The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1626: The second generation of God is amazing?

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A dragon king ship like a starry sky monster stopped slowly in the abyss and dark sea.

The dark fog and Wang Yan heard the news, standing side by side on the dragon head.

Facing the fierce blood-sucking demon king, the dark fog demon-lord frowned, persuading him with anxiety: "Brother Mo Yan, the blood-sucking demon king is not good, I am afraid ..."


Wang Yan was carrying his hands, his face was rebellious, and a strong and majestic voice was passed out, "Blood eating, your bold courage, dare to stop the way of the Son of God. You are looking for death."

The Blood Devourer held up the Abyss Demon God Order, and a sly color appeared on his rugged and ugly face: "The little king did not dare to fight against the Son of God, but the little king was ordered by His Majesty Kaos to capture the criminals from the earth. Xiao Wang was informed that His Highness the Son of God seemed to have had contact with the earth. "

"桀桀 桀 ~" Wang Yan burst out a brutal grin, "Yes, the Son of the God of God did arrest a nine-tailed sky fox as a slave, why, do you want to go back?"

"If His Royal Highness only needs a nine-tailed sky fox as a slave girl, of course Xiao Wang dare not say much." The blood-sucking demon sneered, "But there are four half-gods on the side of the earth, and three wanted criminals? "

"Oh ~ It's your business." Wang Yan sneered. "Do you still need to report to you what the Son of God is doing?"

"Don't be impulsive, everyone don't be impulsive." The Dark Mist Demon King saw that the situation was wrong and hurriedly persuaded, "Blood eating, the three masters of the earth have been beheaded by His Highness Mo Yan, and the gray fly smoke is extinguished."

At the same time, the Dark Mist Demon King persuaded Wang Yan: "His Royal Highness, the Blood Devourer takes the Demon God Order, which represents the will of His Majesty Kaos. Anyway, we did not hide the three earths to commit, it would be better ..."

"Joke." Wang Yan interrupted it directly and arrogantly. "I am the son of Satan, no matter where I walk, it represents the will of Satan's father. If the son of this **** is allowed to be randomly framed and searched by a devil, will it not? Let the face of Satan's Father die? "

"Humph!" There was a hint of viciousness in the eyes of the blood-sucking demon king. "Since His Highness Mo Yan refuses to cooperate, don't blame the little king." If it is in the world of hell, the blood-slayer will hate Wang Yan, Give it ten guts, it dare not fight against Wang Yan.

But here is the abyss world, and there is the abyss demon order in its hand, so naturally there is no need to be afraid of the kid of Mo Yan.

"Okay, okay!" Wang Yan smiled angrily, "This is the hospitality of the abyss."

During the speech, Wang Yan took out a red token. The red token is simple and thick, exuding the majesty of the devil.

Satan Demon Order?

The Dark Mist Devil is not good, he quickly said: "His Royal Highness, don't rush ..."

Before the Dark Mist Devil had finished speaking, Wang Yan crushed the Satan Demon Order in a breeze.


After the Demon God's Order shattered, a violent divine power rose into the air, and the fiery **** fire burned up, forming a sky of fire in an instant. Even the mists of the abyss and the dark sea were dispersed for dozens of miles.


The Dark Mist Devil couldn't help but groan in his heart, this, but this is crushing the devil order? Is this kid Moyan too impulsive? Even His Majesty the Demon God, it is extremely difficult to refine a Demon God Order, and it has to pay a great price.

Usually, whoever gets the demon order is to deter others with the token itself. If it is not an extremely urgent situation, which one has the courage to really crush the demon order and directly summon the demon order?

Trouble, this is causing big trouble.

The blood-sucking demon king who was so arrogant just now was also embarrassed, right? I just want to check the Dragon King ship, cut the momentum of the magic flame boy, and get back some scenes.

In fact, it didn't believe at all, and the kid would be interested in those wanted criminals. At most, the kid had heard of a nine-tailed sky fox, and he came here to arrest him.

But what is happening now?

He actually smashed the demon order, should he be so crazy and impulsive?

This, this, this is going to be a big deal.


The sky of hellfire surged wildly, the sky seemed to be torn, and a huge scarlet eye slowly appeared in the hellfire.

A vast majesty that could destroy everything easily covered the audience.

The surging dark magic and the turbulent **** fire covered the entire sky.

In the strong smoke and **** fire, the powerful and powerful purgatory demon Satan tearing the space appeared, and the gods were very domineering.

The magic wings lifted up, and the divine power was as mighty as the sea. Under the red skin, the world is undoubtedly unparalleled.

Even if it was only a phantom, it was terrifying and felt its own smallness and lowliness.

"Your Majesty the Demon God."

The first to react was the Dark Mist Demon King, "Come to the Abyss."

The rest of the strong men, including the **** demon king who was just arrogant just now, kneeled down in fright, all shouted together: "Congratulations to His Majesty the Demon God."

Although Satan is the devil of hell, it is a great **** after all.

Any existence that dared to disobey it has no reason to be taken to death.

Devil God Satan didn't take care of them. His majestic eyes turned to Wang Yan, revealing his spoiled color: "My son Mo Yan, what happened to call for the father to come?"

"Your Majesty." Wang Yan said sorrowfully, "It's it, the guy named Blood Devourer, who humiliated me with the Abyss Demon God Order. I'm afraid that it will damage the overall situation of the two friendships and peace. Your Majesty, please come to preach justice. "


An extremely furious emotion turned into a sky of coercion and enveloped the blood-sucking demon, "Humble creatures, your bold courage, dare to insult the blood of the gods."

The blood-eating demon king feels paralyzed and unable to move. Facing the Satan demon is like a rabbit facing a tiger, and he feels throbbing from the depths of his soul. In life and death, it quickly distinguished: "Your Majesty, this is all wrong ..."

The words hadn't been finished yet, and the **** fires in the sky condensed into a giant palm, which was shot like a mountain.


Thunderous sounds, countless flames spattering like fragments, dyeing the abyss and the dark sea to the red of hell. Within these tens of miles, it is simply not an abyss, but a part of the world of purgatory.

Really magnificent.

The poor blood-eating demon king has no ability to resist, just like a fly was swiped hard by a fly swatter, and flew away in the distance, with blood spewing in his mouth, and the bones of his body broke more than half.

This is just the appearance of Satan Demon God's phantom. If Satan Demon God really shoots this palm, the Blood Devouring Demon King will be directly killed by a stroke, the divine power is like prison, and the terror is like this.

On the side of the Dark Mist Demon King, his head was prostrately lowered, and no one dared to speak.

"Son of the gods, you ants can also insult, let alone the devil order." Satan's angry voice rumbled like thunder. "Even if the boy Kaos came in person, it wouldn't work."

Just when the blood-sucking demon king was seriously injured, his heart was desperate, and he felt like he was going to die here.

The same powerful **** appeared abruptly, a black giant eye appeared like a vortex in mid-air, uh, a huge black claw tearing open the space, the huge abyss demon Kaos appeared, standing proudly Into the void.

The burly and majestic, rough and overbearing, full of chaos and destruction, is an enlarged abyss demon. But the breath on it is vast and endless, and it will creep on the ground uncontrollably.

Its magnificence is as good as Satan, the devil.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Demon God." The Dark Mist Demon King and other demons hurriedly welcomed the Demon God Kaos.

At the same time, two ghost images appeared, which is a rare scene in history. There has always been little direct conflict between gods and gods, even if only the phantom comes.

The two demon kings of the abyss and their respective men were stunned, crawling on their bodies, not even dare to breathe for a while.

"Satan, you are so brave." Kaos, the abyss demon, growled. "The abyss plane is not a place where you can spread wild."

"Kaos." Satan the devil said with a sneer. "You are so brave, my baby son came to your abyss and grabbed a few slaves to play with. That is worthy of you. How dare you use the devil order to let his men arrest humiliation."

Saying, the **** fire in the sky is boiling endlessly, exuding a terrifying sea wave, also showing the angry mood of Satan Demon God at this moment.

The abyss deity Kaos snorted: "Satan, my abyss has no intention of enemies with you, but it does not mean that our abyss is afraid of you!"

That said, a huge amount of dark energy has also emerged. Those energy like black mist have a terrible negative violent erosion. Even if the legendary strongman is involved in it, it will be eroded to the flesh for a moment. After separation, the souls and spirits will be destroyed.

The powers of the two demon gods' laws collided with each other, inspiring a vortex of energy, and a little carelessness would make people die.

This is just the result of their phantom coming and controlling power. Otherwise, if the two gods come in real life and confront each other, even the entire plane will be implicated.

Others did not dare to speak. At this time, Wang Yan stood up and said loudly: "Father Satan, Uncle Kaos, listen to me for the time being."

With Wang Yan's knowledge and insight, it is natural to see at a glance that the two demon gods are pretending to be fakes.

Indeed, at the level of gods, life is extremely long. However, once injured, it is extremely difficult to recover. If the deity is too severely damaged, it is easy to be targeted by other deities, or even attack it in groups.

Isn't it a life-and-death hate?

As expected, the two demon gods stopped, and Shenwei's panic eyes stared at Wang Yan.


Facing the two demon gods, Wang Yan was not afraid, "Uncle Caos and his nephew were also happy to hunt, and they only chatted about the brother of Dark Mist to play in the abyss world and arrest Jiuwei Tianhu. , My nephew will give the captured archangel and Jiuwei Tianhu to the abyss. "

"This ..." To say that the demon **** Kaos doesn't mind a Nine-tailed Sky Fox or Archangel, it's purely fake.

The Nine-tailed Sky Fox is a rare cosmic species, which has great attraction to any gods. Although there are more angels than Jiuwei Tianhu, after all, they are under the leadership of the old and bright old dog. If you can catch one, it will be a huge blow to the old bright dog.

But the problem is that those two are already the prey of the magic flame boy, and the other one is called by Uncle Caos. The most important thing is that he is the only heir of the devil Satan and is deeply loved by Satan.

As an uncle, I want to **** my nephew ’s prey. I am afraid that Satan ’s Demon God is just for face, and will also attack the abyss.

Now the abyss world is at the most critical moment. As long as the beautiful and rich earth is captured, the power of the abyss can be expanded to a terrible level in a short time.

"Hahaha, what is Nephew Mo Yan saying?" Demon God Kaos laughed heartily. "Our abyss Demon Clan and Purgatory Demon Clan are a family, and the abyss is your home, in their back garden. With the prey caught by me, how can I be an uncle, how can I rob? Misunderstanding, all this is misunderstanding. "

Saying that, the demon **** Kaos kicked a foot in the air, Tao Tao's dark demon gasification turned into a big foot, kicked the injured prostrate blood-sucking demon king, kicked out with anger: "You idiot, Mo Yanxian My nephew is just arresting a few slaves. How dare you intercept the son of the demon with the token of the **** for the sake of private enmity? Fortunately, there is no big mistake, otherwise the **** will make you suffer the most cruel punishment. , I ’m not going to leave this god. "

The Demon God's anger, the space around the sound rumbling rumbling, almost breaking.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates will roll, this will roll." The blood-sucking demon spurted blood violently, and turned into a cloud of blood mist to escape quickly, embarrassed.

While running, he couldn't stop being angry, the **** magic flame was simply a star of death. Its blood-sucking demon king's good and unpretentious skills all disturbed him, and he was so embarrassed.

The second generation of God is amazing?

Ooo ... Sorrow comes from the heart, and the Blood Devourer cannot help crying.


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