The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1635: The ultimate gift of the **** meeting

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"After these resources are sold, bring a few more people to classify and manage the remaining resources for me. They are useful to stay. Those that are temporarily unavailable are sold and replaced with magic crystals."

Wang Yan made a simple plan for his existing materials and resources. Now he can use every resource and magic crystal.

"Master Moyan, just give it to me, and I will definitely sell you a good price." Zoe took the storage box and immediately honored the salute.

She was born on the black market, but she is familiar with the black market transactions, plus she is good at appraisal and eloquence, and it is suitable for her to auction.

"Master Moyan, me, me? What am I doing?"

The neglected brutal master who had been ignored by the side, rushed over with jealousy, and said with carelessness, "The slave family is now also a legendary pinnacle, and the slave and slave family are also useful!"

Wang Yan looked at the brutal master who was eager to express himself, and then nodded and said, "Fortunately, it is not convenient to go out and do things as Zoe, so you will come forward to buy and sell materials, and Zoe will assist you. But you need to obey Zo. Yi's suggestion, she is more professional than you. "

"Very good!" The cruel master immediately cheered with a smile, "This master can finally do things for Lord Mo Yan!"

"Uh?" Wang Yan looked ashamed of himself. Why was this crazy brutal master going crazy? Doing something, so happy?


When Wang Yan and Zoe were about to leave, they suddenly remembered something and reminded them, "This is not a small place like Liuhuocheng. Let Camus arrange for you to accompany a few masters and leave you with everything."

Although they are all subordinates and slave girls of Wang Yan, the son of the demon god, but in a place where the gods are gathered, who knows if anyone will make a fortune or even take the risk? Especially in places like the black market, more care is always necessary.

"Oh, Lord Mo Yan! You, you really care about the slave! The slave, the slave is so moved!"

The brutal master of the county was immediately moved, and his eyes were full of tears, and the whole person darted to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan fell in cold sweat and dragged her up, "This God Son has no time to mess with you, hurry and work for me!" Then she threw her out.

"Hey, ouch!" The Abbot of the Abuse County stumbled a few steps, but he was scolded, and instead turned his face in worship, "Well! My demon flame, the look of the wind, it is so charming!

"Not yet!"

"Go, go! Ooo ..."

The men also left one after the other and did their own thing.

Wang Yan just left the subspace with sweat and returned to his palace.

The Second Artifact Star Book was placed in the secret chamber of the god's womb, so Wang Yan came out of it and returned to his bedroom in a few steps.

The peripheral barbarian and ogre guarded closely, and there was no outsider in the entire Divine Demon Palace. The environment was quiet and comfortable.


Wang Yan lay on the spacious sofa and exhaled for a long time. Meier immediately poured water for Wang Yan's tea and delivered fruits. This short leisure time made him feel relaxed.

However, while enjoying leisure and taking a break, Wang Yan is constantly thinking about the dilemmas he faces.

Since he went to the abyss world, he deeply felt that the power of the abyss is stronger than the purgatory demon race. Especially the abyss demon Kaos, who is quite sturdy and cunning, has been personally seen by Wang Yan.

Although the destruction of Uncle Gun and others caused the invasion of the abyssal forces to be postponed for several years, this threat is always present. If enough power is accumulated at this time, it is impossible to confront the abyssal forces.

In addition, he is now next to the devil Satan, but his identity and appearance are all disguised, which can be said to be equally dangerous.

So far, the only thing fortunate is that they have found a way to save themselves.

However, this road that can quickly improve his own strength requires huge resource consumption, which makes him a bit difficult.

Magic crystals, cherish resources, the core of advanced creatures, preferably a complete flesh and core of a rare creature, so that evolution can be carried out perfectly.

But the difficulty is that these consumptions are expensive materials that he is currently scarce.

And the path to becoming a **** that he is trying to pursue now, is it still necessary to look for special resources that are more precious and rare than demigod-level overlord creatures?

But this world is more precious and rarer than the demigod-level overlord creature, there is only one resource.

That is……

"Is it the devil's gene?"

Wang Yan couldn't help but think of such a thought.

He absorbed the essence of Satan, the demon god, and evolved the body of the demon god, breaking through to the peak of the legend in one fell swoop. Later, stimulated by the fire of life, he broke through again and was promoted to demigod.

These are the genes of Satan, the various advantages provided to him, which still benefit him a lot.

Therefore Wang Yan couldn't help but think that if more Demon God genes were collected, his own genes would be replenished again. With the fire of life absorbed by him, can he get another breakthrough?

Perhaps it is a little impossible to become a **** directly, but at least it can make him go further, reach the peak of the semi-god level, and become a real devil, should n’t it be a problem?

Wang Yan conceived this way, and then using the genes of Satan Demon God is obviously no longer possible. Do you want to use the essence of the avatar of the fallen Demon Samel or the Dark Demon Mamen?


Wang Yan was taken aback by his own thoughts.

To obtain a demon avatar is like cutting off one of the demon god's arms. The difficulty is more than going to heaven?

The avatar of Satan, the devil, was successfully obtained only by coincidence and ambush. Now if you want to get another one, it is undoubtedly a dead end. The difficulty is too high for him to describe.

"Forget it, forget it, these ideas are too far away. Not to mention the road to god, now even how to break through the shackles for the desert emperor and promote the demigod has not been solved."

Wang Yan leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed, thinking, "If it is really impossible for the desert emperor and others to be promoted to demigods, I'm afraid we can only build a strong team first."

The army naturally has the role of the army, but if there are more top demigods, there is no doubt that the deterrent and strategic perspectives have far-reaching significance.

Only reality is reality. If you ca n’t get a lot of resources and magic crystals, then helping your partner to be promoted to the high demigod can only be empty talk.

Thoughtless and useless, Wang Yan stood up and was about to find a way to earn some magic crystals and rare resources.

"His Royal Highness Young Master, Your Highness Demon God invites." Chilian Demon King bowed his head and asked for peace, indicating his intention.

"I know, I'll go by now."

Wang Yan nodded his head, and now it is still unknown what the Devil God Satan asked him for.

"His Royal Highness, the subordinate retired first." The Chilian Demon King finished the report and saw Wang Yan thought deeply, so he retreated with respect.

On the surface, the Red Demon King is loyal to Wang Yan, and is Wang Yan's servant. In fact, the person he is truly loyal to is still Satan, followed by Wang Yan, the son of the demon god. Those who are not like Wang Yan, in their hearts, will always be Wang Yan alone.

Therefore, Wang Yan's bloodline evolution has not been revealed to Chilian Demon King and his three sons, nor is he planning to optimize the bloodline for him and his three sons.

After Yan Chi demon king left, Wang Yan put away his thoughts and set off for the Demon Palace.

After a while, Wang Yan wandered into the majestic demon temple.

The tall and magnificent Demon Temple always gives people a sense of oppression. In addition, the entire ground is as clean as a mirror, and the internal environment is quiet and spacious. Even Wang Yan's current state of mind will be affected to varying degrees.

This could not help but sigh him. In the end, the Devil God is the Devil God. Even the place where he lives, people can't help but awe.

At this time, the devil Satan was sitting on his throne, looking like Wang Yan had been waiting for a long time.

Wang Yan stepped forward and asked Ann to greet him as usual, but this time there was no one in the Demon Temple. The atmosphere seemed a little serious, which made him quietly more cautious.

After all, the devil only covered the sky with his hands, unfathomable, he didn't dare to carelessly.

"My good son, get up quickly without much courtesy."

When the demon **** Satan lifted it with one hand, an invisible force lifted Wang Yan who bowed to salute gently.

"My son, you must be curious to find you suddenly for your father. What is the reason for it?" Satan the devil said slowly, but there was more solemn emotion in Meiyu.

"Yes, the baby is very curious." Wang Yan still pretended to be his role, and reverently replied, "You removed the guards and maids in the temple, and there are hidden concerns in your expression. It seems that you have It ’s important to discuss with your child. "

"Yes! My children are resourceful and very happy for my father!"

Satan Satan raised his mouth in satisfaction, and at the same time looked at Wang Yan with dignity, "The next thing for the father to talk to you is very important!"

"Baby would like to hear the details."

Wang Yan approached the seat of the **** under the sign of Satan the demon.

Devil God Satan looked at Wang Yan's respectful and ceremonial appearance, and was very pleased. After nodding slightly, he slowly said, "My son, do you know the true meaning of the **** meeting, and the final reward?"

Wang Yan froze for a moment, and replied: "Of course I know."

This is almost the old man in the world of hell. It is very clear to the children, women and children. How could he not know?

Satan the Devil raised his head and motioned, "Tell me."

"The Hell Conference seems to be a collision of young people, winning the strongest among the younger generation of the **** world. In essence, it is your game with the other two demons. You use the **** world as the chessboard, and the strong people of all races as the flag The three parties jointly played a game of chess that spanned a long time. "

Wang Yan already knows a lot about the Hell Conference, and now replied, "The victorious side will gain more territory, resources, and more population and military power. Over time, the stronger will be stronger, the weaker will be more The balance that is weak and wins sooner or later will lean towards the side with the most winners. "

"As for the final reward, it seems to be a sub-artifact, as well as a large number of territories and the supreme power of the famous hell."

As for the final reward of the Hell Conference, Wang Yan, like most people, understands this roughly.

According to the historical deeds, after winning the victory, it is nothing more than the reward of the three-party demon god, giving the strongest a lot of treasures, beautiful women, and the most precious large areas. After the winner returns to the Demon Territory, his own Demon God will be rewarded again, and the lords of the parties will also win. The next step is to enter the political system in common, and go all the way.

But in addition to this, there is also a rumor that the winner is usually the person of the three parties, especially the other two enemy forces. The ending is usually not a good ending.

This is also the result of too much exposure, but there are still countless **** youths, in order to stand out and incomparable benefits, squeezed their heads to fight for the pawns of the three devil gods.

As for Wang Yan, there is naturally no interest in this **** conference champion. His main purpose in attending the **** meeting was to get close to the devil and wait for the opportunity to find Uya Ange.

He didn't care how much he could get in the end and whether he could make merits for Satan, the devil. In his original intention, even if he went to a **** meeting, he just coped with it.

"Yes, this is indeed the real purpose of the **** conference for the father and the other two demon gods, and the final reward that the winner can get."

Speaking of the other two demon gods, Satan ’s eyes showed a bit more hostility, but as soon as his voice changed, there was a little more suspiciousness in his expression, "If it is the past, it is true, but this **** meeting, It ’s not that simple. "

"Oh? Is there anything different in this **** meeting?" Wang Yan frowned slightly, and looked very puzzled.

In fact, he was secretly secret, and it was absolutely not easy to let the devil Satan care so much.

"Not long ago, my father met with two other demon gods for matters related to the Hell Conference."

Satan ’s gaze gradually dimmed, “The other two demon gods, in the process of negotiating with their father, hope to change the final reward of the winner. In the end, the result of our three demon gods’ negotiations is that the winner of the **** conference can The three demon gods of ours make a wish separately. We must swear to the Stygian birthplace of the universe's origin, and we must not breach the contract, otherwise we will be swallowed by the oath, and the other two demon gods will join forces to destroy! "

Wang Yan did not speak, but his heart suddenly moved, and his nerves gradually tightened.

Listening to these words, the other two demons want to take advantage of this **** meeting?

And the winner can actually make a wish to the three demon gods, and the three devil gods ca n’t break the contract. Does n’t that mean that the winner of the **** meeting can get even the three demon gods ’avatars?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but jump.

"Among the three demon gods of hell, the purgatory demon domain ruled by the father is the most powerful. In the previous **** conference, the purgatory demon clan for the father also won more and lost less, and the benefits gained were much greater than them."

Satan, the devil, was bragging about himself. He said that he leaned over and looked at Wang Yan seriously, "Our purgatory demon clan is obviously stronger and more powerful, but the other two demon gods, at this time, demand to increase the weight of the winner. Obviously there is fraud! "

"It seems that there is indeed fraud!" Wang Yan nodded, and said that Satan, the devil, was really cunning. The other two demon gods' methods were already very obvious.

Obviously, the other two demon gods are already in a very embarrassing stage, and they are planning to take advantage of the time of the **** meeting and make a desperation to fight against the other two opponents. At least we must take the opportunity to defeat one of them, so that the state of the three devil gods in **** will collapse completely!

The water inside is really deep.

"Oh, my son is really clever and clever." Satan the Devil is very satisfied with Wang Yan's performance, and he resolutely replied, "Needless to say, there are definitely tricks in it, so I promised them for my father!"

Hey! Wang Yan sighed slightly inwardly, and it was really pride to secretly devil Satan! Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they prefer to travel in the mountains. This is to make a fuss and take advantage of the situation to uproot the other two demons.

"Father Emperor really has courage!" Sighing back, Wang Yan still echoed the admiration.

"Haha, that is!"

The demon **** Satan was boasted with red light and laughed aloud, "Naturally we must uproot them for our father. Our Purgatory Demon Race is the most powerful fighting race in the world! Compared with our Purgatory Devil Race, those fallen angel And demon, all are bluffing soft eggs! "

As a home-grown fighting race in the **** world, the purgatory demon race has a large population and powerful combat power, and it has occupied the geographical advantage in the **** world. This Demon God, Satan, is also the supreme demon of the Purgatory Demon Clan. He ruled the entire Purgatory Demon Clan. Compared with the other two Demon Gods, he did have that advantage.

To this end, Wang Yan clapped his hands again, and praised a few words artificially.

But at this moment, Satan's expression suddenly depressed: "Son, but this time, there is really cheating!"


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