The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1675: Mo Yan colludes with the earth

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"Huh? This Hawk Banshee is so beautiful, one hundred and a thousand times more temperament than those in the Red Mansion." The eyes of a purgatory demon with fat belly and bloated body, "I have never seen such a beautiful Hawk Body. Banshee. "

"Nonsense." Another purgatory demon next to him said contemptuously, "This Hawks is legendary and queen-level. You don't have to beat her, how can you succumb to the red building?"

In fact, it is not that no Queen Hawk was taken as a humiliating plaything after being caught. However, after all, it is a minority, and it is not those ordinary purgatory demon races who are qualified to get their fingers involved, and it has long been accepted as a ban by the devil.

"I saw the slave collar she was wearing." The bloated purgatory demon licked his lips and said greedily, "I am willing to pay half of my wealth in exchange for this Harpy."

"You are too late." The other purgatory demon said pitifully, "She said, to lead the sisters to meet the enemy. Alas, their opponent is the famous night fangs."

Speaking of the night fangs, many purgatory demons could not help but shudder.

It was a legendary scout unit in the Dark Demon Realm. It is unknown how many purgatory demons on the front line were sang and killed by this scout unit. Especially some purgatory demons from the border with the dark demon realm, when they heard the name of the night fangs, they were subconsciously shuddering.

They are haunted, powerful, and cruel. It is said that they are cruel to the enemy, but more ruthless to themselves, and the fangs of the night will never be captured and surrendered.

"Stupid Hawk Harpy, a group of charming Didi, I am afraid they will be abused to death."

Some viewers from the Dark Demon Realm, while regretting the eagle body demon, all showed a cruel and excited expression. They even wanted to break their wrists with the famous night fangs.

The audiences in the Fallen Demon Realm all opened their eyes wide and wanted to take a closer look at the power of the dark night fangs. Because in the Fallen Demon Realm, there are similar professional eating scout teams, all made up of the elite strongest among the night elves.

Among the two great realms, there has been an ongoing debate about who the scouts are powerful.

No matter what, no one is optimistic about those delicate and charming Hawks.


"Betty, the leader means that you are not allowed to meet the enemy and retreat immediately." Fanny said worriedly. "And the other party is night fangs, the strength is very difficult."

"Finny, behind the night fangs, it is most likely the night demon army." Betty said lightly. "At this time, if we retreat, it is equivalent to giving our army's vision to hand. Is it that you want to see Your Highness Demon Flame?" Lost the game? "

Fanny slowly shook her head, and her pretty face showed a dignified and decisive look: "His Royal Highness is like a mountain to us, and it is also the hope of the Harpy Hawk family. Our life and dignity are given by His Royal Highness, and he will never be allowed to lose . "

"You will never be allowed to lose!"

The rest of the Hawks were also screaming, and a strong fighting spirit condensed on them.

In the mind of all the Hawks, for the sake of His Highness, even at the expense of his life.

It was at this time.

Even the demon **** didn't realize that in the endless expansive sea of ​​sand, an "eye" formed by gravel, watching this scene in the sky, transmitted the image faithfully back.

In the base camp of Wang Yan ’s army, within a camp enveloped by Wang Yan with the eight-point mirror, even the Demon God could not spy on the scene without breaking his defense.

Camus's eyes were a little furious: "Being lawless, Betty and Fanny dared to ignore the military order and attempted to confront the night fangs. Stupid, so stupid, the number of those night fangs is double theirs."

"But, Camus." Elsa said in a side, "The scout's job is not to release the enemy's scout and suppress the opponent's vision? Moreover, our Hawk scouts do not necessarily lose."

"Win? In the end, the next two Hawks are also considered wins?" Camus said angrily. "Stupidly impulsive, they actually regarded themselves as consumables. Don't forget how much resources your Highness spent on them? This Regardless of the result, the military law will handle it. "

Camus was furious, but he was actually a short protector. This group of Hawks was the earliest, and they were the scouts that Camus and several of them had laboriously trained.

"Cough ~ Camus." Wang Yan said with a smile, "If you want to deal with the military law, you have to wait for them to come back alive, and then you can't watch them sacrifice, right? Or let Lasha support?"

Of course, the command has now been transferred to Camus. Wang Yan is only suggesting, not directing.


Camus said in a deep voice: "The Desert Emperor is one of our cards. If you use it now, it will make the enemy wary and it will be more difficult to deal with it. So, Elsa, Enzo, and Zhang Wei Dao and Wu Wujie, four of you go to support. Remember, every Hawk Banshee is not allowed to die, otherwise the military will deal with you. "

"Yes!" Elsa and Enzoziqi responded.

However, Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie turned to Wang Yan.

"Look, what is now, the current commander-in-chief is Camus." Wang Yan stared, "The military order is like a mountain. Even if you let you sacrifice, you can only go."

"Yes." Zhang Weidao and Wu Wuhu hurriedly accepted the military order.

Normally you can laugh, but no one in the army can do it casually. What's more, those Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie both have a good relationship with the harpy banshees, which are usually called by sisters and sisters.

"Aha, I have received so many benefits from Your Highness, and it is time to contribute." The high priest Belika said stretched, "I volunteer to fight to meet those night fangs."

In Camus's view, High Priest Berika is very mysterious and powerful. Especially after she grew to the peak of legend, even Camus couldn't detect her depth, a big prophecy, unpredictable.

Camus couldn't figure it out. How could there be so many amazing young people on the small and remote earth?

"The high priest is going to be shot, then it will be the safest." Camilleo thought, and agreed to her. Now that it is the last battle, it is time to show the bottom card, shock the world, and greatly increase the prestige of His Highness.

Let all the existence of the entire world of **** open their eyes and see, what is the head of evil spirits, and what is the Prince of Nightblade, and who can compare to His Highness?

"I'm here to help everyone." Archmage Lydia, holding a magic wand, casts a powerful wind-assisted spell-"Blessing of the Wind."

According to the truth, the blessing of the wind is just an ordinary wind spell, and even many harpy banshees know how to use it. However, after accepting the inheritance of the starry sky God, can Lidia be equal to those ordinary legendary mages at this time?

The blessing of the first-hand wind is displayed as if the goddess of the wind came to the world, and the camp is full of cheerful and dynamic wind energy.

"Amitabha, Lord Lydia, a powerful light-weight spell." Wu Wujie took two light steps, and each step gave a kind of feeling like a fairy. The body seemed to be completely free of weight. A dozen meters.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable." Zhang Weidao was also full of surprise, admiring in his heart. As a master of Taoism, he knows many magical and mysterious Taoist techniques, and his strength as a strength has reached the empty-handed glyph.

For a long time, as a traditional Taoist heir, I always felt that my mastery of Taoism was the real heaven. And the magicians like the West always cultivate their lives and don't cultivate themselves, but they are just tricks and tricks that are superficial.

However, he had more contact with Lydia's genius-class magic master, and he gradually faced that magic is also a mysterious and profound, long-standing skill. After practicing to the extreme, the magician also explores and thinks about the nature of heaven and the essence of life.

The best of them, such as the Star God of the Sky, are devoted all their lives to exploring the endless starry sky, the true mystery of life. If it had been betrayed at the last minute, maybe the starry sky gods had already ignited the fire and turned into gods.

"With Lydia's current practice, if you return to the earth, you can already be regarded as the first magician." The high priest Berika also appeared in appreciation and said, "It is not surprising that the future will be a demigod."

"Everyone is wrong." Lydia said humbly. "Compared to the predecessors who diligently explored the magical truth, Lydia is just an enlightened and enlightened child. However, Lydia is willing to follow her predecessors. In the footsteps of the first people, pick up the lost shells in the magical ocean. "

"Lydia, don't be arrogant." Wang Yan praised, "Your achievements have surpassed most of the ancestors in the magic world, and are more powerful than your grandfather Emmons."

Lydia was polite and humble to her friends, but she did not have a good face to Wang Yan. After a cold snort, she turned her head and no longer wanted to see him. The son of the flame, the dead liar and the big bad guy, is not willing to ignore him.

"Hehe ~"

Wang Yan laughed twice and shouted to the rest of them, "What are you stunned? Don't hurry to support the Hawk Banshee Scout. If you are half dead, don't blame me for peeling your skin back."

When Zhang Weidao and others saw Wang Yan's anger and anger, he hurriedly ran to the front line.

Out of the camp account, there is no more cover up.

Their whereabouts naturally fell into the eyes of the audience of the three demon gods and **** conference.

As Wang Yan said, it's time for the finals and there is no need to hide. Instead of wearing heavy black armor to hide yourself, you can show your true colors and truly show your style.

"Huh? How fast are those little ones?" The demon lord of a dark demon whispered, "That guy of Mo Yan has even collected such a group of master soldiers?"

Everyone took the lead, Zhang Weidao was not the strongest.

Nowadays, Xiao Tianshi is no longer Wuxia Ameng. After he came out of the camp, he cast a Taoist seal and photographed himself a light charm. Coupled with Lydia's blessing of the wind, Zhang Weidao was really light.

Later, he threw a black peach sword, the peach sword exudes a nourishing current, and comes with a floating array, Zhang Weidao stepped on the peach sword, just like a sword immortal. go with.

He carried his hands on his back, his robe fluttering, as if he were a fairy, and he couldn't tell the rich god, he was vigorous, and he was completely flying himself.

"This kid ..." The fallen demon Samel, but also established a dark council on the earth, indirectly affecting the existence of the earth's pattern. He is much more familiar with the earth than Satan, the devil.

He frowned, as if recognizing Zhang Weidao's heels, "Eastern Taoism on the earth, lightning strikes the peach wood sword. This kid is actually a descendant of Taoist Taoism on the earth. At a young age, did Xiuwei get to this point?"

Purely in terms of age, Zhang Weidao is two or three years younger than Wang Yan, but has already reached the legendary level. Naturally, it is extremely shocking.

"Well, it is the Zhang family descendants of the earth's east." Dark Demon Mamen also said slightly strangely, "How can Zhang family descendants collude with Mo Yan kid?"

Every demon **** does not know how long he has lived, and the accumulated knowledge and memory are far from being understood by mortals. Whether it is the fallen demon **** or the dark demon **** Mamen, all have used avatars to travel on the earth.

Take Mamen, the dark demon god, for example, Uya Ange is the heir of his incarnation on the earth. It is not uncommon to know that the Zhang family inherits.

What's more, the Zhang family has been handed down for thousands of years. Among them, two semi-god-level strongmen who have been shocked and brilliant are also barely able to get into the magic eyes of the demon god.

"What is collusion?" Satan devil laughed proudly. "This human kid is the earth slave captured by my son. Didn't you see him wearing a collar around his neck?"

Sure enough, the few who had just left the camp and galloped to support the scoundrels were wearing slave collars around their necks.

And the human kid of that family is really not the most brilliant of the five.

Among them, the bald boy who braved the golden light and galloped in the sky like a Vajra warrior was clearly a descendant of Buddha on earth.

Buddhism is also a widely spread genre in the vast universe.

On the earth, there have once appeared Buddhas comparable to gods, and the Buddha's kingdom is similar to the gods' kingdom.

It was just that battle that year, it was dark, and many gods fell. And those Buddhas also fell into that catastrophe, leaving only a piece of tradition, and occasionally some remains of the Buddha Kingdom.

At first, Satan, the devil, was not young.

The fallen demon Samel is just an angel warrior under the father of the light father.

"The woman wearing the veil is also very good." The dark demon Mamen, staring at the high priest Berika, "On her body, I smell the destiny."

I saw that the high priest Berika seemed to be not flying fast, but always followed Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie behind him, a feeling of being unhurried, unhurried, and impatient. The space in front of her seems to have lost the majesty of ordinary days and violated the basic laws of physics.

"A law of fate?"

The fallen demon Samel solemnly said, "Is that a law of destiny that is more mysterious than the so-called first law of hardship, and the law of space-time? Now there are people in this world who are practicing the law of fate? Seeing her, she is about to break through. To the demigod, have you become the master of fate? "


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