The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1772: Divine power

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"This, this, too exaggerated?"

At this time, the high priest Berika, who was still very weak, looked at the beautiful eyes of the air, and a small heart that was shocked, jumped in her chest.

Not to mention Belika, even the more powerful Wang Yan and the Bliss Maggie are a little horrified at the moment.

The extremely scorching heat wave was coming from the front. Under the high temperature like the surface of the sun, the three people almost all overflowed with a layer of fine sweat, but the hearts of the three people were directly cooled.

I have to say that the power of the scorching light just now is too powerful.

The asteroids that have been melted and vaporized are not only the one where they have just been, but they have stiffly burned through a whole straight line that spans the whole world for more than 50 kilometers!

Berika, Wang Yan and the Bliss Magic Ji can be clearly seen at the moment. At the edge of this turbulent channel, those asteroids that have not been completely melted, the remaining half of it, are now dripping in whims. Falling red lava.

The whole channel is like this everywhere. The exaggerated situation cannot even be described as shocking.

You must know that it is more than fifty kilometers away from the location of the remnant ship where the celestial **** ashes apostle Nagham is located.

At such a long distance, even Wang Yan's eyesight and perception could not be reached, but the **** of celestial spirit Nagm, but just outside such a long distance, came a powerful and amazing attack.

The key is that the power of this blow is so great that it is directly in this asteroid-rich area that is more than fifty kilometers long, clearing an empty passage.

If this level of power is bombarded on whom, wouldn't even the spirit of the **** be melted and evaporated?

At this time, Wang Yan looked at the exaggerated traces on his side and couldn't help feeling: "This is probably the terrible power of a **** ..."

Although he is also a fire ability, but if he is attacked by a flame that exceeds his limit, he will also be unable to load and be injured. This is also the reason that the matter is extremely antithetical.

Besides, the ash apostle Nagham used not a pure flame, but an extreme high temperature. To put it another way, he controls a temperature, not the flame itself like Wang Yan.

Therefore, this kind of high-temperature magic fire, which is different from the normal flame, is not an ordinary fire that Wang Yan can control. It is really difficult to match, and Wang Yan will be quite tricky, even difficult to deal with.

"Lord, we have to leave here quickly, the apostle Nagham, I am afraid I will soon be chased!"

Some of the ecstasy ecstasy Ji Cui Lisi can not help but urge birth, in front of this power that completely overrides the three of them, the three of them almost become not worth mentioning.

"let's go!"

Wang Yan pulled Belika and the Bliss Maggie and got up to escape away.

But at this moment, a cold, chilly heart, running down his right hand, went straight to his heart and soul.


Wang Yan's heart tightened. When he was stunned for a while, the terrifying magical energy was so violent that it was almost violent, and almost immediately caused Wang Yan to fall off the asteroid.


"What's wrong with you, Pharaoh?"

Bliss Magic Ji and Belika quickly helped Wang Yan, and turned to look at the Supreme Demon Core dragged by Wang Yan's right hand, somehow, and he ran on his own.

Countless black and dark magic energy of dark energy began to be secreted by the Supreme Demon Core, just like a black snake, constantly drilling into Wang Yan's arms and veins.

That kind of horrible scene seemed as if it was going to devour Wang Yan alive.


At the same time, over fifty kilometers away, it was suspended above the giant remnant of the dark energy cyclone core.


Another glare of fire flashed across the bottom of the residual ship deck.

At the next moment, a huge remnant like an island, the hull began to groan harshly.

It didn't take long for the vicissitudes of the heavy hull to split into two halves from the middle, and then slowly collapsed to the sides like a mountain collapse.

The rumbling loud noise and violent shaking made it impossible for more than two hundred and fifty demon soldiers standing on the deck to stand on their feet.

They had just experienced the destruction of more than one million meteor showers, and before this time they could breathe, and they all took off upward.


Along with the loud noise of the torn ship's hull, a celestial demon spirit wearing red armor and standing full of energy was standing in the void, slowly floating out from under the broken deck of the ship.

He was the newly-incarnated god, the Ash-Apostle Nagham, who had just been hit by a meteorite under the deck of the remnant.

The extremely heavy meteorite has already been melted and decomposed by him and the deck. It was just that he was accidentally bombarded, his gray cape was covered with damage, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Fuck things, this seat is going to break you up!"

The ashes apostle Nagm was stunned, looking at the expression in the distance, extremely terrible, as if to destroy all the corpses of Wang Yan and others in the distance.

"Your Majesty, are you okay? The little mice that dare to steal the Supreme Magic Core can't run away, let's chase!"

The Claw Demon led Draytu to lead a group of demon warriors around, filled with indignation and full of indignation.

Although they are still not sure, where did the three little mice who did not know life and death come from, and how did they know their actions.

But how elite are their elite spirits in the universe? Not to mention the newly-incarnated god, the apostle Nagham, even the group of their men had never suffered such setbacks.

At the moment, their pedestrian was not only teased on the spot, but also suffered a violent meteorite rain bombardment. Even the Supreme Demon Core, which was clearly available, was snatched in front of him. This kind of misfortune is really disgusting. It is simply an unprecedented shame for them, making them simply unbearable.

"With this seat ..."

The ash apostle Nagham had just ordered to pursue, but the words hadn't been completely exported yet, and the surrounding vision had changed suddenly!

"Huh! Wow!"


Along with the violent roar and the thunderous tears of space, including the Ash Apostle, all the heavenly demon soldiers at the scene were horrified to see that this vast expanse of dark energy cyclone seemed to be undergoing a terrible shift.

Originally the center of this dark energy cyclone was where they were located, but at the moment, with the movement of the Supreme Devil's Core, the spin body of the cyclone's original balance law is changing with distortion.

Pang Ran's mighty power, once tilted, almost torn apart this space.

Energy storms raged along with it, and a series of space cracks, just like a series of thunder and lightning across the sky, were constantly exposed around the world.

The terrifying scene, accompanied by a roaring roar, is generally shocking in the end.

"Damn inferior human being! It's the supreme magic core!"

The Apostle Nagham's eyes shrank and gritted his teeth, "This magical energy cyclone is about to collapse. Follow us soon!"


More than two hundred demonic soldiers immediately responded with a voice, and a group of people chased away.

Everyone on the scene was well aware that in this subspace, the two vast cyclones had formed a delicate balance invisible, and the ancients remained unchanged.

If this balance is broken once, the collapse will produce an energy storm, which is definitely a devastating disaster.

Not to mention the chasing and running away of the three little mice at that time, it will become very difficult. Even the demon soldiers in them will become very dangerous.

Of course, if you can catch those little mice and recapture the Supreme Demon Core, all these problems will be solved.




Fifty kilometers away, around the asteroid where Wang Yan and the three were, the vast cyclones also experienced dramatic changes. The terrifying energy storms and space rifts almost slammed into their eyes.

It seems that the dark energy cyclone slowly moving around is echoing secretly with the Supreme Demon Core in Wang Yan's hands, and even the energy fluctuations emanating from it resonate with it.

In fact, none of these matters to Wang Yan and the three people.

The real problem is that this Supreme Demon Core is invading Wang Yan's flesh and soul!

Wang Yan felt his spirit and strength seemed to be emptied at once, his head was sore and painful, he had no strength at all, and he couldn't even stand up right now.

He did not know whether he used the pure yang true qi when he fled, thus stimulating this supreme demon core that restrained each other from the pure yang true qi.

Or maybe it is because the Supreme Demon Core has left the core area of ​​the dark energy cyclone, causing the cyclone to collapse and condensing the dark energy of the ancients.

In short, this self-esteem magic core was indeed activated at this time.

It may not be conscious, just the essence of magic energy, but just like water will extinguish the flame, once this power is strong to a certain extent, it will immediately destroy another power opposite to it.

At this time, Wang Yan's pure yang real fire is just another positive force against him.

Therefore, the Supreme Demon Core, which has lost its balance, began to invade the first time, and tried to eliminate Wang Yan's great danger.

"Um! Uh ..."

Wang Yan groaned with pain, and at the same time worked hard to condense his mental strength, trying to put the Supreme Demon Core into the storage ring on his right hand.

As soon as the result was opened, Wang Yan's spare storage ring in his right hand burst with a bang.

The beer stored inside, as well as the grilled meat that was reserved for the night's food and drinks, immediately burst into the ground.

This is because the power of this supreme magic core is too great, and ordinary storage equipment can't bear this powerful power.

In addition, this Supreme Demon Core has been connected with the surrounding dark energy cyclones. There is no storage equipment at all, and this dark energy cyclone can be installed together with the Supreme Demon Core.

"No, no ... this thing, me, I can't get rid of ..."

Wang Yan spit out a few words with difficulty. At this time, the terrifying magic energy had already followed his right hand and spread half of his body.

At this time, on his half body, his skin was gray and turned into thick black veins, roots burst, and even his right eye became black and purple. The appearance of the whole person became distressed and distorted at this moment.

And now this supreme magic core, as if growing in his hand, could not be lost.

If he goes on like this, he will absolutely die under the invasion of the extremely powerful magic energy of the Supreme Demon Core.

"Assembling things, rest assured of the magic core, and obediently die!"

Just then, thunderous anger suddenly came from behind.

The Belika and the Bliss Maggie who helped Wang Yan immediately felt tight and quickly looked back.

I saw at the end of their sight, a little bit red, is leading a vague army to kill them quickly.

In such a situation, who else can be besides the ash apostle Nagham who chased them?

"It happened, the Ash Apostle came after!"

The high priest Belika's face was pale and her heart was dignified.

At this time, Wang Yan lost his ability to act, and the group of ashes apostle Nagham was killing again in a hurry, and for a moment, these three of them would definitely die!

"Lord, if you can trust the concubine, please give it to the concubine!"

Bliss Devil Ji Cui Lisi, kneeled down in front of Wang Yan, "The strength of the concubine's body is the same as that of the Supreme Demon Core, and may be able to temporarily stabilize it."

Now she has no other way, she can only use her as a carrier to suppress and reconcile this infinitely powerful supreme magic core.

Even if he can't bear this power at that time, he will end in a dead soul, but at least it can help his master Wang Yan temporarily get out of trouble.

This is the terrible thing about the parasitic female parasite of the soul. The female parasite secretes mysterious substances continuously and helps her brainwash constantly.

Once she encounters an inescapable danger, she will naturally remember to sacrifice her life.

"it is good."

After seeing the firmness of Bliss Magic Ji, Wang Yan struggled to extend his right hand, and handed the supreme demon core that almost merged with his palm to the other party.

Other than that, he has no other choice.

It must be said that Wang Yan's situation is very serious now. The powerful magic power contained in the Supreme Demon Core has the powerful devouring property of the deity Lord Luo Sui.

At this moment, the Supreme Demon Core is not only invading Wang Yan, but also devouring Wang Yan.

This is also a manifestation of the opposite **** repellent, intolerance. With Wang Yan's current strength, all he can do is support it. After a long time, it will inevitably collapse.

Besides, the ashes apostle Nagham is leading people to chase them quickly, how can there be time for Wang Yan to fight the Supreme Demon Core?

"Huh! Huh!"

Bliss Mo Ji gently touched the devil qi with his hands, like the supreme devil core of living creatures. Suddenly, those rich and dark magic energies, with their harsh ears, resembling a tsunami, immediately rushed into the arms of the Bliss Magic Ji.

Fortunately, Bliss Moji is a pure-blood demon, and the practiced Bliss Mogong is also a secondary power method that originated from Demon Lord Luo Su's infinite magic power. .

So under the guidance of the Bliss Magic Ji, the dark magic energy that invaded Wang Yan's body gradually began to retreat like a tide.

Without the cold and overbearing magic power, Wang Yan loosened his body and mind, and then the indescribable sense of power continued to pervade his limbs.

Just to resist the invasion of magic energy, he was consuming too much power.

"The rebel thief is killed!"

Suddenly, there was another shout of anger, and came from behind.

At the same time, the red melting light of the previous melting asteroid lighted up again and lased.

Seeing that Wang Yan's pupils shrank, he looked at the Bliss Mo Ji next to him, his mind was tight again.

At this time, the Bliss Mo Ji, already kneeling on the ground uncontrollably, was able to surge towards her body like a tide.


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