The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1695: Squeeze without oil and water

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"Impossible!" Asmode's eyes were cracking, the corner of his mouth was bloody, and the image was extremely embarrassed. He never imagined that Mo Yan could not only easily get rid of the soul cage, but also be able to radiate the golden light of the glass all over his body, which was more powerful and terrifying.

This guy hadn't revealed his real hole cards in the previous battle.

"It's not bad." Wang Yan took a step. Under a slight invisible space fluctuation, he appeared on the head of a skeletal dragon and carelessly stood on its head.

"Click!" A crisp crackling sounded.

The bones of the tremendous dragon's head were cracked and cracked.

"Ao ~"

The skeletal dragon made a miserable cry, and the soul fire inside the head was like a candle in the wind, swaying and drifting, and there were signs of extinction at any time.

Undead creatures like the legendary skeletal dragon not only retain part of their memories of life, but also possess the wisdom not inferior to other species. Once all creatures have wisdom, there will be joy and anger.

Although undead creatures are emotionally cooler than other flesh and blood creatures.

But any wise species that treats destruction will come from instinctive fear.

The skeletal dragon at this time was in extreme fear, and the purgatory demon was too terrible, as if it would use half the force, it would disappear.

It wanted to flap its wings to escape, but it didn't dare. It is very clear that as long as it dares to have a little change, the terrible purgatory demon will crush its head.

Wang Yan stood so quietly on the head of the skeleton dragon, and looked at Asmode with a slight appreciation: "It's good, you are much stronger and more clever than Yeren's waste."


It stands to reason that such a high compliment among peers will surely anger Asmode's self-esteem. However, Asmode gave a subtle compliment of pride and joy, just like facing the appreciative look of His Majesty Samuel the Demon.

at the same time.

Wang Yan came from the brothers and sisters on the earth and Meier ’s succubi squadrons, and they drove to the battlefield, suspended behind Wang Yan, and stared at Asmode. As if as long as Wang Yan had an order, everyone would swarm and teach Asmode hard.

In a hierarchical world like Hell World, the demigod-level demon is the highest person in the world. It is usually the existence of the admiration of all demons. The ordinary legendary powerhouses have met the demigod demon king. under.

But this group of friends from the earth is not so strong in fear of the demigod. Wang Yan is also a demigod demon king, and a very powerful demigod demon king, but everyone is still brothers and sisters, get along harmoniously and equally.

What's more, demigods have also seen more, playing more and more, naturally there won't be too much shrunk. Isn't it the demigod demon king, everyone is just fighting.

Faced with the menacing eyes and eager expressions of the "Earth Slaves", Asmode was inexplicably guilty. These guys don't look like good stubble?

On the other hand, the legendary men of Asmode are in a state of embarrassment and low morale. They dare not look at Wang Yan even with their right eyes. It feels like they are facing a peerless chest demon.

As a result, Asmode sighed deeply, and this battle was really impossible to fight.

Asmode no longer humiliated himself, but arched his hands and smiled bitterly: "Your Highness Demon Flame is indeed well-deserved, and he is willing to go under the wind. In this confrontation, he lost."

As soon as this remark came out, the fallen angels under Asmode, even the lich and the skeletal dragons, were secretly relieved. To be honest, they are more and more frightened by this battle.

If it is replaced by an ordinary demigod, even if it is against an opponent such as the leader of Asmode, it can still be barely done by bursting out a few moves to resist.

But the man of His Highness, Mo Yan, is simply a pervert. Once he is stared at, he can instantly kill his life, and he has no power to fight back. Fighting this terrible existence is completely asymmetrical.

"Oh, you are a consciousness." Wang Yan stared at him lightly. "You admit defeat very quickly. Just say, you violated the covenant. How are you going to compensate the Son of God?"

Asmode's expression was stagnant and somewhat incredible: "Your Highness laughed, the game, everyone has their own skills. How can I compensate? What's more, I grew up from the dark tree of death, but not so rich 'S dad is bleeding. "

He had also heard the voice of His Majesty Samuel before, knowing that Mo Yan had blackmailed hundreds of millions of magic crystals from the night demon king.

Although he felt a little stumped, Asmode was very calm. He had already conceded defeat, and according to the rules, Mo Yan was not allowed to attack them again. Otherwise, Mo Yan will be disqualified from the competition.

"Oh ~ I don't want to compensate." Wang Yan did not intend to violate the rules of the game, but glanced at Asmode coldly. "What you did, the Divine Son remembered. Our future days It's still very long, and some opportunities are calculated slowly. "

"Uh ..." Asmode suddenly shuddered. Mo Yan is not only extremely powerful, but also very good at using any external conditions. If he is so jealous, maybe one day he will suffer a big loss.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves remembering, this is the reason.

In fact, strictly speaking, it was indeed his Asmode breaching the covenant, even if it was only through the oral covenant signed by the Dark Lady. Asmode murmured secretly, and said with a bitter smile: "This matter is indeed in the bottom, but it is very poor, that is, it can produce five million magic crystals, and hope that His Highness will expose this matter."

The tall demon Samel was a little angry: "The brazen kid of Mo Yan, who was blackmailed and addicted to addiction. Asmode is from the beginning to the end, according to the rules of the game. How can he do this?"

At the same time, Wang Yan rejected Asmode and gave a shocked expression: "Dude, five million? Are you teasing me? You are the leader of the younger generation of depraved angels, and You ’re in control of an army, and there ’s more than just so much corruption? "


Asmode ’s expression instantly froze, and said quickly, “His Highness, Demon Flames, do n’t arbitrarily stigmatize me, I ’m assuming that the army controls justice and integrity, and there is no corruption. Seven million magic crystals, this is the limit that can be brought under Now. "

Just kidding, don't say that he really didn't have this kind of thing, even if there is, he has to work hard to clear it now. His Majesty Samuel is concerned.

"Isn't it? Your Majesty Samel is so stingy?" Wang Yan's face is full of unbelief. "I heard that you are the heir of the fallen demon domain, a potential young master. Once Majesty Samel hangs, you are The future master of the Fallen Demon. Seven million dollars ... Oh, my old things in my family are casually throwing me some pocket money, it ’s not worth so much, hey, the treatment gap is really big. "

The tall demon Samuel was so hung up that he was so angry that he stared sullenly at Satan: "Let your baby son, take good care of his mouth." This is equivalent to cursing Samuel stingy in front of his face and cursing He hung up.

"Oh ~ You are indeed stingy, Samuel." Satan, the devil, was not called an old thing by his son, but felt uncomfortable. Instead, he felt that the relationship between him and his son was more intimate.

Suddenly, the bones of Satan, the devil, seemed to be a few lighter, and he lifted his chin high and said, "I also heard that you intend to train Asmode as a successor. Although people grow out of trees, they can't be treated so badly. He. In our magical domain of purgatory, my devil flames are going to be windy and rainy, even if the treasure house of the **** is emptied, the **** recognizes it. "

Samal blew his face angrily: "No wonder you have raised such a arrogant and arrogant second ancestor. Our fallen demon domain thing, it is not your turn to talk."

He knew himself and had spared no effort in cultivating Asmode. However, Asmode is not the only heir he cultivated. The Dark Lady has also experienced the baptism of the Dark Holy Tree, and will be the successor in the future.

Even, Samir is more optimistic about the Dark Lady, she is affectionate, her mind is very firm, and the future potential is above Asmode.

Just as the two demon gods were fighting each other, Wang Yan raised a finger and said, "Forget it, look at what you are so pitiful. Ten million magic crystals, I not only forgive you for your betrayal this time, We are still friends. "


Asmode was stunned. He was not without friends. He also had several young friends in the Fallen Demon. But as he became stronger and higher in status, no one dared to confide in him now.

The heights are cold.

Asmode pondered for a while: "Okay, then ten million magic crystals. I will ask His Majesty Samel to pay for it first, and then return to sell the resources before returning him."

"No problem." Wang Yan shook his figure, appeared beside Asmode, and put his arms around Asmode's shoulder. "From now on, you will be my friend of Mo Yan."

Such a haunting space law shocked Asmode, but what he said was that the cold-hearted Asmode was slightly inexplicably throbbing. Looking at his enthusiastic eyes, Asmode nodded. : "Okay, you are my friend from now on."

"Okay, okay." Wang Yan shouted after yelling twice, and squeezed his eyes to him, "I'm pretty good looking at you, but it's good everywhere else, it's just as bad, too cold. This Probably because you have too many undead creatures in the fallen demon domain, and the death chill is too strong. After this stubble, you come to my purgatory demon domain as a guest, brother and I will take you to feel it, the enthusiasm of the sisters in the purgatory demon domain is like fire.

In a few words, Asmode said that he could not laugh or cry. He was originally a branch of the dark law of cultivation, and of course he would be dead. Also, what is the passion of Miss Purgatory? Do you think I am a lawless second ancestor like you?

Want majesty again? What do you rely on to command the army in the future?

In spite of his full stomach, Asmode asked the demon Samuel to subvert the ten million magic crystal to Satan.

Annoyed by Samir, he threw out a storage device for Satan the devil: "Satan, you really had a good son."

"Oh, surrender and surrender." Thousands of magic crystals, Satan, the devil, will not look down upon him at all. But this was earned by his son by moving his mouth, which of course made him very happy.

To participate in a **** conference, it is not over yet, it has so much money, it really makes money.

Wang Yan watched the three demon gods exert their divine power at the same time, moved Asmode and his army out, and waved his hand and said, "My good brother, go slowly, you must come to purgatory."

At the same time, he was directly sighed, asmode is good, although poor.

This ten million magic crystal is much colder than the oil and water scraped from the night blade kid. But no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. What's more, Wang Yan and Asmode also intentionally or unintentionally took the line, and when they came back, they really had a chance to have a good relationship.

Maybe after the relationship is good, you can help send troops to attack an abyss or something.

Wang Yan is not the kind of person who sees anyone offended. If he meets the right person, he will still take the initiative to communicate.

Unfortunately, Asmode couldn't hear him. Otherwise, he will be spitting blood three liters. Did you have such an active relationship? Before making friends, even blackmail?

"Boss Boss, next we are going to pack up Princess Ange, or the Dark Lady?" Zhang Weidao's face is full of excitement. This kind of downwind battle is too cool to fight. It has not been fought once, but it can also be blackmailed once. .

"Amitabha, the Dark Lady is our ally?" Wu Bujie said, touching his bald head. "According to the previous tactics, shouldn't we join the Dark Lady and defeat Princess Darksong first?"

"Hehe ~" Zhang Weidao said with a sneer. "Asmode can tear the covenant, how can the Dark Lady be kept out of it? In my opinion, all this is a conspiracy behind the Dark Lady."

"No quarrel at first, and two battles are a bit tired." Wang Yan stretched his waist and said casually, "Everyone take a break and clean up their loot. We will cross the river tomorrow."

At this time, Wang Yan was able to achieve the final result in the team. Not only is his personal strength, but also reflects his wisdom in leading the team.

Don't look at the fact that Yebian and Asmode are now easily defeated, but if one cannot really be jointly attacked by the other side, if the two sides fight hard, the final victory is definitely a terrible victory.

That night, the army under Wang Yan's army was stationed on the bank of the river, and a bonfire was lit.

According to the truth, after the victory of the ogre tribe, they all celebrated with the meat of their opponents. But in fact, Wang Yan had already strictly ordered the army to prohibit the consumption of the flesh of civilized races and intelligent creatures.

In a sense, it is the last bit of persistence of Wang Yan, who was born in "Earth Civilization". Perhaps the entire universe is a virgin forest with weak meat and strong food.

However, Wang Yan always feels sorry to feed on civilized races. What I did before was nothing more than to scare the captives.

Ogres and barbarian warriors, singing and dancing around the campfire, used their most primitive way to vent their inner joy. The harpy ladies like to sit on the camp tents and beat the rhythm of the dance rhythm.


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