The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1654: Angry crit

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"A bunch of lowly and filthy things!"

He gave Wang Yan and others a hard look. In those sharp eyes, there was no mercy and temperature. "Hand over the hot sand overlord. This prince may be able to consider and give you a chance to steal."

The two camps of Dark Demon Realm and Infernal Demon Realm are already dead enemies. The meeting between the two parties is a deadly battle. There is basically no reconciliation.

The reason why he dares to be so eloquent right now depends on his powerful military strength. However, Wang Yan's strength on this side is also good, he does not want to fight until the end of the dead net, causing huge losses to his army. That's why he planned to use deterrence and chasing. In this desert, the group of people who dare to insult him alive!

"Fuck your motherfucker! Who do you think you are? Just a young demon clan master, and dare to talk to my boss like this? Be careful of me ..."

As the purgatory demon clan, the deceived lord is extremely repellent. This branch of the purgatory demon clan is extremely repulsive. In addition, the attitude of the night blade prince in the eyes of no one makes him extremely annoyed and he cursed on the spot.

But he hadn't scolded him long before Wang Yan reached out to signal him to stop.

"Want the prey of the Divine Son? Oh, your idea is really bold." Wang Yan slowly raised his eyes and chuckled, "Then try it."

After all, his body flickered and disappeared.



Night Blade Prince's nerves suddenly tightened, and his eyes searched very quickly, but at this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind.

Almost at the same time, a dazzling red light has risen happily in front of him.

That's right, this dazzling flame comes from Wang Yan who came to death quickly!

While Wang Yan successfully fused the genes of the Demon God, he also fused all the genes of the previous pair of Abyss Demon Wings. The pair of abyss magic wings with the law of space, after being refined, will enable Wang Yan to gain the ability to briefly teleport.

Now Wang Yan has fully integrated this part of the law of space. At the same time, because of his own bloodline improvement, he also touched the fire of life and successfully boarded the semi-god realm, and the pair of magic wings have also evolved again.

Nowadays, the space law and teleportation ability brought by this pair of magic wings are undoubtedly greatly increased. As long as Wang Yan has enough power, within a short distance, any enemy can be caught by surprise.

"The law of space? Damn it! The law of space!"

Ye Yan burst into Wang Ye directly in front of her, her pupils shrank, and she secretly shouted.

This time he was really careless. He never expected that under the siege of his army, this demon flame dared to kill him directly.

What surprised him the most was that this Moyan, as a purgatory demon, would actually use the law of space, and it was so skillful that he could not accept it at all.

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Wang Yan burst into flames, without a word, raised the mighty warhammer in his hand, and hit the head of Prince Night Blade with his head.


Night Blade Prince immediately scared out a cold sweat, so suddenly, at such a close distance, he had no time to do more processing, so he had a low growl, his arms were close together, with his pair of holy armor armor To the warhammer Wang Yan smashed.


There was a bang, as if the tactical missile exploded in an instant, and the violent flames slammed suddenly at the location where Prince Night Blade was originally.

Prince Nightblade boasted about his mount and was bombarded by the Warhammer on the spot. The mud splattered on the spot, and then burned into a flying ash in the blast of flames.

As for Prince Yeren himself, it can be said that it is quite miserable.

His pair of armor-level armor that gathered a small shield was immediately bombarded by angry Wang Yan. The violent impact lifted him all the way. He spit blood in the air, and then he was ruthlessly swallowed by the flames. Even his handsome face like Guanyu was burnt.


There was a moment of silence at the scene.

The angry Wang Yan stood on the ground, blazing with flames, a pair of eyes like lava, sharp and majestic, and a single glance, actually let thousands of enemy forces on the scene, none of them dared to move at will.

They were frightened, they were frightened by the sturdiness.

The sudden violent blow just a moment ago made all the enemy troops on the scene unexpected and panicked. Some timid people were immediately stunned, and no response came at all.

Because of his carelessness, Prince Nightblade was directly bombed out hundreds of meters away. And his former location, all his surroundings, were all just hit by the critical power, and the impact was scattered and scattered to the ground.

"It's terrible, how could it be so terrible?"

"According to rumors, isn't that Mo Yan a second child who likes slaves? How, how can it be so powerful ..."

The prince of Nightblade, General Ezeia, climbed quietly from the crowd, and quickly tried to escape to a distance.

His heart was leaping wildly, and he never dreamed that the magic flame was so hidden, which was very different from the information they received!

It's no wonder that Prince Nightblade will be careless, and Isaiah and others will be surprised. So far, Wang Yan has little knowledge of all the abilities of the outside world. Even the process of Wang Yan's promotion to the Demigod Demon King was completely closed by the Red Refining Demon King. Until now, Liuhuo City is in a state of martial law.

In the **** capital, the devil Satan will naturally not reveal the true situation of his son. Therefore, the outside world only thought that Wang Yan was a big lord of the legendary pinnacle, and he was still a strong arbitrariness, greedy for enjoyment, and like to collect the female slave's dude.

This is the Dark Demon camp, and the relevant information received is also because of this. Prince Night Blade and his men only took the posture of Wang Yan, and did not regard Wang Yan and others as a threat. deficit.

"Skip, hurry."

At this time, there was only one thought in Ezea's heart, that is, to quickly leave this lord of the magic flame like a killing god.

No, he should be called the Devil Flame Lord!

Isaiah realized in horror that this magic flame was not a lord-level strength at all, and was clearly a demigod-level demon! And he is a powerful demon no less than the Prince of Night Blade!


A casual cold drink, like a burst of ice water, poured into Ezeia's heart at once.

Ezeia was full of excitement, looking up, and the murderous magic flame, somehow, appeared before him.

"You seem to be a close friend of that night blade?"

Wang Yan lifted Isaiah with one hand, and the rising flame immediately opened his burnt skin.

"Woo ... I, I am ... Woo! You are going to die for me!"

Isaiah struggled with pain, and finally struck a sharp breath, pulled out his dagger and wanted to attack Wang Yan.

But his movements were slow for a while, and Wang Yan ’s warhammer blasted his head first: “Oh, he ’s so brave. It ’s good if this **** son does n’t grab others, and some people dare to **** this **** son ’s prey . "

at the same time.

In the lair below, the scepter in the hand of the desert emperor suddenly fell, and his ultimate move "desert funeral" immediately erupted, like a tsunami like a mountain tsunami, and began to overwhelm the enemy.

On this side, Lydia, who has been secretly accumulating for a long time, has reached an eightfold superimposed arcane bomb. In a flash, it is like a tactical nuclear bomb that exploded in the enemy camp.

It is not just them. The goddess Shiva has opened the eyes of destruction, and the arrows of the flame of destruction in his hand are lost, just like one after another sniper bullets, constantly bombarding the opposite side.

In short, Wang Yan ’s men and companions seem to be loose and ordinary, and even a little bland, but in fact they are all energetic. At this time, all of them broke out, and those who brought Prince Nightblade almost instantly, A **** head hit the dog and it was a mess.

During this period, Wang Yan chose a senior general to use his strength to reach the level of demigod, and dealt with those celebrity generals of Prince Night Blade, especially under the strong attack of his teammates. The tiger enters the flock and cannot be stopped.

"Fuck, shit!"

Prince Nightblade was so angry that when he stood up again, the prospect seemed completely dumbfounded.

Not only was the army he brought in a panic, the celebrity generals he cultivated personally were also bombarded three or four times by Wang Yan!


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