The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1690: Shake it! Night Blade

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In just a moment, Babasha accepted Prince Yeren's love in his heart, and responded more intensely. She picked her fangs, grabbed him with a grin, and stuffed it in the foul-smelling armpit, and walked into the tent with a smile of excitement.

Soon, the tent prince screamed excitedly and painfully from the tent: "Princess, don't be gentle, no ~ rough, rougher."

Various profanity words are floating in the night sky.

"His ~ This is really too spicy ears." Zhang Weidao shivered shudderingly. "The **** world is too dangerous and terrifying. People are going back to earth ~"

"too disgusting."

Several women from the earth are blushing and covering their ears with energy, this kind of nausea is about to make them vomit. Miaoman's pretty eyes all stared at Wang Yan fiercely.

It made Wang Yan roll his eyes, what did I do? It's not the disgusting scene I made. This is obviously a good thing for Belika.

Huh? What about Belika?

The first Mayan high priest, Berika, had already been disgusted and vomited aside. Belika vowed secretly that he would never do such nasty things with great prophecy in his life.

"Satan." The dark demon Mamen trembles in anger, and I don't know how many years have passed since I haven't felt such angry emotions.

He roared at Satan, the **** demon, "To what extent do you want your son to humiliate this demon god?"

Devil God Satan's heart is a word, cool!

The baby son was so capable, that he could anger the old Mamen thief like this. If he could be mad at him directly, it would be great. He smiled and said, "Mamen, my son Moyan didn't humiliate you. The essence of the Wanshou Beast was not taken out by my son. Besides, now all the fools can see it, and the kid at Yeblad collected the Wanshou The essence is clearly coveting your home Princess Ange. My son helped you expose the conspiracy between Yesha Yebla and his son. Not only did you not thank him, but you also resented him ~ "

The dark demon Mamen is surrounded by a terrible dark magic energy, and the appearance of the galaxy giant scorpion is about to be revealed.

Night Blade is pursuing Princess Darksong. How could he not know that as a demon?

In fact, at the beginning, Mamen's selfishness secretly supported this result. If Prince Night Blade really wins the heart of her daughter, she can easily control Night Blade with her daughter's ability.

Controlling the night blade is equivalent to controlling the entire night demons.

This is very good for her future inheritance and stability.

But the problem is that Princess Darksong doesn't seem to be willing herself, she just dealt with Prince Yeblan, and made no mistake.

It is estimated that Ye Ren's kid had lost his patience and started playing unscrupulous.

What made Mamen angry was that he was also very optimistic about Ye Ren's kid. Young, ambitious, resourceful and has good future potential. But he repeatedly folded in the hands of the Mo Yan boy several times, not only disgraceful, but also ugly.

Disappointment ~ anger ~ disgusting emotions filled Mamen's heart.

He admired jealously and glared at the devil Satan. How could this old thing be so lucky, with such an excellent son, I do not know how many times stronger than the night blade kid.

"I admit defeat for Night Blade." The Dark Mamen is finally a demon god, forcibly suppressing the emotions that are about to erupt. "Our three devil gods work together to move Night Blade's army out of the game circle."

Satan, the devil, turned his eyes: "Our rule is that the commander admits defeat on his own, or counts only after the entire group is annihilated. Ye Ren's kid was just captured, and he didn't say he wanted to admit defeat, maybe there was a chance to overturn. Mamen, you are not qualified to surrender for him. "

The dark demon Mamen turned his eyes, and in this scene, there is still a chance to turn over?

"The two of you are restless, Satan is right, our three demon gods can't intervene in the game indiscriminately." The fallen demon Samel said calmly, "But this game is too strange, we can ask Mo Yan's You have to listen to his opinions if you let them go. "

Although the dark demon Mamen is unwilling, he can never go against the Stygian oath for the sake of the night blade, and suffer a terrible backlash.

Soon, the collective will of the three demon gods fell into Wang Yan's ears.

"Don't let go." Wang Yan responded directly, "Prince Yeblade's army still has more than half of its combat power. I only need to use a little trick to make this group of captives useful to me and launch Asmode Offense. Is this also a very reasonable tactic? "

hiss! ?

Both the demon **** Mamen and Samel took a breath, did this Demon Flame kid too poisonous?

The living combat power can be used as cannon fodder to drive. The dead night demons can also be collected as materials. For Mo Yan, this is a trade that does not lose money at all. Why should you let go?

As for the commander, Prince Nightblade, he said confession, huh, of course, there are ways to prevent him from opening his mouth.

At this moment, the audience of Night Demon Race was anxious.

Most of the army led by Prince Nightblade is a noble child of the Night Demon Clan. If you are fighting and fighting hard, whether you win or lose, it is the glory of the night demons.

However, if they were driven to make cannon fodder, they would have to deal with materials after death, which made many Night Demon nobles unbearable. They clamored and passed the pressure on the night demon king.

Yesha Big Demon King was also very depressed and angry. At first, those exaggerated things that Mo Yan did to his son. Secondly, if so many youths of the night demons are allowed to die injustice, I am afraid that the night demons will have to split up.

Despite the suffocation, the Yesha Big Devil had to stand up and say, "Your Majesty the Three Demon Gods, I Yesha is willing to negotiate on behalf of the Yemen Clan and His Majesty the Demon Flame. As long as he is willing to release the night blade and my fellow Yemen Ye Sha is willing to pay enough. "

Paying money to redeem people is the only option for the Nightlord.

"You can also redeem people." Wang Yanfeng said with a light smile through the exclusiveness of the Devil God, "The ones who can be captured on the battlefield are all excellent talents, and I can deserve them very much. So, These living night demon tribes will be redeemed with 3 million magic crystals. "

"three million?"

Yesha Big Devil was surprised, not too much, but too little. Originally he thought that this time without the magic crystals of 10 to 20 million, it would be impossible to impress the magic flame kid.

Immediately, he nodded quickly and said: "Three million magic crystals, good, deal."

The nobles of the other night demons also felt a little weird. That "Heroic Devil", His Highness, Mo Yan, was so good at speaking? For a time, many night demon nobles and their hostility towards Mo Yan weakened a lot.

The people of Purgatory Demon Clan were somewhat dissatisfied. His Highness Demon Flame was born in the wild after all, and his knowledge was too shallow. With a family like Yesha Dawang, only tens of millions of magic crystals can come out to make him feel bad.

"As for the Prince of Night Blade ~" Wang Yan chuckled, "He is now the son-in-law of the Ogre Tribe, the Giant Hammer Tribe, and he still doesn't think about Shu, he won't release it."


Yesha Big Demon's face suddenly turned blue. In his heart, the weight of the hundreds of young talents of the Night Demon Clan added up, and it was far less important than Prince Ye Blade alone.

And the sentence of the ogre's son-in-law made him anger, if possible, has rushed in to fight with Demon Flame. But at this moment, he could only hold his nose and said, "His Royal Highness, I am willing to invest 10 million magic crystals to redeem Nightblade."

"Ten million? No, no, you are underestimating the value of our son-in-law of the ogre tribe." Wang Yan said seriously, "Our Babasha · Hammer, but I like Yeblade very much."

Damn it!

Faced with such insults and the strange eyes around him, the Night Devil King almost collapsed, but for the sake of his son's life, he had to increase the price and say, "15 million magic crystals."

"One billion magic crystal." Lion Wang said with a big voice. "As long as one billion magic crystal, I will let Baba Sha · Hammer endure the pain."

* & amp; *%

Ye Sha Big Devil burst into a crazy swearing in his heart, really want to turn his head away. A hundred million magic crystal, why don't you kid grab it? If he really had to pay 100 million magic crystals, he would rather regenerate a few.

Of course, there is no need to regenerate.

Night Blade still has several siblings. Although they are far less outstanding than Night Blade, the resources of 100 million magic crystals can easily smash them all into a semi-god level.

"Patriarch, you just recognize it, isn't it a billion?"

"Yeah, patriarch. You are the patriarch of the entire night demonic tribe. You have been in charge of the night demonic tribe for so many years. Can you still get a billion demons?"

The noble elders under the night evil demon king began to persuade night evil, one by one hundred million magic crystals, as if not worth much, just a pile of stones on the roadside.

Suddenly, Yesha Big Devil figured it out. Why did the kid of Moyan price hundreds of young Night Demon youths so low, and Night Blade so high?

This is differentiation, blatantly dividing his night demon clan.

If he does not agree to the conditions at night, the Demon Flame Boy can naturally close the ransom channel in anger, then no one will come back.

But if Ye Sha took out the ransom of this 100 million magic crystal, he had to bear it himself, because it was the ransom for redeeming Yeblade, and there was no reason to apportion it to the nobles of all roads.

If he used force and power to forcibly apportion the 100 million yuan, he would be able to do so with great vigor. But it will inevitably make the whole family complain, and there will be huge contradictions and outbreaks within it, which will bury the future, which is also a consequence that the Night Devil Lord cannot afford.

"Okay, good boy." Yesha Big Devil smiled angrily, "One hundred million magic crystal, okay, very good, this time I Yesha confessed to planting. You put everyone, after the **** meeting, I Yesha pays. "

"No." Wang Yan's attitude was very firm. "Benefiting 103 million magic crystals, after paying my father and god, I immediately let go."

"Pay cash?" Yesha Big Devil rushed to the crown, "Mo Yan, why are you teasing me? With so many Devil Crystals, I have to sell my assets to get it together. You let me pay now. pay?"

"Then borrow it, ask your countrymen to borrow it, and ask your family deity to borrow it. If you don't want it, even." Anyway, Wang Yan refused to be credited. Especially when enemies like Yebla Yesha owe their debts, what should they do if they go back and pay?

The nobles of the night demons stopped, and hurriedly began to persuade the night evil demon king. Everyone went out, still carrying some property, and in the name of the night demon patriarch's guarantee, they could lend the night evil demon king.

They were really afraid that Mo Yan would close the ransom channel directly. You have to know that it is very cheap to redeem the excellent heirs in the family, and share it with everyone, that is, thousands of magic crystal coins.

Under strong pressure, Rao Shiye Shasha also had to bow his head and start to raise financial resources. If the magic crystal coin is not enough, Wang Yan also agrees that he uses some at least holy weapon equipment and rare resources to fill it.

Rao is so, the night demon king has gathered more than 80 million magic crystals and resources on the spot, and then he has to shoot the dark demon **** Mamen to fill the hole, and then angrily all the resources are all It was given to Satan, the devil.

"Devil Satan, you really have a good son." Dark Demon Mamen sneered, "You can hold so much money in a **** meeting."

"Oh, generally, my child Moyan still needs to grow." Devil God Satan laughed at the flowers. This huge sum of money is a huge sum of money for him.

The baby boy just used any means to cut such a large piece of meat from the dark demon.

This son has a good future.

"Devil Flame Boy is not easy." The fallen Demon Samel also slightly sighed. The ransom plan proposed by Mo Yan was simply a stroke of the gods, and the persecution of the evil night devil had to come up with so many resources.

If the kid of Mo Yan grabs his eyebrows and beard, and puts Night Blade and the ransom of hundreds of night demons together, he can finally get 30 to 40 million resources.

Wang Yan and the demon **** Satan confirmed that after the ransom had been received, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, please send people out at any time."


The voice of the dark demon Mamen rang in Wang Yan's ear, "Stinky boy, this **** remembers you."

The voice fell, and a great deal of divine power surged, and the Night Demon captives, including Prince Nightblade, turned into a glory and disappeared into the battlefield.

"Your Majesty walks slowly." Wang Yan greeted with a smile without fear.

At this time, the demon **** Mamen even looked at Wang Yan's interest, and immediately hummed.

"It's cool, this is getting rich." Zhang Weidao and others cheered.

More than 100 million magic crystals, this is an astronomical wealth, this is the wealth that even the devil **** will aim for. The most important thing is that more super fighters can be manufactured in batches through transformation.

The more and stronger the army Wang Yan can control, the greater the cost of fighting the abyssal army.

The pressure on the earth is too great. The abyss is a world with legends and demons. If the earth can't rise vigorously, I am afraid that generations can only become slaves of the abyss demons.

This is why Shiva and other goddesses are willing to follow Wang Yan and fight in the face of hell. The burden of responsibilities has been unconsciously pressing on them.


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