The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1649: Blazing Marauder

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"Awow roar! Dirty boy, do you think you can take away the wealth of the overlord by leading it out of the den?"

The hot sand overlord who was hit into the hollow of the nest, sneered at this time, "Crazy and ignorant boy, today you and your men, don't want to go either! This tyrant mainly let you stay in this nest forever!"

Now as long as he lowers his gaze, he can clearly see through the hole on the top of the cave. Those intruders who do not know the life and death are actually lowering their eyelids and carrying their treasures.

This is really deceiving! Really when it does not survive the hot sand overlord?

However, the purgatory demon in front of him actually possesses a powerful demigod-level strength, most likely the son of the legendary demon god. This makes it very scrupulous, so that without solving this purgatory demon clan, it will not be able to withdraw to solve those who try to remove its countless treasures.

"Want to keep us all here? That's not easy."

Wang Yan was suspended in front of the Hot Sands Overlord. He held the hammer in one hand and raised the magic wings behind him, majestic. However, he was not in a hurry to attack, but instead hummed with ease, "Do you think that you, the lizard people who are running all over the ground, will be able to keep all the children of the Divine Son here?"

"Lizards ... My people are not lizards! They are Lu Xinglong! Lu Xinglong with the great blood of this overlord!" The hot sand overlord choked with anger and refuted on the spot.

But then it seemed to think of something, the hot sand overlord suddenly sneered, "Ignorant bastard, the overlord's people are as many as tens of thousands, and it will not take long for them to dig out the entire mountain. Your men really seal all entrances , But how long can they be sealed? "

"Hu Hehe, when that time comes, the overlord will let you see your own hands and be torn apart bit by bit by the overlord's people!" The hot sand overlord's eyes are as if they have seen Wang Yan, Wang Yan's next miserable end.

The Hot Sands Overlord does have such a confidence. Those tens of thousands of sand claw dragons all rushed towards the nest. It is really like an ant. It can't be seen at a glance. It is very spectacular and terrifying.

And in such a large tribe, there are as many as thousands of adult sand claw dragon warriors who can reach the B level or above, hundreds of them above the A level, and dozens of sand claw dragon kings who reach the legendary S level.

Even in the air, there was a group of pterosaurs who usually lived on the top of a nearby mountain.

Pterosaurs are a kind of flying claws between the intercostal and forearm, with tough pterosaurs. Obviously they are also the children of the hot sands. Although the number is not large, the excellent flying and wind capabilities make them more difficult than the sand claw dragon.

Such a powerful group of fierce beasts, the fighting ability is comparable to an elite legion of the devil. Wang Yan ’s little friends who stayed in the sand cave are only a dozen people. Although all of them have reached the top of the legendary peak, but they ca n’t stand the number of the other party?

Take Wang Yan's companion Zhang Weidao for example. He has dozens of sand claw dragons on his own. There is absolutely no problem, but how many hundreds of sand claw dragons? Then there is the Sand Claw Dragon King and the pterodactyl dragon attack. After Zhang Weidao has fought to death for hundreds of battles, he will gradually exhaust his battle to death.

This is also a terrible qualitative change after the quantity reaches a certain level.

Thousands of sand claw dragons are now digging the blocked nest. There are also tens of thousands of sand claw dragons in the periphery, which are gathering in a fierce manner. Above, there are pterosaurs hovering in the sky, staring at each other.

Once the blocked nest is broken, there is no doubt that Wang Yan's men will be immediately submerged by the crazy and cruel sand claw dragon, even with Wang Yan unable to cope.

This is also the main reason why the hot sand overlord, even when he sees the Devil God's son, is not afraid, and even tries to kill people and kill his mouth.

"Lizards are lizards. No matter how many they are, they are still just lizards."

Facing the oversight of the hot sand overlord, Wang Yan raised his mouth instead of sneering. "The **** of the gods should look at it. A group of lizards that only make noises and shouts. How did you keep the gods of the gods here?"


The hot sand overlord suddenly made a roar and stared at Wang Yan in front of him, "Boy, you are so arrogant! This overlord is ..."

The shouting words had not been spoken, and a magnificent steel division in the distance had already appeared in its sight.

It is a cavalry! It seems that it is still a legend, the direct legion of the purgatory demon Satan, the fire breathing predator!

There are about twenty of these cavalrymen, all of which are strong and huge Hellfire Breathers!

The Yanbreed dog, but the king of the **** dogs, they are dressed in black armor, and their body hair is black and black. Under the gap between the armor and body hair, patches of red fire like magma are lit up with mighty power. At this moment, Wang's momentum is undoubted.

Their limbs are strong and strong, running like wind, and their mouths contain blazing flames with increasing energy, as if they will all open their mouths afterwards.

The cavalry riding these hellfire dogs is undoubtedly more sturdy and powerful.

The Hot Sands Overlord discovered that these cavalry were not due to purgatory demon races, but rather strong and brave barbarian knights.

Although they are barbarians with low social status, their spirits and powers are no worse than the purgatory demon.

On the contrary, these barbarian knights are all wearing black, cold, high-quality armor, carrying beheaded swords with cold and light hair, carrying axe and dagger on their waists, and hanging heavy crossbows and steel cables on both sides of the mount. Such equipment is really armed to the teeth.

These marauder knights have all reached the half-step S level, of which the captains are all legendary! Moreover, the beheading sword in their hands has already attached a layer of fierce sword light, which seems to be a posture that will soon launch a charge attack.


Suddenly, another shout came over.

The hot sand overlord turned and looked, suddenly feeling a headache.

The Blaze Marauders are not only in front, but also on the left, right, and back, all marauders cavalry charge towards here.

The number of marauder cavalry coming from the charge has expanded from one cavalry team to eight cavalry teams!

In other words, there are two teams of cavalry in each direction, and they are killing him quickly. The most frightening thing is that these two hundred marauder cavalry are all half-step S-level and above, among which there are more than 40 legendary levels.

Each cavalry is also equipped with the top-level second-class weapon equipment, which is simply the old life of wanting it.

"Master Demon Flame has orders, all resistance, don't talk about killing!"

Among the Marauder cavalry, the one who leads the noise is the barbarian captain rock rushing from the front!

He and his companions had already assembled the army, and had been staying in the sub-space secret realm of the Book of Stars until Wang Yan reached the edge of the nest, which all came out of the sub-space secret realm.

Has been ambushing around this nest, waiting for the timing of the attack at this time.

"Brothers, let me kill!"

At this moment, the sword was held high in the hands of the rock, and the fierce and fierce **** murderousness immediately broke out.

There was such a pioneer cavalry captain who led the charge. The morale of the hundred barbarian cavalry behind them all increased sharply, and they all raised their hands together and beheaded the sword with a rugged look.

In the moment of rushing into the sand claw dragons, these long decapitated beheaded long swords fell instantly!


With the hand up and down, these long-cut slashes immediately turned into slash waves with a diameter of several meters, and galloped forward, where the sand claw dragon's limbs and flesh splashed, even hard The rocky ground is easily cut.

The slash waves of the Marauder cavalry cannot be underestimated. These chopping waves have certain similarities with the sword qi used by the Chinese sword team of the earth. The difference is that the **** race usually condenses its own strength on the blade of the weapon.

When the density of this force is condensed and compressed to a certain degree, and then slashed out instantly, the slash wave released in this way is like expanding the slash itself, not only the attack power is greatly increased, but the attack distance is also obtained. Great growth.

Like these, the cavalry captains who have been strengthened to the legendary level by Wang Yan's bloodline evolution, can strike a chopping wave for hundreds of meters!

If there is a sand claw dragon blocking in front, even if this sand claw dragon uses the talent stone skin technique for himself, it still can't stop it. The slash wave used to be a double cut, and the after wave can rush forward more than ten meters, which is very scary.

This is the power of the Marauder Cavalry after the formation of the charge. Often a battle group slashed and killed, the enemy formation is like butter cut by the hot knife, and it will be easily divided and disintegrated in minutes.

At present, a single cavalry team, a charge, put away the knife and fell, that is, hundreds of sand claw dragons, directly cut into two sections, Yu Wei can also hurt two or three hundred sand claw dragons around.

Such terrible lethality, plus a total of eight cavalry squads from the scene, rushed from all sides, and only one charge, so that the hot sand overlord lost thousands of sand claws. The injured sand claw dragon is as many as two or three thousand!

Even the Sandclaw Dragon King can't stop this charge.

The tragic death of the sand claw dragon, of course, needless to say, those sand claw dragon wounded, all flesh and skin, missing arms and legs, howling everywhere.

Such a horrible scene almost glared out the beads that Hot Sands Overlord could see.

You should know that it is no more than tens of thousands of sand claw dragons. If it goes on like this, wouldn't it be the pride of the sand claw dragon corps after several charges?

By that time, it was a bare-bones commander, and he was farting?


The hot sand lord suddenly looked up at the sky. This long roar means that don't dig the nest. Don't worry about the invaders who picked up the treasure in the nest. Hurry to kill the enemy and kill all the cavalry!

The Hot Sands Overlord is indeed anxious, but his emboldened heart still has not disappeared.

Because the number of sand claw dragons under it dominates the absolute advantage, those marauders cavalry, but only two or three hundred ride, as long as they surround them, they will definitely die.


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