The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1688: Repay others with one's way

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This time the main target of the other party's attack was aimed at the lich, and they were rolled on the ground with a crazy sandstorm, dragged into the ground and rubbed desperately.

Asmode's face was black.

If it goes on like this, his legion will be like a potato, being cut off one layer non-stop, and then cut off another layer, until it is cut into a smooth commander.

What made Asmode Momo more helpless was that the other half-god was very counseling, only willing to maintain the harassment tactics, and his real body never showed up. Even if the opponent is really down, it will definitely cause great results, but also willing to shrink to nowhere.

In this situation, Asmode attempted to sneak attack beheading tactics, his heart collapsed faintly. This is to clarify the rhythm that dragged him to death. According to this rhythm, even if he successfully ran out of the quicksand desert, he still had two or three out of ten troops left.

"Damn, how could this kind of battlefield be drawn?" Asmode growled angrily.

If it weren't for this disgusting quicksand battlefield, Asmode taught the demigod how to behave in minutes.

At the same time, among the three demon gods in the sky.

The fallen demon Samel and the dark demon Mamen looked at each other, revealing a trace of embarrassment. Obviously, the choice of this quicksand battlefield was a secret act of these two gods in private.

They paid a huge divine price in order to operate the battlefield and hide from Satan the devil.

Originally for the sake of conservatism, the army of the kid who saw Mo Yan was heavy infantry, and the quicksand zone was the most unfavorable scene for them. In this case, even if the magic flame has hidden power, it will be limited by the battlefield.

Even, they also divided the forces of Prince Nightblade and Asmode between the two wings of Demon Flame, and could strike him at any time.

Indeed they did a very good design.

But the two demon gods never thought that Mo Yan's kid was hiding so deep that there was a demi-god under his hands. If it is just a demigod, it wo n’t have the advantage of a final word on the battlefield.

But that demigod turned out to be a demigod mastering the control of gravel.

This painstakingly arranged quicksand battlefield is simply the super home of the opponent. With his demigod, he completely dragged the army of Asmode into the quagmire.

The remorse in the hearts of the two demon gods, I already knew what it took to cheat with that mental and spiritual power? This kind of behavior is simply to capitalize on the enemy, and cheaply cheapens the kid of Mo Yan.

It is a pity that even the two demon gods do not know how many cards Wang Yan has turned into a magic flame. He dare to guarantee that no matter what battlefield the opponent made, he has the ability to win the championship.

The various thoughts of the devil gods will not be mentioned for the time being.

The battle between Wang Yan and Prince Night Blade also came to an end.

It is not that Wang Yan ’s army completely wiped out the army of Prince Night Blade, but that Prince Prince Night Blade has been captured. After several legendary pinnacle ogres tied him up, they also grabbed his hands and feet.

As long as he dares to resist a little bit, as long as the violent ogre warrior pulls and pulls violently, he can tear his limbs like a torn chicken.

The leader was captured and was originally at a disadvantage. After a few words of persuasion, the night blade prince's army with insufficient morale dropped the weapons and grabbed. How can we fight this battle?

Is it true that it really looks like Prince Nightblade was torn by the other party?

The lions, scorpions and knights are mostly young nobles of the night demons. The actual control of the night demon clan is the father of the night blade prince, the night demon king.

If you really let Prince Night Blade die here, Yesha Big Devil, who is suffering from a bereavement, will do something crazy, you can think of it with your toes.

Surrender, this is already a must-have war.

"Aoao ~"

In the army of magic flames that won the final battle, the ogres and barbarian warriors roared wildly and excitedly, and even the harpy and succubus squeaked in excitement.

It's no wonder that the night demons belong to the top demons in the entire world of hell. In terms of level and strength potential, it is not inferior to Purgatory Demon Race. For a long time, these first-class demons have existed above all.

The races of ogres, barbarians, eagle succubus, and succubus are nothing more than the slaves, playthings, and cannon fodder of the superior devil races.

Now that they have won such a beautiful battle under the leadership of His Highness, it is no wonder that they are very excited and their momentum is swelled like a rainbow.

"Mo Yan, Mo Yan!"

The ogres danced the earthy dance, using their ancient and traditional way to express their joy after winning the battle, and shouted the name of their leader.

The Hawks and Succubus are relatively sober, and they begin to collect loot flexibly. Whether it is the corpse of an enemy army, weapons and equipment, and personal supplies, they are all within the scope of loot.

These night demons are all higher races, claws, blood, hearts, wings, skin, even eyeballs, skulls are excellent materials for refining. If you do n’t need them, you can sell them for a large price.

Of course, lions, scorpions and beasts are also good, the meat is delicious, and the body materials can be refined and sold.

They are all girls, and their thoughts are more delicate. Upon hearing the rumors, in order to cultivate their talents, His Highness Mo Yan has already spent all his money. They want to grab more loot and save their fortune to His Royal Highness.

With their hands, the stubborn barbarian warriors joined the ranks of the loot after the stunned god. They all rushed to do the dirty work, especially the work of dismantling the body and loading it into Lydia's space. .

it's said.

In the bones of every ogre, there are robbers, born with an incomparable desire to collect loot.

How can the ogres warriors who are robbers watch allies pack up holy loot? Immediately, I couldn't take care of them anymore, and then danced into the bandit mode.

There are already comrades in the process of tidying up the spoils. The giant "plain" ogres have focused their attention on the captives. They begin to pull the captive armor and pull them away. Carry the space equipment, turn the strips of them up and down and check to see if there is any wealth that is missing and not collected.

The ogre's actions made the young night demon clan who were born in noble anger all angry and scolded the ogre's prisoner abuse behavior. Whatever they say is that they are nobles, and even if they are captured, they still want to be treated as captives.

But soon, the leader of the ogres, Ablon Greathammer, taught them what it meant to be true captive treatment.

He squeezed the head of a night demon captive and checked it and said, "Well, this guy is dead, pitiful."

Where did the injury go away?

The rest of the Night Demon captives showed a slightly strange expression. The prisoner was only slightly injured, where was he seriously wounded, where was healed?


The big hand of Ablon Giant Hammer squeezed violently, and the night monster's head exploded with a crack, and the juice splattered and flowed to the extreme.

After everyone was stunned, Abron grinned and threw the body to his hands. The tone was normal: "Don't waste such good meat, stew me a pot and share it with everyone."

After all, he licked the juice on his hand, revealing his obsession and excitement, and greedily looked at the captives as if he was picking the next pot of food.

The two ogres were as treasured as they were, carrying the night demon corpse joyfully into the camp.

Suddenly chilling.

All the night demon captives swallowed their saliva and shivered. They dare not speak anymore, otherwise they will be crushed and become food after being stared at by this terrible ogre.

Although the night demons are also fierce and terrible, they who are high above have always been fierce only against others. But now doom is coming to them, and the psychology can't bear it anymore.

"Uh ..." Seeing this scene, the friends from the earth felt a little nauseated and dared not accept it.

"Elder, boss, such abusive prisoners, I am afraid it is not very good?" Zhang Weidao secretly said to Wang Yan.

"There is nothing bad about it. It is not as good as sympathizing with our enemies." Wang Yan has been in **** for a long time, and he has more and more discovered that the entire universe is full of jungle rules. The tone is calm to several earthmen. Say, "We and the abyss have fought a life-and-death war. If we humans lose, we will inevitably become slaves to the abyss demons and let them be slaughtered."

"It's rare to agree with Pharaoh's opinion." Shiva goddess Indira sneered and said, "These night demons are not good at all. If we lose this battle, it will only be worse in the end."

While several earthlings muttered secretly, the three demon gods started to make trouble again.

"Fuck!" The Dark Demon Mamen rose furiously, and was very angry. "The lowly ogre, how dare to do this kind of thing, how does the demon flame boy control his men?" The night demons are dark The demon Mamen has carefully cultivated races for countless years. Although it seems that some of them have become disobedient recently, they still have to see the owner in the end.

The kid of Mo Yan let the ogres abuse the prisoners so clearly that he didn't put his demon **** in his eyes.

"Hehe ~ Mamen, our **** world pays attention to weak meat and strong food. To be a prisoner, you must have the consciousness of being a prisoner. Everyone is coquettish, and it is also natural to be killed." The devil God Satan naturally speaks for his son. Of course, there is no idiom in the world of hell. Only when translated into Earth Chinese, it is expressed by idioms with similar meanings.

In fact, Satan, the devil, still admired the ogre, fierce enough and fierce, and he seemed to have killed several other generals during the war.

At the same time as the demon gods debated this matter.

The captured Night Blade Prince also roared: "Mo Yan, you despicable beast, you kill this prince if you have a seed. Come, you kill." In this battle, he lost Extremely wronged.

"Oh ~ Until now, are you still not convinced?" Wang Yan sneered sniffly, "You think I will be afraid of the old dog of the night devil king? Even if the son of the **** kills you, the old dog again How about taking me? "

With a bite and an old dog, the face of the Night Demon King watching the audience is blue and white, and the evil Demon Boy, you win, you win, hi dare to humiliate this Big Demon King?

However, as Wang Yan said, Yesha Big Devil really has no way to take him. Who is the father of other people, is one of the three devil gods Satan demon god.

It's just that this kid is too arrogant and overbearing. If you have a chance, you must settle accounts with him.

at the same time.

On the live broadcast, Wang Yan suddenly took out a bottle of medicine, and asked a barbarian warrior to break the mouth of Prince Night Blade and pour into half a bottle.

Regardless of the three demon gods, or the audience at the scene, they all took a breath.

Does n’t His Royal Highness really kill the Prince Nightblade?

Give the medicine to the other party if they don't agree with each other. This medicine shows the wrong way.

"Demon Flame flame, so brave." Yesha Big Demon growled angrily, "Wu Ye Ye blade has been captured, he even dare to hurt the killer."

Yesha Big Devil stood up and shouted inexplicably to the sky: "Your Majesty Mamen, Mo Yan's kid is so deceiving. He also asked His Majesty to rule the old minister."

"Hmph, Yesha, you can rest assured." The voice of the demon Mamen rang in the ear of Yesha Big Demon King, "There is a **** here, and it's not the turn of the younger generation of Moyan. If Yeblade is in danger of life, the **** I will definitely help each other, and by the way, I will teach the kid hard. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The Great Devil of Night Sha thanked Li Di for saluting.


"You, you!" Prince Yeblan's face was pale, but he didn't even think of it, that Mo Yan was really so bold. He beat his soul with fear and trembling. "What potion did you feed me?"

Some potions are very overbearing, and they might make you better off.

"Oh, if you don't understand, I will give you a hint." Wang Yan said with a smile, "His Royal Prince Night Blade, do you remember the night before the **** meeting, someone grabbed a bottle of medicine from your hand?" "


All of a sudden, the eyes of Prince Yeblad stared out, and his face was full of panic, full of horror. "That guy that night turned out to be yours? Damn, beast, you, you, you, you fed me to drink a thousand beasts. Jing ~ Hua. "

Fear of the consequences, his eyes began to pale.

"Yes, that night was indeed my person." Wang Yan smiled very happily. He had been expecting this moment for a long time and squinted with a smile. "His Prince Prince Night Blade, please forgive the younger brother for not being able to learn well. Your bottle of beast essence ~ Hua, what is it? "

"You ... beast." Prince Yeblad roared and scolded, and he didn't believe that Mo Yan, the kid, wouldn't know the role of the essence of Wanshen Beast.

He clearly wanted to use this method to completely trample on his dignity.

As soon as Prince Night Blade's voice fell, the medicinal properties began to attack. His slightly gray skin was rapidly reddened, his breath was short, his eyes were blurred and demented. He controlled himself desperately, and roared angrily and frightenedly: "Mo Yan Kill me, please kill me. "

"Oh, I dare not kill you." Wang Yan said panic, "You are also the prince of the night blade, I'm going to kill you, what should you do if your old Yesha dog comes to me desperately? Yo, that But the Demon King who controls the entire Night Demon Clan, I have a weak shoulder and ca n’t afford it. Your Highness Night Blade, enjoy your own potion. "


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