The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1639: News of Hot Sands Overlord

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"Xiaochi, you can make a big contribution this time. Tell me about where you got this news? And this hot sand overlord, what is the origin?"

Wang Yan was overjoyed, seeing the **** meeting was about to begin, and did not want to work hard for the deceived lord, actually brought him good news, and greeted the deceived lord in the moment.

Along with the Red Deceived Lord, there were also several powerful men such as Red Cruel, Camus, and Zoe. In addition, Ablon Giantmaul, Walpole Blue Shield, the two loyal ogres, they quickly followed from outside when something happened.

For a time, Wang Yan's bedroom hall once again gathered his backbone. But this time everyone's eyes were on the confusing lord standing in the middle.

"Hey, hey, brother, I have been sleeping for more than half a month in order to find out the news recently, and I have been covering more than half of the purgatory magic domain. In order to hurry, the younger brother spent a lot of money, using the portal of the grandsons of the purgatory warlock, back and forth Hurry up. "

The sorrowful lord looks like he is inviting himself and brags, "For the past half a month, no matter whether it is official or on the streets, most of the news is useless, but this hot sand overlord is absolutely in line with you. Request! "

Hearing the words that absolutely met the requirements, the eyes of the desert emperor shrank slightly, and the expression was full of urgency and expectation.

Everyone knows that his ability is to control sand and melt into sand. If classified in detail, it is a derivative ability of soil elements, which is alternative and powerful. But the disadvantage is that this ability is really rare, whether in the earth or the world of hell, it is very rare.

This also makes it very difficult for Wang Yan to match him with suitable optimization sources.

Originally, the Desert Emperor planned to give up, but at this time, the Lord of Confusion found an overlord-level monster that absolutely matched him. How could this make him not excited?

"I think there will be time for bragging and so on. Now let's talk to us about this hot sand overlord now." Wang Yan motioned to the confidant Lord to sit down, stop bragging, and quickly talk about the key points.

The confusing lord Han Han smiled, and after sitting down with the crowd around the table, he grabbed a glass of water on the table, and the gourds went down.

"Speaking of this hot sand overlord, that would be great."

Drinking a glass of water, the sorrowful lord ’s excitement was slightly relieved, so he said vividly, "I heard this information from the gray squirrel man who lived in the small waterway outside the city of Shendu. It is said In the hot sand desert of the home of the sand dune squirrel, there is an unmatched overlord-level monster, it is the hot sand sovereign! "

"It is rumored that the hot sand overlord was in the depths of the hot sand desert as long as 10,000 years ago. In the hearts of local residents, the prestige of the hot sand overlord is far more prominent than the local demigod. Especially in the hearts of some indigenous peoples , This monster is almost deified. When the name is mentioned locally, even a lizard will have to dig into the hole. "

"However, although the hot sand overlord is powerful, its whereabouts are very mysterious, and the way of hiding is deep. If the younger brother is not wrong, it is an ancient monster that attempts to impact the **** realm in secret, so it will hide in the desert and deliberately avoid The eyes and ears of all living things. "

The confessed Lord said, spread out the map of the hide on the table in front of him, "This is the map I bought from a squirrel man. Without this map, no one can do it in hot sand. In the desert, find the hiding place of the hot sand overlord. "

"In order to determine the true and false, I also went to the hot sand desert specially. I did find traces of the activities of giant creatures on the edge of the map!"

The confusing lord pointed to a point on the edge of the map, his eyes were shining, and he swore vowedly, "Through the perception on the spot, the huge trace is full of rich sand elements. The lord can guarantee that it is definitely from hot sand Overlord, and with what kind of powerful particularity, it definitely meets the optimization requirements of Lao Sha Brothers! "

"This is an ancient monster trying to hit the **** realm in secret? It looks like this legendary monster is nothing different."

Wang Yan murmured secretly, it sounds like this hot sand overlord is very powerful, and cunning by nature, not easy to deal with.

Not only Wang Yan, everyone at the scene was also very aware of the power of an ancient monster. In particular, several native residents of Hell knew more about the difficulty of hunting an ancient monster.

Hell is a huge and ancient world. On the surface, this world is divided and controlled by the three demon gods, but how many creatures in secret are trying to break the shackles and become a god. This number may be too long to count.

However, none of these top creatures attempting to become gods have succeeded in the long years.

In addition to the difficulty of becoming a god, another point is that the three demon gods will severely attack these potential opponents. Once discovered, it will either be destroyed by the army under the devil's command, or it will be destroyed by the devil himself.

Therefore, among these creatures that attempt to become gods, the most difficult thing to deal with is the ancient monsters that hide from the world. These ancient monsters, after years of baptism, are very pure in strength. In addition, being able to evade detection from the outside world is enough to show that they are naturally cunning and difficult to deal with.

"What kind of monster is this hot sand overlord?"

Wang Yan continued to ask that he, like his companions, began to care about how to deal with this monster.

Lord Chew frowned slightly, revealing troubled colors: "As far as I know, it seems to be an ancient dragon!"

"Gulong ?!"

Several native **** residents at the scene immediately froze for a moment, they knew the horror of this ancient creature.

At this time, even the dark elf Camus from the Fallen Demon Realm and others could not help but sigh, "It seems that this prey is not easy to deal with."

"Gulong? What is Gulong?"

The goddess Shiva was puzzled and asked curiously, "Is this kind of monster difficult to deal with?"

In fact, not only Shiva, but also Wang Yan, several companions from the earth, knew very little about Gu Long.

"Ancient is not simply a long-lived, there are very old dragons, but a general name for a dragon species, to be exact should be called ancient dragon species."

Before following Wang Yan, Zoe the Eagle Body Lady was the best appraisal master in the black market of Liuhuocheng City. Hard to reach her.

So under the eyes that everyone expected, Zoe continued to explain: "An ancient dragon species is a primitive species with a more primitive bloodline and an older age. From a pedigree perspective, they are the closest to the galaxy giant , So since ancient times, each ancient is very powerful. "

"Compared to the dragons and sub-dragons of later generations, Gulong, an ancient species from the ancient times of the wilderness, has certain specialities." Zoe is like a beautiful teacher, in front of everyone, seriously explain .

"The vast majority of ancient dragons have inherently strong attributes. Their bodies are very strong, their bone strength exceeds steel, the scale structure is special, and there are many mysterious elements in the blood gene. It is an important material for the magic weapon. The magic weapon made by the ancient dragon is very powerful. These are places that ordinary dragons or sub-dragons cannot match. "

"In other words, the ancient dragon is the natural condensate of the universe, and each end has special natural attributes. The hot sand overlord now searched by the lord of the puzzle should be an ancient dragon of sand or rock. But if it is It would be very difficult to deal with it in a place like hot sand desert. "Zoe's explanation is both simple and direct to the subject.

The so-called ancient dragon is an ancient species that is more ancient and closer to the true dragon of the god-level galaxy monster. This ancient dragon often has extremely strong natural properties, and the dragon body is naturally natural, far stronger than ordinary dragons, and the sub-dragons are even less powerful than ancient dragons.

Wang Yan looked at the Emperor of the Desert, who apparently learned the ancient power and strengthened this kind of creature, full of expectations. But the Desert Emperor, like everyone else, was full of distress about how to capture this powerful creature.

"Don't worry too much, we also have masters of sand control."

Wang Yan patted the desert emperor on the shoulder, without fear, "If there are any shortcomings, and we are still there, I think it's hard to reach us with an ancient dragon."

Nowadays, Wang Yan's level is very high, and his mentality when he is in trouble is also calmer. The ancient dragon of the sand or rock system is nothing more than possessing ancient blood and being in a favorable position. The next step is to find the right method. With their current lineup, they are fully capable of dealing with a colossal boss.

"Master Demon Flame said that only a demon-level monster, so many of us masters, how could we not be able to pay for a monster?" There were other people present, and the desert emperor also called Wang Yan with a loud voice.

At this time, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, all the previous concerns had been swept away, and what he had exchanged was fiery expectations.

Once this ancient dragon is captured, then he has enough chances to hit the high demigod. Once he can rush to the demigod realm, he will no longer be the one left behind by the Pharaoh. He will become an important combat force around the Pharaoh, and he will also become a main battle member defending the earth's defense circle!

"That is, how could that ancient dragon block Lord Mo Yan?"

"Fight against a demigod ancient beast? Sounds interesting."

"I don't know if I can hand over the treasure of the ancient dragon, and I will pay it off together. The old monster that has lived for many years, God knows how many good things are hidden!"

A few men around Wang Yan rubbed their hands one by one, eager to try. For the hunting of this top monster, these men who have experienced the storms and waves together with Wang Yan are all full of anticipation.

Among the men, the nerve-hungry ogres Abulon Giantmaul even reached out to touch his belly and looked forward, "I just don't know Gulong's meat, it's not delicious."

"Delicious, delicious!" Another ogre Shaman Walpole Blue Shield quickly extended his hand and wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth. "According to the ancestors, dragons and humans are top rare. The delicious, ancient dragons are rarer than ordinary dragons, and must be more delicious than ordinary dragons and humans! "

"Suck! Goodong!" After listening to Ablon Giantmaul, he swallowed deeply in his throat.

He glanced at the shaman Walpole Landun in the tribe, and the two ogres simultaneously smirked at the same time.

Ogres are notoriously greedy, they are like a hungry brown bear, full of longing for food. Especially the demand for meat has almost occupied a large proportion in their lives. At the beginning, Wang Yan almost conquered the entire ogres tribe with a braised pork, which shows how greedy these ogres are.

Now they follow Wang Yan and receive a good education. Anyway, people can't eat anymore, but the beasts outside can eat it. Is n’t that ancient dragon a more powerful beast? And according to the records of their ancestors, the ancient dragon should still be a rare cherished meat than the dragon.

Can such rare meat be delicious?

At the thought of this, both ogres and their eyes were shining brightly. Now the two of them were greedy by just thinking about it, and at the same time they were also grateful. They thought they would have meat with Master Moyan! And they are still the best meat that ancestors can't eat, which is a blessing for them.

If Master Moyan is in a good mood, then cook them again, the taste will be perfect!

"You still want to eat Gulong's meat?"

Wang Yan looked at the two in front of him and was full of beautiful fantasy ogres. He could not help but browed his brows and wiped a cold sweat in his heart.

These two ogres are really foodies. The ancient dragon's body is full of treasures, but that is the top material that can be used to refine the weapon of the gods. How can it be eaten casually?

To eat, you have to bake it first.


Wang Yan felt a lot of shame in his heart, and he said that he had also led the two ogres away.

"Okay, come back to the truth, as to how to deal with the hot sand overlord, we will discuss later."

Wang Yan raised his hand, interrupted the discussion around his entourage, and then greeted the leader of Chidu, "Xiaochi, tell us about the specific location of this nest, our time is running out."

"Okay, okay, this place is on the southwest border of our purgatory ..."

The Lord of Confusion nodded his head again and again, and then took out another large map to explain the specific location and related routes for Wang Yan and others in detail.

It turns out that this hot sand desert is on the southwestern border of the Inferno Domain. To be precise, the hot sand desert is actually a borderless, very desolate uninhabited area.

There is a three-regardless zone that is not under the jurisdiction of the Infernal Demon Realm and is not controlled by the Dark Demon Realm on the other side.

This part of the area at the border of the Infernal Demon Realm is just the edge of the hot sand desert. If you want to reach the nest of the hot sand overlord, you must also cross the border of the purgatory demon domain and truly reach the desert hinterland.

Once there, many things are no longer under control. The powerful influence of Purgatory Demon Clan cannot reach that kind of place. On the contrary, beast poisons, harsh environments, and various crises will emerge one after another.

The harsh environment alone is enough to deter ordinary creatures. Even the sorrowful lord of today ’s strength has become so embarrassed after just a trip. The harsh environment there has already been seen.

Of course, the thing that worries Wang Yan and others most is still the issue of being too close to the border of the Dark Demon Territory.

Once it attracted the attention of the Dark Demon Realm, Wang Yan and others would be in big trouble.


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