The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1627: This mission is too great

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The confrontation between the two devil gods is destined to be just a matter of face. When Wang Yan took the initiative to resolve, the atmosphere quickly went in a very harmonious direction. Between Wang Yan and Kaos, one is called Uncle and the other is called Nephew. They really seem to be a close family.

Soon, the Dragon King ship was released, swaggering across the space node and entering the world of hell. The scorching air full of sulfur smell made Wang Yan feel immediately home.

It's no wonder that Wang Yan's body at this time is a purgatory demon, a demon that evolved and evolved in hell. Every part of the environment in this world is the best place for the purgatory demon to survive.

Dragon King ship, in Wang Yan's exclusive room.

Randy, the male superhero wearing Wang Yan's close guard magic armor, said with emotion: "I always thought that I would never have the chance to return to the earth. But I didn't expect to be saved by Wang Yan."

Cao Jingluo, who was also dressed, was speechless for a while. The scene of picking up his baby apprentice in the small sales department was still vivid, like yesterday. Originally, he thought that apprentice Wang Yan, even with outstanding qualifications, would be able to achieve legend before the age of thirty-five. It is already a demigod.

Even more terrifying is that he even found a way to mix into the enemy, and he called the brothers and brothers with the devil kings, and was regarded as a son by Satan Demon God ...

"Xiao Yan, the sister-in-law really didn't misread you." Linghu Yaofei's eyes were radiant and her eyes were silky, "This time I really thank you." But I was feeling emotional, and my silly sister didn't know Seize the opportunity early.

"Sister-in-law, Master." Wang Yan shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Don't be too happy first, although we escaped from the abyss, there is still the level of hell."

"Hell? Isn't **** your site?" Pope Guang was slightly surprised, "Who dares to embarrass you because you can pretend to be a son of the demon god?"

Wang Yan sighed and said helplessly: "Of course it was Satan the Demon God. He had informed me and Dark Mist before that the Dragon King Ship was not allowed to stop all the way and drove directly to the Demon God's Palace."

"This ..." Cao Jingluo and others are human spirits. They suddenly understood what the devil Satan might have seen through, and could not help worrying about each. Going to the Satan Devil's Palace in this way is really awesome.

It's not that everyone hasn't thought about fleeing.

However, based on the patience and ambition of the Satan Demon God, this Dragon King ship must have been locked for a long time. The probability that the big guy can escape back to earth is too low.

Secondly, even if everyone was extremely lucky to escape to the earth, it would be equivalent to exposing Wang Yan. The best result would be to destroy all his efforts in **** now.

"No, we can't escape." Linghu Yaofei firmly said, "Xiaoyan's move to develop power in **** is more important than our four lives."

"Yes." Cao Jingluo's voice is also very solemn. "Xiao Yan is a child who can create miracles. With him, there is the future of the earth. Xiao Feifei, Randy, are you not afraid of death?"

Fear of death, of course, everyone is afraid.

But at this juncture, would the Pope of Light and Randy, the male superhero, be lagging behind?

"The Father of Light is on top." The Pope of Light said solemnly, "Now that we are full of talents in the Holy See, even if the Emperor sacrifices no problem."

Randy, the male superhero, sighed and said, "Wang Yan, if I die, can you promise me a condition?"

"Senior Randy, please say." Wang Yan politely said, "If there is something wrong with Senior, I will definitely do what I can do."

Although Randy is from Midi's side, he is still a standard alien. But he has always been responsible for maintaining peace and saving the earth. Wang Yan also admired this.

"You know, now our kryptonians are left with me and my sister. Once I die, my sister is left." Randy said helplessly, "Wang Yan, I hope you can help us kryptonians to reproduce the race. . "

Multiply race?

The corners of Wang Yan's mouth twitched. Should he just throw himself to such a great and glorious mission? I, Wang Yan, He De He Neng, should be supported by the survival mission of an alien race.

"Landy, your words are not right." Cao Jingluo smiled and said, "You mean that once you die, the Kryptonians can only breed Xiaoyan. It seems like you are not dead, just Can and ... "

Sure enough, Linghu Yaofei and Pope Bright all cast strange looks on Randy.

Randy Dayton felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, impulsively wanting to make a big move to get rid of this shameless old thing, a hundred. Can you chat well?


Dragon King ship's speed is very fast, just a few days, arrived in the Devil God Capital.

The Dark Mist Demon, who had long received the Order of the Demon God, drove the Dragon King ship directly into the Purgatory Demon Temple.

Under the magnificent building complex, the huge Dragon King ship is like a small sampan.

A purgatory demon dragon king hovering in the main hall, staring at the dragon king ship fiercely, as if seeing the same kind, ready to pounce on at any time to have a contest.

"Come in."

Satan's command sounded.

The Dragon King ship drove honestly into the Demon Temple and stopped in the vast inner hall.

A building of such a huge space is unique on the earth, and only gods can build it.

Therefore, don't underestimate the degree of civilization of the purgatory demons, thinking that they are primitive wild races. In fact, in a sense, the civilization level of Purgatory Demon Race exceeds that of Earth.

After the Dragon King ship entered the Demon Temple, the Dark Mist Demon walked away with all abyss demons. The next thing should be the family of Satan the Devil, no one can get in the way.

On the constellation, sit with a head of tens of meters in height, majestic and powerful to the ultimate purgatory demon. Every part of its body exudes endless coercion, especially the pair of deep and cosmic eyes, which is unacceptable.

Even the demon king with the strength of reaching the level of demigod can only prostrate under the panic.

"My dear flames, look at your good deeds." Satan Demon God seems a little annoyed, and his tone is dull. "Can it be because you have collected a few more earth slaves and got in touch with the earth's forces?"

In the whole Demon God's palace, the red clouds filled the air, filled with the breath of the law of **** fire. There is no doubt that Satan Demon God is a demon God who has enlightened the law of Hell Flame to a very high level.

Hellfire is a branch of the law of flame in the universe. Evil, overbearing, and burning the body can also burn the soul. And once he gets fired from hell, he will often suffer from bone attachment like maggots.

If the earth has a scripture that can cultivate hellfire to a demigod level, then it will undoubtedly be included in the six holy scriptures, and "Great Light", "Dark Bible", "Pure Yang Divine Power", "Wet Five famous books such as "Pu Tian Tu" and "Grace of Life" are equally famous.

In a sense, the lethality of Hellfire is not inferior to that of Pure Yang Fire, even better than that of Pure Yang Fire.

As for the power of the Holy Flame in the bright vein, it is even worse than Hellfire.

Of course, the strength of the fire depends on the practitioner himself.

It's just that Hellfire as the life law of the Purgatory Demon Clan, there are too many Hell Demons who understand Hellfire.

It can be seen that the Purgatory Demon Race is powerful.

If the other two demon gods were not contained, the Purgatory Demon Clan would have been screaming and expanding outward.

Not to mention gossip.

Facing the rebuke of Satan, Satan, Wang Yan waved away all the irrelevant personal guards and waved away. Saying to Satan Satan: "Your Majesty guessed right, I have indeed caught up with the forces of the earth."


Demon God Satan was a little dazed by Wang Yan's, and after stunned, his face became more gloomy, "Mo Yan Wuer, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Your Majesty." Wang Yan chuckled lightly. "What's the problem? The plane of the earth is a beautiful and rich place. Why can only the abyss plane invade the earth, and our purgatory demon can only stick to the old nest?"

Satan, the devil, was startled. "Isn't the meaning of my child's demon flames? Isn't it because the slaves of the earth are tempting them to prepare to stand out for them? Is there a plan for the earth?"

"That's for sure." Wang Yan put on a sullen pride. "How is my magic flame? How can I be fooled by some earth slaves. The place on the earth is good, this king is fancy."

"Good ambition." Satan, the demon god, breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his son would be "young" and was used as a spear by the earth. It ’s just that it still has doubts, “It ’s a good thing for my son to plot on the earth. But we are far away from the plane of the earth, and the space nodes connected are limited. It is still reluctant to send a few Demon warriors, but I am afraid that large-scale invasion ... "

Indeed, the plane of **** and the plane of the earth are not connected, there are only some small nodes connected at the four-dimensional level. The two parties must come and go through those nodes with limited space.

Satan, the devil, is even more difficult to go to earth, and unless a large number of sacrifices are made on the opposite side, it is possible to summon its avatar to go. But even the devil's avatar to the earth is a very dangerous thing.

A clone of Satan, the devil, had fallen on the earth before. So far, it has not been able to investigate the truth.

As for the abyss plane, it is different.

The other party is approaching the earth at a four-dimensional level, and it will eventually hit together, tearing out countless plane channels, and even gradually merge in the last two worlds.

Under these conditions, the abyss plane has the ability to truly invade the earth.

Some people may say that the purgatory demon can enter the abyss world through the space node first, and then turn to the plane of the earth. But this is that the abyss world will not agree. Second, the space nodes of **** and the abyss world are relatively narrow, and it is difficult to allow tens of millions of troops to go.

As a result, although the devil Satan also stared at the earth, he wished to swallow it. But the only thing it can do is to lure the fallen people of the earth to believe in it, so as to achieve the purpose of indirect control.


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