The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1643: Have a cold drink

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It is already in the hinterland of hot sand desert. The surrounding is no longer barren Gobi beach, but the endless ocean of sand.

The faint yellow sand sea seems to have become one with the sky, and the surrounding temperature has begun to increase rapidly with the gradually rising sun. Layers of heat waves evaporate on the sand dunes, and distant scenes have even become distorted with the rising heat.

"Huh! Wow!"

As a stream of air rushed down, the Blackrock Demon's fleet began to land slowly, and Wang Yan and others stepped out of the ship's cabin.

Just after going out, a heat wave rushed towards me, and the blazing high temperature caused Wang Yan and others to expand their pores instantly.

"Wow, wow! It's hot, it's hot!"

"Here, it's much hotter than the Black Stone City!"

"His! Can you barbecue on this deck?"

The high temperature of the hot sand desert caused Zhang Weidao and others to be taken by surprise, and then everyone, including Wang Yan, secretly lucked up their body protection, which made them feel better.

No way, they are all humans from the earth, and their resistance to this extreme environment is always not as good as the native race. Moreover, in places such as hot sand desert, the environment is more extreme than the inland of the Infernal Demon Realm. Even the local Infernal Demon Clan usually cannot bear it, let alone mention them.

"You guys, drink it, otherwise you will overdraw with a long journey."

Everyone screamed, Zoe took out a few bottles of potions without any hassle, and blended with each other, and after shaking again, the bottle of the potions blended out by her came out under such hot weather A little cold.


Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others waited for a while to get together and have a curiosity, "Well, what is this? Why is it so cold?"

"In your earth's words ... this is called cold drink." Zoe thought about it and gave a name similar to the earth.

Recently, under the influence of Wang Yan and these guests from the earth, many of Wang Yan's men, including Zoe, have some simple understanding of human culture. Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others also learned a lot of knowledge and language of hell.

Nowadays, Wang Yan's men and their companions from the earth can basically use bilingual communication, and there is no such gap between them. Therefore, Zoe simply used the name on earth to call this kind of alchemical agent that can resist high temperature.

"Ah? Cold, cold drink?"

Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie waited for the compatriots on the earth, they were both a little stunned, and they said that the cold drink is like this?

Zoe didn't explain too much, but gave Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others, including Wang Yan, everyone poured a small glass of "cold drink", then looked cunningly, smiled slightly: "This small cup Can withstand high temperature for two hours, but ca n’t be greedy, it will be frozen to death. "

"His!" Zoe's sly smile made Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie and other male compatriots, for a reason, shuddered, and secretly pitted the female in the harem's harem.

Forget it, no more thinking, Zhang Weidao and others looked up and drank this light blue "cold drink".

Then these people began to scream comfortably and enjoyably. If Zoe warned not to drink more, they really wanted to drink more cans in this very hot weather.

Seeing their comfortable appearance, Wang Yan also drank the "cold drink" in the cup, and suddenly felt a refreshing and cool comfort, immediately striking all the limbs and every body of the body. At the same time, the high-temperature heat waves surrounding them became as if they were the breeze of spring, and there was no more sense of heat.

This feeling is really comfortable and amazing.

"Zuo, your potion is very practical. How much backup do you have?" Wang Yan looked at Zoe with appreciation. With this potion, they can save more strength and physical strength, and the implementation plan will be smooth. More.

"Oh, Lord Mo Yan, thank you for your blessings. We have a lot of supplies. Cold drinks like this, I and my men can make thousands of copies, enough for us to use this time." Zoe smiled and looked charming and gentle. .

"That's good." Wang Yan nodded and then ordered, "Pull out the mount and let's go."

The Black Stone Demon King who was waiting on the side immediately ordered people to pull the lava **** dog seat from Wang Yan and others from the ship's cabin.

This heterogeneous **** dog, which is composed of lava all over the body, was created by the ancient flame devil Bella Roca. The shape of the mighty wind, once pulled out, caused the envy of many black stone demon kings.

Not only are lava **** dogs cool, they are born of lava, they belong to the fire element, and they have a strong resistance to high temperatures. The hot desert in front of them is unaffected by them.

It's just that the Blackrock Demon King is still not at ease, and asked carefully again on the side: "His Royal Highness, are you sure you don't want to lead the army to assist?"

He is now anxious and broken. At this moment, His Majesty the Demon Flame, with these few people, goes deep into the hot sands hinterland. If something happens to him, how can he afford this demon king who is not well protected!

"Black Stone Demon King, you don't have to worry about this."

Wang Yan waved his hand casually, "You just need to bring people here to meet the Divine Son. For other matters, the Divine Son has his own plans."

"Yes, but ..."

The Blackrock Demon seemed to want to say something more, but was suddenly shocked by the sudden scene in front of him.

I saw the son of the demon **** who straddled the mount in front. The fluorescent light flashed suddenly in his hand, and a simple and heavy magic book appeared in his hand.


With the turning of the title page of the magic book in Wang Yan's hand, a flash of light flashed, and a magic light curtain like starlight began to light up gradually above the magic book.

Soon a round arch made of magic starlight appeared in front of everyone.

"This, this is ..."

The Black Stone Demon King condenses and looks closely. The energy exudes from this magic book is extremely pure and magnificent. Even his demigod Demon King is surprised.

Is this book a rare second artifact? !

Before waiting for the Blackrock Demon King to think about it, a beast roared and suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone. Then he saw a black shadow burning with fire and instantly passed through the arch of starlight and landed firmly in the center of the hall.

"This, this, this is!"

The Black Stone Demon King's eyes suddenly widened, and a scene appeared in front of him, and his jaw dropped to the ground in surprise. "This is the ground, the Hellfire Breath Dog? This is the Fire Breather of His Majesty the Devil God!"

"Also, there is this book ... a sub-artifact ?!"

The Black Stone Demon King was a little excited inside, and it was a child of the Devil God from God Capital. Look, this shot is a sub-artifact!

Look at the characteristics of this artifact, it should bring its own secondary space. A secondary artifact that can have such a powerful attribute, even in the secondary artifact, it is also a rare treasure!

If this is not too powerful, now the scorching marauders that are constantly pouring out of the space doors opened by secondary artifacts are definitely extremely powerful killers!

Now look at the scorching marauders that are coming out, the more they gather, the first batch of marauders that have come out have already controlled the Hellfire Breathing Dogs, and they have discharged a row under the battleship. All the men and soldiers brought awe.

But in this space doorway, the continuous flow of troops still did not stop.

Seeing this, the sweat of the Black Market Demon King will flow out, and he said how many troops are hidden in this sub-artifact? Isn't it bottomed yet?

Gee, the son of the demon **** is worthy of the son of the demon god!

The Blackstone Demon King and the men he brought with him are very respectful, and secretly said in his heart that a devil's son's cards, where can these small characters figure out?


Looking at Wang Yan's expression, Lidia grinned her lips and swept her face angrily.

She swears in her heart that this book of stars is clearly a secondary artifact left by the starry sky **** and carries the treasure of hope for the future of the starry sky college.

But now it is completely occupied by this abominable Demon Flame Demon King, this is really maddening!

There are two hundred and dozens of flame predators coming out of the book of stars.

However, these mighty cavalry who look like the scorching marauders are actually elite savage soldiers under Wang Yan, and their strength has reached half-step S level.

The chief and deputy captains of each of these teams are elite veterans who have once again gained strength through bloodline evolution, and their strength has reached a legendary state full of deterrence.

Everyone ’s mount is also a reinforced Hellhound, and the equipment is all original from the Satan Marauder presented by Satan, which was slightly modified by Master Hill.

Therefore, this cavalry team, the seemingly flamboyant marauder, is actually a powerful cavalry filled with Wang Yan's characteristics, controlled by Wang Yan, and fully loyal to Wang Yan's will.

Of course, this Flame Marauder is just like the Flame Marauder in appearance. Ordinary soldiers are only half-step S-class elite, and can not reach the point where the true Flame Marauder is all S-class.

But even so, it is much more powerful and powerful than the general Demon Army.

Not only that, there are also ten Hawks who have reached the legendary level.

These ten eagle body demon, without seeing the original weakness, but wearing black armor and battle skirts, wearing crossbows and short swords at the waist, full of charming and charming, revealing perseverance and bravery.

The Blackrock Demon King and his men were stunned.

Marauder cavalry, the kind of powerful deterrent, naturally needless to say. Right now, the ten eagle succubus slowly floating in mid-air, like a dazzling star, almost exert the feminine femininity and the heroic posture of the warrior to the extreme.

The army of those Blackrock Demon Kings was already dazzled by the seduction of the Hawks. Even the Blackrock Demon King salivated the Hawks who had never been seen before.

These people could not help but secretly lament again in their hearts: the son of the demon **** is worthy of the son of the demon god, even the army is so powerful!

"Rock, according to the plan I told you earlier, bring our Ratman guide and go to find the way first."

Wang Yan beckoned, and among the Cavaliers of the Flame Breather, a black armored sword and a strong and burly barbarian captain immediately mobilized the mount and came to Wang Yan.

This captain of the cavalry is naturally Wang Yan, the first barbarian captain rock promoted by blood evolution. Now, according to the promise, Wang Yan replaced him with top-level equipment and upgraded him to one level to become the captain of this cavalry squadron.

"Demon, Highness Demon Flame, Xiaoyi, I will definitely bring it to you!"

Sandhill Ratman Grey-toothed Jim said goodbye to Wang Yan diligently. He stood in front of the strong and tall rock, just like a weak monkey, as if his opponent could kill him.

"His Majesty, the rock is gone."

The rock carried Grey-toothed Jim onto his mount, and then the 100-person cavalry team each brought a small bottle of "cold drink" from Zoe, and urged the mount to run away.

After rushing out of the distance in this way, the cavalry brigade of more than 200 people was divided into ten squadrons, spreading out in a fan-shaped formation.

Because Wang Yan acted too fast to lead the brigade to appear, these elite teams have long lived in the subspace of the Book of Stars. In addition, Wang Yan has also communicated with them in advance. Each team has copied a map of the nest. Now their task is to find this nest and detect the surrounding enemy situation around the nest, otherwise they will encounter the scout of the dark demon midway. That would be troublesome.

"Doyle, alert from high altitude, and give it to you." Wang Yan also gave orders to the ten Hawks.

"His Royal Highness, you can rest assured."

Doyle is the captain of this team. She is slightly older, graceful and graceful, and has a temperament of a light mature woman, very tempting.

Under her leadership, ten eagle body scouts made a salute to Wang Yanying and then flew to the sky.

These ten Hawks were the elite scouts trained by Wang Yan. The Hawk Banshee race, born to fly, is full of power, and has the keen eyesight of an eagle, it is simply a natural scout.

As for this small captain Doyle, he followed Wang Yan as early as in the underground black market of Liuhuocheng. She was once a member of Zoe's mother's tribe. After being captured, she was sold to the underground black market of Liuhuocheng. In some ways, she was an elder who had always taken care of Zoe.

Later, Zoe was taken captive. It was she and several other Hawks who rebelled against the black market and helped Wang Yan rescue Zoe. Since then, he has followed Wang Yan and became Wang Yan's loyal subordinate. Zoe also became the queen of this new tribe of eagle body banshees with the help of her and several old ministries.

In addition, Doyle had reached a half-step S-level strength when he was in the Great Fire City, and it was very good in itself, so this time it was natural to become the first batch of Hawk Banshee who was promoted by bloodline evolution.

This group of well-equipped Hawks has become the first scouts under Wang Yan's actual combat.

After the scouts left, Wang Yan took the other men into this endless hot desert.

After Wang Yan left, the Black Stone Demon King's expression became serious again: "Release all of our scouts, and I want to make sure that within a thousand miles, only our Purgatory Demon Race!"

"Yes! Lord Demon!"


At the same time, another edge of the hot sand desert is far away.

The endless yellow sand is like a hot sea. The high temperature brought by the hot sun continues to rise in the yellow sand, as if to ignite the entire desert.

Under the scorching sun, a magnificent man standing on the basalt above the sand dunes, a magnificent man with wings on his back and gray skin tone, is squinting slightly, looking far away.

If you look closely, you can see that this majestic young man demon is not a purgatory demon in the traditional sense, but a pure blood demon.

The night demons are a native race that established the dark demons after following the dark demons as early as the ancient times.

That's right, they are also native to the Hell World native race, and they are also a branch of the Purgatory Demon Race that dominates the Hell World.

Because they have been eroded by the dark magic energy for a long time after following the dark demon Mamen, they have gradually evolved and changed, and eventually become a branch race of the purgatory demon race-the night demon race!

The Night Demon Clan has a stronger body than the Purgatory Demon Clan. At the same time, by absorbing and controlling the dark magic energy, it also gives him a powerful combat ability. Especially at night, the fighting ability of this race will increase significantly.

It can be said that in the dark demon domain ruled by the Dark Demon God Mamen, the Night Demon Clan is a force with the largest population and the most powerful force.

And among the night demons, the most powerful one is nothing more than the night demons long night evil demon king. According to legend, the night evil demon king has already reached the peak of the semi-god level. In the entire dark demon domain, it can be said that he is the first person under the dark demon mamen!

And under the Yesha Demon King, the most outstanding one among the young generation of the Yesha Clan is nothing more than Prince Yeblan, the son of the Yesha Demon King.

Or you can call him, Night Blade Demon King!

"Your Blade Highness, our people are back."

A knight riding a lion, a scorpion, and with a whirlwind, fell steadily behind the prince of the night blade, then knelt on one knee, and respectfully reported, "It's just that our people have not detected any movement. "

Lion, scorpion, but a very powerful alienated Warcraft. As we all know, the dark demon Mamen is itself a star monster that is as strong as a god.

At that time, in the ancient times, a group of surviving galaxy Warcraft, together with the dark demon Mamen moved to hell. This powerful galaxy Warcraft, which breeds with the native dragons of Hell World, and the hybrid creature that was born at the end, is this powerful and terrible lion and scorpion beast!

The lion scorpion is like a lion, its claws are like dragons, and its tail is like a scorpion. This powerful beast not only has a strong body, but also has a high-strength flying ability. The claws and tail pins are also highly toxic. Once injured, it will immediately make people lose their combat capabilities. If they are not treated in time, they will also be poisonous. It is very difficult to die.

This powerful monster, combined with the elite elite and night elite elite well-equipped, forms a powerful unit, which is the royal army and the lion-scorpion knight under the dark demon Mamen!

"Your Highness Nightblade, maybe the Hot Sands Overlord is just a legend ..."

Seeing that Prince Nightblade was indifferent, the lion and scorpion knight cautiously said, "And, if you go further, you will leave our borders, there is ..."

"Continue searching."

Under the wind and the scorching sun, Prince Yeren's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spit out a few words coldly.

Although he behaved very calmly, under the condensation and indifference, he concealed a sharp edge, as if a blade hidden in a scabbard was full of lethal murder.

"Yes, yes! Subordinates will take people to continue searching!"

The lion and scorpion knight felt the sensation of chill from the night blade prince, and his heart jumped suddenly, quickly stepped on the mount, and leapt up, not daring to drag for a moment.

Because at that moment, the instinctive horror chill almost swallowed him.


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