The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1655: This beam is knotted

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"Isaiah! My good brother! Ah! Mo Yan, I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing Ezeia, who had become a pile of minced meat, another Night Demon general, Bearded Pulton shouted angrily, and pulled out a grandiose sword, looking for Wang Yan to desperately.

But at this moment, a whine.

An arrow burning with a black flame was lost and instantly penetrated his arm.

This arrow is coming from the Shiva goddess who is sniping from a long distance, and the arrow lost the incidental destruction, which is extremely domineering, enough to burn all the world.


Bearded Poolton screamed and fell to the ground, with severe pain, as if reaching the soul. And the flame of destruction did not extinguish the slightest posture, but followed the wound on his arm and burned to his body.

In a panic, Bearded Pullton unloaded his arm with a knife.

The broken arm was immediately burned to ashes by the flames of destruction, and the horror almost scared him out of cold sweat.

The most frightening thing is still Wang Yan. He is like no one. There are dozens of generals and soldiers who have died in his hands.

The tragic situation in this scene fell into the eyes of Prince Night Blade, almost breaking him.

Just now it was definitely a must-win situation. Even if this Moyan is a demigod-level demon, and he still can't fight him, why suddenly became this panic and miserable look?

He couldn't accept it, even more. At the moment, he pulled out a mighty dark energy magic halberd gun, and flew to Wang Yan to kill him: "Mo Yan boy, die!"

Prince Nightblade was completely furious, and wanted to eat his meat and chew his bones!

Today, he had such a big chaff and lost so many senior generals. If this matter spreads, where will his face go?

"Huh, Kid of the Night Blade, if you have the ability, come over and fight with the God of God!"

Wang Yan gave Ye Ren a cold glance, turned around and flew to his camp.

The reason why they were able to beat the opponent by surprise was more because of their surprising victory, coupled with the lack of intelligence of the opponent, and their deliberately underestimating the enemy.

But the other party's overall strength is very strong, and Wang Yan's individual strength is even stronger. Once surrounded by the regiment, he will also try his best to die.

It is undoubtedly the most sensible way to close it now, but this does not mean that it does not matter.

The prince of night blades dared to rob his prey with a large number of people.

He Wang Yan and Ye Ziliang's Liangzi had already forged. Unable to solve it today, Wang Yan went to the Hell Conference and asked him to get it back in full.

"Go! Let the war butcher come forward and the lion and scorpion knight will follow!"

Night Blade's prince's violent jump was thunderous. This demon flame killed his cronies and turned to escape. Did he still want to lead him? Really think he is stupid?

The following two or three hundred scorching marauders are waiting for him with a heavy crossbow, no kidding, even if he is strong enough to be a demigod, he will rush down and absolutely hold for half a minute, he will be shot alive into a sieve.

However, to deal with this defensive formation, the use of heavy clothing, a powerful butcher, is suitable.


A horn sounded, and several generals of the night demon clan organized a war butcher in a panic, and launched a charge from the ridge to the nest below.

Behind them, several teams of lion, scorpion and knights, as well as elite infantry, are ready to go and will be dispatched later.

"Lydia, open the subspace tunnel and let Ablon organize the line of defense! We will give priority to the removal of the hot sand overlord, and then with me!"

As soon as Wang Yan flew back to his camp, he immediately ordered the layout.

Lydia, who had taken back the Book of Stars, immediately opened the tunnel connecting to the secret realm of the subspace, and then a team of ogres, who were wearing heavy armor and were as strong as wild bears, reloaded their infantry and rushed out first.

The number of these ogres reloaded infantry reached hundreds, and the captain and deputy captains are all elite barbarian captains who have optimized and upgraded Wang Yan's bloodline evolution this time.

The captains have all reached the legendary level, and wearing armor, holding a zither-shaped giant shield and a steel heavy hammer, it looks like an iron monster.

These ogres reloaded their infantry and rushed out of the sub-space tunnel to immediately gather a defensive formation.

They smashed the giant shield heavily on the ground, juxtaposed in rows. At first glance, they looked like a great steel wall.

Those war butchers who charged from the uphill were indeed vigorously sinking and destroying Gula, but the opponent they encountered was the ogre carefully cultivated by Wang Yan.

Only listen to the loud noise of "Bang"!

The group of soldiers rushed to the war and slammed into the ogre's shield.

The ogres, famous for their brute force, roared and braced themselves. As a result, the ogres reinstalled their infantry and stood in the same place as a steel wall without moving.

The brute beast and the war butcher hit the ogren shield, but even the man took the mount, and suddenly overturned the defensive formation of the ogren, and fell heavily to the ground.

This scene shocked the Prince of Night Blade and his entourage, and his jaw almost fell.

The war butchers they were proud of in the Dark Demon Realm were actually on the charge, instead of knocking the enemy formation away, they knocked themselves over. How could this be possible?

They were even more surprised to come.

Behind the ogres reloading the infantry, there is still a large group of barbarian infantry, holding beheaded axe, and jumping out of the space tunnel one after another.

These are also the elite masters carefully trained by Wang Yan. They have trained very well. After landing, they waved their battle axes and rushed to the war butchers who fell to the ground. They even slashed with their mounts.

The war butcher, which originally made the enemy's army frightened, was so easily sniped under the double cooperation of ogres and barbarian infantry that he was smashed into a pile of corpses in minutes.


After a short period of time, Wang Yan has already greeted his men and removed the Hot Sands Overlord. Those ogres and barbarian infantry who have just played, then flooded back into the secret territory of the subspace.

The remaining 800 Yanxi Marauders, with Wang Yan and others, turned around and urged the mount to evacuate in the direction of Purgatory Demon Realm.

In this scene, once again the people of the Prince of Night Blade camp were surprised and silent.

This time they undoubtedly kicked a huge iron plate because of their underestimation.

They never imagined that Wang Yan actually still has such a hand. Among his human slaves, there is actually a sub-artifact with a sub-artifact, and it is still a sub-artifact with a sub-space secret realm!

How many soldiers are hidden in it, they have no way of knowing that, in such an unknown situation, the enemy pursues in a hurry, which is tantamount to death.

But not chasing, where does Prince Yeblan's face go?

"Fuck things ..." Prince Yeblah gritted his teeth resentfully, froze for a moment, and successively ordered, "Chasing! Chasing this prince!"

Chasing still has to be chased, although on the surface it seems that Yeblad repulsed the son of the demon **** in the place, but in fact everyone knows it very well.

He lost, and all of them lost.

And after such a fiasco, it passed back into the Dark Demon Realm, and I am afraid that everyone would lose face and take to the streets again. The only thing I can do right now is to try to play with some face.

Because there are two or three hundred scorching marauders, the lion, scorpion and knight flying in the sky never dare to get too close.

Without launching a suicide attack, the lion, scorpion, and knight alone wanted to drag Wang Yan and others down, which was an impossible task.

In this way, Prince Nightblade led people all the way to dawn.

It was at this time that the fleet of the Blackrock Demon King had heard the news, and it was a bombardment against Prince Nightblade and others.

Dozens of powerful shipborne magical energy guns instantly turned Yeren's group of people into a crowd, and the tears fell down.

Not to mention the heavy losses first, chasing here, the result is heavy losses again.

The other is a huge and majestic main ship, which is a flagship of the Demon King class. With the addition of four frigates, only by virtue of the warship's armament and airspace advantages, it can completely kill such a group of people.

If they don't leave, they will really die here.

Night Blade Prince was very stubborn in his heart. When they encountered this series of bad luck, all of them really broke their teeth and swallowed into their stomachs.

With life and death at stake, Prince Nightblade can only admit it and put down a sentence: "Mo Yan, this prince is waiting for you at the **** meeting!"

Then lead the men, turn around and leave.

But when you get here, it's not so easy to go. The stick hits the water dog, and the opportunity to make great achievements. The Blackrock Demon King won't let it go easily.

Now with the fleet, he chased for hundreds of miles, and the army of Prince Yeblad was completely killed by half, and then he was proud and led his team back.

After all, moving forward too close to the Dark Demon camp, he is still very alert.

After carrying Wang Yan and others back home successfully, the Black Stone Demon King naturally asked for credit. Wang Yan was also an official compliment to him, saying that after returning, he must gather the Devil God and promote him to promote the Black Stone Demon King.

The Blackrock Demon King did a good job and was appreciated again. Naturally, he was grateful to Dade. He must be aware of his future backing, but he is the son of the famous Devil God.

After Wang Yan sent the Blackrock Demon King, he rested for a day and returned to Shendu again.

Along the way, Wang Yan and his companions were not very emotional, and they had already had some arrogant mentality, which had already achieved obvious convergence.

Because of this initial confrontation, although their side won a big victory, let the enemy night blade camp defeated, but also exposed their shortcomings.

It also allows them to see the power of the enemy. Hell world powerhouses are like clouds, not a joke.

In the last period of time that followed, they not only had to step up their reflection training, continuously expand their power, and improve their superior soldiers and core strength. They still had to face the top priority.

God knows what kind of powerhouses he will meet above the Hell Conference. The Night Blade of the Dark Demon Realm is just one of many strong enemies.

To win the **** conference championship, they still have a lot to do from now on.


A little bit of time passed. In the last period of time from the beginning of the **** meeting, Wang Yan and his men grasped every minute and every second day and night, and constantly stepped up their development and improvement. This also allowed him to complete in the last time. His preliminary legion plan.

On the eve of the Hell Conference, 30% of his army of elite men finally completed the bloodline evolution and assembled a new one, reaching the level of half-step S-level.

Among them, a group of elites who have already reached the half-step S level have been trained as legendary generals, so that the legendary number of several elite troops has surged again, not just the captain and deputy captains are legendary.

But don't underestimate the promotion of these thousands of people, and the creation of top-level armed forces. Even a small base, once placed on such a large base, will become very huge.

Of course, the huge wealth of the hot sand overlord, and the treasure house of Satan, the devil, have helped Wang Yan a lot.

It's a pity that this amount of consumption is so great that after Wang Yan initially built his legion, he and his men, and even the priest who guarded the wealthy priest Berika, had almost nothing and could sell it.

However, consuming too much resources and money is worth it to Wang Yan, and only an absolutely strong fighting force is the foundation of a foothold in this world.

As for the exhausted money and resources, with this absolutely powerful force, still worried about not making money?

Of course, if you want to upgrade Wang Yan's army of 10,000 people, the scarce resources are even more terrifying.

Fortunately, during this time, Wang Yan was most happy and satisfied that with the powerful ancient dragon bloodline and huge power of the hot sand overlord, he successfully pushed the desert emperor to the demise state!

That promotion, the exaggerated sky-tribulation that was attracted, bombed for three days and three nights in Lydia's subspace secret, almost crying for Lydia.

She was afraid that the Heaven Tribulation was too serious, leading to the secret space of the subspace, and even came to collapse with the book of stars.

Fortunately, the desert emperor finally succeeded, especially when he reached the same level as Wang Yan again, the whole person was once again heroic, and the whole person was forced to become full.

To this end, Wang Yan must be singled out.

This battle was fought in the secret space of subspace for several days, and Lydia almost broke down again.

You must know that in that mysterious realm, there is the Tower of the Master left by the Star God, which is all precious knowledge, and every brick and tile can be worth the city!

But where does Wang Yan, the big devil, listen to her complaint?

It was not until a few days later that Wang Yan and the Desert Emperor came out of the secret realm.

From the expression of the desert emperor suffocating, it is clear that his proud king, once again helplessly defeated by Wang Yan's special tactics.

After Wang Yan and his men spent a few days reorganizing their army,

Headed by Wang Yan, there are nine teams representing Satan the Demon God and the Inferno Demon camp. They began to move towards the neutral area on the boundary of the three Demon Zones through a giant teleportation circle under the ceremony hosted by Demon Satan.

This is a neutral area specially set up for the Hell Conference. Wang Yan, a pedestrian, needs to establish a camp in this neutral area and settle down.

Because only on the second day of their arrival, the Hell Assembly will officially start.


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