The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1696: big liar

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The succubus group under Meier also performed a hot dance, rendering the atmosphere of the entire bonfire party to the highest ~ to the end, even Zhang Weidao, Wu Bujie waited for the earth to join the dancing team .

"Earthman, Purgatory Demon, Hawk Lady, Barbarian, Ogre, Goblin, etc. ~" Above a turret, Wang Yan sat lazily, drinking a scorching spirit, and said with a smile, " Although everyone ’s life forms are different, in essence, they are all the same. My heart is full of gratitude for a good life. "

"Huh, big liar." Sitting next to him was an earth-white Caucasian girl, wearing a magnificent magic robe and sub-artifact-level magic jewelry, but her eyes were still a little uneasy.


Wang Yan took the eighth mirror, and a mighty energy cut them off, neither his eyes nor his mental power could penetrate.

"Well, big deceiver, you, what are you doing?" Lydia suddenly became nervous, her face flushed like a scared little quail. She was uneasy, and the Son of Flame suddenly sealed the space and isolated the perception of others.

"What are you doing nervously? It's just to talk to you." Wang Yan looked awkward. "It was not convenient to talk before. After all, the three demon gods watched everyone all the time."

"You, what are you going to say?" Lydia flinched back slightly, her tension dissipated a lot, her eyes closed slightly, and she didn't know whether she was happy or disappointed.

"Actually, it's nothing, that is, uh, the previous things are pretty sorry for you." Wang Yan explained with a smile, "At that time, I saw you recklessly, some of them are not knowing how high and thick, I want to take the opportunity to sharpen and polish you. I know ... hehe, it ’s getting harder and harder to tell the truth. "

"Humph, a liar." Lydia gave Wang Yan a hard look. "Do you think it's useful to apologize?"

"Even if it's useless, an apology is always an apology." Wang Yan touched his nose and said, "Actually, in your heart, the Son of Flame is too important, he is just an ordinary person."

"Hum, not just an ordinary person, but also a big liar." Lydiamo said with a tear in the starry sky in front of his chest, blushing and gritting his teeth, "In short, it is not as real as the magic flame. At least, the flame of the magic flame. Bad, it's a big bad guy. "

Wang Yan raised his forehead with a helpless look, his own incarnation of the magic flame, although he did act a little more freely, with less scrutiny. But it's not really a real devil, a bad guy?

It seems that during this time, the magic flame caused a huge psychological shadow to Lydia.

"You have a good rest first. If you want to get angry with me, just swear a few words. It doesn't matter if you hit it a few times." After Wang Yan's sincere apology again, he was ready to flash people.

"and many more!"

Lydia turned pale and stopped him, Beck teeth bit her lip, hesitating for a while, and said, "Are you coming to hell, is it mainly for your girlfriend Uya Ange?"

"The purpose at the beginning was of course for Sister An Ge." Wang Yan replied honestly, "Just after **** broke out of some famous halls, he took on many other duties and pressures."

"So ..." Lydia said, biting her lip. "Do you think that Princess Ange is Uya Ange?"

"I can only say that there is a greater possibility." Wang Yan pondered and said, "According to all kinds of information and intelligence, that dark song princess has a probability of 80% or 90%. It is Sister An Ge. But I dare not indiscriminately determine, After all ... "

At the thought of this, Wang Yan thought of the mistaken belief that the Dark Lady was Sister An Ge, and caused some unavoidable and terrible consequences. This made Wang Yan vigilant and did not dare to mess with pure subjective judgments.

"Apart from Wuya Ange, is Huangfu Nanlian also your girlfriend?" Lydia asked with blushing with courage.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan scratched his head embarrassedly. "Although this question is not very good. But I admit that Sister Nanlian is also my girlfriend."

"Huh, a big liar, a flowery ghost." Lydia grinned and whitened Wang Yan.

"Aha, if you like to scold, you can scold a few more words. After scolding, you go to bed early." Wang Yan said with a little helplessness, "I'm going to take a rest."

"Wait!" Lydia hurriedly stopped him and looked at Wang Yan seriously, and said, "I want to be your girlfriend too."


Wang Yan looked at her dumbly, girl, are you teasing me? His current emotional life is already somewhat overloaded. Not only are Huangfu Nanlian and Wuya Ange two authentic girlfriends, but there are also some messy things that continue to be chaotic.

If Lydia comes in again, Wang Yan's head will be bigger.

When he saw him with such a headache, Lydia showed a successful expression: "Don't misunderstand, son of love. I'm talking about being your girlfriend, but not to be the daughter of Wang Yan, the son of love. friend."

Wang Yan looked stunned, pointing at his nose and saying, "Do you mean, I am not Wang Yan?"

"No, I want to be His Highness' girlfriend." Lydia said seriously. "Although Moyan has many shortcomings, he is more serious, more responsible, and more attractive."

Wang Yan looked at her with a dazed expression, and after a long while was helpless: "It sounds reasonable to hear what you said, but I always feel weird."

"What's wrong?" Lydia only blushed after her courage.

"It feels like I'm being NTR by myself."

"Ah? Get out!"



Wang Yan ’s army spent a great deal of energy before crossing the river safely. Every ogren warrior who was stripped of his equipment and wandering up from the river seemed to have taken off a layer of skin.

The ogre race is a terrible race that doesn't even bother to take a shower. Let them struggle for a long time in the galloping river, not to mention their half-life. Had they not been respected by His Royal Highness "Magic Flame" ordered, they would not cross the river in this way.

Even those legendary ogres are full of fear for Dahe. Helpless, who is called Ogre is too bulky. Although they are invincible heavy warriors, it is almost impossible even if the legendary class wants to fly by harnessing energy.

What's more, the overall gravity of the **** world is much larger than that of the earth.

As for those hellhounds that have evolved from hellhounds, they are already on the verge of dying, and the flames on their bodies have almost disappeared.

"Huh ~" Wang Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, finally crossing the river without loss.

In the process, Wang Yan made a total of more than one hundred shots, saving more than one hundred ogres, barbarians, and even the sighing **** dog. Especially those ogres, the tonnage is extremely scary.

Even if it is as strong as Wang Yan, carrying them to the other side is a little difficult. Not to mention that in a short time, the whole process was repeated more than a hundred times, and the waist was about to break.

"Boss, **** is too dangerous. I want to go back to the earth." Zhang Weidao also seemed to be a dead snake, soft on the beach. There was no reason for him. Wang Yan asked him to draw amulets, and he only drew hundreds of them.

"Boss, we are going to use our brains." The tentacle blame Shen Tu Tianlu is even more powerless. "The ogre reloading the infantry is indeed powerful, but after all it is very limited by the terrain." No wonder he vomited, Wang Yan made him change As a steel boat, he carried an ogre across the river every time, and he was tossing back and forth.

"It seems that looking back, I can only hunt some more dragons and refine the treasures with wings to increase their flying ability." Wang Yan is also thinking about this issue. Ogres are very powerful, but it is indeed a flaw to not fly.

Even if it is riding on a dragon, the dragon cannot fly.

As soon as Wang Yan made this remark, the master refiner on the side collapsed to the ground and followed His Royal Highness. This day was too ups and downs. This is really a one-on-one out, let's not talk about where so many dragons go hunting and refining so many flying sacred objects, isn't it life-threatening?

Just when Wang Yan just crossed the river and rested on the spot.

In the camp where the Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song confronted each other, whether they were Princess Dark Song or Dark Lady, their emotions were very dignified.

The three-party battle between Yeblade, Mo Yan and Asmode has not been clearly communicated.

The Princess Dark Song and the Dark Lady constrained each other, stipulating that no one would intervene, and there were still the three parties to decide their own victory. The Dark Lady even used a sub-artifact to isolate the space signal and prevent Princess Dark Song from sending messages to the outside.

However, after so many hours, the Dark Lady had removed the space signal seal, but there was still no news. Their messages to Asmode and Prince Nightblade were like a rock sinking to the sea.

"Princess Dark Song." The Dark Lady conveyed a magical message to the other party, and Xiumei frowned, "Are you really lying? Didn't Prince Night Blade also send back the message?"

"Humph." There was a golden mask over there, and the awe-inspiring Princess Dark Song whispered, "Did you not take the initiative to contact Prince Night Blade?"

"I'm afraid that you have long colluded with Prince Nightblade and deliberately pretended to lose the battle." The Dark Lady questioned coldly, "After setting down the move, prepare to attack me."

"Interesting, huh ~" Princess Darksong smiled contemptuously, "I'm still worried that you will get angry with Asmode in advance and prepare to deliberately pit me."

The two women were tit-for-tat and seemed to be looking for real answers from each other's answers. If the winner is the opponent's ally, then their best option now is to withdraw immediately and discuss the final decisive battle.

Just as the two women guessed each other and did not trust each other.

The dark demon Mamen and the fallen demon Samel are very dignified. They have the perspective of God. Of course, they are very clear about the result of the three-party battle.

But they knew that Gui knew that, according to the Styx oath, they were absolutely not allowed to give them any information. Otherwise, the Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song can be eliminated directly.

Also very anxious, there are viewers of the Dark Demon Domain and the Fallen Demon Domain. They also know the result of the game and know that Princess Darksong and Dark Lady are now in danger.

The only one who is elated is the side of the Purgatory Demon Realm. The High Flame Lord they supported has won the three-party battle, because the ogres and the barbarians are well-equipped and thick-skinned. After finally treating the wounded, they found that there was no downsizing.

At this time, the two ladies were still suspicious of each other. I really hope that they will fight immediately so that His Highness can win the championship without any effort.

Unfortunately, this desire can only be YY.

Whether it is Princess Ange or Dark Lady, it is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After a lot of temptation, it seemed that each other did not smell the wrong plot from the other's tone. Then, the final result is most likely beyond imagination.

"Is it true that Wang Yan's guy won?" The Dark Lady's eyes were a little shocked. With those slaves Cannon Legion, could he really win the joint calculation between Night Blade and Asmode?

It's just that the abominable guy, even sending him a message, is like a bull in the sea.

At the same time, Princess Ange seems to have guessed the final result, and said in a light tone: "His Royal Highness, the final result of the three-party battle, I believe you probably guessed it. I did not expect that the vulgar magic flame, even hiding So deep. Then, it is time for us to fulfill the Stygian oath. "

"Yes, this saint has always paid great attention to the Stygian oath." The dark saint suddenly pursed her lips and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Why is the saint so suddenly happy?" The frown under Princess Ange's mask frowned slightly, as if vaguely feeling some conspiracy.

"It's nothing, just remembering contacting a friend I haven't seen for a long time recently." The Dark Lady said casually. "Oh, yes. I heard that before you recognized the ancestors and became princesses, you seemed to be in that place When I grew up, I might have heard the name of my friend-Son of Flame. "

Princess Ange ’s Miaoman ’s body seemed to be slightly stagnate, but immediately said nothing: “I ’ve heard of this name and I know that he knows you. If he contacts you, is he trying to trust you to find someone?”

"Looking for someone, he didn't mention this matter." The Dark Saint Goddess doubted, "How can your high princess think so?"

"It's nothing, just a random guess." Princess Ange's tone was bland, "Don't talk nonsense, since we see that we grew up on the same plane, we will cooperate sincerely and first put that purgatory The demon blasted out the finals to talk about it. Now, you and I will send scouts at the same time to search for enemy traces and intelligence. "

"Sincere cooperation." The Dark Lady's eyes also solemnly rose.

After turning off the communicator with each other.

The dark maiden's eyes became cold, and her heart was dark-Wuya Ange, Wuya Ange, I must win you in this game, whether it is for my hometown, or to prove to him that I am more than you excellent! ! !


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