The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1633: Believe in science

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"It takes about two or three thousand magic crystals to promote an A-class elite soldier to a half-step S-class. If all his 10,000 soldiers are upgraded to a half-step S-class, wouldn't it be tens of millions of magic crystals? Isn't it going to be hundreds of millions of magic crystals when all of them are promoted to legends? "

"If we consider the large-scale purchase and sale of resources and cause supply and demand problems in the market, wouldn't this price have to be raised by several percent?"

"If these elite soldiers are replaced with corresponding weapons, then this cost is simply a bottomless hole?"

Wang Yan made a little calculation in his mind, and the whole person suddenly had a hard time.

The soldiers he brought this time, there were about 10,000 people, mainly seven thousand barbarians, two thousand ogres, the remaining members were eagle body succubus and succubus, and there were a few dark elves.

These tens of thousands of soldiers can be said to be the core strength that Wang Yan has carefully cultivated in the past year. Each one is carefully selected. Some barbarians still follow Wang Yan when he first came to hell. It can be said that the merits are outstanding. And most importantly, their loyalty is unquestionable.

If all these outstanding soldiers are upgraded to a legendary level, they will definitely become a team that can even surpass the powerful combat power of the army directly under the demon god!

If there are tens of thousands of legendary generals in hand, Wang Yan is sure to push any enemy.

With this combat capability in hand, no matter what enemies he encounters, Wang Yan at least has confidence. But now it is difficult, so many valuable magic crystals, where to get it?

Speaking of these, Wang Yan has been worshipped by the royal princes, nobles, and devil kings in these days, and all kinds of treasures have made a lot of money.

But the key to the evolution of a treasure took nearly half of his assets.

Now he has only about 20 million magic crystals on hand. The reason why he said that is because the magic crystals he owns are not more than one million. The rest are all kinds of rare treasures, these things have to be sold. In order to change to magic crystal, the current estimate is about 20 million, depending on the market price.

In this way, letting his bloodline evolve into a half-step S-class alone, not counting the later equipment and supplies, is enough to hollow him out, which may not be enough.

Although it only takes more than two thousand magic crystals, it is a very cost-effective thing for an A-level man to get the evolution and improvement of the bloodline. But with a large number of people, Wang Yan would have to be hollowed out even if he was sitting in Jinshan and Yinshan.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Yan decided to say: "Zoe, you and Master Hill have a good day's rest first, and then start preparing. I plan to give priority to the backbone of my men and give priority to evolution."

"Zoey takes orders, and Zoe must serve Lord Moyan wholeheartedly." Zoe respectfully bowed her head. Although her status has improved many times over the past, she still remembers that she is Wang Yan's slave girl. Serve Wang Yan as much as possible.

"Hill also follows Master Moyan's order." Master Refiner Hill, who also responded with respectful salutes, "Improve the promotion and give it to Zoe, and the enhancement and production of equipment and weapons are given to the old man."

With the command of the two, they immediately started a lot of work.

As for the backbone of Wang Yan ’s mouth, it naturally refers to the confusion, cruelty, Ablon Giant Mallet, and legendary men such as Zhang Weidao, Wuwujie, and the Desert Emperor who are companions with the earth.

Counting it, a few of the **** world's men, plus the partners from the earth, except that Lydia does not require additional evolution, there are a total of fifteen legendary strongmen. In addition, there are five barbarian warriors in Wang Yan's army, which have also reached the legendary level.

The five barbarian warriors were also barbarian gladiators rescued by Wang Yan from the black market of Liuhuocheng. They were born as mercenaries themselves, and have been fighting for many years. They have very rich combat experience. Later they also followed Wang Yan and attacked the Chilian Demon King. Their combat capabilities were very good.

Wang Yan has been serving as a barbarian general for a long time. Later, because of the rewards given to them by Wang Yan, he has been promoted to the legendary realm.

Now these twenty legendary men and companions are Wang Yan's most powerful backbone generals so far. Under the current lack of funds, it is definitely the most sensible approach to allow them to give priority to evolution and upgrade to become a more outstanding vanguard.

According to Zoe's conservative estimates, to optimize promotion for each legendary lord, at least 100,000 magic crystals need to be prepared.

More than one hundred thousand magic crystals, that is, the price of a top-grade spiritual weapon or a second holy weapon, but in Wang Yan, it can make a legendary lord and be promoted to the peak state.

This price / performance ratio is definitely extremely cost-effective.

You have to know that reaching the legendary level is already the limit of most purgatory demons. Even if you want to take one step upward, it will be as difficult as going to the sky. Many hardships have become legendary lords of the purgatory demons, basically to death It can only be in this state.

If these legendary lords are told, as long as they spend more than 100,000 magic crystals, they can be promoted to the peak of the legend. Not to mention that ordinary lords will squeeze their scalp, even the confusing lords who are clinking poorly in that year will smash the pot and sell iron to steal. Come try it.

But the only thing that currently disturbs Wang Yan is the problem of resource supply.

Even though Satan, the devil god, regards Wang Yan as his son, he will not open all his money and materials to him. There is no reason why Satan, the devil, will not easily approve.

In addition, Wang Yan does not want to tell this kind of secret weapon to outsiders, especially the outsider, such as Satan, who is currently unable to fight against him, he is even more unable to disclose.

Therefore, the lack of resources and wealth can only be slowly obtained through their own ways.


A little bit of time passed, and after about ten days, Wang Yan and his companions again gathered in the secondary space of the Book of Stars.

In the subspace, the entire sky is full of pure magical glory and beautiful.

Just above the top of the starry sky tower, everyone gathered in front of the key to the evolution of the treasure, waiting for the emergence of the desert emperor's evolution.

"Hey, hey, boss, I really didn't expect that you discovered this kind of anti-sky technology in the relics of the old man of the starry sky god. I really admire the youngest!"

Lord Chi Chi who had just been successfully promoted to the pinnacle of legend, seeing Wang Yan sitting patiently in front of the treasure, hurriedly came forward with a smile on his face, serving tea and pouring water to wait and said, "Come on, boss, drink tea. It's a pity that this life optimization can only be performed once in the current stage. Otherwise, the younger brother will let the most of them try a few times and directly rush to the demigod devil, how good it should be. "

"Insufficient greed, if you are not afraid of genetic collapse and die, being the boss can make you come a few more times." Wang Yan took the tea and casually said a word.

Upon hearing the gene collapse, the confusing Lord shrank his neck, and quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need, my brother feels that he has just advanced and the state is not yet stable. It will be later, and we will talk after we get more resources.

That ’s right, these ten days have not only been the Lord of Deception, the Lord of Cruelty, the Ogre Ablon Maul, Walpole Blue Shield, Dark Elf Camus, Elsa, Enzo, and five The legendary barbarian warriors have all been optimized for blood, and successfully promoted to the peak of legend!

Even Alchemist Zoe and Alchemist Master Hill have been successfully promoted to the pinnacle of legend with the help of the core and other resources carefully auctioned by Wang Yan!

And after this kind of genetic optimization, all qualifications and talents have been greatly increased. This is also the biggest advantage of bloodline evolution.

Wang Yan's improved bloodline evolution technique is powerful in that it not only enhances the user's current strength, but also optimizes the user's own bloodline genes so that their life structure can be truly sublimated.

The many benefits brought by this are enough for users to use for a lifetime.

However, this bloodline evolution technique cannot be reused multiple times at a certain stage. This has been verified by the Red Confused Lord many times.

Because of the same bloodline gene, after optimization for the user, it is difficult to play the role of repeated optimization. And a user cannot fuse too many different genes, otherwise it will cause the gene chain to collapse and the creature will die miserably.

If you reach the pinnacle of legend, and you want to continue to enhance your bloodline genes and obtain more powerful power, you need to find more powerful semi-god-level prey. And the multiple optimization attributes that this demigod level can provide must also be consistent with itself, so as to obtain optimization and promotion again.

For the past ten days, Wang Yan's cronies from the world of **** have basically been optimized and promoted. On this side of the earth, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, and Shen Tu Tianlu also successfully obtained optimized promotion and successfully reached the legendary peak state.

As for Lydia, she does not need Wang Yan's assistance to optimize the bloodline.

She herself is the heir to the starry sky god, and she has a set of methods that use magical elements to continuously quench body evolution. Coupled with touching the fire of life, his qualifications and talents are outstanding. Therefore, since this time, she has completed the promotion of her own strength in this starry sky tower by virtue of the rich and pure magic elements here.

Now Lydia has successfully reached the peak of legendary level, and her heart has matured and firmed a lot, which has saved Wang Yan a lot of heart.

However, the promotion of the remaining Shiva goddess Indira, high priest Berika, and the desert emperor Ganeses made Wang Yan a bit difficult.

The three goddess Shiva, the high priest Berika, and the desert emperor themselves have reached the peak of legend. Their strength is very good, and the degree of life evolution is already very high. If you want to get evolution and breakthroughs again, the difficulty can be imagined. .

"Lao Wang, do you say that Lao Sha can succeed this time?" Zhang Weidao and others whispered and asked beside Wang Yan.

"I don't know, Lao Sha's life level is too high. In the absence of resources, even Zoe can't guarantee it."

Wang Yan frowned, and Chuanyin replied, "Otherwise, let's let Belika fortune teller? Look at the chance of success this time?"

"Bah! Pharaoh, are you a priest and a fortune teller on the street?"

The high priest Belika passed by with a white eye, and inserted into the dialogue by means of sound transmission, "This is what time it is. To believe in science, you can't solve problems with science, can you solve them by fortune telling?"

Hearing Belica ’s vomiting, Wang Yan, Zhang Weidao and others were shocked, and the corners of their mouths could n’t help but smoke.

The heart said that this magical stick priest actually said he wanted to believe in science? Are you kidding me?

However, the situation encountered by Wang Yan is indeed very difficult.

In order for the Shiva Goddess, Belika, and the Desert Emperor to achieve an evolutionary breakthrough, the resources and materials needed must reach the level of demigods.

That's Qiangda's demigod-level creature. Any Qiangda's demigod is a party hegemony and no one dares to provoke it.

At that time, Yanhu ruled the occupation of Chilian Huze and became king. The Red Refining Demon King, who ruled that area, froze for hundreds of years without daring to attack. One can imagine how noble deterrent a demigod-level overlord is in the world of hell.

Where is such a powerful overlord-level creature, their flesh and crystal nuclei, available at random? Even if it is a large black market in Shendu, this level of precious resources is priceless in the market, and can be encountered but not sought.

If it is said that a legendary lord, evolution and promotion to the peak, only need more than 100,000 magic crystals. So if you want a legendary peak powerhouse to use evolution to break through to the demigod, the price must be at least one million magic crystals!

Because the flesh and blood corpses of demigod-level overlord creatures, related auxiliary materials to assist evolution, and even the energy supply of evolution are not counted, just a demigod-level core is worth millions!

The semi-god-level core, but the key requirement for making the best holy artifact, and even the sub-artifact, the power contained in it is unparalleled in this world.

If you want the desert emperor to break through the promotion, it is not enough to have a demigod core. This demigod core must match the desert emperor himself.

In addition, it is best to have this demigod core and corresponding complete corpse. Coupled with related auxiliary reagents and a large amount of pure energy supply, in this way, the desert emperor can successfully and perfectly obtain sublimation on the level of life.

Wang Yan's preliminary estimate of one million yuan consumption is really the lowest limit. But even if it costs two million or three million for this, as long as he can get a demigod in his camp, it is an absolute bargain.

You know, a demigod-level overlord, it is the ultimate life at the highest level under the devil in the world of hell.

Wang Yan is confident that he can have more demigod-level strongmen in his camp. Not to mention the other forces of the **** world, he can have the power of a battle. Even if he is facing a demon god, he may have the ability to escape.

This is the key to having top powerhouses in the camp.

It is a pity that the demigod core is too rare. Wang Yan has not yet auctioned a suitable demigod core. Therefore, after consulting with several companions, it was decided to use the four-core legendary core with a variety of auxiliary materials. One-time exact matching is used to replace a semi-god-level kernel.

The precise calculation of this material is mainly conducted by Zoe. If it succeeds, then Wang Yan will find a way to shape the divine personality, and there will be a shortcut.

The actual situation is always more difficult than imagined.

In a blink of an eye, the crisis has struck.


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