The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1610: All my son did

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At the moment everyone on the scene tightened their hearts and stared up, the sky that had been empty except for the thick clouds suddenly trembles, and then a terrible crack broke apart!

The sky seemed to be torn, especially behind the crack, a huge scarlet eyeball, suddenly turned, watching everyone below coldly.

The so-called elephant is invisible. At the same time, a surging wave seemed to be able to put all the vastness of easy destruction under pressure, but it fell on everyone's heart.

The entire block of the scene, and even the entire god, were completely shrouded in this coercion. No one could have the chance to escape.

"Come, come!"

The big demon king Lei Xiu, who was in charge of the battle, was tight all over. He suddenly lost a lot of cold sweat.

Now these outsiders, who do not know how to live or die, are making such a big deal. If that lord blames him, it is obviously his inner city sheriff, and the management is not good!

"Respectfully, Your Majesty is here!"

The elders of the Satan Parliament on the scene were not stupid. They were all like people. I couldn't hide during the previous fight. This time, all of them were running fast. One by one, like the humblest servants, kneeling down on the ground honestly.

"Respectfully Your Majesty descends, His Majesty is divine, immortal!"

On this side, the shocked Lei Xiu, Blaze, Demon King, as well as the three great worlds and many soldiers and their men, all reacted, and they prodded to the ground in a hurry, without fear and respect.

On the other side, it is even more exaggerated. All the onlookers surrounding it, as well as all the residents of the entire god, whether they are nobles, civilians, or humble slaves, all came to the street in a panic, to the sky that was billowing to the clouds, prostrate and kneel That look was extremely respectful and humble.

Because the only supreme deity of Purgatory Demon Race, Satan, the Purgatory Demon God is coming!

In front of the only will of the entire Purgatory Demon Realm, all beings below are equal, all of them are only the humblest servants at the foot of the Devil God Satan.


With a crimson devil claw, tearing the cracks in space once again, a huge and oppressive horror monster, instantly traversing the gap of space and descending on everyone's head.

The surging dark magic and the turbulent **** fire instantly covered the sky.

In this thick smoke and the fire of hell, the majestic and overbearing purgatory demon Satan stands out of thin air and proudly overlooks the mortal beings below.

A terrifying divine power, a mighty, a pair of mighty wings, raised high behind him, covering the sky and the sun. Under the red skin, muscles like mountains and rocks swelled with nearly perfect lines, especially when he glanced at it, the unprecedented majestic pressure of the world, which instantly made people feel instinctive. Trembling.

Like a tiny ant, in the face of mountains, rivers, and vast universe, the humbleness and awe came from the heart and instinct of everyone on the scene. Even those parliament elders who were strong enough to be demigods were creeping on the ground in fright, and there wasn't even any idea of ​​resistance in their hearts.

"Your Majesty is superb, immortal!"

On Wang Yan ’s side, led by Chi Lian Demon King, his three sons, and Chi Du, Chi Abuse, all Wang Yan ’s men and women all knelt down to the ground honestly, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"Mother, mother, this, this is, the legendary ... Satan the Devil?"

Following the Chilian Demon King, posing as Wang Yan's slave, kneeling on the ground, Zhang Weidao and other companions of the earth, under this vast pressure, cold sweat fell.

At this time Zhang Weidao and others, every cell on and off the body, couldn't help shaking. Although they have already been psychologically prepared, they understand that the Pharaoh has mistakenly hit the room and has been forcibly recognized as a son by Satan, but when they truly face a real Demon God, this absolute origin from the essence of life The gap made them unable to bear the fear of starting from the heart.

Under such circumstances, they did not dare to move at all, and did not dare to communicate with each other. They had to learn the people around them honestly, bow down and salute. You must know that in the face of the almost omnipotent demon god, such a small trick of transmitting sounds cannot be hidden.

Not only they, but most of the onlookers at the scene were ordinary residents of Shendu. Their strength was weak. At this time, they were suddenly exposed to the superb powers. Almost every one was trembling with fear and weakness. People with a slightly weaker willpower have even passed out completely under intense pressure.

Under such magnificent power, only Wang Yan was on the scene, standing proudly on the spot.

This sight fell on the eyes of the three great princes and the Lei Xiu demon king, so they could not help but sneer secretly in their hearts, this country lord, dare to be so proud of His Majesty the Devil God, it is simply to death!

Satan, the demon **** who just arrived, was indeed very angry. He glanced at the ruined block, and finally landed on Wang Yan and Lei Xiu and others below, and asked coldly: "What's going on?"

Although it is only a simple sentence, the tone is not emphasized, but between the gentle words, there is an uncontrollable anger and power. He has been purgling the demon domain for so long, even in the war years, the other two demon gods led the army and failed to break into the **** city under his feet.

But now, the God Capital, which symbolizes his absolute rule, has been so severely damaged internally, which makes him unbearable.

"Your Majesty the Devil God, this is the way!"

The Chilian Demon King is not humble or humble at this moment, he kneels on the ground, raises his hands up, and respectfully reports to the devil **** Satan, "Your humble servant, has just escorted the son to the gods, but these lawless parliamentary sons, because they like the son The best slave of the world should forcefully grab it! The old Lei Xiu dog, with the other two elders, did not justly deal with it, but instead tried to kill people and kill the mouth. He did n’t even give the opportunity to explain. It's the hard fight that caused the incident. "

"You, you fart!"

Lei Xiu demon stared fiercely at Chilian Demon King, and then hurriedly begged to Demon God Satan to explain, "His Majesty Majesty Mingjian, Chilian Demon King does not know where to bring a group of rural rebel thieves, they are in trouble with God, subordinates Are being captured justly! "

The Fierce Devil is also afraid that the wrath of the Demon God will be implicated in himself. He has quickly abandoned the competitive relationship with each other and quickly uttered a voice to help say: "Your Majesty, this is indeed the case. These rebel thieves are making trouble, and Elder Lei Xiu is leading people to catch. "

On the other side, the great demon king also helped to say: "The three of us, the children, just met these lawless rebels and wanted to stop them, but they did not expect to be resisted by the force of these rebels, but Elder Lei Xiu was helpless. Had to bring someone to catch it. Now it is destroying His Majesty's Shendu neighborhood, and also ask His Majesty to atone. "

"Yes, things are like this, things are all caused by these rebel thieves, and their subordinates take people to take them down!"

With the support of his colleagues, Lei Xiu's eyes were cold, and the winning ticket was in his hands. He quickly got up and ordered to the surrounding army: "I haven't rushed to kill these rebel thieves!"

However, his voice did not fall, and Satan, the demon above, suddenly angered, "Fuck! Who are you going to kill?"

"He, are they?" The big devil Lei Xiu raised his hand, pointing at Wang Yan with some stun.


Satan, the devil, didn't say anything, and flicked him with a wave of his palm: "Fuck things!"

The huge palm is fierce and fierce, as if with the surging power of the earth, he instantly blasted Lei Xiu Demon King hundreds of meters.

The big devil Lei Xiu spit out blood, and his body shattered, and the whole person fell like a ball and fell on the ground, smashing the wreckage of the excited building all the way, and then lying on his back on the ground, the whole person was miserable Endless.

"His Majesty the Atonement ..."

"Your humble servant, I don't know what you mean ..."

The screaming and dying demon king knows that something is wrong, and quickly and respectfully pleases, trying to explain what, but just in a moment, the devil **** Satan glared, two groups of incomparable gravity field, instantly fell on the screaming and dying devil Body.

Just listen to the "bang" loud noise!

The body protection of Qi Xiao and Ji Gang's body, just like the paper, burst instantly. The ground around the two of them, at the same time, sag.

In this terrifying center of gravity, the two great demon kings, Chi Xiao and Ji Gang, lie prone on the ground, as if they have withstood the force of a great force, and their mouths and noses are being spurted by the giant force, which is terrible.

The three half-god-level demon kings were instantly defeated. This scene was so shocking that it instantly made everyone on the scene quiet and the whole **** became silent.

Just kidding, how powerful the angry Demon God can be, far beyond everyone's imagination. Lei Xiu, Chi Xiao and Ji Gang, the three great demon kings, faced with the attack of the devil, although they dare not resist, but even if they resist, how many moves can they resist? I am afraid the outcome will only be worse.

It should be understood that there is a qualitative difference between the demon **** and the demigod demon king at the level of life. In front of a demon **** who truly surpassed the limit of life, the demigod demon king who was incomparable on weekdays was actually unable to withstand a blow and did not have any ability to resist.

"His Majesty the Lord God! Fate!"

Lei Xiu, Chi Xiao and the three demon kings were instantly stunned, and their three sons, as well as a group of men, quickly kowtowed for mercy.

The devil Satan glanced coldly and saw that the three of them were embarrassed like dogs, and then they gathered their abilities and scolded: "You **** things, open your dog's eyes and see!"

"He is the biological son of the deity, Mo Yan!" During the speech, the devil Satan raised his hand and pointed to Wang Yan below.


There was a sudden uproar at the scene, everyone at the scene widened their eyes, stared at Wang Yan, and finally all sympathetically looked at the three devil kings and their three sons.

These great elders of the Satan Parliament are really used to domineering, and now even the son of the devil wants to kill, hey, this is more than being bold and generous? It's so bold that it's going to burst!

Deserve it! It really deserves!

All the onlookers around were shocked by the scene before them to the climax of the skull, and the heart was stunned and swearing at the Satan Parliament. These elders and the world deserve it. Who has not suffered the scourge of these elders and the world? This time they really want to make themselves dead.

"Why, what?"

"He, he is the dear son of His Majesty the Demon God?"

"Lei Xiu a few of them, how, how dare they kill the Son of God?"

The ten elders of the Satanic Parliament who were kneeling down honestly around them all looked horrified. They glanced in the direction of Wang Yan and the angry Demon God Satan, and then quickly lowered their heads, scaring the atmosphere A little more. A few timid, even at this time, hurriedly set aside their relationship with Lei Xiu and others, fearing that they would be involved in watching on the spot.

joke! Since the last generation of the Son of God failed to be promoted to God and passed away in the end, His Majesty the Devil God, who wanted a heir with excellent talent, has been thinking for tens of thousands of years! This deep obsession has long been imprinted in the hearts of many elders in every Satanic parliament.

To know that any person who stands at the apex is increasing in his age, and when his surroundings are full of internal and external problems, who would not want an excellent flesh and blood to share for himself and become his successor?

But the three Lei Xiu, and their three unfilial sons, still want to kill the devil's son at the feet of Satan? This is simply to find such a thing, to the extreme.

Anyway, they are the members of the Satan Parliament who are not present, or they would be a tragedy to exterminate the nine races.

The most horrifying people on the scene were Lei Xiu, Blazing Xiao, and Ji Gang, the three great demon kings themselves.

The souls of the three of them were almost flying at the moment, especially the devil **** Satan pointed at Wang Yan, and the sentence "He is the godson's son" shouted out loudly. There was more than a roar.

Normally, Satan the Devil does not come to this city, because the real Demon Palace is not in this ordinary city, and Satan does not care about the small and big things in this city. So if there is any problem, as long as they can solve it as soon as possible, it will not cause any trouble. They have done this for thousands of years.

The bad is bad. The kid from the country is actually the son of the devil! Why are they so unlucky? I can actually meet the son of the devil in the rumors!

Lei Xiu, Chi Xiao, and Ji Gang, the three great demon kings, all stared at each other, staring at Wang Yan carefully and then looked. At this point, Wang Yan seemed to cooperate with them deliberately, releasing the convergence technique, and a pure and vigorous king's spirit was released without reservation.

There was an exclamation immediately at the scene. The three great demon kings Lei Xiu, Chi Xiao and Ji Gang almost cried out.

This temperament, this connotation, and this pure breath from the bloodline, not from Satan, but also from where? In this regard, they, the parliament elders who have served the devil Satan for life, cannot be more clear.

At the thought of this, the cool sense of sadness began to drift slowly across their hearts. The murder of the devil's son is definitely a crime of annihilating the nine races, frustrating the bones and raising the ashes, and never giving birth to eternal life.

In an emergency, Lei Xiu, the devil, hurriedly climbed up and spit out the blood in his mouth, pointing at his son Lei Duo, and then scolded: "Reverse son! It was all this reverse son, it was his fault! The subordinates really didn't know anything, and this was blinded by the rebellious son, His Majesty the Demon God! "

What, what?

Lei Duo's son shrunk to the side, his eyes widened, and when he heard Lei Xiu's words, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

What is this situation? This is his father!


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