The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1676: I have a lot of cards

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In the vast universe, there are few who major in the law of destiny, and even few can become gods by this. This is the taboo law of the universe, and practitioners often suffer the backlash of the universe.

There is no doubt that the high priest Berika can practice the law of fate to this point, enough for the three demon gods to cast strange eyes on her.

But by all means, this woman who practiced the law of fate, even wearing a collar, became a slave to the kid of Mo Yan.

Fortunately, this woman majoring in fate has not yet reached the demigod.

If it is a demigod, even the devil gods have to treat her seriously. A semi-god-level destiny controller, if he does not count back, and is willing to pay the price of his life, can already make a deity suffer.

The most speechless thing is that the attacking methods of the fate-controllers are unpredictable.

In addition to these three earth people.

The other two tall, thin but weak guys are also very powerful, and their cultivation strength has also reached a legendary peak.

These two, seem to be dark elves?

Under the concentration of the gods' eyes, the armor could not cover their breath,

Isn't the Dark Elf a race in the Fallen Demon Realm?

The Dark Demon Mamen can't help but cast a skeptical look on the fallen Demon Samel. The Dark Elves with this level of strength are not a nameless **** in the entire Demon Devil Realm?

Could it be that the fallen demon Samel and the **** demon Satan joined forces in secret?

"Mamen, don't look at me with this kind of look." The fallen demon sneered and said, "These two dark elves should be slaves caught, not related to the god."

Although there are few dark elf slaves, they are not without them. Not to mention the Dark Elves, even races such as Purgatory Demons, Night Demons, Fallen Angels, etc., may also become slaves, but the number is even rarer.

"Huh, good ability, but your son was just grabbing some human slaves." The dark demon Mamen sneered. "It seems that we have looked down upon you, Satan."

Wu Wujie's imposing momentum is still very young in the eyes of the devil. But looking at their life energy is so vigorous, the soul is so young, the future is really promising. Obviously it is definitely not a cat or a dog on the earth caught casually.

The two dark elves are not ordinary goods.

Obviously, the dark demon Mamen has already blamed all the behind-the-scenes actions on Satan, the **** demon.

"Oh, just allow you to play tricks, and not allow my son to keep a few cards?" The devil God Satan kept secret, his son has always insisted on using the army of slaves, it seems that he has hidden many cards.

These slaves are very good, with good strength and even better potential. If you nurture well, over time, all of them are the left and right arms of the son.

The more Satan the devil thinks about his son, the more satisfied he is.

It's a pity that it was a little late. If you were born a thousand years earlier, the devil Satan would dare to take the two sons and sweep through the entire hell. Any fallen thief, dark old dog, whoever dares not to obey will kill them all.


Not to mention the three demon gods who are suspicious of each other, let go of the guns.

The attack on the night fangs of the Hawk Harpy has also begun. They used the magical eagle eye and were the first to face a squad of night fangs.

Each Black Night Fang team has a standard configuration of ten people, of which the captain must be a legendary class, and the rest are elite half-step S-class. With their haunting movements and speed, even if they face the last legendary peak-level general, regardless of sacrifice, they may be able to kill each other.


The squad of fangs of the night, after a few miles away, had noticed that it was wrong. His captain is also an experienced veteran, and he ordered to retreat almost the first time, and at the same time notified other teams nearby.

Among the Thousand Legions of Prince Night Blade, there is a large group of Black Night Fangs. This time, a total of 40 teams were dispatched, more than double the number of Hawks.

However, the Hawks who already hold the belief of death will not miss this rare opportunity. If you can't separate them, once you give the other two or three scout teams to meet, the greeting of the Hawks will be a total failure.

"Ancestor of the Hawks, please give me great power." Betty took the lead and chanted the ancient Hawks' sacrifice language. The staff exploded with a splendid green light, bringing all the Hawks All shrouded in.

"Wow ~~"

It seemed as though a hurricane had blown, and the enchantresses encroaching on the enemy hurriedly rushed towards the enemy, and their speed was several times faster.

In just a dozen breathing rooms, seventeen Hawks encircled ten dark fangs.


After Betty over-applied the large-scale method, he was bitten by some laws and spurted blood palely, "Kill, one will not stay!"


A series of bow strings contend.

Arrows blessed with wind spells, like a meteor, shone toward the fangs of the night, especially Fanny, who had reached the legendary level, exploded all the power, one by one, bursting at a rapid speed.


The leader of the night fangs couldn't believe that the opponent could explode at such a speed in a short time, but in the face of a rain like a locust, he had to wield two daggers to block.

Dang Dang Dang ~

His dagger skills are already master-level, and the dance seems slow, but it is as wonderful as the antelope hanging the horns. Every time you dance, an arrow is shot.

But he has this kind of strength, but his men are not so capable.

Often they can't do it after blocking two or three arrows. They are hit by arrows with increased speed and blood splashes.

Do n’t underestimate the arrows shot by these eagle-girls. The bows and arrows used by them are not ordinary products. They are all spiritual weapons tailored for them by master craftsmen. Inscribed with complicated and profound inscriptions.

Coupled with the wind mana they instilled in each arrow they shot. It makes the power of any single arrow much more powerful than the most powerful sniper rifle on the earth. It is a breeze to pierce through tanks and the like.

"Spread away, escape!"

Captain Tusk roared angrily, and first drilled into the gravel, trying to use the gravel to hide himself. As long as it takes a while, after the reinforcements strike, he will execute these Hawks Lings late.

"Humph! Want to run?"

Betty raised her staff and chanted, "Ancestral Hawk Lady, please give me great power." The energy in the staff instantly condensed into a huge wind blade.


The wind blade hit the gravel at a very fast speed.

He even chopped out the quicksand a dozen meters long, two or three meters wide, full of scars more than twenty meters deep. The poor captain of fangs was almost blown away by the wind, and it was completely exposed to the vision of another legendary eagle banshee Fanny.

"咻咻 咻 ~"

Arrow rain stared at Captain Fang like a pearl.

The power of each of her arrows was more than several times stronger than her companions. The captain of the fangs that blocked seven or eight arrows finally couldn't resist. With a "bang", the dagger was exploded and the debris hurt him.

"Damn Hawk Banshee, even with an archery-level bow and arrow." Captain Fang vomited blood in his mouth, and he was very angry. There are at most dozens of babies of this level in the entire night prince's team, most of them are those guards and senior generals.

No matter how he ranks his seniors, it is not his turn to be a small fangs captain.

It can be seen that the Hawks are two legends, and they even have four pieces of holy equipment.

What's special, is holy weapon-grade equipment worthless?

Poor Captain Tusk, he couldn't imagine how rich Wang Yan was. First of all, in order to save their lives, several devil kings each contributed a huge fortune to him.

Furthermore, Wang Yan, with his cheeky face, took away from Satan, the devil, and wondered how much benefit he had. Even his treasure trove has been visited many times, and any demigods have been made.

It is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to equipment, except for the guards of the three demon gods. Wang Yan dared to recognize the second, and no one in the major legions of all **** dared to recognize the first. This was the result of Wang Yan's deliberate reservations.

Wang Yan estimates that if it is displayed regardless of the consequences, it will not be worse than that of the guards of the three demon gods.

No way, who made Wang Yan too rich? The name of the Son of God is not a joke.

Of course, after this consumption, Wang Yan basically became poor again. Whether it is equipped with legions, or the improvement of opponents of bloodline evolution, it is a big money-sweeping household. No matter how big the net worth is, it can't help this consumption.

No matter how sorrowful that Captain Tusk is, it will not change the ending.

With all the bullying and the surprise, the Hawks team won a brilliant victory.

Nine and a half steps S-class, a legendary ten-player squad, were all wiped out in just over a hundred breaths. And the price paid by the Hawks team is only six or seven people were injured, Betty spent most of the magic.

Such results have naturally aroused the emotions of the audience of the three demon gods and the audience in Hell. The famous fangs of the dark night, an entire team was completely wiped out, and the other party paid very little.

It was the first time that everyone noticed that the equipment of this group of Hawks seemed to be extraordinary. Even the half-step S-class Hawks had good equipment, which was astonishing, as if they were all personally master refiners Tailor-made equipment.

This is not a trivial matter. In fact, in the world of hell, the vast majority of lords who have land and land do not necessarily have a piece of equipment forged by the master refiner. In other words, most of the legendary equipment is far less good than ordinary Hawks.

Not to mention, the four pieces of holy weapon-level equipment on the two legendary Hawks.

Silence, with envy and jealousy.

The Highness of the Demon Flame was too extravagant, and he even armed a group of Hawk Slave Slaves to the point of their teeth. Many ordinary legendary lords of the net worth have the idea of ​​surrendering to the Slave Legion of His Royal Highness. Not to mention, mixing a set of standard equipment is also good.

"Haha, Mamen old thief." Satan, the demon god, was so cool that his bones were crisp, and he opened a mocking mode. "Your elite armies of dark night fangs are nothing more than that. They were annihilated by a group of delicate and charming Hawks Now. "

Dark Demon Mamen's complexion was also quite bad, and he did not expect this result at the moment. Although this team of night fangs is not fighting in the environment they are best at, it is a fact that they are completely wiped out.

In fact, judging by the combat capabilities demonstrated by this team of Hawks, even if they encounter the night fangs in the night, they will eventually win, at the most costly price.

"Huh. It's just a little better with weapons." The dark demon Mamen sneered, "Satan, I admit that I underestimated you. You are so reluctant to work hard, use this luxurious way to help your son cultivate an arm The eagle body succubus. But their good luck is over. "

Mamen was right.

The remaining three black night fangs have all rushed to the neighborhood, and are beginning to encircle the Hawks.

The Hawk Enchantress also seemed to be aware of the siege, and even the spoils were no longer packed, and the whole army evacuated quickly. However, after all, it was one step late, and the three black fangs were already like pliers, and trapped the eagles.

It can also be seen from this that even if it is not acting in the night, the fangs of the night also show a strong military literacy, and the reaction and the action force are one-on-one.

"It's over!"

In the stands of the Hell Conference, many audiences sympathizing with the Hawk Lady wailed. Such an eagle body demon with both beauty and strength is about to fall on the spot.

Although they also saw that Mo Yan had sent reinforcements over there, the support army came to collect the corpse at most. If the night fangs could destroy the Hawks at a small cost, even the support army would be in danger.

Betty, the Hawk-girl, stands upright in the sky with her staff, because of the excessive use of magic power to urge large spells, her face is pale and weak. More than a dozen sisters all gathered around her.

Looking at the Black Night Fangs squad from three directions, surrounded by methodically, Betty smiled gently: "Sisters, it's time to repay Your Highness, are you ready?"

"Ready." The eagle body banshees burst into dazzling glare. In their view, it is an extremely glorious thing to sacrifice their lives for His Highness.

The Hawk Banshee is such a peculiar race, they are sensual, beautiful and free from restraint. However, once they determined the matter, even at the expense of their lives, they would never spare.

"For your highness, for the entire world of hell, thousands of sisters are still sinking." Betty's eyes were full of firm light, said in a divine tone, "We will tell the whole world of **** with blood and life, our eagle girl Demon, the best scout in hell! Not a humble J girl! "

"We are scouts, warriors, not low-spirited J-girls." Hawk-girls scream desperately, they are so firm, so strong in heart.

Perhaps, even Betty didn't know that the image of this battle today will spread throughout the three realms of Hell in the near future, and even to the abyssal world.

These words became the spiritual pillars of the Hawks, and set off "insurgency" after another. I don't know how many "dart" guests, so they died on the bed of the Hawks.

As long as they can get a little bit of freedom, they will go to the great magic flame not far away, 100,000 miles away.


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