The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1594: I have mine in my nest

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At this time, it was close to the evening, and the temperature and the light had dropped quickly. Unconsciously, a light mist had floated over the sky.

The tall and majestic walls and buildings in the God Capital seem to wash away the fine dust in the mist, adding a little haze, and making the whole city a little more solemn and solemn.

A team of city defense soldiers composed of pure-blood demons are leading Wang Yan and his entourage to the inner city gate.

Along the way, Wang Yan saw that many young lower-class races were sitting on the corner of the road with a lonely expression, waiting for people's employment. This was their only way of life.

And those old people who are aging and weak, have to go to the end of the street, rummaging through the trash cans one after another. Others, in order to replenish the rare and precious pure water, lie under the eaves of the corners, stretch out their tongues, and absorb the tiny dewdrops formed by the condensation of mist.

Like these lower races, they have been unable to do decent physical work and can only struggle to survive in this city. Although they are not slaves, they live the same life as slaves.

They may also have hope, dreaming of working hard for a few years, making a lot of money, returning to their hometown to embrace freedom and enjoy life. But after they actually entered the city, they realized that fate was like an invisible shackle, and they could no longer break free.

Just as Wang Yan had heard rumors before, the gods are outside the ring, except for soldiers, downcast servants, and struggling subsistence races.

They are the foundation to ensure the normal operation of the city, but they are small and insignificant. The gold coins earned through their hard work have not been paid for by the casual meal of the inner ring nobility.

In the end, these ruled lower races can only continue to work so hard day after day, unable to integrate into this city, and cannot escape this fate.

"Those poor people are really eye-catching, this lord, you don't need to ignore them." A soldier leading the way, begging Wang Yan with a flattering face.

In the words of these pure-blood demons, the inner ring is the real **** capital. The outer ring here is just the outer suburbs for the inferiors. If they are not on duty, they will not live in such a place.

Of course, there are benefits here.

For example, in the lower races living in the outer ring, everyone treats their pure-blood demon as an uncle, and a soldier can do whatever he wants here. It is common to eat and take snaps. Moreover, the price is cheap, and the most exciting thing for these Demon soldiers is that they can pack a young child all night and so on with only a few gold coins.

Of course, such a good thing, don't even think about it in the inner circle of God.

"Really, really? A few gold coins can cover the whole night?"

"That's it! There are so many poor people here that scare you! I will tell you Lord Lord ..."

The confusing lord had always indulged in wine, and had a lot of fun talking with the soldiers leading the way. From time to time, a whimperous smirk grinned.

These guiding soldiers also have some vision.

Wang Yan used the technique of convergence, and outsiders could not detect his real strength fluctuations. However, these soldiers saw Chilian Demon King, a semi-godly strong man, paid respect to Wang Yan, and Wang Yan himself was so popular that he controlled the army and took So many cherished slaves, so these soldiers concluded that this demon flame must have an extraordinary background, no matter how bad it is a demon king.

As a result, in the process of serving and leading the way, they stumbled and faced Wang Yan's seemingly unintentional gossip.

Over a period of time, Wang Yan also learned more about the city.

This city is indeed very huge, and it may be more than several times larger than the largest city on earth. It is like a giant that is expanding on this plain, with the accumulation of the age, the bigger and bigger.

The area with the largest area is naturally the outer ring.

This is where the army, slaves, lower races, and foreign tourists gather. The mixed fish and dragons in this area, combined with the huge influence of the gods, have for many years, foreign races continue to migrate, trying to take root here to survive. Therefore, some regional buildings in the outer ring have even expanded to the periphery of the city wall, and this area is still increasing year by year.

Over time, the outer city has become a huge outer settlement area, and the lower ethnic population has reached hundreds of millions.

However, so much population and productivity, and the huge wealth brought by it, ultimately serve the real God Metropolitan Area, the inner city called the inner ring.

There are areas where the nobility lives, and it is also the place where Wang Yan and his party are going to hang out.

In this way, about a path drove tens of kilometers straight. Under the leadership of the pair of soldiers, Wang Yan's line came under an inner wall that was more magnificent than the outer wall of Shendu.

The terrain here is higher, the walls are more towering, and even the guards exude a more daunting momentum.

"My lords, after passing through this gate, the gods are inside the city."

The team of soldiers sent Wang Yan and others to the inner door, and they were pleased without leaving. It wasn't until Wang Yan rewarded them with a magic crystal coin that the group of soldiers resigned with a smile.

"Cut, everywhere is a bird." The confusing lord expressed his dissatisfaction at the soldiers who were away.

He was that year, wherever he had to do things, he had to give benefits. He thought that this purgatory **** would be different, but in fact, the inside is still the same.

"Just pay for our tour guide."

Wang Yan is already blaming this. In order to save trouble, he also gave the inner gate guard a tip, and at the same time took out the token to show the identity of the pedestrian to the inner gate guard.

"This lord, welcome to our eternal city of immortality!"

The quality of the inner door guard is obviously higher than that of the outer city. The guards were guarded and meticulous, but after receiving the tip and confirming the identity of Wang Yan as a pedestrian, the original cold attitude immediately brought a 180-degree change, and several people in front of the door were busy Compliment to Wang Yan to please.

The **** world class is stern, especially inside the purgatory demon clan, and its tendency to inflame the powerful aristocracy has almost penetrated into everyone's bones.

In addition, at the moment when the Hell Conference is selected, the young Junjie of the entire Purgatory Demon Realm and the devil kings of all parties are all gathered in this ancient city.

Those of them who are soldiers, as long as they stutter these sons and sons, they have to get a good tip. In a few days, they can be higher than their annual income. Why don't they bother?

"Let's talk about it, what great places are the great immortal gods?"

Wang Yan was proudly riding on the mount, but he held an expensive magic crystal coin in his hand and flew up and down.

The enthusiasm of the guards in front of the door, his eyes glowing, his eyes straight, followed the magic crystal coin to move up and down.

At this point, Wang Yan also found that the military power of these guards was a level higher than that of Chilian Demon King's Great Fire City.

All the soldiers here as guards are all pure blood demon, and the lowest strength is also A level. In front of them, the strength of these two captains has reached the peak state of half-step S-class, and the deputies of the two captains also have the strength of half-step S.

Coupled with their advanced equipment, if placed in the guardian of the devil in the city of Liuhuo, it would be a general who dominates the thousand people, but here is also a gatekeeper.

But here is the God Capital, and it is normal to have the best armament and combat power of the entire Purgatory Demon Race.

"This lord, I think you must have come to the **** meeting too."

The guard stared at the magic crystal coin for a while, then he turned his gaze back to please and said, "If you are going to stay, go straight along this purgatory avenue, after reaching a large crossroad, turn left, then There are hotel accommodations on the side. If you want to enjoy our God ’s cuisine, then you do n’t have to turn around, go straight ahead, about 20 kilometers, you can reach our God ’s largest food area ... "

The guard then whispered about equipment, sales, repairs, pharmaceutical materials, and a big market with all kinds of groceries, all of which were introduced one after another.

At the beginning of the construction of this god, all kinds of areas have been roughly integrated and planned, and it runs through the two main roads from east to west, north and south.

However, the area of ​​Shendu is too large, except for the large market guided by the guard, various types of residential areas, and the large and small markets generated by the residential areas, as well as numerous streets and alleys. Even if you walk along the main road, if no one guides, if you can't fly, you will be lost in this huge city if you are not careful.

"Hey, boy, is there that kind of place, that kind of place, hey, you know."

When Wang Yan inquired about where to go, the confusing lord also leaned over from behind to talk, and his wretched eyes were glowing, and the guards here naturally understood at a glance.

"Hey, understand, small I understand. You go over there, yes, that's over there, keep walking, turn right at the intersection, then left ..."

The guard soon introduced several large black markets and several large entertainment areas.

As a result, he said so, a map of God Capital in Wang Yan's mind can be roughly pieced together.

Next, they will continue to gather information while enjoying the fine wine and food. Maybe they can find news of other demons and clues of Uya Ange here.

"But a few adults, the little one has something to remind you."

The guard looked at the slaves behind Wang Yan, and kindly reminded, "Here, under normal circumstances, any lower race or slaves are not allowed to enter the inner city of God, but if these lower races or slaves, a certain It ’s okay for big people to bring it. It ’s just a few adults, but you ca n’t let your slaves move around at will, otherwise it may cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble. ”

The Purgatory Demon Clan was originally a fighting nation in Hell, and recognized itself as the ruling class in Hell. Therefore, they have a high sense of superiority for other races. They believe that other races are the objects of conquest and must be subject to their management.

This is particularly evident in the gods at the foot of the demon god. Those who are regarded as inferior races and slaves must undergo strict management. Once walking indiscriminately, it is usually regarded as disrespect to the devil. If these inferior races or slaves, what happened, and annoyed a pure blood demon, the end needless to say, all will be punished.

The guard received some benefits, and he liked Wang Yan quite. After seeing so many slaves behind Wang Yan, I thought that this adult might also be a brother who loves to have fun, and that's why the rules of God are stricter than other cities.

"Your kid is quite capable of doing things, this one is for you."

Wang Yan raised his hand and threw the magic crystal coin he was playing to him, and then mobilized the mount to lead the team into the city.

"Thank you, this lord! I wish you a great time, and the selection conference will be the best!"

The guard received another magic crystal coin, and immediately opened the flower. He quickly took several soldiers under his hands and thanked Wang Yan again and again.

The magic crystal coin belongs to the currency used by the upper class nobles, which contains a lot of pure energy, one is worth one gram of fire, and in the ordinary class, it is worth 3,000 gold coins.

In the outer city of Shendu, an ordinary laborer earns more than anywhere else, but only a year or two or 30 gold coins, the income of these lower races. But like ordinary soldiers guarding the city gates, their status is higher than that of laborers, but their annual income adds up to only two or three magic crystal coins.

Now Wang Yan's shot is a magic crystal coin, and he has received two rewards in a row. Their brothers have one point back, which is higher than their half-year income. Can these ordinary guards be overjoyed?

Of course, Wang Yan now has a lot of wealth. For him now, things that can be solved with a small amount of money are really not things, which is better than a lot of trouble.

Although a while ago, he spent a lot of money and resources in building weapons and equipment for his men, but he may have a mine in the old nest of Chilian Huze. In addition, he ate the wealth of a red refining demon king, and there was a grant from Satan, the demon god, who took the initiative to send him half a year ago.

All this not only made Wang Yan's soldiers strong and strong, his overall strength rose to a new level, but also made him accumulate a lot of wealth.

But on the other side of the earth, we are actively preparing for war, and there are many R & D projects, which consume a lot of resources. After Wang Yan built the army of resources and materials, the rest were sent to the earth.

Right now, almost all of the materials and resources on hand are exhausted, except that there are still a lot of magic crystal coins left.

Roughly calculated, Wang Yan now has more than one million magic crystal coins! Therefore, a few magic crystal coins, for him, is just a short shot, his eyes will not blink.

No way, now he has money in his hand, and there is a mine in the old nest. Now, even if he is among the nobles in the inner city of Shendu, he is also a wealthy big household.

In this way, Wang Yan led people smoothly through the city gate and into the true city center of Shendu.

But he did not expect that his pedestrian had fallen into a group of greedy eyes.


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