for the management of the next garrison.

"Your Highness Mo Yan wants to go shopping. The subordinate will take someone to the post first. You can walk around the God Capital with my token. There is also this piece, this is a short-range contact crystal, Mo Yan Your Highness can use this to contact your subordinates at any time. "

Chilian Demon King is now very obedient and understands his master's temperament, so he gave his token and a piece of light red crystal to Wang Yan, and also called his three sons wisely, "His Royal Highness, The three sons who are subordinates are not talented, and they also invite His Royal Highness and bring them to the world. "

The three sons of Chilian Demon King are also not stupid, and quickly stepped forward to respectfully request, and now the thigh of Wang Yan, the son of the demon god, the fool knows to hold well.

Lord Chew and his colleagues saw that the Chilian Demon King was actually walking through the back door and quickly stepped forward and said diligently: "Boss, let us play together, too. God is a good place that can't come back twice in a lifetime! I heard ... … "

With the whispering whisper of the confusing lord, Zhang Weidao beside him, Wu Wujie, Shentu Tianlu, these three people, suddenly showed the color of wonder and longing, and even the desert emperor looked surprised.

Needless to say? Hell really is a man's paradise!

Among the many voices of discussion, the tyrannical county master gave the confusing lord a blank look, and then he leaned on Wang Yan's side, holding his arm, and daringly rubbed his arms: "Master Demon Flame, you can't lose it Under the slave house, slave, slave house, but, but yours ... "


The three Zhang Weidao, together with the desert emperor, the Shiva goddess and the high priest Berika, all opened their eyes together and secretly took a breath.

These six people marveled in their hearts, really! Pharaoh really did everything!

Think about it too, but he is an old king, and he is tall and mighty, and expensive as a son of the demon god. He has thousands of slaves under his command. Is it possible?

What's more, the daughter of the Devil Abbot, the devil's daughter, has a succubus bloodline, **** enchanting, and a little trembling M physique. With such a beauty around, who can hold it?

At the thought of this, the goddess Shiva despised, and Belika was surprised. The four male compatriots, Zhang Weidao and the desert emperor, showed smirk and envy.

Fortunately, Lydia, who came here one step at a time, has become accustomed to it, but her eyes are not far away.

"Cough!" Wang Yan coughed quite uncomfortably under the eyes of everyone.

In front of so many little friends of the earth, he was rubbed by the brutal master of the county, he was really embarrassed. But the brutal master was too tight, and he didn't listen to two words. In desperation, Wang Yan had to draw his arm back and patted the brutal master with a slap, trying to quiet her opponent.

Because to deal with this brutal master, it is useless to speak well.

But because of the reason that both sides were sitting on the mount, this slap just happened to be shot on the buttocks of the brutal master. The opponent was trembling, and the atmosphere at the scene changed suddenly.

Zhang Weidao and other young guys were shocked.

Each face was red and red, full of excitement. I sighed secretly, really! Sure enough, Pharaoh will play! Look at the fun, it's almost time to play with flowers.

"Giggle, the master is really interesting, and the slave family also wants to get a slap." The succubus charmer who served Wang Yan, also took the opportunity to smile, and joined in the excitement.

All the men present at this time were not calm.

Meier is now a legendary succubus, and every move is full of inspiration. In addition, under the arrangement of Wang Yan, taking a fruit of purgatory red lotus, the body function is optimized again, and the delicate skin is almost tender.

Such a delicate and charming state is a fatal temptation for any male.


In order to punish Meier for deliberately adding chaos, Wang Yan really slammed Meier.


Meier whispered, and the attractive body shrank suddenly, "Woo, Master, you, are you really hitting? Pain, it hurts to kill Meier ... oooo ..."

Meier shrank pitifully on the back of the mount, his eyes were tearful, his delicate body trembled slightly, and the large half of the buttocks exposed outside the leather armor immediately showed a clear five-paw print.

It attracted many men present, his throat was dry, and he was envious.

Wang Yan helplessly gave a glance at this brutal and charming child. Fortunately, he has been in **** for a long time, and his face has become thicker. In addition, the **** world's folk customs are somewhat commonplace.

So he had to pretend that nothing had happened. He coughed a little and ordered, "Have you listened to me. You can all go out with me, but you are safe for me, I don't want to Too swaggering, and I do n’t want to reveal my identity for the time being. "

"Aw! Good!"

"No problem! Absolutely no problem!"

"We must obey your order!"

Upon hearing that the boss Wang Yan was going to take them to go to Shendu, the confusing lord and his men all boiled. One by one excitedly responded loudly. As for why the boss did not want to reveal his identity, they subconsciously understood that the boss was low-key and grounded, and wanted to have a micro-service private visit or something.

In short, the boss is brilliant, the boss's ideas, where can they figure out? Besides, the confusing Lord, Ablon Giantmaul and others, just follow the boss, and do n’t think much about it.

But Wang Yan did have his idea.

Now it looks calm and everything goes well, but in fact, under this calm, there is hidden danger.

First of all, the identity of his demon son is false, here is the devil **** Satan, and the central nest of the entire purgatory demon race, a little unexpected, let alone save Uya Ange, he and several companions from the earth, all will be difficult escape.

Therefore, before actually facing Satan the devil, Wang Yan intends to explore the situation here, at least when he sees the wrong situation and wants to slip away, he must have a direction to escape.

In addition, there is an old saying on the earth, knowing yourself and knowing each other is invincible. If he entered the city as a son of the demon **** as soon as he arrived, his treatment and identity would prevent him from truly understanding the city.

On the contrary, if he is like an ordinary player participating in the **** conference and comes here to really go deep into the city, then the real appearance of the city will gradually appear in front of his eyes.

After deciding to follow, Wang Yan gave Zhang Weidao and the Emperor of the Desert an eye, and then walked under the city wall first.

Zhang Weidao, the desert emperor and others, and Wang Yan are many years of companions from the earth, naturally understand the intention of Wang Yan, so from this moment on, each of them has paid attention and carefully paid attention to everything around him.

In this way, the brigade was successively down the city wall.

After separation from the human forces such as Chilian Demon King, Wang Yan took seven earth companions including Zhang Weidao and the desert emperor, as well as Chidu, Chibiao, Meier, and Zoe, as well as Ablon Giantmaul and Walpol. Lan Dun, together with the three sons of the Red Refining Demon King and a group of 17 people, entered the core city of this purgatory demon race together.


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