The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1611: All executed, how?

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"Reverse, Resonant! You dare to start your Royal Highness, the son of the demon god, and kneel to die quickly!"

On the other side, the fierce and fierce Fierce Demon King is more direct, and climbing from the deep pit makes Chi Luo Shizi kneel and die.

"Fuck things, Lao Tzu has trained you so big, I didn't expect you to be so lawless! Today you have a big disaster, I am going to be in front of His Highness under the Devil God, and give His Highness a justice!"

The great demon king of Jigang directly pulled out the big sword behind him, pointing directly to his son Jiyin Shizi.

What a joke, at the foot of the demon god, actually trying to kill the dear god's son, who can afford this crime? Not to mention the pro-son, that is, the pro-old son. The three great devil kings should also push the blame on them.

And the competition in the **** world is fierce. Since ancient times, fathers and sons have been handicapped, and there have been so many examples. Not only hell, but actually the world is the same. Once it is related to interests and life and death, there are too many examples of life and death between each other.

Now the three demon kings Qi Qi all blamed their sons on their sons, and each of them should kill their parents righteously, and shouted to the devil **** Satan, saying that they were all innocent, they were too indulging in those three worlds, and suffered them. Blind and so on.

Such a subversive change caused the onlookers on the scene to exclaim and sigh that the change was too fast.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others found that things could not be burned to them, and gradually no longer became nervous. Instead, they followed Wang Yan with great interest and watched the drama.

"No, not like that! Nonsense, all nonsense!"

"I, we don't know that country, no no no, the honorable lord is the noble highness son of the devil."

"Misunderstandings, all, are misunderstandings! His Majesty the Demon God!"

When the father drew this hat, the three of them became sons, almost scared, and then struggled to get up on the spot, pointing at their father in a panic, and began to refute.

"Old, old thief! You, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open, I, I don't have you dad!"

At this time, the son of Lei Duo never saw the slightest son. He pointed to the big devil Lei Xiu who was kneeling on the side, accused angrily, "His Majesty, the villain does not know that he is His Royal Highness, It ’s true that the villain is at fault first, but the villain is just a slave to His Royal Highness, the child who is jealous of God, and has no idea of ​​murdering the Son of God! "

"It's my father, the old thief Lei Xiu, who has his own soldiers and has his own eyes, that is, he wants to murder His Royal Highness, and he gave the order to slaughter without giving him the opportunity to show his identity!"

At the same time, Raito's mentality collapsed, pointing to the heavily guarded guards and the fire prison slaughterers, and accused sharply, "Look at your majesty, these are your direct guards, but my father's old thief , Completely used as his own family, this is the evidence of his unspoken attempt to subvert! "

"You, you ... puff!"

The Lei Xiu Demon King was anxiously angered, and he was hurt again, and he immediately spurted a suffocated breath.

He had just accused his son of murdering the devil's son, and in the end he was accused by his son of holding his own soldiers and trying to rebel. The two big hats, the one that was buttoned, was called a terrible one. The state of affairs was such a situation that both Lei Xiu and Lei Duo's son completely ignored the image, and each was in a gesture of accusation.

"Reverse, reverse son!"

"What is not a child? I don't have a father like you!"

In order to escape the anger of Satan, Satan, more than two of them collapsed.

Almost at the same time, Zhiluo Shizi and Zhixiao Great Demon, Jiyin Shizi and Jigang Great Demon, these two pairs of father and son also began to accuse each other and dump pot.

The two great demon kings, Chi Xiao and Ji Gang, shirked all their responsibilities onto the son of the lawless. The two sons of Chi Luo and Ji Yin, in turn, began to shake their father's law and discipline, and even the chaos of their private life, and they all shook out in front of everyone.

Otherwise, once the wrath of Satan the Devil comes, it will be survival without death. I am afraid that even the roaring soul will be tortured forever and cannot escape.

However, with the unreserved accusations of the three great sons and the three demon kings, the entire people of God, and even Wang Yan's companions, were all stunned.

These are all secretly in the heart, these rich and powerful dignitaries, private life and hobbies, it is really wonderful and unrestrained!

The three eldest sons and the three demon kings have no scruples in accusing each other, and the audience around them is dumbfounded, but Satan, the noble deity, feels unusually angry.

His face was blue and his heart was angry, and he was watching his minister, in front of the whole city, especially in front of his first son, so unbearable. As a demon of this side, he really felt Shame.


Satan, the devil, groaned in exasperation, and the terrifying might instantly stopped the farce in front of him. The scene became silent again, and everyone shivered.

"What a shame!"

Satan the Devil snorted coldly, and at this time he had no time to take care of these annoying guys. He saw Wang Yan's impatient look, anxious in his heart, quickly converged his momentum, contracted his body, and turned to Wang Yan. , Whispered whispered: "Son, you come to God, why don't you tell Dad, Dad welcomes you into the city personally to hold a grand banquet for you?"

But Satan's words didn't fall, and Wang Yan sneered. "I'm not your son. I don't want to stay here anymore!"

"You! You ..." Satan the devil ate a sigh, his face flushed immediately.

Numerous onlookers at the scene also exclaimed at the same time.

Satan, the Purgatory Demon God, is the supreme deity in the Purgatory Demon Clan. He has unparalleled strength and power. During the long years he ruled the Purgatory Demon Clan, he has always been in the world, and no one dares to rebel. But now the son of the demon **** Mo Yan, without saying a word, flung a cold face directly, which made all the onlookers at the scene terrified.

But soon these onlookers thought about it, and dared to talk to Satan the devil in this way, and that Mo Yan was definitely a son.

"It's all these bastards!"

The Devil God Satan gritted his teeth resentfully, staring coldly at the Three Great Worlds and the Three Great Demon Kings. If it wasn't for these unknowable wastes, did the father-son relationship that had just eased between his son and him, as for once again froze to this point?

Being stared at coldly by Satan, Lei Xiu, Chi Xiao, and Ji Gang, and Lei Duo, Chi Luo, and Ji Yin, these three great worlds, all cried. One by one feet kneeled softly on the ground, and his heart trembled.

They now finally understand that the seemingly low-key alien lord, Mo Yan, the son of the Demon God is undoubtedly, but they actually wanted to murder the Son of the Devil God? They are really dizzy. Where are the guts?

"My child, I know you blame your father in your heart. The father has always let you out and makes you suffer. Now our father and son recognize each other, but this kind of incident happened again, alas!"

Satan ’s heart is full of old father-like guilt, and the sullenness on his face has gradually transformed into a kind of love, "Father assured you that the future will definitely compensate you. This incident is an accident, all fathers Discipline is not strict, your father assured you that similar things will never happen again in the future. "

"Huh, the discipline is not strict? Have you disciplined your servants?" Facing the devil Satan, Wang Yan sneered, still a bad face.

"Before ... Yes, I haven't managed ..." Devil God Satan once again deflated. In addition to giving some key commands during the critical period, he usually has the energy to manage these trivial things in the city most of the time, so one Time really has nothing to say.

But at this time, he did not care about the observers around him, dumbfounded gaze, and continued to comfort Wang Yan with his low eyebrows, but Wang Yan was still unmoved, which made Devil Satan's 10,000 hearts not a taste.

Suddenly, the Devil God Satan moved, and his eyes looked coldly at the three demon kings and the three eldest sons, and then turned to Wang Yan, laughing like a kind father: "It is these things that do not know life and death, dare to strike you, So, vent your father for you and leave them all to your disposal! "

Hearing this, Wang Yan seemed a little interested, but the three demon kings and three elders kneeling on the ground, a nervous heart, were instantly replaced.

"Okay, okay, it's so decided." Satan, the demon who finally got some feedback, was in a good mood. He quickly raised his hand in front of Wang Yan and said one finger at a time, "Or just kill all these idiots! All out to you Overhand, for those who disrespect you, tie them all up for you for your father and let you kill them one by one! How about? Son, do you think this is good? Can you make you feel relieved? ? "

As a supreme demon **** who almost lives with heaven and earth and controls the entire domain of purgatory, the lives of several servants are like roadside insects to him. Rather than make his own son unhappy, it is better to slaughter these servants who have committed serious crimes and let his son vent his anger.

"No, no!"

"Demon, Lord Mo Yan, His Royal Highness, Son of God, Rao, spare life!"

"It's not good to kill people. Don't kill me, His Royal Highness!"

"I confess, I regret, I was blinded, kill them if you want to kill, don't kill me ..."

As soon as the devil Satan's decision came out, there was a wail at the bottom. This time, not only the three great worlds and the three great demon kings, but also all of their men and the soldiers, their hearts were cold.

If you count them, every one of them present has been disrespectful to Wang Yan. In that case, haven't they all died? But now they have no other choice but to ask for it, they can only pray in their hearts that Wang Yan will show mercy and spare them a life.

"It sounds interesting."

However, Wang Yan was contrary to their prayers, but instead promised with great interest, "Then all be killed."

As soon as these words came out, the people who had acted and disrespected Wang Yan at the scene suddenly burst into tears, and the only luck and hope in their hearts were shattered.

"Haha, well, as long as you like, you can do whatever you want for your father!"

Satan, the devil, is happy now, as long as his baby son is happy, what is the point of killing a few slaves? At the moment, a domineering one-handed, blatant gravity force field immediately fell on all the unlucky eggs. Everyone was locked in by Satan's huge mind and coercion, and there was nowhere to escape.

Only listening to the violent collapse, echoed sadly at the scene. Due to the surging gravity, the earth bursts and collapses, and even the space around the gravity field trembles and twists.

Except for the three demon kings and the three princes, there were four or five hundred people on the scene, all of whom were hands-on and disrespectful to Wang Yan and others and their soldiers. These unlucky eggs, under the terrifying twisted gravity of the devil Satan, were subjected to brutal squeezing by the average force.

This great power comes from all directions. They feel like they are in a shrinking sphere. The body's gang gas is completely exploded, the armor is twisted and deformed, and it is deeply penetrated into the flesh. Even under this extreme twisted gravity, they couldn't even scream in pain. All the moans and wailings were like the air stuck in the throat, only to stare at the violent eye strain and whimper miserably.

Suddenly the scene was full of shame, and the onlookers with a fluke mentality shrank one by one, trembling.

In the world of hell, the power and horror of the Devil God have already penetrated into the hearts of the people.

At this time, the devil Satan just raised his palm, the surging power, and instantly subdued four or five hundred people. This powerful power, like a panic-like prestige, completely overwhelms everything in the world, making all the onlookers at the scene feel deeply insignificant and powerless. The awe of Satan, the Devil God, and Mo Yan, the son of the Devil God who must not be provoked, also reached the extreme at this moment.

"The Devil God is the Devil God in the end, everything in this world seems to be played by him in the palm of his hand!"

In the quiet, Wang Yan also secretly sighed in his heart, even if he has now been promoted to a demigod, this is almost the limit of the evolution of a creature. But compared with a god, there is a qualitative gap between the two.

A god, who has completely exceeded the limits of living things and reached immortal existence, is definitely not a person, or any force that can easily be dealt with.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan also secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he had successfully penetrated the enemy's interior, otherwise he would rashly approach a demon god, which was really dangerous.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and the Emperor of the Desert also looked at each other in secret. They dared not speak, but the vigilance and pressure that were difficult to conceal are now in sight.

They and Wang Yan glanced at the satellite video of Uncle Cannon and Uncle Cannon fighting fierce Devil Satan in extraterrestrial orbit.

At that time, the avatar of Satan, the devil, was only a demigod level, but the distorted gravity and **** fire released were terrible.

Now that the devil **** Satan is coming, the displayed power is more relaxed and freehand. Raising his hand to the foot, he will control all the army of four or five hundred people. This power is really terrible!

If the devil Satan really launched an attack seriously, a gravity black hole or a purgatory fire, would n’t this city be easily destroyed?

This kind of horrible thing, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others, felt the pressure multiplied by just thinking about it.


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