The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1645: Can't you let me pretend?

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"Magic, Lord Moyan, you and you, are you sure you want to do this?"

At this moment, in the cool and comfortable underground cave, the squirrel gray tooth Jim is hiding behind the rock and secretly watching from a distance.

In the distance, the behemoth was so powerful that his legs shook like a sieve, and his body trembled. Even if the huge giant monster like a mountain is still asleep, but the terror that was inadvertently spread out is still vast as abyss, he is always overwhelmed with breath. If it were n’t for his gray-toothed Jim, he would have peeed out.

"What are you afraid of? Come here, what are you afraid of?"

Beside the Ratman, the confusing Lord gave him an impatient glance, his face was disapproving.

Not only the Scarlet Lord, the surrounding humans such as Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, and the Desert Emperor, the two ignorant ogres, as well as the Abducted County Lord and the Eagle Body Succubus Zoe, are nothing The fearful gesture, as if they were going to do it next, was just a trivial matter like eating and drinking.

Crazy, all crazy!

Sandhill squirrel gray tooth Jim, it's really fast to pee now, he cried secretly in his heart, he is not a powerful legendary **** lord, in front of the giant monster in front, the other party may sneeze He can squirt him a tiny ratman alive.

Besides, even the lord lord, in front of the behemoth, is it not a snack? Which legendary lord can be the opponent of that overlord beast?

"Okay, without further ado, all go back. The Divine Son is going to remove the enchantment, and you will act according to plan for a while."

The person who made the noise is the leader of this group of people, Wang Yan who is the Lord of the Demon God, the son of the Demon God.

In his speech, a burning fire hammer had already appeared in his hands, and he was brewing with awe of war. In his other hand, he is holding a simple bronze mirror, which is another mirror of his second artifact.

At the moment, their group of people, through the enchantment protection of the eight-point mirror to isolate the breath, and the leadership of the squirrel gray tooth Jim, have successfully sneaked into the center of the hot sand overlord from the intricate wind erosion cave.

That's right, it's the real nest center!

At this moment, the powerful demigod-level ancient dragon hot sand overlord is sleeping in the huge underground cave in front.

As long as Wang Yan and others quietly poked their heads out of the hidden wind-eroded caves, they could see the hot sand overlord, a huge body like a mountain.

It must be said that the body of this ancient dragon is really too huge and too strong!

According to preliminary estimates, the body of the Resha Overlord is probably not less than 100 meters long. With its huge volume, even if it is curled up to sleep, it looks like a towering mountain lying in front of everyone.

At the moment, Wang Yan is sticking to the edge of the cave, looking around. The hot sand overlord in front looks like a mighty dragon-shaped lizard, but his body is undoubtedly more majestic and strong, with bulging muscles and distinct curves. The claws and limbs are like copper casting iron, full of deterrent force.

The skin of the hot sand overlord is rough and tough, and the color is like sand, especially the head and back, and there are thick cuticle hard armor. Its strength is stronger than that of the Yanhu, I am afraid that it is better than it.

In addition, its head has two majestic long horns with dragon characteristics, and another sharp horn thorn, which extends along the neck bone to the end of the tail. But unlike ordinary dragons, it did not produce awe-inspiring dragon wings on the back. On the contrary, Wang Yan observed that between his forelimbs and the two ribs, there was a large and flexible wing membrane.

Obviously, the hot sand overlord is not a flying dragon that is good at flying high in the traditional sense, but has a high degree of sand affinity. A land-dragon that combines sprinting, gliding, and diving capabilities!

Don't underestimate the Lu Xinglong species, whether it is a flying dragon or Lu Xinglong, are the most powerful creatures in the world, the highest species at the top of the biological chain.

Even though the Hot Sands Overlord is still asleep now, the terror that it unintentionally exudes is enough to make the weak lower-level life and the heart collapse.

At this time, even Wang Yan, who had met many people in the world, could not help feeling when he looked far in the past.

At the beginning of the lake, the majestic monster of the semi-god level, if placed in front of this ancient dragon, it is like a little witch sees a big witch. No matter the size or power, the two are not comparable, and the gap between the two It's not just this star.

Therefore, Wang Yan could not help but speculate that the gap between the two might be worse than the blood of the ancient dragon species!

The Lord of the Flame Lake is indeed strong enough, but the bloodline is finally confusing, and reaching the demigod realm is almost the limit of its life. However, the Hot Sands Overlord is different. It has a pure ancient dragon bloodline. It is the oldest and purest blood lineage in the **** world. It is also the strongest dragon species closest to the Xinghe Dragon Clan.

If its talent and luck are strong enough, it can really excite its own bloodline to the extreme, maybe it can really break through the limit of life, and become a true galaxy that can travel through the universe and be as strong as a god!

Although this probability can be said to be insignificant, but it is not impossible to succeed, which is why the hot sand overlord will hide in this desert, dominate the world, and concentrate on cultivation, in order to lower the eyes of the three devil gods. , Quietly fighting for an opportunity to be promoted to God!

Such powerful ambitions and bloodline talents are all ordinary monsters, and they are far from being comparable to it!

"Boss, you, you see ... wow ... that's too much, right?"

The confusing Lord looked like a pig brother, pointing to the hot sand overlord. The coveted look was like seeing countless beautiful young women who did not cover their bodies.

"Here, so many treasures, can we finish the move?" Lord Chew wiped his saliva, and he giggled, "Early, I know, I will bring a hundred, no, a thousand Goblin storage. Box! "

"You can't move, you have to move, if you don't have money, it's a sin!" High Priest Berika is also a silly man. His eyes have already become obsessed with huge wealth, and his heart is very comfortable. Secretly whispering, this priest is really wise, and really can make a fortune with the son of flame!

"Cough, as for?" Wang Yan blankly glanced at the two wealthy fans deliberately, and coughed deliberately. "After a while, they will be a little bit agitated. Don't lose things because of small things. Anyway, these wealth are ours. Not off. "

That being said, the implementation situation is not limited to the two people of Chidu and Berika, the brutal master of the county, Zoe, Camus and others, and even the companions of the earth such as Zhang Weidao, Wuwujie, the desert emperor, and Lydia. , All stunned by the huge amount of wealth in front of him.

Although they are all legendary masters, they have a firm heart, and have already seen a lot of wealth, and each of them now has a lot of wealth, which can be compared with the pile of treasures in front of them. It is not worth mentioning at all.

Because at this time, the place where the hot sand overlord sleeps, it is not simply sleeping on the stone or the bed, but a large treasure, a large pile of mountains, countless treasures!

These huge treasures under the hot sand domineers are really scary and spectacular. Almost all the underground caves comparable to large gyms have been filled!

The countless gold and silver coins on the ground are spread like sand! In the middle, there are a lot of valuable agate jewelry, jade and jade. All kinds of natural materials and treasures, precious minerals, and even high-value magic crystals can be seen at a glance. They are everywhere, and they are too many to count.

In addition, there are a lot of high-grade weapons and equipment shining with energy, all of which are thrown around indiscriminately. These weapons and equipment are not only the products of the Infernal Demon Realm, but also the products of the Dark Demon Realm. Even the fallen angels' arms of the Fallen Demon Realm can be found here.

Obviously, these wealth treasures, weapons and equipment are all hot sand overlords, gathering their servants, all year round, loot looted in this hot sand desert.

Wang Yan and others just came here and were dazzled by these massive treasures for the first time. These massive treasures are too much, and their high value is probably more than the wealth accumulated in a lifetime by a great devil in the **** world!

At least as far as Wang Yan understands, the father of the Red Confusion Lord Chi Lian, who adds all his net worth, may not be worth half of it here.

Such a large amount of treasures, nothing more than people who hear the legend, want to take a risk. Even the tiny gerbil man, Grey-Toothed Jim, wanted to sneak into this area, stealing a few treasures, by virtue of his racial talent after he strayed into this area.

But without exception, anyone who wants to fight these treasures will have a terrible ending. In the end, they all fell to the ground. The wealth they possessed fell into this treasure trove and became part of the wealth of the hot sand overlord.

In the long years, it is estimated that only the gray tooth Jim, lucky to use his racial talent, quietly touched here. Finally, because of the fear of death, he defeated the greed in his heart, and he didn't dare to touch the treasure here, so he was able to retreat.

Otherwise, no one can lower the eyelids of the hot sand overlord, and after coveting wealth, they can still leave.

"Your Highness, Demon Flame, time is running out, and it will be dark soon." Gray-toothed Jim was still afraid, at this time carefully reminded, "You, if you have any one, **** the hot sand overlord in one fell swoop. , You, you, can't you drag on for a long time ... "

Although the hot sand overlord has become a demigod, it still maintains the habits of the desert species, and is accustomed to coming out day and night, sleeping during the day, and will wake up at sunset.

Therefore, in the view of Grey-toothed Jim, it is going to be dark now. If you do n’t take advantage of the hot sands before waking up, it will be too late. After waking up, the hot sand overlords, how could they be legendary lords, they can resist it?

Besides, there are a lot of ferocious sand claw dragons outside, and as soon as the hot sand overlord roars, they will all rush in. By that time, how can they resist this point?

Although he is a tiny gerbil man, he also wants to get some treasure, but he can take it with his life.

After listening to this, Wang Yan ignored the sand dune man, but took out a simple and precious magic book, raised his hand and threw it to the female magician Lydia on the side of the standing, "Lydia, this thing is useless. I ’ll give it back to you. "

"Hey? Small, be careful!"

Lydia panicked, quickly rushed over, opened her hands to catch the magic book, and then cautiously hugged her arms.

What a joke, this is a book of sub-artifacts and stars, condensing all the knowledge of the starry sky god, the most important inheritance treasure of the starry sky college!

But Demon Flame, the abominable big devil, would take it away if he wanted to take it away, not to mention throw it away. If it was bruised or broken, would it still be worth it?

Lydia's eyes were full of resentment and she stared angrily at Wang Yan, but Wang Yan did not take it at all.

Seeing this, Lydia could only suffocate her heart, and she really had no way to deal with this abominable Demon King.

"While acting according to plan for a while, you pick it up and take it out, and then go out to meet me as soon as possible."

Wang Yan said that he lifted his hand to withdraw the enchantment of the Eight Immortals, and then, with the childish warhammer, stepped towards the hot sand overlord.

"Understand, understand, Boss, please go here, leave it to us here." Lord Chidu lowered his voice behind Wang Yan, whispering in a whisper, and the eyes of several of his companions were full of excitement.

Earlier, because of the isolation of the enchantment of the eight artifacts, Wang Yan, the pedestrian's voice, was completely isolated. Therefore, the conversation and walking between them were not easy to be discovered by the outside world.

Now as Wang Yan revokes the Eight Immortal Mirror Enchantment and walks toward the Hot Sands Overlord step by step, their pedestrian is equivalent to being exposed to the Divine Thought of the Hot Sands Overlord, and there is a possibility of being discovered at any time.

However, Wang Yan is confident that by virtue of his convergence technique, he quietly approaches the hot sand overlord, and there is no problem.

However, just as Wang Yan stepped on the gold and silver wealth, which was stumbling, and gradually approached, a faint wave of mysterious energy began to pass behind him.

"God, please listen to me ... all these treasures are ours!"

Wang Yan glanced at it, and it turned out that the high priest, Berika, actually knelt on the ground for the wealth in front of her, and showed her great prophecy to the unpredictable fate.

As the faint mysterious waves gradually passed on, the scene suddenly became silent, and the grunt of the hot sand overlord stopped. The guillotine gray-teeth Jim urinate on the spot.

"It's over, me, I'm dying." Grey-toothed Jim trembles in his heart, tears rushing, and a small heart thumps wildly.

Finished, now it's really over. He was hiding behind the cave, and he did n’t even dare to look outside. He said that 80% of the hot sand overlord had found them. How could he continue to live like this little mouse?

Beside the Ratman, Belika, who had just performed her prophecy, was flushed and tired, but after seeing Wang Yan's speechless expression, she smiled slyly and said innocently, "His Royal Highness, it's okay, this But the prophecy that is good for us, anyway, you will be discovered by it sooner or later. "

Wang Yan's head fainted after hearing it, and gave her a glance at the spot.

Beneficial your sister! Sooner or later your sister! Waiting for him to come over first, then pretend, isn't it?

Alas, okay, okay, as Belika said, Wang Yan really wants to be tough with this hot sand overlord.

"Ah!" High Priest Berika suddenly made a panicked expression, "His Royal Highness, be careful!"

Wang Yan turned around, the giant claws of the hot sands, which seemed to be cast from steel and iron, had already violently fanned in front of him!


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