The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1609: Today is a job

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The words of Chilian Demon King came out, and the scene was suddenly in an uproar.

Everyone at the scene knew that this **** was built to serve Satan, the supreme demon god. All military power and all resources in the city belonged to Satan.

The heavy guards of the gods, and the high-level arms used in the city ’s offensive and defensive, such as the Yan prisoner massacre, are also directly under the devil Satan. Usually, without the command of the demon god, the thirteen elders of the Satanic parliament have no Power drove these two senior legions.

If it is to maintain law and order, the thirteen elders of the Satan Parliament can drive the gods inside and outside and defend the guards in multiple cities. Similarly, the thirteen elders of the Satan Parliament also allow a certain number of private arms. Such private arms like slaves and family members are allowed in the **** world.

But now the powerful guards of the gods and the massacre of the Inferno have gradually become the private forces of the 13 elders of the Satan Parliament. This is a very serious act of rebellion.

But the supreme devil Satan, under normal circumstances, would not care about the ordinary mortals like ants under his feet, nor care about the life and death of these mortals. He is an unparalleled supreme demon, more time, he is accumulating energy, recovering from injury, and exploring the endless void, trying to find all the benefits and resources that can be encroached on.

The most important point is that Satan, the Devil God, still needs to face the threat of the other two Devil Gods in Hell, as well as the extraterritorial plane, the Light Kingdom, and the Abyss and other forces, always watching.

In the case of internal and external troubles, the Devil God is not good, and the Devil God is also very busy. Where can he spend his precious energy on the management of God's trivia?

Therefore, over time, the power of the Satan Parliament began to gradually expand. Several devil **** Satan ’s troop corps was also penetrated by the power of the Satan Parliament. It was divided into multiple small forces internally, which were considered to be invested and indirectly cultivated by the elders of the 13th Congress of the Satan Parliament. Private soldiers.

In this God is regarded as a semi-open secret, but living under the authority of the Satan Parliament, no one in the residents of God will stab such things in public.

Now Chilian Demon King directly poke out this kind of thing, undoubtedly tearing his face with Lei Xiu Demon King. The key is to hold your own weight and try to reverse this hat. It is too big to buckle. Even colleagues of Lei Xiu Demon dare not use this reason to threaten him, otherwise it will be a life-and-death battle.

But now Chilian Demon King stubbornly passed without any scruples, and God knows what will happen next.

A silent pressure gradually permeated the scene. All the onlookers around the world widened their eyes, and their gazes continued to move back and forth from Lei Xiu Demon King and Chilian Demon King and others.

Under the eyes of everyone, an embarrassing and resentful anger continued to rise in the mind of Lei Xiu.

"I don't know anything about life and death. The king is loyal to His Majesty the devil. Are you daring to frame the king for rebellion?" Lei Xiu's demon king was under the auspices of the refining demon king.

But he hadn't finished his words, the guards on the left and right suddenly separated, and I saw two teams of energetic men and women, who came to the front row one after another.

"Oh, Brother Lei Xiu, is this Chilian Demon King, isn't it a stray dog ​​you raised? How did he bite him today?" The one headed on the left said with a smile.

He is a middle-aged Demon man in a Chinese robe similar to the age of Lei Xiu. However, unlike the majesty of Lei Xiu, the demon man has a pair of dark green pupils that are different from ordinary people, and he is full of a charm. In addition, his Chinese robe is half-open, his gestures are languid, and a few lines of red and green intersecting magic lines on his forehead add a bit of femininity and coldness to him.

"If you are bitten by your own dog, it's okay. It's just Brother Lei Xiu. If you don't explain clearly, the impact will be bad."

Contrary to the feminine and cold Demon man, among the brigades from the right, headed by a majestic middle-aged Demon man.

This man may be a little different from the soft and cold man on the left. He has a sword-like heroic face, tall and burly, and is full of a domineering atmosphere of the world.

And he was wearing a set of warrior robe with the characteristics of purgatory demon, which is wide and pulling wind, and a thick long sword behind him, he even exerted his heroic spirit to the extreme, even if no pressure was released. , Can give people a natural sense of oppression.

"Chi Xiao! Ji Gang! What are you two doing here?"

Lei Xiu Demon King's complexion was originally unsightly, but now it is even more gloomy.

Chi Xiao and Ji Gang, the two great demon kings, are the fathers of the two worlds of Chi Luo and Ji Yin. They are also the two elders of the Satan Parliament, and they are usually competitors in the Lei Xiu Demon Council. Now that the two great gods, both of which are among the best, appear here, it is obvious that this incident was used to watch him Lei Xiu leave the chaos, and then take the opportunity to suppress him!

"Oh, Brother Lei Xiu, God has made such a big noise. As the elder of the Parliament, this king will naturally come over to calm down the incident."

The fierce, soft and scorching Demon King, with his mouth raised, smiled coldly, "Anyway, when will our God be at your disposal? Where can this king use you?"

The face of Lei Xiu's demon was all green, and he couldn't say it at all.

On the other side, the tall and mighty Demon King, who also smirked with a thorn, said, "Brother Lei Xiu, you have taken over the defense authority of the inner city of God from my hands. How long has it been since now? The chaos, some brothers in our parliament, have to doubt your ability to handle things. "

As expected from the Great Demon King Lei Xiu, the two elders of the Satanic Parliament now appear here to see him out, pick his faults, and seize the opportunity to divide his power in God.

In addition, these two devil kings are very cunning. In order to avoid being buckled with their own hats, the heavy guards and the fire prison slaughterers they control are not brought, and they are all left outside the encirclement. Now they have only brought their servants, and they have ignored the meaning of their son, and have not asked the reason of their son's trouble, but instead took all the questions and guilt to his Lei Xiu demon king.

If the Lei Xiu Demon King does not handle well at the moment, then they can blame the fault and guilt on the situation, all of which are attributed to the Lei Xiu Demon King. Anything is a crime.

At that time, Lexiu, who was tired of coping with it, could definitely be peeled off by them. After all, what is happening today is really too much and the impact is very bad.

"Adult Father! Boy, boy is careless ..."

"Father, Master Father, please atone ..."

Chi Luo and Ji Yin, the two great sons, naturally do not understand their father's thoughts. Seeing his father coming at this time, it seemed as if he had seen the backer and quickly brought people to gather behind them.


"Go back and settle accounts with you!"

Li Xiao and Ji Gang, the two demon kings, Limara lowered their faces and gave their sons a hard look. To these two with so many people, and ate the deflated son, they felt anger from the heart.

However, they are not here right now. As long as the Lei Xiu Demon King does not handle it properly, they can take over the scene and take the opportunity to suppress the Lei Xiu Demon King's power.

The scene was quiet again. All the onlookers and the guards on the scene all stared in breathlessly. Their eyes were constantly turning back and forth between several demon kings. No one knew how the situation would develop next, but they were all waiting for the results.

What happened at this time not only attracted the attention of the entire God's people, but also the other ten deacons and elders of the Satanic Parliament were all alarmed.

In the crowd that is constantly gathering, these ten powerful and unpredictable elders are all using their own methods, such as elemental avatars, extracorporeal morphing and other special abilities to quietly lurking around the encircling circle. Carefully observe every move in the circle. And the forces and men of these great elders were mostly mixed in the crowded crowd, approaching the surroundings.

From the incident to the present, in such a short period of time, the situation has risen from private fighting to the level of turmoil throughout the city.

Under this circumstance, Lei Xiu Demon King felt the eyes around him, and the pressure on him began to increase rapidly.

He secretly scolded in his heart that his son was really upset, and actually caused him such a trouble. The key now is that Chilian Demon King and the lord of the foreign country have huge powers and are very difficult to deal with. This also makes him difficult to ride a tiger and suffers inwardly.

At this time, the same bitter person, and the son of Lei Xiu, the son of Lei Duo.

He never dreamed that the previously seemingly unknown country lord had only brought a dozen or so slaves, which was so difficult to deal with. After that, he even involved the red refining demon king. What surprised him most was that The power of Chilian Demon King is so strong today!

To know that Chilian Demon King is just a subordinate Demon King with good strength attached to his father, and everything he does is subject to his father. Just a few years ago, the Red Refining Demon King also brought three sons to the door and begged his father, asking his father to give him three sons of the Red Refining Demon King during the **** meeting.

But now only a few years of kung fu, actually dared to lead the elite soldiers, stubbornly defeated his father Lei Xiu demon king. This incredible change made him feel sick as if he had eaten a fly.

The most important thing is that he never imagined that things would be so big. Now the city is well known. If it is not handled well, the prestige of his son Lei Duo and his father Lei Xiu will probably fall sharply.

"Master Demon Flame, the person who is here is the father of Chi Luo and Shi Yin Shi Zi, the big devil of Chi Xiao and Ji Gang. Both of them are the chief elders of the Satan Parliament, with huge power, status and strength Lei Xiu The Big Devil is quite comparable and should not be underestimated. "

Lord Chilie once again carefully transmitted the sound to Wang Yan and the people around him. At this time, they were surrounded by the three parties. Although they had a large number of soldiers, they still felt no small pressure under such a tight siege.

"Well, it doesn't matter if all the elders of the Satan Parliament are here today!"

The Chilian Demon King was not as cautious as his son Lord Chilie, and he stood in front of Wang Yan on the spot, snorting with mighty power, letting out a voice and shouting, "As long as there is this king, no one can hurt you!

In those days, he was devoted to the pursuit of strength and power, but he was humbled by his birth. Even when he participated in the **** meeting, he had to rely on this Lei Xiu demon king. Even if he performed well and was appreciated by His Majesty the Demon God, after he was successfully promoted to the Demigod Demon King, he still could not trust the control of this Lei Xiu Demon King.

Every year, the benefits of this Lei Xiu Demon King are countless. And just as the two of Chi Xiao and the Great Demon King said, in the eyes of these elders who control the power, he is just a house dog guarding the guard, and has no status at all.

In these days, Chilian Demon King has long been fed up. He had been paying attention to the relics of the starry sky **** before, that is, through the great effect of the life fire, he would break through the shackles at one fell swoop, climb to the peak of power, and step on these nobles who have always been high.

Although he does not have this opportunity now, all the benefits in the ruins of the starry sky **** have been taken by Wang Yan and Lydia. However, he now embraces Wang Yan's thigh, which is equivalent to the supremacy of the demon god's thigh. For now, what can be compared to this?

It's just that in his current identity, the Chilian Demon King spoke so boldly and arrogantly to the whole god, and almost surprised everyone at the scene almost instantly, his face changed greatly.

There was an uproar immediately at the scene, especially the three demon kings Lei Xiu, Blazing Scream, and Ji Gang, as well as the ten Satan parliament elders who had not yet appeared.

If you provoke a Lei Xiu Demon King, the other elders of the Satan Parliament may also like to hear about it, intending to take the opportunity to frustrate Lei Xiu Demon King's prestige. But now, the Red Demon King is provoking the entire Satan Parliament, which puts these generations in high positions, and the elders of the Satan Parliament who are self-governed by high nobles can hardly bear it.

As a result, the pressure they put on Lei Xiu Demon King began to increase.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Lei Xiu, the demon king riding a tiger, was frustrated and angry, and immediately threatened each other with Chilian Demon King, and said that he and Wang Yan and others would be arrested and arrested for Fa-rectification.

Chilian Demon King naturally shows no weakness, and now the backing behind him, but the supreme devil **** Satan. With the devil behind him, how could he be afraid of a council elder?

The Lei Xiu Demon King has always been cruel and fierce, and launched an attack on the Chi Lian Demon King without saying a word, and did not give the Chi Lian Demon King any opportunity to show his identity. , And thus the ultimate farce against him.

But where is the Chi Lian Demon King? He is also a demon king with outstanding strength and fierce means, and now welcomes him without showing any weakness.

The Thunder and Fire dual-law of Lei Xiu Demon King is intertwined with thunder and flames. The power of the two destructive laws is mixed together. It is strong and violent, and it cannot be blocked. But the Chilian Demon King is also very old-fashioned, his experience is very rich, the law of talent is **** fire, hegemony is fierce, ever-changing, and he is cultivated to the extreme.

In an instant, two unmatched forces immediately collided strongly at the scene, and the huge destructive power thus produced was even comparable to the previously fallen meteorite!

Seeing his father's action, Lei Duo and his men, as well as the reloaded soldiers and Yan prison slaughterers, immediately launched a general attack on Wang Yan and others. In their view, if Wang Yan and others can be removed in the shortest time, the adverse effects caused by this incident can be completely erased.

Wang Yan and his companions and men joined forces, and the fighting ability was much stronger than the Red Demon King. Facing the strong soldiers used in all directions, they showed no weakness and immediately launched a counterattack on the spot.

Within a few ten kilometers of the scene, it immediately became a chaotic battlefield. Shouts, collisions, and fierce blasts, mixed with colorful flames of war, continued to rise and fall in this battlefield.

All the onlookers at the scene were nervous and nervous. Many elders of those Satanic parliaments, although they didn't make a move, were also pregnant with ghosts and secretly brewing.

But just as this scuffle gradually entered the white heat, there was a thunderous shrill, and suddenly it roared above the sky.

Soon, a large flurry of **** Xiao Xiaomoqi began to wrestle in the sky, and at the same time, the terror and coercion that seemed to penetrate strongly through space, immediately attacked everyone below.

The terrible coercion, the vastness, the solidity, it seemed to destroy everything in the world.

The two sides in the battle immediately froze with horror, stopped their movements in their hands, and looked at the sky with clouds and clouds in horror. The scene immediately became silent and solemn, and even the great elders of the Satan Parliament present on the face showed fear at this moment.

Everyone's mind is wandering with an idea, the big thing is not good!

Only in the middle of the battlefield did the high priest Berika show a sly smile at this moment.

She narrowed her eyes and turned to Wang Yan beside her, whispering: "The future I saw has finally started to happen!"


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