The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1624: miserable! The first master of the earth

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"Don't worry." Wang Yan once again gave her a fatal blow. "Although you are reluctant to do so now, the devil's pattern inside the humiliation of the demi-god will continue to brainwash you. It won't take long for you Willing to serve Mo Yan as his master. "

what! ?

In that scene, Antalya felt shudder even if she just thought about it. She now regrets so much, and regrets why she didn't explode directly when she was fighting with the Blood Devourer.

Even if it completely fell and the mission failed, it was countless times stronger than it is now.

A tear fell from Antalya's eyes.

Seeing her like this, to be honest, Wang Yan also had a feeling of being satisfied with cruelty. Bloodline evolution is really powerful, which can turn Wang Yan into a purgatory demon. But among the genes of the Purgatory Demon Clan, there are such genes as brutality, lust, and strong desire to conquer.

This kind of gene also caused great trouble to Wang Yan. He had to control himself with his heart at all times. Antalya showed this look, which really made Wang Yan unable to bear to bully her. .

Of course, bullying her is just a means.

Although his relationship between Wang Yan and the Guangming family is good, he also knows what is going on with each other's personality. Every angel is full of pride, but I have the solemn temperament of the bright family.

If you can't surrender her completely, then it is not difficult to ask her to cooperate with the mission of saving Cannon Uncle.

Only by letting her feel despair first, and then pulling her at the last moment, can she be clear who is the master.

Sure enough, under the threat of Wang Yan again and again, Antalya's mentality collapsed rapidly. If she was n’t accused of repairing behavior, she would definitely explode immediately, even if she only slightly injured the abominable and dirty Demon.

Before, she hated the Blood Devourer, but this Demon Flame Lord was ten times, 100 times, and 10 million times worse than the Blood Devourer.

Just before Antalya's mentality was about to collapse, Wang Yan stopped speaking and moving, but gently mentioned the phrase in earth language, Philjos.


Antalya looked at him dumbfounded.

"Why, don't you even know the surname under the crown of the bright pope on the plane of the earth?" Wang Yan said with a smile. "Does Lulu Holfes always know?"

"You ..." Antalya looked at it suspiciously, and of course Lulu knew that this time, she was taught by Antalya herself that the excellent young people of the Earth's Bright Holy See entered the kingdom of God.

But how could such a **** demon understand these things?

"Okay, Archangel Antalya." Wang Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly unveiled the card. "Good luck, in fact, I am the undercover that the earth sent to the plane of hell."

"Come on your head." Antalya was furious and showed contempt. "Dirty and humble **** demon, don't think you have a little information, you can insult my IQ. Come on, no matter what you use Means to deal with me, I Antalya blinked even if I lost. "

Do not believe?

Well, it ’s normal to not believe it.

Even Wang Yan couldn't believe it himself, and one day he could get to where he is today.

Wang Yan directly reversed the evolution of blood veins, and the demon body quickly changed dramatically, developing in a human direction. Soon, Wang Yan recovered his true body. Although this process is a bit painful, but if you want to trust Antalya, you can only take this step.

"Ah ~?"

Antalya can't believe his eyes. He is obviously a **** plane demon, how can he be transformed into a human?

Is it illusion?

"My name is Wang Yan, I am a member of the National Plan of the National Plane of the Earth Plane, and an apprentice of the semi-god-level strong Cao Jingluo." I have heard about my name after paying attention to the plane of the earth. By the way, His Majesty the Great has also followed me. "

Wang Yan! ?

Antalya was stunned. The name was more than concerned, but it was ridiculous.

Now the whole Kingdom of God knows that this time the bright Saint Lulu likes Yan Zun's apprentice, the flame son Wang Yan. This gossip is still the fierce material that the golden-winged angel babe burst out.

The little angel Babe is not an ordinary angel in the kingdom of God. She used to be the archangel, the existence of the demigod peak, only to fall into the reincarnation pool because of the fall.

However, Babe just walked around the earth, and after coming back, she had a lot of bad habits. She did n’t mention anything about fighting and drinking. She also fell in love with blackmail and extortion. Now she is a evil bully in the kingdom of God. Let her quickly go back to earth.

The most angry thing about the Light Kingdom is that the little angel Babe himself revealed that she learned everything from the flame son Wang Yan.

At that time, Antalya also made up her mind that if one day he met the son of Rausch's flame, he would be beaten fiercely, and this guy would bring the atmosphere of the whole kingdom of God into ruin.

Wang Yan saw that her face was cloudy and uncertain. Where could she expect that there would be so many thoughts in her heart, but just said: "My Master and Master, as well as the Pope and the Super League have been in crisis for too long, we need to seize the time to rescue them . Antalya, should you be an insider? "

"Wait, I did hear Wang Yan's name." Antalya stood up and looked at Wang Yan with some pretentious eyes. "But how can you prove that you are human Wang Yan. Not a demon. Transmogrified humans? "

Antalya is an archangel, even if it is not in combat form, she is also very tall. Although Wang Yan is not short, he is half as long as Antalya.

However, for a master at this level of Wang Yan, height and weight are no longer a measure of combat effectiveness. He just said angrily: "Why are you more annoying than the bureaucrats on earth, how are you going to make me prove myself ?? Let ’s just say, if I ’m the bad guy you imagined, you think you can still be here right now. Really? The cruelty of the Infernal Demon Clan, do n’t you understand? "

Antalya immediately blushed and gave Wang Yan a vicious look. Although he said something very reasonable, she still felt that the turning point was too sudden at this time, and she did not dare to believe: "You are right, but you can't Exclude you from deliberately deceiving me so that I can confess the whereabouts of the Warriors of the Earth. "

"Okay, since you treat me as a bad guy, then I will continue to be bad." Wang Yan sneered, "Since you are in the hands of a bad guy, don't complain about your life."

"Wait ~" Antalya shuddered and said quickly, "In fact, there is still a way to prove it. I have heard of the pure Yang of your earth. Even the Father and God praised Youjia. You enter my body ... … No, you can use pure Yang Qi to help me heal ... ”

(Okay, I admit that I dare not write something. Before this book was so pure, it has been harmonized with ~~~~ for a long time, and it forced to change the title of the book, which caused the popularity to be worse now. Right.)


Time flew backwards for several days.

Deep in the dark sea of ​​endless abyss, a medium-sized broken floating island.

Once the first warrior of the Earthman, Cao Jingluo no longer has the past scenery. He has a beard and a scum, and his body is dirty, hiding from Tibet like a frightened little mouse, passing by and passing by from time to time. .

So secretly, he burrowed into a hole.

In the cave, Princess Linghu Yao, Pope Guangming, and Randy the male superhero are all there. In addition to the fact that Linghu Yaofei is still complete, the Pope of Light and the Super League are both miserable. Especially the Super League, even one arm was broken.

They lay on the ground with haystacks, their faces withered, and they were angry.

"Wife, see what good food I found?" Cao Jingluo leaned in front of Linghu Yaofei, and took out a few pieces of black rhizomes, a fat giant abyss who was killed.

Linghu Yaofei took a sigh of relief, and said with a pretty eyebrow: "Cao Jingluo, we all ate so many days grass, do you still let me eat grass?"

"Isn't there meat?" Cao Jing was slightly guilty and pointed to the fat giant rat.

"Oh, rat meat." Linghu Yaofei sneered. "I'm a demon emperor. After marrying you Cao Jinglue, can you only eat rat meat? I can't make a fire yet, I'm afraid to attract soldiers."

"This ..." Cao Jinglue was embarrassed and helpless. "Wife, isn't this a special period now? Antalya must be able to pass through the space node, enter hell, and then ask for help from the earth and the light kingdom. Wait for the reinforcements to kill. Here, my wife will get everything you want. "

"Huh!" Linghu Yaofei said dissatisfiedly, "The present dilemma is not caused by your Cao Jingluo too waves? If you are not determined to destroy two large formations, we will have gone back."

"Yes, yes." The light pope with a weak breath climbed up and pulled off the dry grass on his head. "Cao Jingluo, to say that you are a super pothole. The last thing this prince regretted in his life was knowing you. . "

"Come on, just two sentences." Cao Jing slightly glared at him and said, "If it weren't for your teammates to be too wasteful, we would have broken through the second big group and left. Also, every day I go out Looking for food, then blinding you than starving you. "

"After a while, I'm hungry and give me some food." Randy, the male superhero, said with a weak trembling voice.

The Pope Guang didn't dare to say much, and looked at Cao Jingluo with an eyeless look: "I am also hungry ..."

Cao Jing gritted his teeth slightly, and one person stuffed them with a rhizome, and then took out two grasses for them: "There is a shortage of food. Everyone will live together and they will be there."

"Meat, I want to eat meat."

"I want to eat too……"

Cao Jing slightly glared: "The deity finally hit a prey, and it was for my wife's body. They all went while going, and it was good to have grass to eat." Then, he looked at Ling Huyao flatteringly Concubine, "Wife, let's take a little risk today and make a meal for your husband called a chipmunk."

When Linghu Yaofei just wanted to bury her sentence, it didn't take long to think of the hot rat meat. It ’s okay, is n’t it just rat meat, I ’m Linghu Yao Fei Tang Yaohuang, why have n’t you eaten it?

Alas ~ At this time, Princess Linghu Yaofei couldn't help but think of Wang Yan, and the real apprentice Wang Yan was really resourceful. For him now, this dilemma should not be too easy to solve.


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