The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1625: Damn it! Manager

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"Fragrant, so fragrant."

The light pope who was eating rhizomes and chewing grass came together, and his eyes were full of hunger ~ thirst: "Cao Jingluo, give me a bite, and I will forgive you."

Cao Jing slightly glanced at him angrily: "No need to forgive me, thank you. This meat is for my wife."

Linghu Yaofei was touched when she heard the words. Although this time it was Cao Jingluo's pit, but her complaint was only talkative. At least at the critical moment, Cao Jingluo missed her very much.

Just when Linghu Yaofei was about to eat a bite of meat, and then distribute it to everyone.


Dozens of powerful breaths flew down from the sky, rumbling, falling like a meteor into the hole. Every one of those breaths is full of the tyrannical Devil's breath. Obviously, they are all powerful among the Devil.

The most terrifying thing is that, among those breaths, there are two more terrifying breaths.


Those two most striking breaths must be the devil's breath.

Even compared to the four peaks of them, it is not too much.


The cave where they hid was exploded by a condensed energy from a magic flame, exposing their four figures.

"Ah ~"

Cao Jingluo stared at the Demon Army with dumbfounded eyes, and could not believe this fact. But it was only a risk of roasting a mouse, and it was actually stared at by the demon army.

No, why are those masters of the Demon Race most of the Devil Races in Hell World? Has **** and the abyss already joined forces?

Various desperate thoughts permeated everyone.

Linghu Yaofei holding the fragrant rat meat in her hand, slowly stood up, her eyes full of determination and dignity, said to Cao Jinglue: "Jinglue, I am the shallowest of all people. You take the pope and the male super Let's go, I will use the Tianhu Da ~ method to hold them for a moment. "

Even in the desperate situation, after all, Jiuwei Tianhu is Jiuwei Tianhu, and it is still swaying, beautiful and unspeakable.

"Impossible!" Cao Jing whispered angrily, "You take them away, I will drag the enemy."

"You Chunyang is good at frontal combat. With less than 20% or 30% of your strength now, how many can you hold back?" Linghu Yaofei's eyes said firmly, "We are a master of the earth. More than that, all death here is a disaster. You can rest assured that I am good at group illusion, and I still have a chance to escape. "

At this moment, the voice of the Dark Mist Devil's bad breath sounded: "Brother Mo Yan, that beautiful flamboyant woman, is Jiuwei Tianhu transformed? Would you like to help you catch it?"

Abyssal language is difficult, but how can they not understand Cao Jingluo?

The four people changed their words, and their eyes showed a fierce look. Obviously, the other party's bad intentions angered them. Especially Cao Jinglue, almost rushed up desperately.

"Brother Dark Mist, how difficult is it to catch some of the remnant soldiers in this area?" Wang Yan said with a smile. "Please, one thing, you take your men to the outside, and one thing is to prevent them from escaping. Second, Well, you know ... "

The Dark Mist Demon slightly hesitated, but still agreed: "You guys, take it easy, catching the nine-tailed sky fox is already the limit, the other human masters must be beheaded. Otherwise, our boss is not easy to explain."

After that, the Dark Mist Demon took his dozen or so men and flew out of the floating island, arming it four times.

After the Abyss Demon Clan left, Wang Yan waved his hands, and his guards scattered around to surround the island.

At this time, although Wang Yan wanted to bury Uncle Gun, they were afraid that they would be wronged because of the presence of the sister-in-law. As a result, Wang Yan did not wait for them to react, and said to Linghu Yaofei immediately: "Sister Niang is not afraid, I am Xiao Yan, to save you."

"Xiao Yan?"

Linghu Yaofei's eyes lit up suddenly, and her heart was ecstatically ecstatic. She never imagined that this purgatory demon was actually pretending to be Wang Yan. However, she also left an extra thought at this time, her jade lips lightly vomited, and said: "Since you are Xiao Yan, you should know your maid's measurements? Report the numbers and I will believe you."

What is the logic of Wang Yan's waterfall Khan? If I were Xiao Yan, I would know that data? I had no choice but to whisper: "Sister-in-law, don't make a fuss anymore. If I heard Uncle Gun, I will be killed."

Linghu Yaofei voiced: "He dare. At this stage, it is not because he wants to make a contribution too? Xiao Yan, fortunately you have come to rescue me. Xiao Yan, the sister-in-law did not like you like white. After going back, I will call the girl of Yao Jue the same as last time, and the three of us will have another secret date. "

When he said this, Linghu Yaofei flirted to Wang Yan with a charming look, and her flamboyant spirit was revealed.

During this process, Cao Jinglue was frightened and trembling. His wife and the other party whispered to each other secretly to pass on the sound. But what is such a shy look?

"Sister Niang ..." Wang Yan reluctantly said, "Even if you don't believe me, can we change the way of temptation? In this case, I will really be killed by the master."

"Teasing you to play, the maid still can't believe you." Linghu Yaofei turned her eyes charmingly. "Even if you look the same, the maid can smell your unique taste."

Wang Yan wondered, taste? What unique taste? He has now used bloodline evolution to completely transform into a purgatory demon, even the Satan demon cannot distinguish it. What unique flavor can it have?

"Wife! Don't look like this." Cao Jinglue looked more and more flustered. Should he use charm like this? He always felt that there was a green cloud floating on his head.

"Cao Jinglue, I don't want to be like that either." Linghu Yaofei sighed quietly, "I have just negotiated with this **** demon king, as long as I am willing to follow him, he will find ways to help you escape."

"Ah?" Cao Jinglue suddenly felt that the green cloud was coming, his whole face was suffocated, his hair was blown out, and a vast pure Yang gas spewed out, "It is impossible, even if Cao Jinglue is dead, It ’s impossible to sell a wife for survival. "

what? Wang Yan was also shocked. What kind of stalks did the lady sell? When did we negotiate such a thing? It was just that he just wanted to speak, and the voice of Princess Linghu Yao fell to his ears again: "Xiao Yan, don't talk first. Let me be angry with this old thing, see if he still waves?"

Well, you are the master of the family, everything is up to you. Wang Yan shut her mouth honestly.

"Desperately? Is this still useful in this situation? The master of the earth is dead, just wait for the world to be destroyed." Linghu Yaofei said to Cao Jinglue coldly, "Furthermore, I don't think to follow it. What a bad thing. Take a look at this young purgatory demon, his breath is magnificent and energetic, and the future is boundless. "

"Huh, this Jiuwei Tianhu is right." Since he wants to help the teachers and mothers, Wang Yan naturally has to help in the end, and simply pushes the waves, "This king is not an ordinary demigod. This king is ..."

When everyone's attention was focused, Wang Yan's incarnation of the **** demon had a proud head and could not be said forever: "This king is the only heir of the devil Satan. In the future, he will rule the entire hell."

Son of Satan?

Everyone present was shocked. This devil turned out to be the son of the demon god?

Linghu Yaofei's eyes also showed an incredible color, and her eyes lit up. She continued to bury Cao Jinglue: "You heard? People are the sons of the demon gods, they are more powerful than you. Look at him. Majestic body, perfect bloodline gene. "

Every time he said, Cao Jingluo's face was green, and he never dreamed of this life. One day he would be hatted by a purgatory demon.

"Jinglue, since Yao Fei herself is willing, then let's do it like this." The superhero Youyou, who broke her arm, persuaded, "If we all died here, the earth would really be finished."

"Go! It's not your wife who sacrificed." Cao Jing slightly scolded, and turned his expression gradually serious, said to the Princess Linghu Yaofei, "Wife, although I usually hesitate, I'm old and serious. But now I want to ask, you Do you really want to follow him? Or do you want to sacrifice yourself and protect everyone? "

"What about hypocrisy?" Linghu Yaofei sneered.

"If you are pretending, I will definitely not agree." Cao Jingluo said indifferently, "Even if the earth is destroyed, we all died on the spot, I will not agree with Cao Jingluo."

"What about sincerity?" Linghu Yaofei asked.

"If you really want to go, my Cao Jinglue is naturally wishing you a good home." Cao Jingliu straightened his chest, his vicissitudes of eyes were very firm, "But my Cao Jinglue will stay in the abyss and make my last contribution to the earth. Until the death. "

"Humph!" Linghu Yaofei's cold eyes regained some warmth. "Old things, you pass."

Ah, pass?

After Cao Jinglue was stunned, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "Wife, it turns out that you are tempting me?"

"What to try? I tell you the old things, don't think that the old lady has no one to ask, you will dare to get rid of the flowers in the future, the old lady will wear you a hundred, no, ten thousand hats." Linghu Yaofei ruthlessly He gave him a glance.

"No, no." Cao Jingluo nodded like a chicken, "My little Cao is headed by his wife. Let me go east, never west."

"Okay, it's fun to talk to the old lady about being nasty." Linghu Yaofei said, "Xiaoyan, since your Uncle Gun has passed, then execute your rescue plan."

Xiao Yan? Rescue plan?

Except for Linghu Yaofei, everyone was at a loss.

"Yes, ma'am." Wang Yan agreed, bowing his hand and waving the devil's hand. Several sets of demon's full-body armor flew out of the storage equipment.

Under everyone's dumbfounded eyes, Wang Yan said to everyone: "Uncle Cannon, under the Pope's crown, as well as the male super seniors, everyone quickly put on the armor I prepared, these armor are produced by Master Refiner, more or less It can simulate the breath of some purgatory demons. "

Cao Jing slightly widened his eyes and looked at Wang Yan desperately, not daring to channel: "You, you, you ... You are Xiao Yan? How, how is it possible? How did you become a purgatory demon."


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