The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1683: Mo Yan! You kid cheat

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However, the magic crystal ballista is powerful, but it is also very obvious. First, it is extremely expensive to build, or to buy a magic crystal ballista, you have bought a legendary slave.

Secondly, its defense is extremely weak.

If the arrangement is too dense, a large-scale attack can be bombed down and can be bombed.

Third, it is too big and too heavy.

Unless it is an artifact-level storage equipment, it can barely fit a door. But all of them with holy artifact-level storage equipment are not big-class characters. There are too many treasures to store. Who would be fine to install a magic crystal ballista?

Take the Night Blade Prince team, most of the members are nobles from the Night Demon Clan, plus the holy weapon-level storage bracelet that Prince Night Blade holds, there are only three holy weapon-level storage equipment.

Even if it is all used to install the magic crystal ballista, it will be a tremendous salary for a war.

But the number of magic crystal ballistas from Wang Yan's army seems a bit scary. One door by one door was launched from the central camp account, and soon a dozen or twenty doors.

Looking at that posture, there seems to be no signs of stopping.

The three demon gods above are also dumbfounded.

Mo Yan boy, which one is this?

How could he hide so many magic crystal ballistas? Could it be that he came out to participate, and also brought dozens of hundreds of holy weapon-level storage equipment, all used to install the magic crystal ballista?

Especially the dark demon **** Mamen, his face was a little bad, and he said angrily: "Satan, would you not pass your space equipment to your son?"

"No, even the artifact-level space equipment can't hide so many magic crystal ballistas." The fallen demon Samel frowned, "Can it be that these magic crystal ballistas were passed through the teleportation array? This is cheating! "

"Fart." Satan the Satan said angrily. "The teleportation array has a strong energy response and space fluctuations. Where does my son's ability hide from our three demon gods?"

"Humph!" Said the dark demon **** Mamen with a sneer. "Your son has been condensed with a piece of artifact to form an enchantment, covering the main tent. Even the thoughts of our three demon gods have been isolated. Who knows he is Was n’t it in the camp, sneakily building a space teleportation array? "

"We have to get the answer, otherwise, according to the rules, your son cheated and even lost." The fallen demon Samel also thinks that this is a big thing, and he must figure out where the magic crystal cannon from the child of Mo Yan comes from.

It is no wonder that Samuel and Mamen are anxious. In this small battlefield where thousands of people confront each other, dozens of hundreds of magic crystal ballistas are completely different results.

Once many magic crystal ballistas set fire, even the demigods are very likely to fall.

If the kid of Mo Yan really has the ability to continue to launch the magic crystal cannon, then this battle does not need to be fought any more, and it is good to directly declare that the kid wins.

Therefore, this matter must be clarified.

"My dear son, what's the matter with your magic crystal ballistas?" Satan, the demon god, hurriedly communicated with his son in private. "Isn't there a secret formation of a teleportation array to get outside supplies to cheat?"

Wang Yan, who was knocking on Erlang ’s legs, was stunned in the camp tent shrouded in the eighth mirror. He heard Satan ’s voice slightly stunned and immediately chuckled, “The other two ca n’t stand it anymore? Haha, it ’s okay. Check. Anyway, this hole card can also be revealed. "

With that said, Wang Yan directly took Ba Jinjing. Following this, the enchantment that enveloped the camp account receded like a tide. In this way, the minds of the three demon gods can see the situation in the camp at a glance.

"Camus." Samuel was the first to notice that it was Camus, the thorn of the shadow who had already revealed what he really had. He resisted the urge to shoot with a slap, but in the blink of an eye he was attracted by another person.

It was a woman, to be exact, a personal woman.

In the previous qualifiers, she has played, but it seems that she has been on the battlefield and has not shot, and therefore has not received much attention.

But now, she has suddenly received the attention of all demons.

First of all, the breath of power she showed was very thick and natural, full of powerful laws and auras, her body slightly suspended, her right hand holding a wind magic wand, and her left hand holding a book with countless magic patterns embossed on it A crystal-clear tear-shaped pendant, set against a gorgeous magic robe, is like a magical goddess visiting the world.

If you simply reveal the breath of strength, although it will also make the three demon gods pay attention.

However, what attracted the most attention was the oval shape that appeared in front of her, like a space channel like the core of the storm.

With the experience of the three demon gods, it is natural to see at a glance that space channel is linked to the strange and powerful magic book in her hand.

The two legendary barbarians, their bodies swayed into the space channel, and within a few seconds they came out again, and they lifted out a few large box parts.

They sent the parts near a busy refiner.

The refining master, with a group of legendary barbarians, is rapidly assembling a large battlefield weapon-the magic crystal ballista. They are skillful and extremely fast. In just a few tens of seconds, a magic crystal ballista was installed.

The barbarian warriors who had been nearby for a long time pulled the magic crystal ballista and installed it on the brewed fort.

Throughout the process, the division of labor was clear, and the flow of clouds and water connected to a production line for the production of magic crystal ballistas.

The three demon gods are dumbfounded.

What kind of weird operation is this?

What's the matter with the book in the hands of the human female magician? Which has such a vast space? Can store so many magic crystal ballista parts?

"This human woman has perfect control of the wind laws." The dark demon Mamen first frowned and expressed his opinion. "Looking at the vitality of her vitality like the rising sun, it can be seen that she is not old, and the future semi-god level is a nail-cut thing. But these It does n’t matter, the important thing is the book in her hand, on which I smell the breath of the kingdom of God. "

"The Kingdom of God?" Said the fallen demon Samuel, "how is it possible, how can a small person with a legendary peak be involved in the Kingdom of God?"

The Kingdom of God is nothing ordinary. That is the most fundamental place for every **** to settle down, and their real lair.

However, in order to build the Kingdom of God, only in the peak period of the Great Demon King can we barely start to develop the prototype of the Kingdom of God. However, the prototype of the Kingdom of God developed by most great demon kings is very small, and it can barely hide some arms and supplies.

Only when you reach the level of the gods can you really open up the kingdom of gods and become the real cards and habitats of the gods.

"The old Mamen thief has a good vision." Satan, the demon god, took a breath and said, "That book is indeed the kingdom of God, and it is not the prototype of the kingdom of the gods developed by the great demon king. Step into the secondary kingdom of God built by the existence of God. "

Satan remembered this baby.

At that time, his son Moyan, while competing with the Chilian Demon King for this secondary kingdom of gods, summoned the avatar of the Satan Demon God to the past. Chilian Demon King was originally a Satan Demon summoned by the idea that he could not get it, but it was better to give it to Satan Demon God.

It is a pity that after the Devil of Satan came, he recognized Mo Yan as a descendant of his bloodline. Although Satan Demon God is also a little bit greedy for this secondary kingdom, he will never compete with his son for treasure.

"What a terrific means, who is the guy who will soon be consecrated?" Samel, the fallen demon god, said in earnest. The secondary kingdom is even more powerful than imagined. It can be seen that the pioneer of the secondary kingdom is very likely. Is the strong of the space department.

Demigod and impending deity are completely two concepts.

The latter only needs to take the last half step to stand side by side with Samir, Mamen, and even Satan, becoming the gods that dominate the world.

It is a pity that there are only a handful of people who can reach that step in history. No one took the last half step to become a true god.

"It is extremely rare to be able to get to this point. If it is a space system, there is only one." The dark demon Mamen frowned and said, "That is the most famous one thousand years ago-Starry Sky God. Satan, that guy is you People of Purgatory Demon Race. "

Satan, the demon god, has also heard of the starry sky god, a very rare space talent caster among purgatory demons. I just didn't expect that the kid could go to the last step.

"It turns out to be him, what a pity." The fallen demon **** said pity, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If the star **** of the Purgatory Demon Clan is really promoted to a god, it is his disaster.

The Purgatory Demon Clan was already strong enough. If there is one more god, where will there be a place to survive the Fallen Demon Realm?

In fact, even the three demon gods do not know. The starry sky **** was originally a human being, and he transformed himself into a higher purgatory demon by relying on the bloodline evolution he has studied.

For a long time, the starry sky **** has been wandering around in the world of **** as an infernal magic warlock. Therefore, everyone only knows that he is a man of purgatory demon.

But what is amazing now is that the inheritance of the starry sky gods in the purgatory demon clan has even been given to a human slave girl.

Especially the space that is equal to the demigod kingdom makes the three demon gods envious. That's right, although the three demon gods also manage to develop their own kingdom of God, but the space of the kingdom of God is too large, and most of them have already merged with the standard plane, becoming a bubble-like subspace.

Carrying with you is no longer possible, even if the migration is troublesome. The advantage is that this kind of God's Kingdom attached to the main space is very large, and it will be equivalent to a small country under long-term operation.

And if the gods are fighting in their own kingdom, they will have a strong local advantage. It's not that the strength of the two sides is very different. It is very difficult to break a god's nest.

"Although this is not cheating." The dark demon Mamen envyed the sub-god kingdom while his face collapsed. "But it is more abominable than cheating. Even if the space in that sub-god kingdom is too small, it can carry countless demons Crystal Ballista. The Hell Youth Conference is to motivate outstanding young people to develop combat power, command power, and ability to adapt to the battlefield. What is this? Rely on materials to crush? "

Mamen had to object, because if he didn't, Mo Yan's kid won, what could it be? The role of the secondary kingdom of God in this small battlefield has far exceeded the general artifact.

"Fart." Satan, the **** of hell, said angrily. "That human slave is my son's slave. She controls the treasures. It is my son's treasures. In the past **** conference, relying on some peculiar treasures to reverse the situation, are there fewer incidents of defeat? Why do n’t you use treasures when you come to my son? "

"Satan." Samel, the fallen demon god, frowned. "I didn't say that you shouldn't use treasures. Your son's sub-artifact-level defensive treasures are extraordinary. Even our spiritual powers can be isolated. We didn't say anything. Is n’t it terrible to use the sub-god kingdom, but using this **** kingdom to load countless magic crystal ballista parts, this kind of thing has never happened on the spot. Once this precedent is set, everyone will find some large space treasures to load The magic crystal ballistas are fighting. Isn't this against our original intention to set the **** conference? "

"The **** doesn't care, in short, he didn't violate the prior agreement." Satan, the **** demon, began to play with his temper. In fact, he also knows that his son's move is exploiting the loophole of the **** conference. If this situation appears to others, Satan will have jumped out and jumped.

But his son did this, and his elbow was naturally impossible to turn outward.

In the camp.

The old **** Wang Yan was watching a door demonic crystal ballista being assembled. Of course, he also knew that the three demon gods must have been noisy. After thinking about it for a while, they felt that they should be noisy, and then he smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Ma'am, please listen to me."

The demon gods who have been paying attention to Wang Yan have stopped arguing, and Mamen's dissatisfaction sounded in Wang Yan's ear: "Huh, boy, you say."

"In fact, this kind of magic crystal ballista is not the same as the one used on the city. It needs special craftsmen to make it so simple and portable to install. Even me, it is just a collection of fifty sets." With.

"Fifty sets?"

Mamen and Samel are both refreshed. Although there are a lot of fifty sets, they also have a certain impact on the battle situation. But compared to hundreds of sets, thousands of sets are much stronger than unbounded.

In this way, if there are only fifty sets, it is not unacceptable.

With a huge psychological gap, the two demon gods said with a sigh of relief: "Then fifty sets, you take another set out, even if you cheat, you will be expelled from the battlefield."

Wang Yan's heart was dark.

This is a small psychological bureau he laid down. If at the beginning it was said that fifty sets of magic crystal ballistas were to be pulled from the space of the secondary kingdom, then the two demon gods would definitely not do it.

However, first let them think that the magic crystal ballista has hundreds of thousands, or even more. Let them flip through a wave of faces first, and then come up with "only" fifty sets, which is naturally different.

This is just a little trick, with a small card. Wang Yan has more cards and can play slowly.

After finishing the two great demon gods, in the position, the stone turrets were fortified, and a door of magic crystal ballistas was mounted.

at the same time.

Prince Yebla and his party were anxious.


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