The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1638: This priest is not a feudal superstition

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"Won't it be so coincident?"

Wang Yan was very excited and thought secretly. Although it is just speculation now, it is not impossible.

According to the scarce information previously obtained, Uya Ange is likely to be an illegitimate daughter of the devil. If the clue left at the time is true, then these two generals representing the devil, will one of them be An songs?

Wang Yan's face was quiet, but his heart was already surging.

Although this is only possible, for Wang Yan, this is undoubtedly great news! Regardless of whether the information is true or false, Wang Yan must see him in person!

"Huh, I didn't expect that the two old thieves hid so deep that they actually cultivated heirs in their backs! But what if there is an heir? How could it be comparable to the god's baby son?"

Wang Yan was still secretly excited about the information he had just obtained, and the devil Satan was still resentful and cursed at the other two devil gods, full of resentment.

It seems that for so many years, the three demon gods have not complained to each other in the hegemony.

Due to limited information, Wang Yan did not stay too much. After a few words, he said goodbye to Satan.

Out of the Demon Temple, Wang Yan was thinking about Uya Ange all the way.

It is also constantly wondering whether one of the other two heirs of the Devil God is Uya Ange?

If yes, Uya Ange participated in the Hell Conference on behalf of the other devil, will he have the same things as he has to do? If so, how to fight this **** conference?

There are too many thoughts, and Wang Yan will be unable to sort out his thoughts in a short while.

So Wang Yan was speechless all the way and returned to his bedroom.

Back in his dormitory, Wang Yan summoned his cronies and his companions from the earth.

After the staff arrived, Wang Yan told them about the intelligence obtained from Satan the devil.

All of these men and their companions on Earth felt pressure at this moment, and their nerves were tense.

There is no doubt that they are Wang Yan's men and companions, and are also the closest people around Wang Yan. To some extent, they have been tied to Wang Yan on the same boat.

Now that Wang Yan is being stared at by two other demon gods, and the plans of the other two demon gods are not only as simple as threatening Wang Yan and their lives, as well as the entire purgatory demon clan and even the **** pattern may be subverted.

Therefore, confusion, cruelty, Camus, Zoe and others all understood the seriousness of the situation.

Even the ogres Ablon Maul and Walpole Blue Shield knew that something was going to happen next, and it was about the safety of all of them.

Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu, as well as the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika, also knew the severity of the situation, and because they also carried the destiny of the superpower of the earth, they were more capable Understand what this session of the dark tide surging congress means to them and the world of superpower behind them.

The next **** meeting will undoubtedly be a dangerous and arduous journey!

"Boss! Even if I die, I will definitely guard your safety!"

The loyal and loyal younger brother of the number one confuses the lord. When he stood up firmly in the face, he vowed to defend his boss Wang Yan.

"Ablon's life is given by the Lord. Ablon will never allow anyone to hurt the Lord!"

The ogre Abron Giantmaul, filled with indignation and anger, in his simple thinking, Lord Moyan is the only will. Whoever dares to hurt Lord Master Moyan, he will kill him, even if the other party is a Demon God, he is still Will go forward.

"Master Demon Flame, your kindness to us is too great. Although we are foreigners, we are also your slaves. Please believe us, even if we let us choose between the fallen devil Samuel and you, Both Elsa and Enzo will stand on your side without a doubt. "

The dark elves Camus, Elsa and Enzo all bowed down piously, saluted Wang Yan respectfully, and swore, "We will guard your safety with life!"

In their view, Wang Yan's kindness to them could not be repaid in this life. Their lives were also given by Wang Yan. Not only that, Wang Yan also healed them, avenged them, and even recovered many of their lost compatriots who became slaves.

And Wang Yan's request to them was just to serve him for 20 years. It is up to them to go and stay afterwards.

Such graciousness, they feel grateful and surrendered from the heart. Now in this situation, they almost have no hesitation in choosing Wang Yan. Even in the future, some of them may return to the Fallen Demon Realm and return to their hometown, but in the days when they became servants of Wang Yan, they will definitely stand firmly on Wang Yan's side.

Not only them, all the men around Wang Yan at this time have declared their oaths, all of them must swear to guard Wang Yan ’s safety. Step over.

"What we have to do next is not just to defend our own security, but to win this **** conference, otherwise everything will become empty talk."

Such loyalty of his subordinates also gave Wang Yan more confidence, so Wang Yan glanced at many men and said, "Then we will run out of time, everyone will take action immediately!"


Everyone shouted in unison to answer, and then left one after another, busy with their respective tasks.

The desert emperor, Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie and others also exchanged glances with Wang Yan, and then began their own practice.

Even Lydia, who does n’t know Wang Yan ’s true identity, also walked into the starry sky tower of the subspace at this time and began a new round of retreat preparations.

Because everyone at the scene understood how powerful the demon **** was. This session of **** is of great importance. Wang Yan and their companions, as the main force of Satan, will surely be attacked by the other two forces.

Hell is a world of weak flesh and unreasonable food. The blows from the forces of the two demons, either light or dark, are often unpredictable.

Once Wang Yan fails to be killed, it means that their group of men is difficult to survive, and even with the entire Purgatory Demon Clan, and this **** world will fall into chaos and collapse.

For the desert emperor, Zhang Weidao and others, such a situation would mean even more tragic consequences. I am afraid that even the entire Earth defense circle will be indirectly destroyed in this turmoil.

Therefore, these Wang Yan and the people who are about to face the storms and bloods can only make themselves invincible in the next **** meeting by continuously improving their strength.


Time passed a little, half a month, only three months from the day when the Hell Assembly began.

During these days, Zoe was busy every day to help Wang Yan optimize the promotion of various soldiers. Camus, Elsa, and Enzo, the three instructors, each worked overtime to train the army for Wang Yan. Master Hill led a forging team to build and strengthen various weapons and equipment for Wang Yan.

The cruel master has become more capable. Under Zoe ’s guidance, she is already very familiar with the black market trading, plus everyone knows that she is a son of the devil, and no one in the gods dare to bully .

Since these days, the brutal master will usually join Meier with a few guards, enter and exit the major black markets in the inner and outer cities of the **** capital, sell and purchase various resources and expensive magic crystals to ensure the logistics of Wang Yan ’s entire army. Operation.

The rest of the people are also in their respective positions, or busy with the tasks assigned by Wang Yan, or busy to enhance and consolidate their own realm, or busy with each other to compare and compare.

In short, everything is proceeding in an orderly way. The only thing that makes Wang Yan regret is that he still hasn't found a suitable devil emperor, or Shiva goddess and high priest Berika, the three semi-god-level overlord monsters promoted.

There is no way. The world of **** is too big. Although it is full of various monsters that have been reproduced since ancient times, it is very rare and difficult to find in this vast area.

Even if you can find some, it may not be suitable for the desert emperor and others.

So that the deceived lord who is now in charge of this task has followed the rumors and ran out of the God Capital. So far, there has been no news for several days, and I do n’t know what the situation is now.

There is no way for Wang Yan to do this. Right now he can only do as much as he can.

On this day, Wang Yan finished today's practice in the Devil's Temple, and just returned to the bedroom, where he happened to meet the desert emperor, Zhang Weidao and others in the space of the book of stars.

"Pharaoh, are there any clues over there? We are so anxious to wait every day."

There were no outsiders, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shen Tu Tian Lu immediately came in order. The desert emperor, goddess Shiva and high priest Berika also followed.

Their daily study, daily practice, combat experience and control of power are indeed increasing with each passing day, but if you want to be improved in the realm, breaking through the nearly demi-god level, it is undoubtedly a fool ’s dream, unable to obtain qualitative transformation in a short time .

Especially the Desert Emperor among several people, although he didn't say anything and did not mention any comments, Wang Yan already understood the anxiety and desire in his heart.

However, there is really no good news coming now. Wang Yan shook his head and replied, "Not yet."

"Alas!" Zhang Weidao and others could not help but sigh with a long breath. "There will be more than two months to officially start the **** meeting. We will also leave here. If we can't find a suitable overlord level Warcraft, I am afraid there will be no Opportunity to launch a demigod. Could it be ... this is God's will? "

"Amitabha, no matter if it is God's will or not, if we can have one more demigod, we can have one more hole card, and we can have one more chance of winning in the event of a crisis." Time still has a little hope, and we cannot give up hope. "

"It would be nice if we knew what kind of enemies we would meet and what kind of crisis we encountered at the Hell Conference."

Shen Tu Tianlu wiped a bright head, took out a piece of purgatory steel, and banged, chewed up, "Pharaoh, will you let Miss Belika calculate for us? Look at the future we will What kind of encounters did you encounter? "

"Bah! You are enough. Are you really a priest who is a fortune teller on the street?"

The high priest Belika gave Shen Tu Tianlu a rather dumb eye, and then turned to Wang Yan without anger, and said, "Lao Wang, you have to believe in science. I can't figure out such a thing. Now **** world Being in a great change, the future is full of variables. Even if I use prophecy, I ca n’t determine the future direction of the **** world. "

"But ..." The high priest Berika said quietly, squinting, "but I used to spend real money, peeped into the future, and learned that the key figure in this big change is our pharaoh. Next, whether it is life or death, as long as you follow the pharaoh, then you are right. "

After listening, Wang Yan couldn't help but wipe out a cold sweat: "Is it good to believe in science? Let's talk about it, isn't it still feudal superstition?"

"Why is this a feudal superstition?" The high priest Belika waved his hands, and the gods said, "All the future starting points are in our present. All predictions are also based on what we have now. Various conditions. As long as you grasp the present moment, it is enough to affect the future. "

"Stop, stop, say nothing." Goddess Shiva has some headways. "In short, if you want to face the unknown future, you have to do something from now on, otherwise you just have to wait like this, but it's not me style of."

"I think so too," the desert emperor nodded in agreement. "There are still more than two months. Maybe we will search separately, maybe we can get something."

Although it may be a good idea to place a separate search elsewhere, it is possible to search blankly in the vast world of hell. I am afraid there will be very few gains.

However, rather than waiting here, the characters of the desert emperor and Shiva goddess are better to go out and search for rare prey in person.

"It seems that this can only be done, so we go out and search together." Wang Yan thought for a moment and replied, "It happened that I also received a few suspicious places here, but it may not be true, and the prey is not necessarily what we need , But idle is also idle. Let ’s take a look at it together. If we search for an additional area, we can also have a chance of success. "

Since these days, Wang Yan has also received a lot of gossip from the Shendujing well, of which 90% is useless and false information, and the remaining 10% and 90% are intelligence that does not meet Wang Yan's needs. In the end, only 1% of the limited information remains, and it is ambiguous, to be confirmed.

So now there is less and less time. If you go on like this, Wang Yan can only take someone to try his luck.

Just when Wang Yan planned to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and took some luck with his companions, a familiar voice suddenly came eagerly from the door of the palace.

"Boss! Boss! Boss!"

When the source of the sound pushed in, the crowd saw a burly figure with a pair of wings on the back, but a muddy, demonic strong man was rushing in from the outside.

Everyone took a closer look, and it turned out that the newcomer was the deceived lord who was in charge of searching for information. But looking at him, it seemed like he was climbing out of the grave after being buried alive.

"Boss! Hey, hey, brother, little brother has discovered, there is a big discovery!"

The confusing lord was disgraced, but his face was rejoicing. When he saw Wang Yan, he grinned, and at the same time, he held a scroll of animal skin in his hand. After approaching, he quickly presented it to Wang Yan, "That's it! My little brother, I spent five magic crystals, I bought this from a cunning gerbil man! "

"What's this?" Wang Yan took the animal skin scroll and opened it, with a dazed face, but it looked like a very rough local map.

"Hey, this is a good thing. It's the map of Laosha, the Lord of Hot Sands!" The confusing Lord almost couldn't smile, and he smeared a face of dust, proudly, "To confirm the truth, I've been to it quietly once in the past few days. This map of Lao Nest is true! "

"Hot sand overlord?"

"Is it ... a rare demigod-level overlord monster?"

Including Wang Yan, everyone at the scene took a deep breath.

The map brought back by Lord Chew is too precious and too timely! Moreover, looking at the sorrowful lord Lord with a dusty face, but happily closing his mouth, this information will not be wrong!


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