The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1771: baby! I accepted

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Bliss Mo Ji secretly rejoiced in his heart, this familiar power fluctuations, absolutely can not be wrong.

Although she didn't know what would happen, she knew she might not have to sacrifice.

Opposite her, the ashes apostle Nagum and his more than two hundred demonic warriors, all stopped their impending forward movement, and stopped at the same place with vigilance and doubt.

This mysterious power fluctuation is very mysterious, and the young ashen apostle Nagham has never been touched.

Perhaps this level of power fluctuation was too low for him, but the frequency of coverage was too mysterious and complicated, and he had to be vigilant.


Just as everyone was on the alert, Skyrim suddenly heard the roar of "rumbling."

I saw a large asteroid with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, suddenly struck by a cyclone gravitational orbit, and suddenly hit a space crack caused by turbulent energy.

In an instant, this large asteroid was shredded and torn into countless fragments by the force of space.

These scattered debris, under the complex action of gravity and thrust, continue to collide with the asteroids and debris floating around and explode.

In this way, after a series of chain reactions, an appalling meteor shower suddenly burst out at the core of the dark energy cyclone.

After repeated collisions and explosions, and the high rotation force of the dark energy cyclone core's rotation and strong sway, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of fragments, all began to break free from the orbit of the dark energy cyclone Going out, all flew towards the remnant ship at the core.

"Why, what's going on?"

"Why are those meteorite flying over us?"

"This, this, this is really weird!"

"Quick, hurry away!"

All the ashes of the Apostle were ashamed.

The debris meteorite that was thrown out of the dark energy cyclone is not an ordinary stone thrown away. They are of different sizes, and some large masses are often tens of thousands of pounds, while the smaller ones are like shells that are missing, gravity and explosion Under the acceleration generated by the crushing, the huge impact force makes them like a high-speed missile that launches at high speed. It can be said that every piece of meteorite has extremely amazing power.

If it falls on the earth, it is a nuclear weapon with amazing energy!

The most weird thing is that these innumerable, powerful fragments of meteorite all actually headed towards their group.

This strange and terrible thing is really weird!

"Don't panic, don't run, build an enclave in place, defend in place!"

As the leader of this group of demon warriors, the horned demon shouted Draytu immediately and arranged his defense.

Under the attack of such large-scale meteorite fragments, running wildly will inevitably suffer heavy casualties and losses.

Soon, more than two hundred demonic warriors were all gathered around the star apostle Nagum, some were tightly arranged with shields and enchantments, and some began to concentrate on attacking some large fragments that came over.

The apostle Nagham himself, was also extremely depressed at this time. At present, this huge and very dense meteorite rain, whether it is an accident or not, he had to face it seriously.

If he does not build a shield and smash a large meteorite, even if he is hit by the front, he will be injured.

Once a **** is injured, if he wants to heal, it is a very troublesome thing.

As for the deadly Bliss Mo Ji, let her temporarily live a little longer, anyway, in such catastrophic meteorite rain, she can not escape.

At this point of thought, the Ash Apostle Nagum turned to look at the opposite Bliss Magi.

As a result, almost no old blood spewed out.

The large and small meteorite rain is very dense, at least hundreds of thousands! The falling power is huge and the speed is extremely fast, and even the ashes of the ashes himself are very troublesome.

But standing across from them, the Bliss Magi who was only more than a hundred meters away, not only did not evade, but also did not build a shield, just stood in the rain of the meteorite, and the result was that a meteorite did not hit her.

The dense fragments of meteorite all seemed to have long eyes. This kind of unfair treatment almost angered the ashes apostle Nagum and his group of men.

Of course, the most unbearable thing for them was that this Bliss Demon Ji Trilith, still performing one after another Bliss Magic Skill, constantly killing one after another Heavenly Demon Soldier.

After the fierce battle with the god-level evil spirits, this has already lost more than 30 Heavenly Demon soldiers, and the number has dropped sharply again.

So far, there are only more than two hundred fifty demon soldiers left, and this number will probably shrink again due to the passage of time.

"Fuck, shit!"

The apostle Nagham gritted his teeth with resentment, and wished that he would immediately challenge his majestic Elysian Mo Ji, breaking his corpses for thousands of times, and never be superborn!

But now there are too many meteorite fragments hitting the head, and even some large meteorites have reached a terrible diameter of several kilometers!

This kind of meteorite chase that is comparable to disaster, not to mention the numerous Demon soldiers on the scene, even the ash apostle Nagm, dare not act rashly.

Until another Heavenly Demon soldier was hit by the Bliss Magic Skill of Bliss Magic Ji, he ran out of the defensive formation and was smashed into a mass of meat by the meteorite on the spot.

At this time, the unbearable Ash Apostle Nagham was finally furious. If it goes on like this, don't these elaborately cultivated elves have to die in the hands of her Bliss Magic Ji?

"Damn bitch! This seat wants you and your associates to survive and not die!"

The apostle Nagham's eyes were like fire, and with one hand raised, a strange yellow-green magic fire burst into flames. At the same time, Pang Ran's pressure came, and the Bliss Mo Ji not far away was locked in place on the spot.

Obviously, all of this must be related to the Bliss Maggie and her associates. His ash apostle Nagum could never bear these unbelievable things and constantly challenged his majesty.

"Yo, it's so lively here."

A lazy voice suddenly came from behind the apostle Nagam.

The ash apostle who was about to give the killer to the Bliss Magic Ji, his heart was cold in vain. He quickly turned his eyes and looked back. I saw a young male from the earth. The Supreme Demon Core is in the hands.

"Oh, what a baby, but it belongs to me now."

The person who appeared suddenly is naturally the master behind the Bliss Magic Ji, and also her master, the son of flame Wang Yan!

Wang Yan, who appeared at this time, has actually ambushed here for a long time, just waiting for this moment to come.

Now with the help of Berika and the bliss magic Ji Trilis, the **** of destiny once again looked after him, and now the supreme treasure of supreme treasure, the supreme magic core, has reached his hands.

"Do not!"

The ashes apostle Nagham was guilty and roared, roaring the magic fire that had condensed in his hand, and instantly blasted Wang Yan behind him.

However, Wang Yan had been prepared for a long time, and he was well versed in the art of space. The magic wings behind him stretched and disappeared in the next moment.

The scorching fierce fire of the ash apostle Nagham shot down into the air, with great power, which directly melted the rusty deck of the residual ship into a large hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

But at this time, Wang Yan was unharmed. At this time, the figure flashed again, and he had come to the side of the Bliss Magic Ji, pulling the just released from the god-level coercion. Go without even looking back.

Obviously, after getting the baby, he was going to slip away.

"Fuck! Put down the Supreme Demon Core to this seat! Ahhhh!"

The apostle Nagham was in a hurry. He worked hard for hundreds of years, and traveled for hundreds of years, just to get this opportunity.

But at this moment, the Supreme Demon Core understood that it was already in front of him, but was tricked by a little Mo Ji, and then it was actually taken by a inferior human from the earth, who snatched the Supreme Demon Core that was clearly about to be obtained.

This outrageous resentment and shame made him almost want to vomit blood, and he could not bear it!

"Chasing! Chasing this seat!"

The Ash Apostle couldn't control that much anymore, and rushed straight out of the defensive formation.

But no one expected that he had just jumped out. A huge meteorite fragment with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers suddenly hit him from the top of the side and hit him head-on.

Just listen, "Bang" a muffled sound.

The huge fragments of meteorite directly smashed the Ash Apostle into the remnant.

The terrible power opened a huge mouth on the deck of the remnant ship. Yu Wei almost made the entire remnant ship roar and tremble.

More than two hundred fifty demon soldiers present were dumbfounded. The flattering claw demon general Draytu quickly exclaimed and screamed to help His Majesty.

The meteorite rain that has fallen down is too much, and it is hitting them on the top of their heads, which makes them do nothing and cannot successfully chase Wang Yan who is running away.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, Wang Yan had escaped more than ten kilometers with a scent of sweat and bliss.


All the way to flee fast, until about several hundred kilometers away from the residual ship, Wang Yan stopped with the Bliss Magic Ji.

Hundreds of kilometers, in the cosmic space, is only a trivial moment, but it is also not a person, and it can be caught up casually by manpower alone.

Of course, Wang Yan stopped at this moment, of course, for his companion, that is, the Mayan priest Berika who played a decisive role in the raid.

At this time, behind an asteroid that is only a few hundred meters in diameter and does not seem to be particularly eye-catching, wearing a white sacrificial robe and a blood stain on the corner of her mouth, Belika is looking down with a tired eyes. Wang Yan and the Bliss Devil Ji Cui Lisi beside her.

"Old, Pharaoh, has it been successful? Just over the one million meteor showers, are you happy?"

Belika's figure is slim and her legs are long. At this moment, she is leaning against a bump on the back of the asteroid. It looks weak and weak, and her spirit is very poor. Even dark circles appear on her face. With physical strength, they have been severely consumed, reaching the limit.

"One! One hundred ..." Wang Yan was choked.

He thought that just that wave of big moves, there could be more than a hundred thousand meteor showers, it was a big deal. As a result, I didn't expect that Belika actually played bigger, and more than one million came in one click!

This kind of divine power is too exaggerated! For him to be Wang Yan, he really didn't dare to take this meteor shower.

If it is not the strength of the extraterrestrial demon, it has just been replaced by an enemy of other races. I am afraid that most of them have been buried in the meteor rain caused by Belika, and all of them have been smashed into bone crushed meat, and there is no residue.

But Berika also paid a great price for this. At least for a short time, she could no longer exhibit that horrible trick.

"The just meteorite rain was really wonderful and happy, and even the **** was trapped by you. This time your prophecy, I was convinced." Wang Yan was quite emotional, and at the same time the tone was still a little excited. "Trust Your blessing, we succeeded! "

During the speech, Wang Yan held the ecstasy demon Ji Cuili who was sheltered by his devil qi in his left hand, and slowly lifted his right hand, a crystal that is not the size of a football, like a purple devil's eye, lying quietly on his palm .

"This is the relic of the **** body of Luo Su, the Supreme Demon Core, in the ancient times!"

With the emergence of the Supreme Demon Core, the huge magic energy and the mysterious mystery of the mysterious mysterious luster instantly attracted Belika's eyes.

"It's so beautiful ..."

Belika looked obsessed and whispered, until she was lifted up by the Bliss Maggie, she suddenly realized, "It's dangerous, it's dangerous ... it's a supreme demon core, and the power contained in it is terrible!"

So far, Wang Yan's three people's first step plan has been completed successfully. Of course, the biggest help is naturally Belika's unpredictable big oracle.

Since she was promoted to demigod level, the great prophecy she exhibited has become more powerful and tricky, even if the gods are a little careless, they may be tricked.

To this end, not only Wang Yan, but also the proud Pleasure Devil Ji Cui Lisi admired her.

"Now that the Supreme Demon Core is in hand, we have to leave here quickly, otherwise ..."

Wang Yan asked Bliss Maggie to lift Belika, and was about to say that a meteorite could not solve a **** of heavenly spirits, and when he would definitely be caught after he walked, there was a strong and strong killing intention, and suddenly from behind the ridge, Straight into his heart.

not good!

The cold hair of Wang Yan's back immediately shrugged, and his heart secretly shouted.

This sense of crisis that penetrated into the bone marrow was unprecedented, almost making him feel the chill from the soul.

In a hurry, Wang Yan had no time to make any explanation. He had to pull the Bliss Maggie subconsciously, and the Bliss Maggie pulled Belika again, jumping out to the side together.

At this moment, a bright red scorching light instantly passed behind them, passing by them, and once penetrated the asteroid they had been on.

"Wow! Wow!"

The bright red scorching melt light, the moment when the asteroid easily penetrated, was intense to the extreme high temperature, and the entire asteroid was instantly vaporized.

Yu Wei also extended a thousand kilometers forward, directly in front of Wang Yan and three people, opened an empty hot channel, the intense high temperature made the surrounding space trembling and twisting.

Wang Yan, Belika, and Bliss Magic Ji were suddenly dumbfounded, and their faces were completely white.


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