The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1691: Domineering! His Royal Highness

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"Okay, okay." Wang Yan pressed his hand and said, "Don't be too happy, everyone, and one Asmode has not won."


Because of the things Wang Yan did before, it was really shocking. As a result, everyone's attention was focused on his side.

The war between Asmode and the Emperor of the Desert is already in a stalemate and infinite loop.

Every time, Asmode tried desperately to destroy the desert emperor ’s puppet army, he had not yet escaped, and was stared at by the desert emperor like a maggot, using sandstorms, quicksands, and Anubis puppets. The soldiers raided a wave.

In terms of strength, the army of Asmode is many times stronger than the desert emperor alone.

But he couldn't bear the other party's stalking, and every time it brought endless trouble to the army of Asmode, and it was thought that the peeling of potatoes would cause the army of Asmode to cause losses.

As the war has dragged on, Asmode has been attacked more than ten times, even if he is more and more accustomed to this kind of sneak attack and more cautious, even knowing that he will use the lich junk skeleton to entangle each other, but his army is still inevitable The loss of nearly 30%.

If it were n’t for Asmode ’s dominance, his army might have collapsed in morale.

Even so, some generals under Asmode are already in a state of extreme irritability. The inexhaustible puppets of sand and gravel, the vortex of quicksand that will appear from time to time, and the guy called the desert emperor, jump out from time to time to ridicule and sneer a few words.

Everything is extremely irritating.

At this time.

Tens of miles away, a brilliant energy burst forth from the sky.

Asmode's original gloomy face was even a bit uglier: "Prince Nightblade was eliminated." It was the most outstanding undead assassin and the most outstanding scout under his command.

Once Night Blade was eliminated, Mo Yan could free his hand to deal with him.

Today, the army of Asmode is still more than a hundred miles away from where he is going to cross the river.

Unless he abandons the ground troops, he only escapes quickly with a fast-moving flying unit. Otherwise, his battle with the magic flame army will be inevitable.

"Leader, please make a decision." Sophia, the deputy deputy of the fallen angel, gritted her teeth and said, "We must abandon the skeleton soldiers and corpses, and then cross the river at the fastest speed and join the army of the Dark Lady."

"The order." Asmode said with a cold face, "All the legendary liches, the fallen team of angels, the whole skeleton dragon, all the legendary skeleton warriors, follow me. The rest of the units are stationed in place, Delay enemy operations as much as possible. "

Asmode is also a decisive figure. When he knew that nothing was possible, he immediately gave up the ground troops.

As the flying units have assembled in the air and are preparing to move forward at full speed to the set goal, a hearty laugh sounds: "Asmode, my dear ally, where are you going?"

With the sound falling.

A tall purgatory demon suddenly appeared before the army of Asmode.

He was just standing in the air, and even in the case of a single horse, he was also out of the invincible knight of thousands of horses. It seemed that in front of him, it was not a sturdy army, but seven or eight hundred chickens and dogs.

"Magic Flame!"

Asmode's pupils shrank, and his breath suddenly froze a little bit, "Did you even dare to intercept me alone, does it really treat me as a chicken?"

"Half a magic moon." Wang Yan smiled lightly. "I bet that the desert emperor and I will definitely hold you for half an hour. Of course, the premise is to exclude you. Asmode ignores his casualties and escapes alone. . "

"Impossible!" Asmode's face was unbelievable, "Under the crush of my army, even if you have the strength of the Devil King level, you will definitely die."

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try." Wang Yan flicked the warhammer easily. "Just before and Ye Ye didn't fight, just happened to be active with your army."

"The Skeleton Dragon Force, the whole army assaulted." Asmode's face sank and he waved his command.

In the current form, only by defeating Mo Yan, or pushing him back, will there be a ray of life. Otherwise, he will surely be defeated when Zhenmo's army is pushed forward.

Dozens of legendary skeletal dragons were overwhelmingly killed by Wang Yan.

Each of their breath is full of violent energy of death. Once a state of siege is formed, ordinary demigods can definitely be dragged to death.

"The legendary skeleton dragon, the momentum is not weak." Wang Yan stood alone in the sky, his eyes relaxed. It seems that it was not a group of giant dragons, but a group of sparrows.

His wings moved, his figure suddenly disappeared into the space.

In the next moment, he had appeared above a legendary skeletal dragon, and the ugly fire hammer smashed violently, erupting into a blazing sun-like light.


With a loud noise, the skeletal dragon couldn't even react, and his head was exploded into fragments. The vast fire enveloped his whole body of bones, and burned his bones to pieces, cracking and falling like fire and rain.

one strike!

Wang Yan killed a legendary skeletal dragon in a single blow, and the sense of heroism in his heart was also vigorous, filling his chest. At the beginning, any legendary class standing in front of him is so incomparable, just like the mountain, it needs him to look up.

However, he has now reached the demigod level all the way, and is still the leader in the demigod level. The ordinary legendary level is just a small soldier for him.

As for the demigod level, it was only a little trouble for him.

If An Pei Qingming didn't die at that time, then he met Wang Yan. He Wang Yan has enough confidence to easily suppress the opponent, and the legendary gods summoned by him are nothing but toys.

"Sure enough it is the Demon King level strength." Asmode's pupils shrunk, his hands were the same, "The Lich remotely assisted, and the legendary fallen angels interspersed the attack."

Most importantly, Asmode pulled out a spear of evil spirits and went into battle personally.

Now that Mo Yan is confirmed to be the Demon King, then if those skeleton dragons and fallen angels are alone, I am afraid that they will really have to work hard. Although he is only an ordinary Devil's strength, he can still do it by trusting Mo Yan.

After all, the strength gap between the devil and the devil is not a qualitative change, but a different quantity. Unlike the legend and the demigod, the gap is so big.


When Wang Yan smashed a legendary skeletal dragon again, a cold breath hit his back. The breath was filled with the power of death, despair, and endless fear.

Even Wang Yan and other strengths can feel a chill spread from deep inside to the whole body, and there is inevitably a feeling of loss in his mind.

This is how Asmode's death chilled.

It was a battlefield divine skill, which allowed the whole army of the other party to be shaken by the chills of death to the body and mind, thereby greatly reducing its strength. Unfortunately, Wang Yan is better than him.

This general range of death chills fluctuates and his impact on him is really limited.

The incomparable scorching breath moved slightly in the body, and the horrible chill of death was completely dispelled. At the same time, looking back at the hammer.

At this time, Wang Yan's explosive power did not dare to talk about the destruction of the world. However, one punch and one foot is already a great power. Go all out, let alone blow off the top of the mountain, lethality is already comparable to some ordinary nuclear bombs.

The warhammer is wrapped in a vast flame, and the boiling sun is like a hot sun hanging in the sky, and the eyes of the people who can't shine can't open.


Two sub-artifacts of fire hammer and evil spirit lance, hit hard together. The violent death chill poured into Wang Yan's body like a tide, almost decaying and paralyzing him.

Asmode was even more embarrassing. He was shocked by Wang Yan's terrible explosive force and flew out hundreds of meters. His body was still lit, burning with a blazing flame, like a fire chicken in the air.

"Ah ~" Asmode snarled painfully, fighting destiny to turn to death and chill to resist the flame, but also because he was a semi-god-level strongman, he barely extinguished the flame after a few seconds.

But even so, so handsome he was burnt black, and the slightly reflective beautiful feathers were burned for more than half, and it was extremely miserable.

"How can it be?"

Asmode was horrified and inexplicable, originally thought that even if he was not an opponent of Mo Yan, but insisting on more than ten moves and then being repelled can completely be done. But what is happening now, one blow, he was repelled by one blow, and suffered a great loss.

"Not bad." Wang Yan brandished a warhammer and repulsed two skeletal dragons trying to take advantage. He said with a hearty laugh, "Asmode's overall strength is better than Yeblade. Come, we Try again. "

Wang Yan is like a peerless general, fighting elite battles with the enemy. Even if he is besieged by seven or eighty legendary levels, he is not afraid, just like a **** burning flames, in just a few seconds, a legendary level will be exploded.

Not only is Wang Yan's offensive ability particularly powerful, he is even more terrifying is the law of space where he appears. Whenever Asmode teamed up with several legendary powerhouses to prepare a fatal blow to Wang Yan, he was often able to tear the space and teleport to the other side of the battlefield. burst.

"Damn demon flame! Is he a purgatory demon, or an abyss demon."

Asmode's handsome face was already twisted. This magic flame is too difficult to entangle, and it is abnormally slick on the battlefield, and the ghost is like a ghost.

Not to mention that the combat power of using flames is so powerful, it is so proficient in the laws of space. If it weren't for his appearance to be accompanied by Satan, the **** demon, others would really think he had the blood of the abyss demon.

Not only that, his space law ability is not inferior to those demigod-level demon kings of the abyss.

Among the three demon gods above.

Demon God Satan's expression is getting more and more happy. As the strength of his son's strength is stronger, the more joy he feels, the baby son is better than expected.

On the level of combat power alone, it is already inferior to those of the old big devil.

You have to know that every great devil has experienced untold hardships, and at least thousands of years of cultivation and accumulation have only succeeded. Satan, the purgatory demon god, is already relatively powerful among the three demon gods, and his men are no more than the seven demon kings.

What is most satisfying to him is that his son is still very young and has huge room for growth. I believe that in less than a hundred years, you can advance your realm to the level of the Devil. In addition to the three demon gods, he is probably the strongest in purgatory.

Satan, the Purgatory Demon God, is constantly surprised and shocked and shocked the other two Devil Gods. The former Wang Yan only showed the explosive power of a big demon king level.

In their own selfishness, they still believe that Wang Yan is still half a chip compared to the real big devil. They never imagined that he could single out six or seventy legends, plus a demigod without falling.

The most frightening thing is that he not only mastered the superb space law, but also controlled the flames very marvelously powerful. Compared with the evil fierce hellfire, there is more mellow and long, but it is also very fierce, as if it can burn all the world.

That kind of flame, especially for the dark magic power and the law of death derived from the law of darkness, is more restrained. Those powerful skeleton dragons, the death frost burning spewed out, fell on him and could not exert much power at all, they were all blocked by the flames rising around him.

The fallen demon Samel looked at the fallen angels from the same source, each turned into a firebird, and fell to the spot, his face more gloomy and terrifying. The conditions for being able to participate in the youth **** conference, and have been promoted to the legendary fallen angels, are they all the leaders of the fallen demon realm, and the hope of the future against the bright vatican.

But now, they are all squeezed to death one by one. The difference in strength is like an adult and a child of two or three years old. There is no comparison at all.

"Hahaha, don't take care of yourself, Your Highness, Demon Flame, the Emperor will help you."

The arrogant and cool voice of the desert emperor sounded, accompanied by a wave of wild sand dancing, a physique of hundreds of meters high was condensed above the desert.

I don't know if it's an illusion. The middle of the head of the yellow sand's condensed Fa-phase seems to have opened his third eye.

If this is the case, the desert emperor is most likely a descendant of the first-generation civilization that appeared on the earth, the civilization of the three-eyed tribe.


Asmode, armed with a spear of evil spirits, suddenly looked cold and his heart beat wildly. The embarrassing and disgusting desert emperor really appeared, so I am afraid that his ground troops will be completely destroyed.

Previously, relying on the legendary elite to quickly slash the desert emperor's gravel puppet, he was able to force him back again and again. Today's legendary elite has been drawn to resist the magic flame, why should he resist the desert emperor's grave puppet army?

Asmode guessed right.

The Emperor of the Desert is to use the Anubis army to teach those ground troops. The two sides fought a dozen times before, each time the desert emperor was forced to retreat.

This made the desert emperor hold back a dozen belly fires, and finally had a chance to pick up the leak, how could he let it go?


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