The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1689: Great prophecy! terrible

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"Hahaha ~"

In the audience, many purgatory demons laughed wildly, and they were all amused by the "showing weakness" of the son of their own god.

A bite of Yesha old dog, but he still has to pretend to be a tune that can't provoke Yesha Big Demon King. It really made the Yesha Big Devil on the opposite stand laugh.

I never thought that the son of my own **** was so interesting and powerful.

Many strong infernal demon clan jumped out and shouted: "His Royal Highness, you are afraid of the old dog of night, just a word."

"Yes, Ye Sha's old dog dared to fight against His Royal Highness, and my copper-headed demon jumped out in front of His Highness." A certain purgatory demon also jumped out to support Mo Yan, the son of God.

Many purgatory powerhouses jumped out one by one, supporting the magic flame in various ways.

Although His Highness Demon Flame could not hear these words of loyalty, His Majesty Satan, the Devil God, could hear them.

What's more, from then on, the performance of His Highness Mo Yan has deeply convinced them. Powerful, resourceful, and domineering. This is His Highness, the strongest Son of God in their minds.

The purgatory demon clan began to stand up to provoke provocations, and the strongmen on the side of the night demon clan naturally did not want to lag behind, and jumped out to scold.

On both sides, you yelled and yelled at you, and no one came out to stop it. But scolding scolding, but no one dared to do it directly on this occasion.

The three demon gods are watching, who dares to break the rules?

"By the way, the copper head, please forgive me for my ignorance." A purgatory demon blinked his "innocent" eyes and pretended to say, "What is the potion called Essence of Ten Thousand Beasts? What is the role? That Prince Nightblade Why are you so afraid? "

"Iron horn, the essence of the Ten Thousand-Touched Beast, but it's a good thing." The copper-headed devil said with a grin, "Like you are so old, the harem is not fortunate. If you drink one or two drops, you are guaranteed Revive the majesty of your youth. "

"Go to you, this demon king is invincible, you don't need that thing." The iron horn devil laughed and scolded, and then looked "doubt", "However, why Prince Yeblade is young, why is there such a million touches? Beast essence? Couldn't be ... it should be so young ... "

"This kind of thing is not easy to say." The copper-headed devil said with a sigh of face, "I see that Ye Ren's kid has a little white face that is overworked, maybe he is born weak?"

The two Purgatory Lords sang one peace, you made me laugh, and suddenly made the scene laugh.

Even the screams of the night demons were completely suppressed. Many kings of the night demons couldn't help whispering secretly, the night blade kid wouldn't really be okay. Should I use the essence of the Wanshou beast to help? Otherwise, what would he do to hold that kind of thing secretly?


In particular, males with higher levels of life attach great importance to reproductive ability. Whoever doesn't do it, once it is revealed, it will definitely become a laughing stock after tea, and you won't have to raise your head to do magic in the future.

"shut up!"

Yesha Big Demon King couldn't help it anymore, he roared on the spot, and the Devil King's momentum rose vastly, as if he was subdued to the audience. In fact, he also dreamed that his son would have the essence of Ten Thousand Beasts, and if there was, he would be robbed, and he would be robbed, and he was forcibly fed half a bottle.

Half a bottle, that's the amount of half a bottle.

"Yesha." On the side of the Purgatory Demon Clan, there is also a great demon who emits terrible thunder and flames. "Do you want to suppress the whole audience with a big devil? Come, let me have Lei Xiu to play with you."

Lei Xiu Demon King is one of the presidents of Satan's parliament. In addition to Satan, the most powerful purgatory demon king, he will naturally not stun the night evil demon king.

What's more, several of his sons, Lei Xiu, are not very good. The same is the big devil. Yebla, the son of the Yesha Big Demon King, is a demigod at a young age, which is usually an arrogance.

Now that Yesha's baby son was planted, Lei Xiu would naturally fall into the rock and fall by the way to please Demon God Satan and Demon Flame.

Now the big demon kings in purgatory dare not look at His Highness as a junior. The cultivation of others is the Demon King level, but already has the power of the Demon King level.

After his practice breaks through to the level of the Great Demon King and stabilizes the state a bit, who is his opponent besides the three Great Devil Gods in the entire world of Hell?

Not to mention the nuisance of the audience, they scolded each other.

The three demon gods are not peaceful either.

Especially the Dark Demon Mamen, who was very angry when he first faced the matter, even wanted to jump down immediately to find Mo Yan to settle the bill. But when he heard that, it was the essence of Wanshen Beast, but his complexion suddenly changed, as if he thought of something bad, and it gradually became ugly.

"Haha, the essence of the Ten Thousand Beasts? The Ten Thousand Beasts are extremely rare in the vast starry sky. The child of Yeblan is not small, and he can get such things." Satan, the **** demon god, still mockingly said, I am going to use that kind of thing at a young age, pitiful ~ sad ~ ridiculous. "

"Hehe ~" Samel, the fallen demon, glanced at Mamen profoundly, and then smiled, "Sattan, just say a few words. I guess there will be a good show next."

At the same time, Samuel secretly mocked himself, the demon **** Satan is really hindsight and unresponsive. Instead, his son Mo Yan is very clever and cunning.

Feeding this handful of beast essence, but it's a coup.

Next, the Dark Demon Realm is not quite flat.

Huh, fortunately Satan is not as smart and cunning as his son, otherwise, how can he Samal gain a foothold in hell?

At the same time as the outside world is boiling.

The night blade prince, who had taken a full bottle of tens of thousands of beast essence, began to react more and more violently. His skin all over the body has become flushed, his eyes seem to be irrational and scarlet.

The muscles swelled wildly, struggling desperately.

Obviously, Prince Nightblade had a drug attack and was almost instinctively controlled by reason.

The effect of this universal beast essence is extremely overbearing, and taking one or two drops is enough to cheer and ride the battlefield. But after taking half a bottle at this time, the devil must not be able to withstand it, maybe even the devil may be able to win.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Wang Yan made a wink at the ogres.

The ogres immediately noticed, let go of Prince Nightblade and loosened him intimately. The released Prince Nightblade, like a tiger out of the cage, threw at the nearest female.

The whole expression is rippling and extremely evil, and there is a grinning laughter in his mouth: "Princess Dark Song, I am here."

The one who was slammed was Indira, the goddess of Shiva who was next to Wang Yan.

The Shiva goddess was stunned for a while, but she was so angry that she blushed, her anger burst out, and she kicked out with a sudden kick. .

Her strength was not weak, and Prince Nightblade was seriously injured and extremely weak, not to mention dominated by medicinal properties. She was easily knocked down by her.

Unexpectedly, instead of crying for pain, Prince Night Blade yelled out cheerfully: "Good kick, Princess Ange, come again, kick me again ~ Come on, vigorously ~"

The Shiva goddess was in a bad cold, and it would only dirty her feet to step on it, and hurriedly flew away. Nausea really disgusted her.

For this reason, she gave Wang Yan a vicious look.

It made Wang Yan feel innocent for a while, who made you stand so close, blame me?

at the same time.

The dark demon Mamen was completely furious: "Beast, this creature is so dare, so bold, so bold." Now, he just wanted to jump down and wipe out the spirit of Ye Ren's slap.

"Haha, Mamen old thief, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Hell Devil Satan laughed endlessly, "You are going to intervene in the Youth Conference casually, not only in violation of the Styx vows made by everyone, your darkness Mo Yu will also directly judge the game. "

Although Satan is happy to see Mamen breaking the rules, Princess Ange is ruled out. However, this situation is a once-in-a-lifetime drama. My child Moyan, who is too talented and so powerful, can come up with this trick.

I am afraid that the next Dark Demon Territory is in trouble.

"You ~" Dark Demon God Mamen's face was embarrassed to the extreme. If he didn't care about his daughter's right to participate, he really wanted to cut into the battlefield, shoot the prince of Night Blade, and at the same time teach the kid of Mo Yan fiercely.


"Hee hee hee, Princess Ange, don't run, come on, let's continue." Prince Ye Ren jumped from the ground like Xiaoqiang who couldn't die, his eyes glanced at Wang Yan's little partner Priest Belika.

When he pounced on Belika, everyone showed sympathetic eyes.

You provoked the goddess Shiva, at most it was just beaten to death. But this got into the Maya high priest Berika, it is really better to die.

Sure enough, Belika faced this scene, not only not afraid, but also very excited, singing in an evil and strange tone: "Prince Nightblade, you will fall in love with a beautiful ogre and spend a beautiful night together . "

Beautiful ogre?

Spend a good night together?

Even Wang Yan suddenly had a chill, and this big prophecy was too vicious.

"Amitabha, Night Blade donors mourn." The Wu Wujie on the side directly proclaimed the Buddha's number, with great sympathy for Prince Night Blade.

If during the heyday of Prince Nightblade, Berika wants to use prophecy to stimulate the fate of a demigod-level strongman, the price she has to pay is not small, and the success rate is also two.

However, the comprehensive strength of Prince Nightblade is now less than 10% or 20% of the heyday, and because of the drug obsession, Berika casts a big prophecy on him, and it is effortless.

Just as everyone expected, in what form Belika's big prophecy would be realized.

Suddenly, a fat and sturdy ogre slammed the two companions, and roared with the rough ogre words: "Dare to grab the loot with the old lady, get out!"

Everyone looked around and saw that the ogre patted a pair of half-armor armor with a pair of black and bright **** wings with thick bones and strong fascia, obviously a legendary night demon stayed Under the wreckage.

If you give it to a master refiner, you might be able to refine a good flying spirit, as long as it is not a physique like an ogre. The ogres are too large, and unless the wings of legendary dragons are used to refine the treasures, the ogres can fly flexibly.

Selling is also a good choice, enough to exchange for a hundred-person ogre tribe, two months of food.

But the ogre was partial. It tore the half armor and threw it to the side like garbage, and twitched it with its wings, gaba gaba, bones and fascia swallowed by it.

Everyone on earth looked stunned, but the wings of the night demons, how did it feel like they were eating KFC?

And this ogre looks too ugly? Although the ogre race is inherently unattractive, it is fat and strong, with a face full of flesh, raised fangs, and it is dirty and smelly.

However, this ogre, even among the ogres, is of the ugly kind. Fatty is long and long, forming a terrible circle of folds, covered in blood and dirty, I don't know how long I haven't taken a bath. A few tens of meters apart, you can feel its stench.

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth is also a blow. He has a slight impression of this ogre. He is also a member of the Giant Hammer tribe, and is still a female ogre.

In the ogres tribes, the female status is very low, they are doing the job of looking after the nursing home, cooking food, and taking care of the cubs. However, when Lin Zi is older, there will always be some wonderful flowers.

Among the three hundred ogres in Wang Yan, about ten female ogres have become heavy ogres. Female ogres who can stabilize their feet among many male ogres and become warriors. None of them are good stubble. They are often more ferocious and overbearing.

This brutal and scary female ogre, named Baba Sha · Hammer, has powerful strength and endless potential, much stronger than ordinary male ogre. Among the ethnic groups, even Abulon Giant Hammer retreated from her, daring not easily provoke her.

and many more……

What did everyone on earth suddenly think of, and looked at each other, right?

Could it be that the ugly ogres that are ugly out of the sky are the Maya priest Berika's prophecy-the heroine?

Sure enough, Baba Sha · Hammer nibbled a pair of night demon wings, smashed his mouth, and looked like he was not satisfied, his eyes glanced at Prince Night Blade.

At this time, Prince Nightblade was kicked by Belika, and fell right in front of Baba Sha · Hammer.

A pair of four eyes, an inexplicable flame rising up in a hurry, as if the king was looking at mung beans in an instant, producing an inexplicably mysterious and ambiguous atmosphere.

"My princess, my baby." Prince Yeblad's eyes were blazing with flames, and he crawled over with a grin, "Come on, don't run, I will spoil you and let you experience the magic of life."

Baba Sha · Hammer, but a female ogre who was very disgusted by other male ogres, her eyes were glowing with excitement. Although the night demon was too thin, but after all It ’s only a male.

This is the first time a male has courted her.


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