The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1684: Sisters! on

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The generals said to them, "Your Highness Nightblade, we must attack the Moyan Camp immediately. If you let the other party build fortifications, our losses will increase."

"Damn ~ Where did he get so many magic crystal ballistas and stones?" Prince Yeblad's face was black, and he couldn't figure out how the magic flame did it.

The biggest dilemma for Prince Nightblade was that Asmode encountered a sandstorm and slowed down the march.

"No matter, let's attack first!"

Prince Nightblade ordered, "The vanguard unit will give me a long-range attack and consume those **** stupid ogre infantry."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Lieutenant General Pulton grinned, took the lead in riding a lion and scorpion beast, and rushed up the lead forward.

Hundreds of lions, scorpions, and knights flew in the air and rushed to the army of Wang Yan. After the wings of each lion, scorpion and beast are unfolded, they are more than ten or twenty meters long.

Hundreds of lions and scorpions flying in the air, the scene is overwhelming and imposing. And every lion, scorpion and beast rides elite knights, led by thirty, and is a legendary lion, scorpion and knight.

However, Prince Yeren's face was a bit gloomy.

Being forced to launch an offensive in this way, the losses under his command must have been very heavy. But he couldn't help it, he couldn't just watch Mo Yan pull out hundreds of magic crystal ballistas, right?

"Mo Yan, when the prince catches you alive, you will definitely be humiliated." Prince Night Blade gritted his teeth indignantly. At the same time, he secretly hated Asmode and sneered. "And that Asmo Germany, do n’t think that the prince is a fool. You obviously want to sit on the hill and watch the tigers, taking the opportunity to consume the prince ’s strength. "Huh, who can laugh to the end, it is still unknown.

Not to mention the whisper in the heart of Prince Night Blade.

The fast-moving lion, scorpion and beast are close to the periphery of Wang Yan's position. They fly not high, only two or three hundred meters. The powerful lion, scorpion and knights all withdrew their spears and used their full force to fly them down.

The spear, infused with dark energy, tears the air and pierces the space. From the tip of the spear to the tail of the spear, there is a circle of space ripples, showing how terrifying their speed of flight.

"Shield defense!"

The leader of the ogres, Ablon, growled, and the front-line ogres held up extremely heavy and heavy shields.

Those shields are made of **** steel doped with many rare metals. When the shields are made, they seem to be thick and frivolous, with no extra decoration. However, on the shield surface and structure, those dense patterns of magic patterns highlight the extraordinaryness of these shields.

This is indeed the case.

These standard armor and shields are all exclusive equipment of the Devil God Royal Arms. They are all forged by the master refiner to forge enchants, and each piece has reached the level of the second holy weapon. Ordinary legendary lords, even if they are ruined, can't afford one.

Followed by shielding.

The magic pattern of the shields was lit up, and the energy gathered into a thick energy shield.


A spear thrown by the legendary lion, scorpion and knight was slammed on the shield. Under the impact of two substances and energy, a terrible energy storm burst out, and the surrounding space was blown by ripples and waves. Distort.

The Ogre Warrior, who had reached the half-step S-level, had a huge body and plump back, a few steps back, and a trace of blood spilled from his mouth. The slight injury didn't make it afraid, but instead howled violently.

The army of ogres on the field, roaring one after another, seems to be a fierce ancient beast.


Hundreds and hundreds of explosions erupted on the battlefield. The huge waves of dark energy covered the sky and covered the sun, just like the end of the world.

No wonder.

The lion, scorpion and knight in the forward army are at least a half-step S-class, and there are a lot of legendary knights. How can their strength be underestimated in each blow? Put on the earth, all are big brothers who can sit on one side.

The power of the spears they have thrown out has exceeded the air-to-surface missiles issued by the earth fighters.

"Huh ~ If our fighters are fighting with each other at close range, the defeat is huge." Wang Yan secretly evaluated the fighting power of the lion, scorpion and knight. They are flexible, powerful and explosive.

However, the fighters on the earth are not completely without advantages. Fighters focus on high-speed support and over-the-horizon strike. Through radar positioning, attacks can often be launched hundreds of kilometers away.

And those newest fighters, after fully pulling their speeds, can enter supersonic speeds, and even fly in Mach flight status, even the demi-class can't catch up.

The attack of the lion, scorpion and knight is extremely powerful.

Twenty-two half-step S-level ogres or barbarian warriors were slightly or severely injured, and four half-step S-level barbarian infantry were shielded by company men and exploded into fragments.

Obviously, the few shots were all legendary or higher generals.

"How can it be?"

Far away, Prince Nightblade observed the battlefield, and in the first round of attack, he only achieved such results? It is simply challenging the limits of his reason.

"His Royal Highness, the defenses of the ogres and barbarian infantry are unexpectedly hard." The commander-in-chief also looked very ugly. "The situation is not right. Look at the legendary proportion of those cannon fossils."

Without the perspectives of the three demon gods and the audience, Prince Yeren did n’t know the true strength of Mo Yan at all. Purely in terms of legendary level, it can be twice as many as that of Prince Night Blade.

"Fight back!"

More than twenty magic crystal ballistas have been installed, the first to roar.

More than twenty buckets of dark red energy beams, wrapped in giant crossbows, pierced the sky like swords, pointing directly at the lion, scorpion and knight. The power of the magic crystal ballista obviously surpassed those of the lion, scorpion and knight to throw a spear.


A series of explosions came from the sky, and huge energy waves spread out.

As a forward, the lion, scorpion and knight have many legendary elites and extraordinary strength. In the face of the bombardment of the magic crystal ballista, if you can hide, you can hide.

What time, like a burst of brilliant fireworks.

Among them, eight or nine lions and scorpions were injured and fell from the sky. Before the lion, scorpion and knight were recovered from the shock, they were swarmed by a group of barbarian heavy infantry. There are still two legendary knights.

In this chaotic axe formation, not to mention the legendary level, even the demigod level may be hacked to death.

In the first round of confrontation between the two sides, it was obvious that Prince Night Blade had suffered a great loss.

"Overall attack." Prince Night Blade also reacted extremely quickly, rushing directly with a wave of his hand. Under his leadership, under his leadership, he rushed into Wang Yan's position.

His tactics are simple and rough, tearing up the line of defense composed of ogres and barbarians, and straightening the camp of the magic flame. With superior strength and strong force, come to a beheading action.

According to the battlefield format, his judgment is extremely correct.

If you play a war of attrition, how can you still win the magic flame of the magic crystal ballista?

At this time, the only chance is to quickly decide a death battle.

"Oh ~" Wang Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw the other party launching a surprise attack. If the other party escapes desperately, it is really troublesome.

After all, the majority of Night Blade ’s team is a lion, scorpion and knight. Not to mention that they can fly briefly, even if they escape on the sand, it is much faster than ogres and barbarian heavy infantry.

Unfortunately, Prince Nightblade lacked some patience.

If he consumes a few more waves each other, he can find that the army under the magic flame is not simple, the ratio of legendary strong men of ogres and barbarians is terrible.

In fact, Prince Nightblade was also blinded by fixed thinking and hatred, and did not investigate well.


The two armies collided fiercely.

The lion, scorpion and knight charged from a long distance, shooting a short spear frantically.

The burly ogres before the formation held high shields and sang enthusiastic war songs, forming a steel wall. Let those short spears bombard like tide.

Even if it was injured or even killed, they could not let them back half a step.


The Demon Crystal Ballista fired again.

At the same time, the barbarian heavy infantry behind the ogre shield wall moved. They took out the flying axe hanging around their waists and slammed them at the lion, scorpion and knights.

Especially the flying axe thrown by the legendary barbarian, when violently spinning in the air, burst out a horrible scream, as if even the space was torn. Most of the lion, scorpion and knight riders with only half-step S-level strength have only one block, or they have been bombed and seriously injured, or directly penetrated by a flying axe and torn into two.

In an instant, the blood mist was like rain.

A lion, a scorpion, and a beast fell from the sky. They couldn't even pass the first line of defense. Those young handsomes from the night demon clan died in front of Wang Yan.

As soon as the two sides were in contact, the battle became fierce.

"Sisters, come on!"

A group of seven or eighty Hawks flew into the air, and they kept shooting at the enemy with bows and arrows across a long distance. The arrows with the energy of wind spells are extremely fast and much more powerful than human sniper rifles.

And they shoot fast, and they can shoot dozens of arrows in one minute.

Everywhere a scout haunted the brigade, a sudden burst of arrow rain burst out. Especially those legendary Hawks, their short bows are awesomely holy. Each arrow is shot, and the arrows contain horror energy and explosive power. The arrows seem to have just left the bow string and will fall in the next moment. When reaching the enemy, the initial speed is far beyond the speed of sound.

With such power, I am afraid it can penetrate the tanks on the earth.


A half-step S-class lion, scorpion and knight rides an arrow in the chest. The arrow rotates through the chest. The internal organs and blood donation erupt as the arrow erupts on his back. There is a fist-sized hole in the chest. .

This kind of injury is on the human body, and it has been killed for a long time.

However, the young knight of the night demon clan performed magic skills, sealed the injury, and continued to control the lion, scorpion and beast forward. It wasn't until he had more than ten arrows in his body that he was beaten into a sieve, that he fell off the lion and scorpion beast, and was cut off his head by a barbarian heavy infantry with an axe.

Similar scenes abound.

"The night demons really deserve to be the higher demons with the same origin as the purgatory demons." Everyone from the earth faced this kind of battleground meat grinder, their expressions were dignified.

The vitality of the higher demons is too stubborn, like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten one by one. It is even more exaggerated to reach the level of legend. As long as it is not the death on the spot, no matter how serious the injury is, it can gradually recover. Even if it is broken, it can grow up after a few years of cultivation.

All the people on earth couldn't help worrying about the fate of the earth again. The legendary level among the earth people, although powerful. But in the essence of vitality, it still lags far behind the Mozu, and Shouyuan and vitality are not as good as each other.

The abyss demon, but it is a strong race that is not inferior to the night demons. And they are also good at the law of space, can escape and chase, very difficult.

"Mo Yan, come out, get out! Are you going to single out, get out this single prince."

Just as everyone was sighing, Prince Nightblade frantically clamored in the position. A sub-artifact-level dark energy halberd rifle was extremely powerful in one move, and a terrifying and doom-like power broke out.

With his semi-god-level strength, he broke the corner of the defensive formation and rushed into the position. However, he just rushed in and regretted it deeply.

Estimated wrong.

He completely miscalculated the strength of the Cannon Grey Legion under Mo Yan.

Legend, legend, legend!

Of those ogren heavy infantry and barbarian heavy infantry, often one of two or three heavy infantry is legendary. The ratio of legendary and half-step S-class far exceeds his imagination.

A dozen heavy ogre-like infantrymen like Roshan, surrounded the Prince of Night Blade, they first grabbed the tail of Prince Night Blade-the tail of the legendary lion and scorpion, and dragged it violently. Crushed to the ground, then several ogres swarmed up and chopped it into meat sauce.

Under the blessing of bloodthirsty of the tribal priests, all the ogres were fearless to death, and their terrible fighting power erupted.

Hit it!

The night blade prince swept across, and the eruption of the dark magic energy shock wave retreated three ogre heavy infantry. However, his face was angry and unwilling.

This is obviously a trap.

When he rushed into the position, he was very relaxed, like a broken bamboo. But when he rushed in, he found that he had been surrounded by groups, and even the back road was broken, completely separating him from his men.

Over the top of my head, more than a dozen legendary Hawks were unconsciously. They used arrows and simple wind spells to continually dump attacks on Prince Nightblade.

Surrounded by dozens of legendary powerhouses, Rao is a demigod-level powerhouse, and can only defend with full strength and has no counterattack. If this continues, Prince Nightblade will be able to kill several legends, but he will definitely die on the spot.

Demigod's strength is very strong, but it can be siege to death.

Several princes under the blade of the night blade saw that the Lord was trapped, and they hurriedly organized a charge to rescue them. However, how can Camus arrange all this in one hand?

The rookie-like army of ogres forms a thick city wall, and the barbarian warriors at the rear are frantically projecting flying axes, javelins and other long-range means. Any lion, scorpion and knight trying to cross the line of defense will be torn to pieces in the blink of an eye.

"Mo Yan, get out, we singled out." Prince Night Blade roared angrily.

"Oh ~" Wang Yan's voice ridiculously spread across the battlefield. "Yeblade, are you as stupid as you are? You are just the son of a big demon king. What qualifications do you have to compete with this son?"


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