The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1693: Feng Shui rotation

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Even if it is standing hostile.

Sophia also feels that His Highness is awesome, I am afraid that it is already the first person in the young generation of the world of **** today. Whether it is the leader of Asmode who she admires and worships, or the Dark Lady, or other young handsomes, they are not comparable to His Royal Highness, the invincible demon king.

If it were n’t for Asmode ’s leader to use the soul cage, His Highness Demon Flames would definitely be the favorite to win the championship.

But in the face of the soul cage, this mighty lord of the flames is probably helpless? After all, this once-used secondary artifact treasure is aimed at the imprisonment attack at the soul level, not the physical body.

Now this scene.

It also aroused the enthusiasm of the audience in the **** conference venue.

"Soul cage." The Great Demon King Lei Xiu, the elder of the Satanic Parliament in the Purgatory Demon Realm, was shocked and frightened, and felt very sorry. "Your Highness is over, whether you can save your life this time or two."

Some demon kings around who had not heard about the soul cage, asked: "Great elder, what is the soul cage? Even the strength of the demon king level under His Majesty, can't he get out of it?"

There was a slight fear in Lei Xiu's eyes: "The soul cage, it is said that it was a one-time secondary artifact made by His Majesty Samuel with the law of death and death, which spent a lot of divine and physical resources, specially used to deal with the big Demon King-level strong man. In our Purgatory Demon Realm, there were three big demon kings trapped by the soul cage, and eventually the soul withered away. This thing has not appeared for a long time. "

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why the fallen demon domain, which has the weakest comprehensive strength, is able to gain a foothold in the world of **** and occupies a large area of ​​land. There are few big demon king-level strongmen under Samuel, but he has the ability to refine the cage of souls. In the case where the devil meets and does not shoot casually, it is enough to deter any big devil.

"His ~"

The surrounding demon kings took a breath of indignation. "Even the big demon king can't escape the fate of the withering soul. Although the strength of His Highness is comparable to that of the big demon king, it is just an ordinary devil at the level of the realm. I'm afraid I can't escape. "

For a time, there was a lot of grief on the side of the Infernal Demon Realm, and morale was low.

I am afraid that the Purgatory Conference will be lost this time. If His Highness wants to save his life, he does n’t know how much it will cost His Majesty the Demon God.

In this way, it is the people who have fallen into the devil's realm that are the most angry.

According to the current situation, Asmode has won, if he takes more than half of his strength to join the Dark Lady, he can definitely stabilize the Dark Witch Princess.

The fruits of this victory will be picked by the Fallen Demon.

Liches, death knights, fallen angels have already cheered. It's no wonder that every time the **** conference is held, the probability of winning the fallen demon domain is the lowest.

The people in the Dark Devil's morale gradually returned.

Even though Prince Nightblade failed, the wicked Demon-Flame did not seem to benefit. To blame, it's just that Mo Yan's boy is too arrogant, even trying to contain so many legendary strongmen and Asmode's demigod.

Haha, is the wave overdone?

Deserve it!

As for who wins and who loses in the end, the Dark Devil's people certainly expect the Dark Princess to win the final victory. But even if it finally lost, it was better than letting the kid of Mo Yan win.


"Isn't it?" The desert emperor who was playing "Hi", looked at Wang Yan's trapped scene, and was also very surprised. That fallen angel named Asmode has such a horrible card?

Fortunately, he had been very cautious before, but used the grit puppet army to contain the Asmode army.

Even if the desert emperor is even more confident, he will not think that he is comparable to Wang Yan, and now even Wang Yan is trapped by the baby. However, his confidence in Wang Yan definitely surpassed others.

After all, that is the Son of Flame, the one who has been making miracles. Perhaps the thing thrown by Asmode was indeed a treasure of extraordinary power, but it was Wang Yan.

Wang Yan has always been synonymous with miracles.

Even when the four major semi-god-level strongmen of the earth were trapped in the abyss, it was he who ran to fish out.

The emperor of the desert did not believe that this hidden card from Asmode could kill Wang Yan.

However, now Asmode seems to have freed his hand, the desert emperor decided to continue to hide his real body, looking for a good opportunity for the next step.

Asmode glanced far away at the ground battlefield, raised his eyebrows, and sneered twice. Now he has no time to take care of the disgusting desert emperor. When he completely solved the hidden danger of Mo Yan, there was time to deal with him slowly.

With a wave of his hand, the remaining 30 legendary skeletal dragons, as well as more than ten legendary fallen angels and more than 30 legendary liches, all surrounded Wang Yan who was trapped in the soul cage .

Asmode himself seemed casual, but he was very alert to Wang Yan. As soon as the opponent showed any signs of breaking through the soul cage, he immediately launched a thunder blow.

He glanced lightly not far away, his voice quietly said: "Everyone, are you comfortable with the play? Come out."

The sound passed to more than ten miles at once.

The space there seemed to be blown up and rippled by an inexplicable force.

After more than ten figures were distorted in a space, they slowly appeared.

The other is headed by an Aryan beauty from the earth, with gorgeous clothes and noble temperament. Behind her, except for the succubus leader Meier, who brought several legendary succubus guards, almost all of them came from the earth.

"Brother Wei Dao, your hiding charm seems to be different." Shen Tu Tianlu twisted his neck and mocked with a smile, "We are so far away that the fallen angel can still find us."

"Cut ~" Zhang Weidao said dissatisfiedly, "That guy is a demigod, and it is normal to see through our whereabouts. When Master Ben is promoted to demigod, see if he can break the whereabouts of Master Ben. . "

After Zhang Weidao entered the hell, his strength advanced by leaps and bounds, and with the help of Wang Yan, he reached the legendary peak directly. Such strength, in theory, has surpassed his father.

Even among the celestial masters of all dynasties, it belongs to the upper level.

It ’s just that Heavenly Master has been in the same vein, and there have been few demigods. Except that the ancestor of the ancestor of Kaishan hit the demigod state, it is just one or two of the ancestors of the past. After all, in the environment of the earth, it is extremely difficult to achieve demigods, and it also breaks through the limits of humanity on the earth.

And in the west of the earth, it is called the demigod, which is influenced by the knowledge of the heteroplane. But in the Eastern China, the legendary level is the land fairy, and the demigod is the fairy level character.

This shows the difficulty.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Yan found another way for human beings on earth. Therefore, it is quite possible for Zhang Weidao to become a demigod in the future. If you can really achieve the demigod to return to earth, you can definitely ancestor Yao Zong.

"Cut ~" Maya priest Belika gave him a blank look. "The demigod, even old, no, His Royal Highness, is sealed. Even if you are lucky enough to rise to demigod, it may not be his opponent."

"Sister Belika, is he going to be okay?" Lydia asked with some worry. "Otherwise, bother you?"

Since the last time I discovered that the so-called Lord of the Flames is the incarnation of the Son of Flame, Lidia has been ashamed, ashamed and annoyed. Apart from military affairs, he is unwilling to talk to him.

But now seeing that the Son of Flame is in crisis, she can't hold back her emotions anymore.

"Little girl, you can rest assured." Lord Shiva sneered and said, "That guy is not a good thing. In Chinese language, it is a thousand years of scourge, a prisoner of souls, how could he be trapped in him? ? "

This was said on the mouth, but in the eyes of the Lord Shiva, there was also a hint of worry inadvertently. Look at Asmode, it seems that he is very confident. The Pharaoh, won't he really take the trick?

In the minds of Shiva and Goddess today, the people who are most likely to save the earth have already shifted their faith from the originally thought of Yan Zun to the Son of Flame.

"Relax everyone." Belika said with a smile in Chinese. "Don't you know him yet? He can do anything without certainty? That guy's cards are so scary to death."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, their expressions soothed.

It is true to think about it, even though the Pharaoh's guy is in a wave, even the Devil God has become his cheap father. But that guy was actually very careful in his bones, and he would never do anything without certainty.

Everyone talks in a variety of languages, all in the earth.

At the legendary or demigod level, the memory and comprehension are far more than ordinary people, and learning a mature foreign language is very easy.

Asmode and others are the language of the earth.

Asmode frowned slightly, and didn't pay much attention to this group of people who were still talking and laughing, and didn't see much nervous people. In his view, it is the right way to solve the biggest threat of the magic flame.

The rest of these young and handsome people seem to have good temperament and endless potential. However, in the eyes of demigods, it is just a group of native chickens and dogs. Asmode was extremely confident, and he could clean up the group by himself. The demigod level and the legendary level are completely two life forms.

"Magic Flame!"

Asmode's voice calmly said, "I know you must be able to hear me now. Don't try to use your willpower to resist the torture of the soul. This is the torture of the soul that even the great devil can't pass. . "

Wang Yan remained silent, showing no signs of movement.


Asmode sneered and said, "I know you are shocked and brilliant, a rare genius for thousands of years or even thousands of years. But torture of the soul is different from others, but it will test your willpower is pure and powerful. If you If you remain obsessed, you will only have your soul wither away, and you will be wiped out. "

at the same time.

Demon God Satan couldn't take it anymore, and he said with a sullen face: "Enough is enough. Ask the kid of Asmode how he can let go of Mo Yan. The resources that Mo Yan won just now will be given to him by a 30% increase.

The devil Samuel smiled. This **** conference was really splendid compared to the past, and various suspense. Even he didn't expect that Asmode was able to fight back with a Jedi, pitting Mo Yan fiercely.

All the things that Mo Yan had won before, but made marrying clothes for Asmode.

At the moment, Samuel passed the intention of Satan the devil to Asmode. He didn't play anything to add fuel to the vinegar, add to the game. Now the Fallen Demon Realm is a huge win, so as not to find an excuse for Satan.

Asmodeus frowned slightly and said, "Hundred million magic crystals, increase the price by another 30%? His Majesty the Devil God Satan is really generous, and really enough to distress my baby son. According to the truth, I deserve to give His Majesty a face. But ..."

After a pause, Asmode sneered and said, "If I can force Mo Yan to make the Stygian oath in public and use it for me, we will definitely win the final game in the Fallen Demon Domain. Although these magic crystals are of great value, they Compared to the promises of the three demon gods, the value is far from the same. "

"That kid is so brave." Satan, the demon god, was so angry that he was violently thundering, and a demi-god, daring to disobey his will? He said aggressively, "Sammel, don't blame me for not giving you a face. When things are done ..."

"Your Majesty Satan speaks carefully." Samuel interrupted him, his face solemn, "The game is a game. If you rely on bullying and revenge afterwards, I don't think this **** conference will be opened."

"Yes," said the dark demon Mamen gang, "according to your Satan's temper, anyone who doesn't listen to you will retaliate. Is it true that the **** can also talk to your son after the event?"

"Humph!" Devil God Satan's face was uncertain, he groaned, "Natural God will not take action in person, this time it is indeed my child Moyan is too careless. This hatred, the God believes that Moyan himself will report."

"The younger generation wants to resolve each other's grievances, and we will naturally not intervene." Samel the devil said with a sneer.

"Oh, I just learned the earth proverb recently, called Feng Shui rotation." The dark demon **** Mamen, a lot of comfort at once, "The devil dear boy, you are the qi god, you deserve it."


"Magic Flame, you have heard it too." Asmode said confidently. "As long as you are willing to give me the Styx oath, listen to me in this **** conference, I can help you lift the soul cage. Your soul is withering ... "

"Hehe ~"

Wang Yan slowly opened his eyes and stared at Asmode with a smile on his lips, "I said, are you too confident? With these ghosts, you want to torture my soul? I want to let me 'S soul is dying? "

"How is it possible?" Asmode suddenly discolored, horrified and inexplicable, "This is the soul cage that His Majesty personally sacrificed, and even the real devil cannot escape."

"Oh, it sounds very powerful." Wang Yanfeng said lightly, "Unfortunately, this thing is really boring to me."


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