The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1595: Need for Human Slaves

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"Hey, hello! Man, look over there, look over there."

"That lord can't see the strength, but it feels very unusual!"

As soon as Wang Yan and his entourage entered the inner city of Shendu, they immediately attracted the attention of many purgatory demons, and the sound of discussion around them also followed.

"Look at his mount, is that alienated hellhound? And still hellhound king!"

"Huh, there are so many alienated **** dog kings, which is really pulling the wind! Where did the young lord get so many alienated **** dog kings?"

The mounts commonly used by purgatory demon races are mostly strong and fierce **** dogs. Of course, there are many different types of **** dogs, including subspecies and alienated ones. The most powerful and powerful mounts are naturally the king of the **** dog group.

But Wang Yan and his companions' mounts are a bit different. These mounts were opened, all of which were recreated by the ancient flame devil Bella Roca, using the core of the fire monster, to recreate the lava **** dog.

This kind of **** dog can be categorized as the alienation type of the element system, but compared to the ordinary **** dog, these alienated **** dogs made of lava are full of flames, taller in shape, look fierce and domineering, and the whole body is filled with strong deterrence force.

Riding this rare and fierce mount is like riding a Lamborghini to the streets on the earth, which is really eye-catching.

And the onlookers on both sides of the street, as long as they are not fools, can see at a glance that Wang Yan's group is not easy to mess with. Smarter citizens will also take the initiative to make way for them, so as not to accidentally cause trouble for themselves.

However, the sound of marveling at the mounts did not last long, and another kind of more amazing cry has been passed on from one to another in the crowd.

"Wait! Look at the lord, what slaves did they bring!"

"What? Then, that's ... human ?!"

"Don't humans come from the distant earth? He, how can he have so many rare human slaves?"

The earth is to the **** world, just like the **** to the earth. Because of the distance, it is severely suppressed by plane rejection. In many cases, the adventurers who interact with each other are in the legend. After all.

But in the long river of history, there are still some people who come to **** adventure. And for the inhabitants of **** with a longer history and longer lifespan, the frequency of earth people visiting **** is not too low. Among them, there are more adventurers such as magicians, wizards and warlocks.

Obviously, the few earth companions around Wang Yan are not only magicians, but also strong and handsome men, as well as many beautiful and amazing women.

For the inhabitants of Hell World, these handsome men and women are all rare human slaves that can be captured! They are extremely rare! Especially the three human slave girls, all of which are gorgeous and graceful, are even the best among the best!

The most amazing thing is that the inhabitants of the **** clearly found that these human slaves even reached a rare legendary level!

On weekdays, it can be rare to see a human from the earth. If anyone is lucky and can successfully capture a human being and be sold into the black market as a slave, regardless of age, appearance, and own strength, they will be sold to high prices because of their rareness.

But now there are seven humans in one go, and all of them are rare and superb. This is really amazing for those inhabitants of the scene!

"Me, my God ... that young lord has seven or seven master human slaves! What can he do with him? He is not a rich second generation?"

"Yeah! Gee, and all are legendary master human slaves. Even a demigod, didn't have the ability to collect so much?"

"Especially the three human slave girls are really delicate and tempting!" The observers all around showed their covetous greedy eyes. "Compared with these superb human slaves, what are these mounts worth?"

"It's a hundred heads and a thousand heads, it's not as good as that human slave!"

The companions from Wang Yan's side around the earth walked on the street like this, as if they were tender pieces of meat, in front of a group of hungry wolves, deliberately teasing. It caused them to be very heartbroken and jealous.

Soon, these envious jealous and envious bystanders found that among the slaves behind Wang Yan, not only the best humans, but also the delicate and charming eagle body demon, and the charming superb succubus!

At this time, the onlooker's momentum is greater, and more and more gather. Those male purgatory demon clan, on the female slaves in Wang Yan's team, commented on each other, one by one excited blushing. And those female purgatory demon clan, facing the sturdy and tall desert emperor and Zhang Weidao and others, Miaobo flows and smiles again and again.

"Oh, huh ... I, I suddenly discovered that we were so popular."

Shen Tutian rode on the mount and waved his thick tentacles a little, immediately causing the female demons around to scream, but he was shocked and happy inside.

Fortunately, there are so many beautiful female demons, salivating his strong body. But what is alarming is that he always has the illusion that the other party will tear it away, making him so worried, so afraid.

"Ah, Amitabha ..." Wu Wujie once read the Buddha's horn, with a lingering fear, "Hell is really full of demon girls, good demon, so dangerous demon girl ..."

"There are too many demon girls, and the poor sense of deep cultivation is still shallow, strong, and weak." Zhang Weidao wiped cold sweat, secretly if they fell into this pile of demon girls, wouldn't they be eaten Wipe clean, even **** is not left?

On the other side, the desert emperor was close to Wang Yan, and he could not help but sigh: "Lao Wang, you can mix up a famous place in this environment, it's not easy."

He also patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, comforting: "Lao Wang, on weekdays, it is hard!"

"Huh?" Wang Yan was taken aback, and he didn't react at all. What does this follow? He does have some hardships, but Laosha's hardships, why does it sound different?

In the middle of the line, compared to men, Lydia, Shiva, and high priest Berika felt much more pressure and crisis.

There are so many male purgatory demon around, all coveted, like hungry jackals, if they are not taking Wang Yan ’s slave collar and sheltered by Wang Yan, I am afraid that if they fall in this city, they will encounter a terrible minute Unexpected.

Lydia didn't know that Wang Yan was Mo Yan, so her eyes were pale, and it was indeed very rash to confuse her previous practice. If she hadn't met the big devil, Mo Yan, she might have died.

The goddess Shiva and the high priest Berika were as nervous as the enemy.

Both men were secret in their hearts. Although the Pharaoh was abominable, he was indeed right. Fortunately, they brought slave collars, otherwise they would fall into the hands of these terrible purgatory demons, which is really terrible.

Among these women, the only person who did not feel much pressure was Wang Yan ’s succubus.

She is a legendary super succubus, and the delusional purgatory demon around her has to kneel as much as she comes to her.

For her, the greater the desire in these people's hearts, the greater her advantage in manipulating people's hearts.

As for the confusion, the cruelty, and the three brothers and two ogres who followed behind, they were naturally ignored by these passers-by. Especially the two ugly ogres, Ablon Giantmaul and Walpole Blue Shield, were scoffed.

It was also at this time that two young demons who looked like they were secretly whispering in the crowd.

"What's the origin of that young lord? It looks awesome, unlike ordinary people."

A thin young man of the two, gazing at Wang Yan with a small voice, said, "I actually brought so many rare slaves, especially those female slaves, which are really rare and superb! Gee, like this character, I used to Why haven't you seen it? "

"Well, of course I haven't seen it before. What can that lord have?" It was just the dumplings that had just come from the country and were deliberately displayed. "

Another yawning youth laughed disdainfully, and Chuanyin replied, "How come there are so many top-notch slaves? Oh, I think 80% is lucky. Those stupid human adventurers, it is estimated that after crossing the plane passage, they just fell directly In his old nest, he used some means afterwards and all caught it. "

Most of Wang Yan ’s deeds are spread in the Red Demon Demon Realm. Although God also has rumors about the demon son of the demon, Mo Yan, but it is ultimately a rumor. The people living here do not know the true appearance of Mo Yan.

In addition, Wang Yan has been quite low-key along the way, and the residents here cannot recognize Wang Yan as the son of the devil for a while. In their view, the son of the demon **** should be standing high, living in the demon palace, going out and supporting the left and right. It is impossible to be like this with a few slaves on the street.

"Ma'am, that kid is really lucky. He can pick up so many master slaves, and he is not afraid of exhaustion."

The thin young man narrowed his eyes, scolded enviously, then turned his head to look at his companion behind him, "Go, go back and report to Master Shizi, it's definitely a great thing!"

"Hey, that's right." Yin Yang Youth smiled, "Leduo Shizi is looking for a suitable servant recently. I think those are very suitable, and those human slaves are really ... hehehe ..."

The two young demons, after smiling at each other, looked quietly back out of the crowd.

Not only these two young demons, but the people who quietly retreated, there are still several dials.

There is no doubt that these demon youths who are busy ventilating and reporting, like doglegs, are all servants of the heirs of the core nobles in the Satan Parliament.

The Satanic Parliament is the authority directly under the deity Satan, and controls the core rights of the **** capital and the entire purgatory. There are a total of thirteen nobles presiding over the Satanic Parliament, and their hereditary heirs are also known as Shizi.

Shizi is the elder of the future parliament. Their rights and lofty status are far from comparable to those of the devil's sons outside. Even if the demigod demon king meets, he must respect three points.

After all, they are the real nobles with the oldest family origin in the whole purgatory demon clan, and they are also the real masters of future rights.

But the world is not static. Those heirs of the heirs, even if they are fortunate to be sons of the world, may be replaced before they actually inherit the position of the family patriarch and the elders of the parliament.

Therefore, the Hell Assembly is the right time for these nobles to show themselves and fight for the interests of their families and themselves.

Therefore, at the beginning of the selection of the Hell Assembly, these worlds will pay attention to every contestant who enters the Purgatory God, and meets the outstanding strong men of the clan, they will draw to their own, and form their elite team to participate in The most critical battle in the **** conference!

Like the dog legs who are staying at the gate of the city, observing the newcomers, and constantly ventilating the news, they are the servants of these worlds.

And the people who are fancy do not have any right to refuse, because in this city, and even the whole purgatory demon clan, except for the devil Satan overriding everything, they have everything to decide.

Some humble participants will even try their best to show their enthusiasm and become a servant or general of these worlds, so that there is a chance to get ahead.

Because the vast majority of the seats in the **** meeting are in the hands of these worlds, even today's powerful Chilian Demon King was also attached to a world's underworld, helping him to obtain great benefits, and finally he got a little bit by the way. benefit.

"Master Demon Flame."

Under the eyes of many onlookers, Zoe, the Hawk Lady, slowly opened her eyes, and then whispered to Wang Yan's silent voice.

She holds the real eye, and now she relies on her strength and the special ability of the real eye. She is most vividly exerted by her. The sneaky people around her naturally cannot escape her observation.

"I understand."

Wang Yan nodded to Zoe and motioned for her to observe. Then he turned to look at the earth companions behind him, deliberately ridiculed, "It seems that a few of you have been jealous."

"Why, what?"

Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie and others suddenly startled, "Me, how many of us are stared at?"

Among them, Shen Tu Tianlu even hugged his chest, "Are they salivating my body?"

This sentence drew cold sweat from the desert emperor and others, but the face of Shiva, the high priest, Berika and Lydia, all looked dignified.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves. After understanding the slave system in Hell World, there were so many greedy eyes around them, which made them three women very unhappy.

Although the three of them are confident, whoever dare to strike their attention will not be able to walk around. There are so many people who ca n’t stand here. Who knows if anyone will secretly kill them? This feeling made them unable to let go of that vigilant heart.

"Relax, as long as you follow me, no one will dare to deal with you."

Wang Yan looked relaxed and confident, "I understand these purgatory demon clan, if they don't have full grasp, they dare not challenge the strong. But if someone really dares to pay our attention, then it is definitely not a normal small role.

The first half of Wang Yan made the three women on earth feel a little more secure, but the second half made their hearts that hadn't fallen yet tense again.

In this sense, don't you dare come to trouble, aren't they all ruthless characters?


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