The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1648: We are just treasure haulers

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The sand claws were screaming and the sound of running into the nest was as loud as the wildebeest migration of the earth and Africa.

Wang Yan and others, still in the nest, could even feel the whole cave trembling slightly.

If Wang Yan and others were just ordinary infiltrators who went deep into the nest, they might be submerged and shredded in the sand-claw dragon wave like ants.

But Wang Yan is not just an ordinary adventurer. He came here and already prepared a perfect strategy.

"Stupid dragon, here is too narrow, let's go out and fight!"

Wang Yan understood that the time had come, so raising his hand was a warhammer, which hit the chin of the hot sand overlord. Then the figure flashed again and again, and the whole person was like a cannonball, and it hit the stomach of the hot sand overlord at once.


The hot sand overlord was caught by surprise and screamed to struggle, but under Wang Yan's strong explosive power, he could not control it at all, and suddenly hit the dome of the wind-eroded cave.


With a shock and roar, the top of the wind-eroded cave was immediately knocked out of a large cave under the powerful explosive force of Wang Yan.

"Lao Sha, I will hand it to you next!"

Leaving such a sentence, Wang Yan has been hard against the hot sand overlord and hit the outside of the nest.

In the original cave, only the yellow sand that rushed down from the cave at the top of the cave, and the sand claw dragon that flowed into it from the honeycomb-like tunnel.

"Pharaoh, leave it to me."

The desert emperor murmured secretly in his heart, and then a golden scepter that seemed to be made of gold appeared in his hand.

"Desert funeral!"

The desert emperor exerted his full strength, raised the scepter with both hands, and slammed it into the ground, and suddenly the yellow sand burst suddenly and tremors throughout the nest.


The violent roar, accompanied by the shaking of the entire cave, kept echoing in people's ears. Large and small cave tunnels, a large number of rocks and sand, all under the control of the desert emperor, all desertified.

At this time, the desert emperor seemed to exert all his strength. He gritted his teeth and radiated a mysterious golden color from the ancient Egyptian era. This mysterious energy luster has long been connected with the ground under his feet.

Under his diligent control, the hot sand overlord's core nest, which is much larger than the large gymnasium, was immediately shrouded in yellow sand. The large and small tunnels leading to the nest were all blocked and submerged by the sand after the desertification.

Thousands of sand clawed dragons crowded in the tunnel were suddenly flooded with yellow sand like rivers and rivers.

"Ooo! Ooo!"

The large and small, uncountable sand claw dragons, all under the rushing yellow sand, struggled with a weak hissing noise, and were finally buried alive!

Those weaker claw dragons were under the great force of the yellow sand on the spot, squeezing and suffocating, and the bones were crumbling to death.

The deep fear penetrates into the heart of each sand claw dragon as if swallowed by yellow sand, waiting for them will be the deepest despair and death.

However, there are still some powerful sand claw dragons, with their racial talents, struggling and digging desperately in tunnels filled with sand, trying to dig out an escape path from the endless yellow sand.

It's just that the yellow sand seems to be endless. No matter how these sand claw dragons dig, how to struggle, how to impact, even if they are swallowed up, there will be more yellow sand filled in the same place.

Therefore, between just a few breaths, the countless tunnels connected to the nest are like graves that will eat people, and no living things fall into it, and no one can escape.

"Wow haha, little reptile, die!"

In the nest department, several sand claw dragons who had been lucky enough to fall in were immediately ruthlessly devastated by the confusing lord.

He began to bully the weak and confusing Lord with an abnormal expression. He learned Wang Yan's appearance and squeezed with one hand. The rich **** fire immediately erupted around the few sand claw dragons.

The blazing flame is like a big hand, and it instantly wraps several incapable sand claw dragons. In just a few breaths, the sand claws were all burned to ashes under the tide of violent hellfire.

"Wow, haha, tiny reptile, crying in despair under the flames of this lord!"

The confusing lord grinned, satisfied, and did not know the person, who thought he was the demon king, the tyrant of the king was really no doubt. It's just that the domineering spirit, coupled with the sand claw dragons who are weaker than them at this moment and do not know how many times, it is a bit of a violation.

"Uh, this idiot ... how can this county master have such a brother?"

Not far away, the Abbot of the Cruel Lord slashed with a dagger, and easily harvested a few sand claw dragons who lucked into the nest. It's just that I saw the swollen face of the lord of the Red Confusion, and the white eyes of the tyrannical Sovereign, almost turning into the sky.

This confusing lord is not the same as before, and his strength has greatly increased, and he does have some proud capital. However, although this strength has improved, IQ and thick nerves have not grown at all.

Alas, the brutal master shook his head and relieved himself, after all, not every man was as brilliant as her magic flame master.

Well, Lord Mo Yan, who has just fought the overlord of Hot Sands, is so handsome! She was so happy to meet such a perfect and powerful Lord of the Flames!

When the cruel county master thought of marrying Master Moyan in the future and became Master Mohan's main room, her small heart began to jump up and down again, and the whole person was like a spring of water, falling into a vain dream.

On this side, dozens of sand claw dragons who had luckily rushed into the ** department of the nest have been easily solved by everyone.

The crowd once again focused on the side of the desert emperor. Among them, the dark elf beauty Elsa, when she saw the desert emperor who was struggling to maintain the yellow sand blockade, could not help but exclaim: "What a powerful control!"

"Laosha Brothers are indeed very powerful." The leader of the dark elves, Camus, the Shadow Spire, nodded in praise. "It is possible to close such a large nest, plus no fewer than ten thousand sand claw dragons in the tunnel, all closed. Leak, this method is really amazing. "

Enzo, another dark elf lieutenant, also sighed and said with great care: "Now it seems that your earth is also a place full of strong men, at least a few of you, let the next admire very much."

The dark elf is a powerful race that is both elegant and proud, especially a dark elf with outstanding strength, whose eyes are higher than the top, and even the dominant purgatory demon clan is not accepted by them. But **** is a world that respects the strong, and even the proud dark elves still admire the strong.

The desert emperor and Shiva goddess, as well as the high priest Berika and others, all possessed a stunt, so that Wang Yan's men, including these three dark elf generals, admired them. Otherwise, people without strength, even under Wang Yan, will not be respected and accepted by them.

"You guys praised it," the desert emperor responded modestly, and then slowly said, "Then you start quickly, this area is really too big, and there are a lot of sand claw dragons constantly destroying my sand wall. My current strength cannot last long. "

This is not a humble word, after all, there are too many sand claw dragons under the command of the hot sand overlord. After a long time of continuous reproduction, the sand claw dragons that have gathered around this nest have already formed a huge ethnic group, and there are tens of thousands of them alone!

Although the strength of these sand claw dragons is uneven, they can't stand the large number of them, and this natural beast has a very strong attack power, and has certain sand and wind talents. Digging holes for destruction is a good hand.

It is estimated that the people who can completely close this core nest according to Wang Yan's plan will be able to do it by the desert emperor, otherwise they will be replaced by other people, I am afraid that they have already been overwhelmed by the rushing sand claw dragon.

"That's right, let's move quickly. Lord Mo Yan is still waiting for us to launch the attack."

Camus, the thorn of the shadow, immediately greeted his companions, and Ablon and others, "quickly pack, and take away all that can be taken away!"

"Yes!" Elsa, Enzo, and Ablon, immediately took out the storage equipment that had been prepared for a long time, and ran to the nest of treasures everywhere.

"Red puzzled, what stupidity are you foolish? Hurry up and move things!"

On this side, the Sovereign Sovereign is pinching his waist and spurting, "We still have to support Lord Mo Yan. If your laziness hurts Lord Mo Yan, Miss Ben will not spare you!"

"Uh ... I said sister, you're wrong, how can you blame me? I ... okay, okay, I will work here."

Under the aggressive and serious eyes of the brutal master, the confusing lord quickly raised his hand to surrender, and honestly plunged into the treasure pile, desperately pretending to stuff.

"Everyone, Lord Mo Yan has orders, those gold and silver take up too much space, don't pretend first, we give priority to the best, I will search for you!"

On this side, Zoe fluttered his wings, and at the same time the power of the Real Eye began to envelope the entire nest. Soon afterwards, valuable treasures were quickly discovered by her.

There are treasures everywhere, and gold everywhere, and the total value must be 10 or 20 million magic crystals, and we must go up! With these more valuable magic crystals, equipment and all kinds of precious resources, these gold and silver are really put into storage equipment, and they are all bargains that occupy space.

"Hey, sir, sirs, sirs, you said that the little one did his best to work for Lord Mo Yan. How much money will Lord Master Mo reward later? Are there ten magic crystal coins?"

The gerbil man Grey-toothed Jim is no longer afraid, on the contrary, the whole person is very excited to follow behind the confusion and other people, busy and busy, very attentive.

Just kidding, now all entrances and exits are closed, this nest ** all treasures, but theirs!

Oh, no, no, these treasures are all from the great Lord of the Flames. As a little ratman, as long as he picks up some leftover things that no one wants, it will be enough for him to eat and drink all his life!

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and work!" In front of the weak race, the confusing lord made a tremendous gesture and waved a big hand at the moment. "The lord has made the decision for you. When you are done, you will be rewarded with a hundred magic crystals!"

"One, one hundred!"

Grey-toothed Jim sucked in at once, excited, and almost passed out. It's too profitable to follow the magic flame master secretly?

One, one hundred magic crystals! He just worked hard until he died, and he couldn't make such a lot of money!

Happiness came too suddenly. Grey-toothed Jim felt that the whole person was going to float, but with the encouragement of a lot of money, he worked harder and harder.

As everyone's progress deepened, a treasure was discovered in a moment.

"Wow! This is Blazing Demon Armor, this, is this not a holy weapon?"

"Huh? The earth crystal? This is the earth crystal!"

"Hey, hello, look at what I found? Look, this is actually a demon blood fruit!"

Everyone who worked hard to ship treasures on the spot was flushed and excited. Almost every time a baby is discovered, their emotions will grow higher.

Not to mention, as long as they swallow this great fortune, their boss Wang Yan will become rich instantly, even with them, and their men, will benefit greatly.

Now they are worried that they do not have enough resources and money to equip the whole army and at the same time enhance the strength of the whole army. Now the Hot Sands Overlord has accumulated a huge amount of wealth for a lifetime. It is definitely a timely rain, which undoubtedly helped them a lot.

With the support of this huge amount of treasure and resources, the multi-ethnic united army under their command can definitely become an elite division comparable to the army directly under the demon god! Even after equipping and upgrading the whole army, there will be a lot of wealth remaining.

"It's cool! It's so cool! I sold my father's Dragon and Tiger Mountain. I'm afraid it's not worth so much money."

"Haha, Buddha Amitabha, I didn't expect it to be so refreshing when immersed in the coins. You see, Wei Dao, the poor monk can swim!"

The two brothers Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie were half immersed in the gold coins and groped for a long time. It was really like swimming.

"Gam, Gam!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Shen Tutian Road would one day be able to eat gold as a meal!"

Next to Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie, Shen Tu Tianlu was even more exaggerated. His dozens of tentacles flew up and down, and the shipping efficiency was naturally extremely high, but the two hands were not idle, grabbing a lot of gold and silver Gemstones, stuffed in his mouth. See how proud he looks at the moment, as if he has reached the peak of his life.

"Hey, hey, money and money are all money, a lot of money!"

High Priest Belika has always been a fan of money. At this time, she fell into the eyes of money and simply fell into the sea of ​​money. This time, the happy and happy halal of her has almost come out.

"Cough, that ..."

The goddess Shiva looked at the high priest Belika and said sympathetically, "Although I don't want to say it, but for the sake of being good sisters, the goddess still wants to remind you that these treasures are finished, but they are going to be Handed in. "

The high priest Bellika suddenly froze.

The seemingly inadvertent voice of the goddess Shiva, like the thunder rolling, roared in her mind.

"It's really cool to pick up treasures, but after a while, all of them will be handed over to the honorable Lord Mo Yan. Speaking, we are just treasure haulers." The goddess Shiva patted Berika's shoulder quite kindly. Comforted, "Okay, just a little happiness is enough. For the overall situation, work hard."

After all, Shiva and Goddess continued to hurry up to collect their belongings, but Berika, who was left in place, was stunned, and the whole person fell into deep sorrow.

Are you kidding me? Let her see so many treasures, ship so many treasures, but finally told her that all of these treasures belong to Lao Wang? Will it be handed in as soon as possible?

My goodness, it's almost painful to kill her!


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