The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1634: Take these and sell them first

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A sudden roar suddenly sounded in the cabin of Evolution Key.

The air in the cabin shook violently, and the light yellow energy mist that originally diffused in the chamber immediately boiled and rolled, and changed into a large and strange blood mist color.

The desert emperor himself also made a scream that couldn't restrain it. The whole person knelt on the ground tremblingly, the back muscles bowed high, the whole person's expression was grim and distorted.

"No, it's an accident!"

The confusing Lord standing around, as well as Zhang Weidao and others, Qi Qi's eyes widened, and his face was all dignified.

"Master Moyan, it must be that the life source of mixed deployment is too complicated, and it has already begun to collapse and fight back, and the optimization process must be terminated immediately!"

Zoe quickly looked at Wang Yan with a nervous face. She could not understand the crises in the evolution of the bloodline.

"Stop the process immediately, inject the booster reagent, hurry up!" Wang Yan frowned, and immediately issued a stop order.

He wouldn't take the life of an important partner around him to take risks. Before the bloodline evolution, the relevant safety measures have been fully prepared.

Upon receiving the order, Zoe, who was already prepared, immediately shut down the input of the source of life, and at the same time injected a gene amplifier into the body of the desert emperor.

At this time, the desert emperor, his eyes were red, his body had more cracked and bleeding, and he looked terrible. However, with the injection of this booster, his situation immediately improved.

This booster reagent comes from the desert emperor itself, and its role is to enhance the desert emperor's own genetic vitality and enhance his life force.

In this way, the tangled life source input was cut off, and the exclusion was immediately controlled. At this time, the desert emperor's own vitality was enhanced, so the desert emperor, with his powerful cells, began to kill in turn, and devoured those foreign sources of confusion. Just like a cold, the body's immune mechanism kills cold viruses.

Gradually, the wound of the desert emperor's cracking began to heal, and soon after that the many negative conditions that made his body reject began to gradually disappear.

After a while, the cabin door was opened, and the desert emperor gasped and stumbled out.

The desert emperor's own level is already very high, and the vitality is also unusually tenacious, enough to resist this level of refusal of genetic invasion, which is also the confidence he dares to accept Wang Yan's proposal. However, it is related to the evolution of life, and the risks are still very large, and a little carelessness will cause irreparable consequences.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yanli immediately stepped forward to support him, and apologized and said with apologetic: "Lao Sha, let you suffer, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay? Do you look like I'm okay?" The emperor of the desert gave Wang Yan a white eye, and with his temperament, he almost couldn't help but scolded his mouth. The cores are probably not fakes? This experiment is almost fatal! "

"Fake goods are not enough, but the level of life contained in the core is too low, and there are many types of cores used, which eventually caused the combined gene chain to collapse, and it turned back against you."

Wang Yan smiled bitterly, and said that it seems that different types of low-level kernels are used to replace a semi-god-level kernel. The hidden danger is still too great. This road does not work.

Once this road does not work, then he plans to use a variety of low-level resources to build a way to become a god, and it seems to be impossible.

"Lao Wang, you don't have to worry too much. Your achievements are already very high." The desert emperor saw the difficulty of Wang Yan, so he whispered, "I am promoted to a demi-god right now. Matching demigod-level overlords, I can wait. "

The desert emperor naturally dreamed of breaking through the shackles and becoming the sixth semi-god powerhouse in the true sense of the world of superpower. Besides, he was unwilling to be left behind by the wicked Pharaoh for a long time.

And among the companions from the earth now, only he has the best strength and the highest level. If it is possible to break through, it is not him who is undoubtedly, which is why he participated in the evolution of this adventure.

"But Pharaoh, if you want to test anything next, don't look for me anymore, I can't eat it anymore. Find it, find her."

The Emperor of the Desert said, turning his gaze with horror, looking to the goddess Shiva on the side, quietly whispering, "Indira is a goddess of Indian Shiva teaching, with outstanding strength, not under me."

Watched by the eyes of the desert emperor and Wang Yan, the goddess of Shiva felt a creepy feeling, and suddenly came to her heart.

"What are you looking at me for? You, wouldn't you want to experiment with me?"

The goddess Shiva became more and more frightened, and she retreated back and forth, "I don't want to go through that kind of ghost experiment, don't even think about it!"

Aside from the high priest, Berika also sucked inwardly: "The kind of experiment on evolution is really terrible. Gee ... how can this kind of terrible and painful experiment let girls try? Pharaoh, if you dare , I, I curse you on behalf of the earth! "

"No experiment, no trial, I already got the desired result."

Wang Yan no longer heard the sound, let go of the voice and said, "It seems that low-level lifeforms cannot always replace the life source of high-level lifeforms. If you want to break through the legendary peak in a short time, I am afraid you have to find a suitable semi-god level overlord It will do. "

After listening, everyone around them nodded in agreement.

These people are all close friends of Wang Yan. These ten days have been working hard to advance together. They are also aware of the dilemma facing them. And the technique of bloodline evolution seems to be against the sky, in fact, it still conforms to the laws of nature, but it takes a shortcut.

"Next I need to inquire about the information of some overlord-level creatures. If we can add a demigod to our camp in the future, whether it is in the **** conference or the future **** battle, it will benefit us immensely."

Wang Yan said, Lord Chong Chi beckoned, "I will leave it to you to handle it. You are the purgatory demon race. You will handle this matter, which is much more convenient than Camus and Zhang Weidao."

This place is the core capital of Purgatory Demon Race. All foreign races are inferior class in the eyes of Purgatory Demon Realm. No one wants to take too much attention at all. But here is also the heart of the entire Purgatory Demon Realm. There is nothing here that is not available here.

"Boss, you can rest assured, this matter is covered by my brother!" Lord Chidu patted his chest to ensure that now he is not the same as now. After following Wang Yan, even in this god, they are all one. Yeah.

Wang Yan nodded after listening, and then looked at everyone again, saying: "At present, it is not practical to optimize all 10,000 men at one time. So I plan to select 30% elite first, as the first batch of soldiers, priority to build . These 30% are elite, and you will go to the barracks for selection by Camus. "

"Yes!" Camus took the order immediately.

"Also, you have to remember, and you must let the following people remember, this thing is absolutely not allowed to disclose the slightest wind to the outside world." Wang Yan tightened his eyes and sternly told.

He now masters this set of improved bloodline evolution, and he can turn this anti-celestial technique into a key to the evolution of the treasure, which can be said to be an artifact without the name of an artifact in the world today!

Once revealed, it will inevitably cause the outside world to watch. Not to mention the powers of Fallen Demon and Dark Demon, even now the forces of Purgatory Demon Realm will surely rush.

Therefore, Wang Yan intends to keep the secrets related to this treasure as confidential as possible. In particular, Satan, the demon that he can't fight now, can't reveal any news.

Otherwise, this treasure is still not his own, it is not easy to say. Besides, if you live all day under the glance of external enemies, that kind of life will not be easy.

Fortunately, Wang Yan's men, including the 10,000 elite soldiers, are the same as the previous barbarian rock captain. After his careful selection, he won the trust, otherwise he would not be able to use this treasure to optimize the bloodline for them.

"Master Demon Flame, you can rest assured that those men have been carefully selected and very loyal. A few of us can assure you that we will never reveal any news to the outside world!"

Camus, Confusion, Ogre Ablon Giant Mallet, and Meier and Zoe all vowed to Wang Yan that they would never leak any wind to the outside world.

Wang Yan nodded his approval. These few powerful men were all excellent generals who took the lead of Wang Yan. With their management at different levels, he was assured.

"Master Hill, you need to strengthen and forge a batch of new equipment next, and this will be yours."

Wang Yan helped the desert emperor walk to the side of the seat to rest, and at the same time looked at Master Hill, laughing, "Master Hill is sorry, and then you have to work hard to work overtime. Of course, what are the needs, Just mention it to me. "

"Huh, the old man is on your thief ship. I thought that following you, Master Mo Yan, would have a good life, but I would be more tired every day than an apprentice."

Master Hill smoked a cigarette pot and spit out the smoke ring. "At present, I will first come to five tons of purgatory steel. This is the main material. I will declare other materials to you as needed."

"No problem, no problem, I need everything for you."

Wang Yan smiled and patted Master Hill on the shoulder. A master refining master in Hell World is even rarer than a demigod demon king. With the help of this master refining master, it is really worry-free and money-saving.

Otherwise, so much military supplies, as well as the strengthening and repair of equipment and weapons, if this master refiner were present, he could only spend a lot of money to buy it, go to an outside workshop to order it, and spend money and time, not to mention, quality There is no guarantee.

Now he only needs to find some apprentices for Master Hill and set up a workshop. After that, as long as he provides the necessary materials, he can guarantee his entire military supply. And each piece of equipment is equipped with excellent quality and excellence. Where can we find such good things?

"All right, the old man doesn't ask for anything, as long as you can treat my daughter better."

Master Hill smoked a cigarette and gave a meaningful glance to Zoe before bidding farewell to Wang Yan, and went to the workshop first.

Both Wang Yan and Zoe were stunned for a while, and the people around him who had always loved to join the lively Chess Lord and Zhang Weidao, Shen Tu Tianlu and others immediately came together with a smile.

Although Master Hill and Zoe are not the same race, Zoe, who is lonely and helpless, is the adopted daughter of Master Hill since childhood. The two are not biological fathers and daughters, but they are better than biological fathers and daughters.

Now this scene is very obvious. This dedicated Master Hill is clearly working for his son-in-law?

"Master Moyan, I, I think you, you are to me, already, already very good ..."

Under a few unreasonable eyes, Zoe's face turned red at once, and she wanted to explain something, but the voice behind was almost shy and inaudible.

The more chaotic the explanation, the more ambiguous the scene becomes.

It wasn't until Wang Yan glared at the confidant Lord and others that the unsuspecting big guy had left with a smile and said that he was busy with his own business.

"Cough, Zoe, those guys love to be messy, don't mind."

Wang Yan laughed a little, trying to change the atmosphere at the scene. However, Zoe's blushing cheeky face replied on the spot, "It's okay, anyway, Zoe is your slave girl anyway, yes, it's your person ..."

Wang Yan's eyes stunned for a moment, and he was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know what to say at all.

But thinking about it, according to the concept of the world of hell, this argument is really not wrong.

After Wang Yan was helpless, he had to digress again, and Zoe counted the consumption of various materials so far.

Since this time, they have carried out two optimization experiments for the desert emperor, and ultimately ended in failure.

Although no demigod cores are used, a combination of multiple legendary cores is used twice, consuming a total of eight legendary cores, and a variety of auxiliary materials and energy supplies, which cost more than one million magic crystals.

The optimization promotion of dozens of legendary men also cost nearly three million magic crystals. Adding one to the two items costs more than 4 million!

Wang Yan had a total of assets before, but only about 20 million remained. After this conversion, there were about 15 million remaining.

The total assets of more than 15 million are only estimated using various materials and resources.

In fact, there is no magic crystal in Wang Yan now. The only resources left are those of the royal nobles. If you want to use it, you have to sell it and replace it with magic crystals before you can use it for purchase.

In addition, Wang Yan intends to give priority to the promotion of 3,000 soldiers, which will require more than 6 million magic crystal consumption, plus the army ’s military equipment, and even the upgrade supplies of the mounts. The estimated consumption is about 8 million magic crystals.

At the thought of such a huge expense, Wang Yan felt a lot of pressure.

This has no funds and can't really support an army.

At this point, Wang Yan handed a Goblin storage box to Zoe: "Zuo, you need to sell this stuff first."


No way, until now, Wang Yan can only sell iron and resources.


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