The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1644: Daguai, we are professional

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The sun and evening began to sag westward, and the strong winds blowing in the desert and the yellow sand blowing all over the sky.

A mixed squad composed of races such as Purgatory Demons, Humans, and Hawks, is on a sand ridge, facing the wind and sand, traversing forward.

It's been three days. Wang Yan, an adventure squad searching for the hot sand lord's lair, has been searching in this desert hinterland for three days.

Every day I went deep into the hinterland of the desert, I suffered terribly. In addition to facing the drought and extreme heat during the day and the severe temperature difference and cold at night, Wang Yan et al. Also disturbed their pedestrians by the Warcraft poison and desert worms that appeared at night.

Wang Yan and others searched all the way. In order not to hit the grass and scare the snake, and disturb the hot sand overlord, everyone strictly suppressed their own power. No matter whether they rushed to the road, resisted environmental pressure, or dispelled wild monsters, they could not use coercion and powerful abilities.

So that along the way, Wang Yan and his men, by virtue of their powerful physical strength and all kinds of potions provided by Zoe, resisted the threats brought by the hot sand desert.

Fortunately, Wang Yan and his men are very powerful. Even if they just smashed with their fists, they can kill any wild monsters that dare to come close to death. Therefore, those ordinary monsters who know to be afraid can easily be dispelled. Don't dare to get closer.

But the desert worm is troublesome. The greedy worm who only knows about killing does not know what fear is. On the contrary, killing them, the stench of flesh and blood, but will arouse their fierceness, let more sand worms go forward and rush here.

So when encountering such annoying bugs, Wang Yan and others can only kill a few and let other sand bugs devour the bodies of their companions, and then Wang Yan and others will take the opportunity to leave this area, otherwise I may not be able to do this night rest.

"It's coming again, and the ghost wind is blowing again! Oops, pooh pooh!"

The sight began to be blocked. In the team of Wang Yan, the confusing lord just cursed. As a result, a large piece of sand was blown into his mouth with the wind, causing him to spit.

"No way, I'm going to the hot sand lord's lair soon, I can't use body protection qi now."

Wang Yan covered his face with his cloak and scarf, and said casually, "What about your scarf?"

"I didn't pay attention, give the wind ... ah! Blow, blow away ..." The confusing lord was embarrassed, and he kept complaining while covering his mouth and nose with his palm.

"Uh, then you deserve it, bear with it."

Wang Yan admired a confusing white eye. This guy is too rough. He has given him three sets of scarves to cover his face. As a result, he came over three days and all three were blown away.

However, Wang Yan's material supply is still very abundant, subdivided into each man, there can still be a lot of surplus.

Speaking of this desert supply, all come from the Black Stone Demon King. Wang Yan, based on his status, took the advantage of the Black Stone Demon King.

So another time.

The setting sun has dyed the sky red, so the scenery will render the endless desert magnificent.

At this time, Zoe, who had been using the real eye to investigate the front, opened his eyes suddenly, and whispered to remind: "Master Demon Flame, Doyle and the rock are back, and it seems that the results have already come. "

The two scouts led by Doyle and Rock have been reporting to Wang Yan on the exploration process and progress over the past few days, constantly exploring the way forward for Wang Yan.

The area of ​​the hot sand desert is too wide, and it is very easy to get lost and circle. Without these two teams, it is really impossible to explore the road ahead.

In addition, hunting the hot sand overlord is far more difficult than dealing with Yanhu overlord. The single-round strength, which belongs to the hot sand overlord of the ancient dragon species, is far more powerful than the Yanhu overlord. In addition, the geographical environment is more complicated than Yanhu, and it is too close to the border of the Dark Demon Realm, so it must be determined quickly.

This requires a reconnaissance team to find the hot nest of the hot sand overlord, and closely monitor the old nest, so that Wang Yan can beat this overlord-level ancient dragon after a little preparation.

Now that Doyle and Rock are on their way back, there must have been good news.

After a few minutes, a high altitude, a ground, two black spots began to quickly approach this side.

After a while, Doyle, who was light, and burly and tall rocks, arrived in front of Wang Yan one after another.

"Report Lord Moyan! We have found the hot nest of the Hot Sands Overlord, right in front!" The rock voice was gruff, but with uncontrollable excitement.

As soon as he lifted it with a big hand, he lifted Jim the Sandhill Squirrel from the mount and put it on the ground.

"Yes, Your Honored Demon Flame Flame, the old nest of the Hot Sands Overlord is only half a day away, and the little one knows that there is an underpass that can lead directly to the core area of ​​the old nest." Grey-toothed Jim Repeatedly pleased the report, a courteous look.

Doyle, the Hawk-Dame who slowly landed from mid-air, also confirmed to Wang Yan: "About a hundred kilometers ahead, there is a desert mountain, where the valley is vertical and horizontal, the terrain is very complicated, and the ridges are large and small And the deep rift canyon, and is full of all kinds of Warcraft. But my sisters, have occupied favorable terrain, closely monitored there. "

"Master Demon Flame, my squad has completely surrounded the mountain." The rock patted the strong armor on the chest, and the momentum was like a rainbow, "There are many monsters in that area, but they are all small characters. , As long as Lord Moyan ordered it, I immediately took my subordinates and slashed in for Master Moyan! "

Now that the rock is successfully promoted to the legendary strong through bloodline evolution, it is placed in the barbarian tribe, that is, a barbarian king. Coupled with the fierce and powerful Hellfire Breath Dog assistance, he is also equipped with a set of equipment and weapons that are up to the level of the holy weapon.

This made Rock and his men's self-confidence and fighting morale unprecedented.

To know that excellent weapons and equipment is equivalent to a soldier's second life. Now the top equipment of the rock is better than some small lords in the world of hell, plus his own powerful strength, the ordinary monster Warcraft is really not enough for them to cut.

Of course, if you want to create a top-notch elite like the rock, Wang Yan can spend a lot of money. From the evolution of the bloodline to the equipment, it is a lot of money.

But from the present point of view, this high consumption is very cost-effective. With the top-level elite of the rock level, let alone deal with the wild monster Warcraft, even if it is placed on the battlefield, against the ordinary soldiers, it is also to cut melons and vegetables.

The only thing that annoys Wang Yan is that this type of unit is indeed strong enough, but the evolution of bloodline and the equipment of top equipment are a huge amount of consumption.

To the extent that under insufficient resources, Wang Yan cannot expand the senior soldiers on a large scale, and help the earth superpowers to improve their strength.

So in the next limited time, acquiring more resources and hunting rare prey is always a top priority he must face.

"I see, we'll go right away."

Wang Yan nodded and ordered, then under the leadership of Rock and Doyle, he led many men beside him and accelerated towards the destination.

Now with the rough manual map, he has roughly understood the general situation of the hot sand overlord's nest.

The desert is not limited to the endless sand sea. Under the influence of crustal movement, barren mountains, mountains, or dry and barren basins and valleys will also be formed in the desert.

In these mountainous valleys and valleys, due to the ancient earthquake torrents or wind and sand erosion, a variety of deep fissure canyons and other terrain will be formed.

This place is full of strange peaks and rocks, and the terrain is very complicated. It seems that the hot sand overlord is occupying such a place as his hidden nest.


Half a day later, Wang Yan and others finally came to the edge of this canyon.

"It's here, it's here, His Highness Demon Flame, this is it."

Gray Tooth Jim, who walked in front of the rock, quickly turned back to greet Wang Yan when he reached the edge of a canyon.

Wang Yan and his companions stopped their mounts and walked to the edge of the canyon, looking down. At this time, the sun is falling, the sunset is sinking, the night is coming, and the temperature is gradually decreasing.

It can be clearly seen through Wang Yan and others' excellent eyesight. Below is a typical wind-eroded valley filled with strange-shaped wind-eroded rocks and columns. The area is surrounded by strange rocks and gullies, and large areas of wind erosion holes and wind erosion remnants are numerous.

At first glance, the area in front of you is like a labyrinth that is intricately connected. Compared with the nest that resembles a reptile cave dominated by Yanhu, the terrain of this area is almost countless times more complicated. If some alien creatures fall in, I am afraid they will be trapped alive.

"Grey Tooth Jim, did you steal through these wind eroded caves? You are so brave." Wang Yan greeted the sand dune man Grey Tooth Jim and pointed to the large area of ​​wind erosion below.

"Senior Demon Flame, the small is also forced by life. If you don't have money, you have to die, so wherever you can get money, you have to try it."

Gray-toothed Jim scratched his scratching head, and the thief smiled, "But it was too dangerous there, and nothing small was stolen, so I picked up a few sand clawed dragon eggs and went back Sold the money. "

Sand claw dragon is a common predator in this area. The body is large and small. The small sand claw dragon is about two or three meters, but the big one is seven or eight meters long, or even more than ten meters long. But said that they are dragons, in fact, they can only be regarded as a kind of lizard sub-dragon.

From the appearance, they are like a large lizard running upright with legs, skin color like sand, a powerful umbrella crown between the neck, bone spurs on the back, the most dangerous thing is that their claws are sharp like a sickle, Once the prey is captured, the sharp claws and fangs will allow the prey that fell into their hands to be unloaded in an instant.

Coupled with their wide fins, they run extremely fast, and they also have a certain affinity for sand. They can create a miniature desert vortex and attack the hardening of minions.

This makes them very windy in the desert, very deadly. It can be said that in the desert, they are definitely the top predator beyond the **** dog.

In this wind eroded valley, countless sand claw dragons are hiding in the large and small wind eroded caves. These sand claws are basically curled up and sleeping. Some young dragons are still beside adult sand claw dragons, shouting and making noises to each other, which looks like the young teachers on the earth practice hunting with each other.

It seems that there is a large group of sand claw dragons living underneath, and now these sand claw dragons are waiting for the night to come, and then they can take advantage of the cool climate to go to the desert to prey.

"Doyle, lead your sister, continue to guard the surrounding mountains, this time you do not need your shot." Wang Yan arranged while watching.

"Yes!" Doyle, the Hawks, fluttered to the sky again.

At this time, Wang Yan also saw almost, turned around and said: "Grey Tooth Jim, since you know the secret road, then take us directly to the hot sand overlord."

As soon as these words came out, the gerbil-man gray-grayed Jim was shocked.

"Why, what? Lord Demon, Demon Flame, you, you want to take these, these people, directly in front of the Resha Overlord?"

Grey-toothed Jim shivered straight, and said that the terrible overlord-class ancient dragon, plus thousands of sand claw dragons around, even the demigod-level demon who led the army did not dare to act rashly. This son of a demon **** from a big city actually had to walk directly from the secret road to the front of the hot sand overlord. He heard it right? Isn't this kid of devil a kid?

"Why? Do you think I was joking?" Wang Yan frowned.

"No, no, small, small, don't dare to question His Highness, Demon Flame, only, but ..." The sand lord will wake up in a deep sleep, and it will be very difficult to deal with ... Yes, or else, when tomorrow is dawn, when they are asleep, they will take the small highness to the high flame, and the high flame can also take advantage of the opportunity Monster! "

"Let you lead the way, you lead the way, what nonsense."

Lord Chew stared at Grey-toothed Jim and shouted, "It's just an ancient dragon, can we turn the sky in front of our boss?"

Today's Chidu lord, the strength has improved a level, not to mention, a pride is no longer comparable to that of the former Chidu.

At that time, he was in desperation, and seeing everyone counseling, a Yanhu master who dominated the Chilian Lake, would scare his courage. That is, when there was a Wang Yan present, he could gather the courage to fight the Yanhu Master to the end.

Now do n’t say that one Yanhu dominates, there are ten! Uh ... well, if there are really ten, he will be afraid of the lord.

Seeing that Wang Yan and the people around him still have the same look, they have almost no fear of the powerful hot sand overlord, and the large group of sand claw dragons below. This brings His Highness to the past. "

Although he was still full of anxiety in his heart, the little devil squirrel had to be convinced by the devil's son's strategic planning and insulting temperament.

So the team of Wang Yan, led by Grey Tooth Jim, turned and walked towards the wind-eroded tunnel under the mountain.


"Mum! Mum!"

In the far depths of the hot sand desert, the sound of heavy feet keeps echoing in the empty desert.

Under the gradually dim sky, a magnificent, black armored, gray-robed Demon army was flying rapidly at low altitude over the vast desert.

The leader of this army is a magnificent, majestic night demon man. This person is the young prince of the Night Demon Clan, Night Blade Demon King!

At this time, Prince Night Blade was wearing a set of black scale armor. A pair of black pupils seemed to be as clear and obscured as obsidian, and a hidden sharp edge was like a fierce tiger, and it was powerful.

He drove a dark-haired male lion, scorpion, and led the team in front of the team.

Behind him, there is not only an elite lion and scorpion knight, but also a large number of barbarian cavalry equipped with heavy armor and a fierce army of monsters.

"Your Highness Night Blade, it's going to be dark immediately. The brothers are tired for a day. Do you want to stop and rest for one night, search again tomorrow?"

On the side of Prince Night Blade, a tall and thin Night Demon clan confided and asked carefully, "Besides, our scouts only found a few sand claw dragons in front, which does not represent anything."

As the night gradually fell, the temperature began to drop suddenly, and after a short period of suitable temperature in the hot sand desert, it would be converted to another harsh environment again. This is very difficult for the soldiers who searched throughout the day, and it is difficult to adapt. If they are not well-trained and powerful, the ordinary army simply cannot bear it.

"Stupid!" Prince Yeblad let out a cold snort in his nose, and a hint of lightness appeared in his eyes.

Then he ignored the meaning of this man, but accelerated the march and moved forward quickly.

The tall and thin Night Demon Clan trusted his nose and touched his nose gray, and walked back behind the prince of Night Blade with a look of confusion and doubt.

"Pooh ... haha! Isaiah, you idiot, deserve to be scolded by the young master!"

This tall and thin Night Demon clan Ezeia, after retreating, a rough beard Night Devil companion around him, mocked unabashedly.

"Pulton! What do you mean?"

After Isaiah was mocked, he immediately faced a red-faced argument, "Why is I stupid? If you don't tell me why, why don't you blame you!"

"Haha, say you are stupid, you are really stupid." Bearded Pulton smiled and replied, "Sand Claw Dragon is indeed very common, but you have seen a large group of Sand Claw Dragon, after digging out the heart of the Horned Dragon , Do n’t enjoy yourself, but do you want to take it away? "

"If taking away the heart of the horned dragon is not counted, then you have seen the sand claw dragon. After discovering the sand crystals in the mountain range, you dare not covet the slightest point. Are you still taking it intact?"

Bearded Pulton said his gaze narrowed, and the sly eyes were full of lightness.

"His!" Ezeia couldn't help but take a breath, his eyes narrowed suddenly, "You, you mean ..."

"That's right!" Bearded Pulton laughed, "Those who are naturally greedy, after getting such a good kind of thing, can actually not be greedy at all, and dare not touch it at all, there is only one possibility ... "

"That's behind this sand claw dragon, there is a very deterrent leader!" Isaiah exclaimed, he and the bearded Pulton almost blurted out at the same time.

In this desert of hot sand, who can control the sand claw dragon to such a degree, who can there be besides the legendary overlord?

Ordinary Sandclaw Dragon King is only a deterrent to the tribe. Sand Claw Dragon King is no longer, what about ordinary sand claw dragons, what will happen. Even if they are forcibly dominated by the Sand Claw Dragon King, when they encounter good things, they are naturally greedy, and they still can't help but sneak a bite.

Because of these strengths and weaknesses, each member of the Warcraft group who decides the leader belongs to, every member will try to become stronger, and will definitely not waste a little chance to become stronger.

This is the only situation.

That is an absolute authority that all of them don't dare to violate, and this absolute authority is like the gods of the sand claw dragon, and is worshipped and worshiped by all sand claw dragons.

Such an analysis, in the hot sand desert, can have such a powerful and authoritative monster, only the legendary demigod-level ancient dragon hot sand overlord!

"Hey, ouch! I am so stupid!"

Tall and thin night demon, Isaiah shook his hand and pulled himself an ear scraper, then looked at the back of Prince Night Blade, hey and said with a smile, "Your Blade is really wise, then we only need to catch up with those who go out to search for prey and heaven Isn't the sand claw dragon of Caidibao equal to finding the hot sand overlord? "

"Haha, of course!"

Prince Nightblade ignored them, but Bearton continued to laugh and said, "That's a legendary ancient dragon species. You know the essence of ancient dragons, to our young masters, and to His Majesty the Night Lord How useful is it? Otherwise our Highness Nightblade, how can we search so many legendary monsters in these days? "

Isaiah shook her head excitedly, looking forward to the bearded Pulton, looking forward, as if waiting to hear Pulton's next words.

"Hey, let me tell you, what a great effect ..." Bearded Bearton smiled triumphantly, just about to brag, but heard a cry from Prince Nightblade.


Night Blade Prince, who was walking halfway in front of him, turned his eyes and glared two, "Two stupid things, is this something you should talk about? Haven't you hurried?"

"Yes, yes, my subordinates talk a lot."

The night demons trusted Ezeya and Pulton, and they suddenly felt a tightness in their hearts. They quickly shrunk their necks and begged to shut up.

Then the two urged the mount and stepped back a few steps while shouting to the team behind them: "Give me a quick run! If the prey is released, I will kill you one by one!"

With the spurs of these two trusted generals, the group of horses behind Prince Night Blade couldn't help but a little faster, all the way to the direction of the sunset, galloping galloping.


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